View Full Version : Images & Links not appearing in IE...

Apr 20th, 2007, 07:01 PM
I use greybox to display my screenshots - it's a javascript program that makes images appear in a pretty lil window in the screen without making popups - and that will probably confuse this matter to hell, but my screenshots aren't showing up in IE for my site.



Here's the code for showing the screenshots:

$counter = 1;
while ($counter <= 4){

<td><div align="center">
<?php if (file_exists("screenshots/" . $gameid . "_t0" . $counter . ".jpg")) {?>
<?php if ($row['screenshottype' . $counter] == 'p'){ ?>
<a href="/screenshots/<?php echo $gameid ?>_0<?php echo $counter ?>.jpg"
onclick="return GB_showImageSet(image_set, <?php echo $counter ?>)"
<?php } else { ?>
<a href="videoplayer.php?id=<?php echo $row['screenshoturl' . $counter] ?>"
onClick="vwopen('videoplayer.php?id=<?php echo $row['screenshoturl' . $counter] ?>', 'popup'); return false;" >
<?php }; ?>
<img src="/screenshots/<?php echo $gameid ?>_t0<?php echo $counter ?>.jpg" width="100" height="76" border="0"></a>
<?php } else { ?>
<img src="/screenshots/default_t01.jpg" width="100" height="76" border="0" alt="$gametitle_slash screenshot">
<?php }; ?>

$counter = $counter + 1;

Now, the video links are showing up just fine (the video link there isn't an actual video link yet as gametrailers won't upload it for some reason). So here's the javascript that image_set relates to:

var image_set = [
while ($screenshotcount == 1){
if ($counter < 10){
$shotnumber = "0$counter";
} else {
$shotnumber = "$counter";
if (file_exists("screenshots/" . $gameid . "_" . $shotnumber . ".jpg")) {
{"caption": "<?php echo $caption ?>",
"url": "/screenshots/<?php echo $gameid ?>_<?php echo $shotnumber ?>.jpg"}
// The next 6 lines determine if another screenshot is coming, and if so, adds a COMMA
$nextcounter = $counter + 1;
if ($nextcounter < 10){
$nextshotnumber = "0$nextcounter";
} else {
$nextshotnumber = "$nextcounter";
if (file_exists("screenshots/" . $gameid . "_" . $nextshotnumber . ".jpg")) { echo ", "; };
} else {
$screenshotcount = 0;
$counter = $counter + 1;

Please someone help, this is important :<