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May 7th, 2010 03:37 PM
Colonel Flagg
Originally Posted by Dimnos View Post
I only made it halfway through page 9 before I couldnt take anymore but here is what Im getting out of Coolie....

"Stuff they put in our food is making us to fat"

"Other stuff they put in our food is making us to skinny"

Am I missing some crucial tidbits in the last half of page 9 or something?
Nope. Nothing at all.

Except perhaps your summary being more coherent.
May 7th, 2010 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Zhukov View Post
This is technically true as well. If you aren't eating enough calories to support your basal metabolic rate + activity level, your body will slow its metabolism in an effort to compensate and therefore burn fewer calories. This mostly happens with cardio and not strength training.

But 'linked to obesity' is a bullshit claim because EVERYTHING can be linked to obesity. One would have to define what the fuck they mean by 'linked to obesity' for it to make any sense.
May 7th, 2010 11:49 AM
Dimnos I only made it halfway through page 9 before I couldnt take anymore but here is what Im getting out of Coolie....

"Stuff they put in our food is making us to fat"

"Other stuff they put in our food is making us to skinny"

Am I missing some crucial tidbits in the last half of page 9 or something?
May 7th, 2010 11:27 AM
May 7th, 2010 11:14 AM
Chojin Also, EVERY SINGLE TIME you mention that this shit is 'linked to obesity', it is mostly because it increases appetite.

So what? No one is forcing people to eat high-calorie shit when they're hungry.

I could make the same exact moronic point with something organic. RICE CAKES AND CRACKERS ARE LINKED TO OBESITY. This is because they make you thirsty and you might drink a coke.
May 7th, 2010 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
Chojin, I'll just stop. Even if I post a million scientific studies with a million more Medical Doctors parroting the same exact thing we will never see eye to eye.

The thread is yours. Peace.
You should leave the thread because you're clueless, not because you're afraid I'll ban you.

It is fine to disagree with me, but it is not ok to say CHEMICALS R BAD (LINK). Fuck that. I am not reading your source. Pretend this were a real-life debate--how the shit would you formulate a point when you couldn't link to anything?
May 7th, 2010 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
The ingredients in our food products play a large role in whether or not we gain weight or not.

A study published in early 2007 by researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia has linked chemicals found in many prepared foods and beauty care products to obesity
So you're saying that if a person is given a pill of synthetic chemical, s/he will miraculously gain weight without eating anything else.

Wow, just wow
May 7th, 2010 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Chojin View Post
The point of a source is to reaffirm the things you say, not to present new information that makes your argument for you.
Chojin, I'll just stop. Even if I post a million scientific studies with a million more Medical Doctors parroting the same exact thing we will never see eye to eye.

The thread is yours. Peace.
May 7th, 2010 11:00 AM
Chojin The point of a source is to reaffirm the things you say, not to present new information that makes your argument for you.

The body has issues processing unknown chemicals and sometimes it can disrupt the metabolism and other important factors in digestion.
How often does it disrupt the metabolism? How much is the metabolism affected? How does digestion affect obesity?

Are you aware that the difference in metabolism is affected to a far greater degree by exercise? And that the metabolic difference between someone who exercises 5 hours a week and 0 hours a week is about 50 calories a day? Therefore, are you trying to say that an even more minor metabolic imbalance is making people fat? Further, are you trying to say that it's something we could be concerned about in lieu of not eating plates and plates of organic doughnuts?
May 7th, 2010 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Chojin View Post
The food is junk because it has a high-calorie content, not because of HFCS. All food with HFCS is junk because junk is the only type of food that needs a low-cost sugar to be added to it--again, this is not an inherent evil of HFCS and sugar would be just as bad in that scenario. And again, refer to my example of Mountain Dew with and without HFCS. Both are high in calories and sugars.
Originally Posted by RaNkeri View Post
So are we now supposed to explain you the term Junk food?
The ingredients in our food products play a large role in whether or not we gain weight or not. It's not just eating food, its whats in the food we eat. The body has issues processing unknown chemicals and sometimes it can disrupt the metabolism and other important factors in digestion.

Synthetic Chemicals Can Cause Obesity

A study published in early 2007 by researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia has linked chemicals found in many prepared foods and beauty care products to obesity.According to scientist Frederick vom Saal, the author of the paper, endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in plastics and pesticides can change the functioning of a fetus's genes, altering the metabolic system and predisposing him or her to weight gain later in life. Of the roughly 55,000 man-made chemicals in the world, about 1,000 may cause this type of endocrine disruption, he says.Obesity is on the rise worldwide. In the United States, more than two thirds of the population is overweight and one third is obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Living a more natural lifestyle that incorporates organic products, he says, can minimize exposure to these chemicals and thereby reduce the risk of obesity.Organic products contain ingredients that have been produced without the aid of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or plant growth regulators.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/cosmetic...#ixzz0nG22Ieco
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

May 7th, 2010 10:51 AM
RaNkeri So are we now supposed to explain you the term Junk food?
May 7th, 2010 10:50 AM
Chojin The food is junk because it has a high-calorie content, not because of HFCS. All food with HFCS is junk because junk is the only type of food that needs a low-cost sugar to be added to it--again, this is not an inherent evil of HFCS and sugar would be just as bad in that scenario. And again, refer to my example of Mountain Dew with and without HFCS. Both are high in calories and sugars.
May 7th, 2010 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Chojin View Post
This thread is about obesity. Your latest article claims that a certain chemical we weren't even discussing causes children to LOSE weight. The topic of discussion is not whether or not poison is bad for you.

And no, chemicals do not make you fat. They may cause neurological changes that predispose someone to eat more often, but you haven't really proven that, either.

The cause of obesity is still 100% eating. Sorry.
So the ingredients in food have nothing to do with what happens in the body? Because I remember you saying something to the affect that "anything with HFCS in it is clown food" meaning its junk. Now this junk food is "junk" because of the harmful ingredients or does it just have a label put on it?
May 7th, 2010 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
Regarding the ingredients in food. GMO Soy being an ingredient. Certain ingredients can affect the body in negative ways. Like HFCS, MSG, and others. It's not just eating a lot that can make you fat or ill.
This thread is about obesity. Your latest article claims that a certain chemical we weren't even discussing causes children to LOSE weight. The topic of discussion is not whether or not poison is bad for you.

And no, chemicals do not make you fat. They may cause neurological changes that predispose someone to eat more often, but you haven't really proven that, either.

The cause of obesity is still 100% eating. Sorry.
May 7th, 2010 10:37 AM
RaNkeri If I were you, I'd buy a biochemistry book and get my facts right instead of listening some bullshit "scientists"
May 7th, 2010 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by RaNkeri View Post
How do you get fat without eating? If I take one tablespoon of HFCS and nothing else, will I wake up with extra 50 kg next morning?

Oh wait, is the evil government injecting us all intravenously while we sleep?

If I were you I would re-read the thread. We went through this already.
May 7th, 2010 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by TheCoolinator View Post
It's not just eating a lot that can make you fat or ill.
How do you get fat without eating? If I take one tablespoon of HFCS and nothing else, will I wake up with extra 50 kg next morning?

Oh wait, is the evil government injecting us all intravenously while we sleep?
May 7th, 2010 10:23 AM
TheCoolinator Regarding the ingredients in food. GMO Soy being an ingredient. Certain ingredients can affect the body in negative ways. Like HFCS, MSG, and others. It's not just eating a lot that can make you fat or ill.
May 7th, 2010 10:10 AM
Chojin lol wtf

Your article is about infant mortality and says right in the abstract that a serious review isn't possible.

Also you're just completely wrong here, since dying is an excellent way to lose weight.

Lower body weight in newborns is a bad thing.
what the shit does this have to do with obesity? make a new thread if you want to talk about dead babies. i'll even do you the favor of not posting in it; since, unlike you, i don't argue about shit i don't understand.
May 7th, 2010 10:09 AM
TheCoolinator overeating is just one part of why people are obese. We also have to look at the ingredients inside the food and what they are doing to peoples organ systems.

Study: GM Soy Dangerous for Newborns?

Dr. Irina Ermakova of the Russian Academy of Sciences recently released a study reporting higher mortality rates and lower body weight among young rats whose mothers were fed a diet of herbicide resistant, genetically modified soybeans. According to experts at the British Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes, a serious review of the study is not possible until more experimental data is made available. In addition, the study’s findings go against reviewed scientific studies that have refuted negative health effects.

The team led by Dr. Irina Ermakova at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences found that the mortality rate of the offspring of rats fed genetically modified soy flour was six times higher than that of rats raised with feed from conventional soy. In addition, the surviving offspring of rats fed GM soy had significantly lower bodyweight compared to control groups. Dr. Ermakova claims her findings raise serious concerns regarding possible health risks to humans.

Lower body weight in newborns is a bad thing.
May 7th, 2010 10:09 AM
Zhukov A urologist recommended that I cut my protein intake a bit. DEATH PANEL.
May 7th, 2010 09:59 AM
Chojin I forgot to explain why it's "pretty much impossible for a normal person to overeat protein". It's because (as mentioned, but not correlated) you stop being hungry long before you could overeat protein. As a DIY exercise, try to cook up 100g of lean chicken breast (13oz of chicken, about 3oz shy of a pound) and eat it all in one sitting. You fucking can't, you would throw up if you tried. MAYBE unless you exercise like a motherfucker and increase your appetite that way.

However as coolie has so awkwardly posited, MSG and HFCS increase appetite. Perhaps we can slather corn syrup and MSG onto a big bucket of grilled chicken and power through the entire thing. NEW SUPPLEMENTS?!?
May 7th, 2010 09:49 AM
RaNkeri I found the statement a bit odd too, but decided to quote the sentence as it was instead of editing it. She probably said it accidentally, or perhaps she meant high protein diets in general?

Nevertheless, the message should be clear
May 7th, 2010 09:31 AM
Chojin I told him the same exact crap without citing anything, because it's pretty much nutrition 101. But since it would seem he only listens to things in quote boxes, maybe that will help.

Originally Posted by Rankeri
We’re overeating fat, we’re overeating protein; and we’re overeating all sugars.”
Disagree with this part. It's pretty much impossible for a normal person to 'overeat' protein. About 1g x pounds of lean body mass is a theoretical limit for people who don't exercise. Most people in America have about 20-25% bodyfat and weigh about 200 lbs, so 150-160g protein is their limit. A large (8 oz) sirloin steak has about 70g of protein, so you could easily eat two of those a day even when you aren't working out and be fine (if you ARE working out, protein requirements can double).

Also, protein is vastly preferred over fat and carbs when it comes to calories. For one thing, it has fewer calories per gram than fat. For another, eating protein increases satiety (makes you feel full) much better than other nutrients. Finally, eating protein spares your body's stored protein, which means that your muscles won't cannibalize themselves in your sleep (this is mostly only a problem for people who diet with low amounts of fat).

An interesting side point here is that Americans still eat way more protein than people in other nations. Most countries have a stigma about consuming a lot of meat, but there's no nutritional basis for it. Strangely, we're one of the more healthy nations in that regard.
May 7th, 2010 04:50 AM
Colonel Flagg
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