View Full Version : Tremors 3...

Feb 20th, 2003, 10:48 AM
...is the worst piece of cash-milking, poor CGI effects laden, recycled joke made-for-TV-movie I have ever been compelled to endure.

Tremors 1 - Excellent
Tremors 2 - A lot worse, but had it's moments.
Tremors 3 - Waste of time. Avoid.


Feb 20th, 2003, 12:17 PM
And you watched it...why?

Feb 20th, 2003, 12:39 PM
I dunno, flying monsters and lots and lots of Bert, can't go wrong there.....

Jixby Phillips
Feb 20th, 2003, 01:19 PM

They all rule, you fucks >:

Feb 20th, 2003, 01:45 PM
I want to see Tremors 3. :(

Feb 20th, 2003, 03:28 PM
Is Michael Gross in it? There can be no real tremors without Michael Gross.

Feb 20th, 2003, 05:03 PM
Ugh. Tremors is a classic, 2 blows ass, and 3 has no fucking hope. You people might as well be inflicting physical pain on yourselves >:

Feb 20th, 2003, 05:08 PM
Michael Gross is fucking awesome, but 2 was just shitty with those morphing graboids (plus I missed Kevin Bacon), and I don't even want to touch Tremors 3. I bet the graboids will be able to fly or have cybernetic parts or some shit >:

They should cancel the Tremors show and instead remake Growing Pains (or was it Family Ties? I ALWAYS mix those two up) with a shivery Michael J. Fox, a giant Tina Yothers and Michael Gross just playing his Tremors character.

Feb 20th, 2003, 05:48 PM
Best movie idea ever! I'd see it. Twice.

Feb 21st, 2003, 05:54 AM
The Tremors can fly. The flying graboids are known as "ass-blasters." This movie is fitted perfectly to sit around and make fun of alongside your robot pals.

Feb 21st, 2003, 08:26 AM

Tremors 1 was "in the zone" as far as movies go. It was just right, although spoiled by the pointless Kevin Bacon gets the girl routine at the end. Damn you Americans with your Hollywood happy endings!

Tremors 2 had it's moments, like the half-finished building gag and the hiding behind doors. But it was also a little too slapstick and turned Burt into a comedy character: "I am COMPLETELY out of ammo!"

Tremors 3 was just dire. But my brother is a fan and got the DVD which I borrowed at the weekend, and we both agree it's just crap. I mean, they even recycled the joke with the doors blocking body heat, but did it with a matress and it just wasn't funny. But the biggest problem with 2 and 3 is the addition of new morphs, thus getting away from the whole "stuck on a rock and unable to get away because the worms will eat you if you walk on the sand" idea.

So there.

Spectre X
Feb 21st, 2003, 09:37 AM
Jixby is right, they all rule. I DO still have to see Tremors 3, but I'm sure it will rule, because everything that has flying monsters that are called ass-blasters HAS to rule.

Feb 22nd, 2003, 08:06 AM
You do realise you have scuppered your arguement by declaring you haven't actually seen Tremors 3?

Y'know, what with this thread actually being called "Tremors 3" and all.