View Full Version : Athlete

Mar 31st, 2003, 04:07 PM
Are there any fans of the band Athlete here?

If not, I would like to tell you McDonalds how great they are. Simply put as a well thought-out Indie group. They use meaningful lyrics and melodic beats to express a relaxed British sound. Comparible to, well I am not sure. Think about the sort of music you would listen when you are over a friend's house and everyone is stoned to sleep while your watching the closing credits of Aliens and wondering if you can find the 'stop' button on the VCR in the dark.

It is hard to explain a band to anyone without oral props, so please, head over to: http://www.athlete.mu/ or try and find some tracks on a file share app. I recommend:
El Salvidor
You Got the Syle

Album (Vehicles & Animals) arrives on the 7th April - YAY!


Backup plan:
If nobody has heard of Athlete, or doesn't like that sort of music or are busy one-man moshing to Linkin Park or something... other bands:
Jurrasic 5
Beastie Boys
The Vines
The Hives
The Music