The OFFICIAL Boo Berry Page!

Boo Berry Fans Speak Out!

Boo Berry is more popular than you might think. The following letters are from fans that want their Boo Berry too! Don't forget to check out our newest section: FAN PICTURES and submit a picture of yourself with Boo Berry!

From: "Ziomek" <>
Subject: Stop oppressing Boo Berry

Don't think we don't notice.
We see how you try to pretend Boo Berry doesn't exist.
Boo Berry has never gotten the acknowledgement he deserves. No other cereal has the hardcore fan base of Boo Berry. Boo Berry is the best cereal the world has ever known. Please help Boo Berry receive the credit he needs and deserves. You could be responsible for a new
generation of lifetime Boo Berry eaters. Thank you for at least
continuing to create Boo Berry+ADs- I know I'm not the only one who
appreciates it.

From: almost5foot <>
Subject: BooBerry Sales

I would like to know where I can purchase a case of booberry cereal. I
have been looking everywhere for it and can't find it. I am hoping to
surprise a friend coming home from Kosovo and I know this would make the perfect homecoming and birthday present. Please help me!!!!!!!! 


Rachel Perleberg

From: "Jay R. Shull" <>
Subject: Boo Berry
I loved this cereal as a kid, and my girlfriend and I have been on a =
yearlong quest to find this cereal again! I am 29, she is 27, where is =
Boo Berry? We have looked in all our local stores, and also in New =
Orleans, Nashville, Richmond, VA, Greensboro, NC, and lots of other =
places. We want our Boo Berry!!!!!!!!

From: "Dennis" <email omitted)

we have been searching for booberry cereal for a very long time. every once in awhile someone we know will come across it, our question is where can we buy it all of the time. we miss it very much and are in desperate need. if you could please let us know at your convenience where or how to buy it, we would be grateful.

thank you for your time, we hope to hear from you soon,

Dennis G.

From: "Liz Cease" <>

My co-workers and i were actually talking about BooBerry last night at work. It seems to us that there is a very large group of people who only remember BooBerry when they were kids... and now, as adults, want to relive some of those delicious memories. But we can't do that if we can't find the cereal! I still see advertisements for the other monster cereals, but what about our favorite blue ghost? It was BY FAR the best... with nothing to even compete against it in that flavor category. (By the way, did I mention that just the thought of BooBerry is making me drool!? OK, not really, but I am definitely craving!!!! There is a very large market for this cereal, if only people were reminded of its presence...

Liz Cease ****who is frantically searching for her very own box of 
BooBerry to appease her tastebuds***

From: "Steve Kaczmarczyk" <>

I have searched hi and low throughout the New York City area for the sweet, blue fuel known as Boo Berry cereal. Please please please flood every bodega, drug store, and supermarket in Manhattan (East Side 20's) with that wonderful creation.

Boy are you on the money with this Boo Berry thing! What the hell is wrong with General Mills? I've already emailed them. Boo Berry has always been hard to find in the St. Louis Metro area. I've discussed
this topic with friends before but little did I know that someone had picked up the crusade via the web. Bravo!

Michael S. Hamel <>

Dear head person,

I'm sure you are aware of a growing problem that is changing
the face of cereal consumers everywhere; there is a drastic
shortage of Boo Berry cereal in US stores today. It seems that
not only here in the Midwest but all across the nation there is
a large difficulty in finding our favorite childhood cereal, Boo
Berry, in a standard grocery. I remember my mother buying 
me Boo Berry on rare occasions in the early, early 80's and 
thinking, "Wow! This is the best cereal EVER!" But alas it 
disappeared from those hallowed shelves of the grocery to
be replaced by an aggressive campaign from Count ChocoChump
to take over the monster cereal market. Yes yes, I'm sure some
marketing manager in a moment of what HE/SHE considered
a necessity decided that Boo wasn't worthy of producing 
because he wasn't making the company the 'big bucks' but
alas; those researchers didn't do a very good job in this Boo
fans opinion.

So I am asking, petitioning even that the distribution of 
Boo Berry cereal be broadened or made more available. I
KNOW I'm not the only one that feels this way. There is even
the official Boo Berry page to prove it!!! So C'mon! Let's see
some more Boo! AND for Boo's sake, let's get some of that
old promotional stuff included! I know many, many boxes
would be purchased not only for their tasty, blue flavor but
also to get our hands on those awesome promotional
merchandise. Remember the old Boo Berry die cast car? Or
how about the old shirts? You're missing a big market too
because if you actually noticed, there has been a resurrection
of old brand names being sported on t-shirts. Whether it's
Tide or Transformers, you could stand to make a few bucks
by selling some killer official Boo shirts or something...Anyhoo

Just a Boo fan,
-Shawn E. Douglas <>

Dear Webmaster,

I would like to voice my opinion after surfing on your site just a few 
days ago. I am very glad to see that there are other lovers of Boo Berry like me. Boo Berry has been pushed around its while existence by bad tasting cereals like Trix and Fruit Loops. Count Chocula is a good cereal as well as Frankenberry, but in my mind the head of the monster cereals is undoubtedly Boo Berry. I just hope more people come to their senses and realize that the best damn cereal ever is hard to find, luckily it is found in my area but there is unlucky who have to go through the torture of not having Boo Berry's everyday as they did in their childhood. When will the corporate executives that we don't want chocolate, we want berries and we want it blue!



Hi. I just sent this message to General Mills, and I wanted to send you a copy as well:

Hello. I am a 27-year old computer programmer (credibility ;^) from the Rochester, NY area. I am just writing to say thank you for bringing back Boo Berry cereal, at least for the Halloween season. I would also like you to know that I would be extremely happy if you were to bring back the cereal to my area permanently. I've never written to a company to express this type of opinion before, but I just finished a bowl of the cereal, and I couldn't help but think to myself that I wish I could always get Boo Berry. I only bought two boxes, because I don't want it to go bad. I will definitely miss the cereal when it's gone. Please take my request into consideration. I've seen a lot of "fan" support on the internet supporting my view, and I don't think it would be a mistake. I think it would go over well with those who remember the cereal when it was widely available, as well as those who may never have tried it before. Thank you.

Shawn P. Morse

From Gregory Moss < >:


Dear Mr. Mos: 

Thank you for contacting General Mills regarding the availability of Boo
Berry in your area. Recognizing that some of our products are not
distributed nationally, we have developed a process that allows consumers to order selected items directly from General Mills. 

The list of available products can be accessed in the "Specialty Items"
section of the General Mills Web Site ( You may order online using your Visa or MasterCard or call to place an order at 1-800-233-5780, extension 994.

If you have any questions regarding this offer, please call us at
1-800-328-1144, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Central Standard Time. We appreciate your loyalty to our products. 


Glenda Ellis 
Consumer Services

Until tonight, I never really went the distance and searched for a boo berry page. But after seeing a special on the daily show on boo berry addicts, I had to do the search. I wondered why they could possibly exclude ME from the interview of boo berry addicts, because I am the poster child for the addiction. I buy 2-4 boxes a week of this stuff, and usually eat half a box of it at one sitting. I didn't really think I was the only fan of Boo Berry, but I had no idea that it had a following. Its just a cereal... isn't it? 

I'm not one of your johnny-come-lately boo berry eaters. I'm 19, so I didn't get it when it first came out-- but when I was but a lad I remember getting a box, maybe one a year. Then it slowly faded away... until about 4 months ago. I was walking around Bi-Lo and checking out the cereals, when I walked along and noticed that they had not one monster cereal, not two- but all three. That's right, the Chocula bastard and the Franken guy they had, but they never impressed me... my eyes fell right on the one and only blue box. I grabbed what was left of it and went home, not expecting what would happen next. 

I began to take my liking of the cereal rather seriously. I began to tell 
people I ate boo berry all the time, and any time I would be on the 
phone/internet I would brag to my friends that I was eating Boo Berry. Some of them didn't believe me, which is why I took a picture of me with my current dosage, 4 boxes. That's a big reason I am writing this letter.

I believe you should encourage the site's visitors to take pictures of them with their boo berry and send them in. I believe it would be a tremendous idea-- and may I be the first to submit my picture, which is located here.

I thank you for your time and await a response.

Great site! Keep it up.


Your wish has been granted Jared! All Boo Berry fans are welcome to send me photos of themselves with their boxes and bowls of Boo Berry Cereal! I have setup a page for all of these future picture submissions HERE.

Just send your Boo Berry picture to:


PHONE: 1-800-328-1144 (7:30am - 5:30pm CST, Weekdays)
WRITE: General Mills, Box 200, Mpls., MN 55440

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