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Mar 25th, 2003 05:25 PM
mburbank I KNOW you can hear what I'M thinking, boy!
Mar 25th, 2003 03:03 PM
davinxtk Please deliver.
Mar 25th, 2003 01:13 PM
FS meow mix, meow mix
Mar 25th, 2003 01:12 PM
mburbank I like liver.
Mar 25th, 2003 11:57 AM
sadie i like chicken.
Mar 20th, 2003 05:58 PM
FartinMowler After a long day at work I sit down to my computer and find that life is good and I'm really not from Bunghole.

He's not from Bunghole

Mar 20th, 2003 11:47 AM
mburbank WELL, OKAY!
Mar 20th, 2003 11:00 AM
pissed off salesman big words make my head hurt
Mar 20th, 2003 10:42 AM
mburbank Oh! I'm deeply injured! A rude host! That stings. I only wish I could in some way create the deeply welcoming atmosphere that is brawlhall. And please don't say I wasn't invited. That's what 'trolling' is.

I retract my statement about the chip n your shoulder. It's more like a pallet of cedar shingles large enough for a serious roofing job.

As for the attack, part of it is because everyone but regulars who've been funny get attacked here. It's practcially in the charter. But you should ask Amy about the reception she got. It was way more 'gracious'. I cannot for the life of me imagine why. Was some of it because you were from Blowhole? Why, yes. I imagine it was. If you're going to cry about it like a rying little crybaby crying, well, I'm sure I'm contrite. I'll tell you what, though. Ask Fartin about how he's been attacked here. He's not from Bunghole. There are plenty of reasosn for getting kicked.

If you don't find Chojin funny, it's your loss I guess. I think 'Cardigan mandatory' is a gem. But a Spaniel? That takes some serious suspension of disbelief, especilly from a man who thinks Doomsday is 'cool'.

Oh, laws. When you called me a hypocrite, I almost wept. I did. But ten I remembered how hard a time you have lightening up. And then it occured to me my desk needed straightening.

Humor is subjective. I think lots of folks here are hysterical. If it's not your cup of tea, the internet is a large place. My sorrow at your disapointment is of course, boundless. I know none of our styles measure up to a moose shitting someone, or the verbal panache of phrases like "Complete fucking Moron", but perhaps someday, we shall all attain greatness.

And I shield my eyes before the awesome glare of your Egyptology. The Assasination of King Tut is a theory, which is what the documentary was about.
Mar 19th, 2003 06:39 PM
Les Waste I don't think that eating me would help anyone fit in here

Although it couldn't hurt
Mar 19th, 2003 06:34 PM
FartinMowler Max - guess who? I have come to the reality that the only way to fit into this realm is to.

A. not pay attention to labels IE:Nooby

B. igore Jixby

C. Wait for something funny and hope that you can contribute.

D. Les Waste ,Chojin and Jamesman are edible. taste like chicken

E. NO one is Elite. Your special but also stupid
Mar 19th, 2003 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Frou Frou Pantywaist
What the fuck has the drivel you gibbered inanely above got to do with an edit button?
Do you talk like this in public?

Twelve "long greens" says the answer loosely lies around "The incommensurate state-of-affairs failing provision for such an endeavour."

Either that, or "Mur? Public?"
Mar 19th, 2003 02:10 PM
glowbelly why is the max burbank moose pooping out his wife's head? is that your definition of funny?

do you honestly expect the lovely people of i-mock, who have an insane amount of respect for max burbank, to not attack you when you show up with that silly picture attached to all of your posts? if only for the crude, childish nature of the photo itself?
Mar 19th, 2003 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Max - guess who?
No, Max...you're a most ungracious host. There is NO excuse for that.
Shut up.

No chip here, sunshine...just being realistic. Are you saying that people haven't attacked me simply because of the BH connection?
Shut up.

Chojin disparages himself by being a complete fucking moron with about as much to recommend him as amoebic dysentry.
Shut up.

I don't care whether you're moved or not...attack me and I will attack back. It just so happens that attacking Chojin is like kicking a Spaniel puppy...cruel because it's so pathetic and helpless...but so much fun to hear it yelp.
Shut up.

No there isn't. There is, however, a world of difference between mocking and faglaming...shame you seemed to gloss over that one, Max. But, then again, what else can one expect from a hypocrite such as you? I'd say that I was hurt...but I'd be lying...I had a pretty good idea of what to expect and, I must say...you people are predictable...and not particularly funny either.
Shut up.

Nope...never heard of him. As for Tutankhamun having been assasinated, there is no proof, direct or otherwise and, seeing as how anybody that might have shed any light on the matter has been dead for thousands of years, it will probably remain pure conjecture.
This is the COOLEST way to reply! Err... I mean, shut up.
Mar 19th, 2003 01:57 PM
Max - guess who?
Originally Posted by mburbank
Oh, pardon moi!
No, Max...you're a most ungracious host. There is NO excuse for that.

How do you walk around with such a large chip on your shoulder?
No chip here, sunshine...just being realistic. Are you saying that people haven't attacked me simply because of the BH connection?

And while you may disparage Chojin,
Chojin disparages himself by being a complete fucking moron with about as much to recommend him as amoebic dysentry.

I think "Cardigan Mandatory Magnet School" is the best line in this thread so far. I include my own posts. No one here is moved or impressed by 'proof' dubiosu or otherwise.
I don't care whether you're moved or not...attack me and I will attack back. It just so happens that attacking Chojin is like kicking a Spaniel puppy...cruel because it's so pathetic and helpless...but so much fun to hear it yelp.

There are lots of differences between 'flaming' and 'mocking'.
No there isn't. There is, however, a world of difference between mocking and faglaming...shame you seemed to gloss over that one, Max. But, then again, what else can one expect from a hypocrite such as you? I'd say that I was hurt...but I'd be lying...I had a pretty good idea of what to expect and, I must say...you people are predictable...and not particularly funny either.

Mr. Eman is still here. You may have even seen him before if you are an egyptology buff. He's interviewed in "The assasination of King Tut."
Nope...never heard of him. As for Tutankhamun having been assasinated, there is no proof, direct or otherwise and, seeing as how anybody that might have shed any light on the matter has been dead for thousands of years, it will probably remain pure conjecture.
Mar 19th, 2003 12:09 PM
pissed off salesman I wish i had a better job than a fucking salesman. Shit, im nothing but a blank shell of a man who eats food from a gutter and playing rom games from the old days on a shitty low speed computer
Mar 19th, 2003 09:40 AM
mburbank Don't I know it. I'm very lucky. Under different bosses, my job could be purely secretarial.
Mar 19th, 2003 09:01 AM
All off the top of my head

p.s. max, you have one of the coolest jobs ever.
Mar 19th, 2003 07:35 AM
mburbank Oh, pardon moi!

How do you walk around with such a large chip on your shoulder?

And while you may disparage Chojin, I think "Cardigan Mandatory Magnet School" is the best line in this thread so far. I include my own posts. No one here is moved or impressed by 'proof' dubiosu or otherwise. There are lots of differences between 'flaming' and 'mocking'.

Mr. Eman is still here. You may have even seen him before if you are an egyptology buff. He's interviewed in "The assasination of King Tut."
Mar 18th, 2003 06:21 PM
Max - guess who?
Originally Posted by mburbank
Li'l Evil;

You're not in Kansas anymore.
Max, I've never been to Kansas...and have no desire to do so. Save the cute analogies.

The Pro Wrestling meets Junior Varsity Debate Squad bragadaccio indicative of "Brawl Hall" only makes you look like some rare bird inflating it's gullet, collecting bits of tin foil and spastucally dancing in hopes of attracting a mate.
Did I start this, Max? Was I the one that threw the first punch? All I did was posted a pic you'd be sure to recognise just so you knew I was me and not Doom. What...do you think I'm going to stand by and watch some spotty, teenaged bunch of deranged, faglaming Eminem wannabes say unkind things about me without even slapping them in the face over it?

While I'm sure everyone is impressed by how limber you must be to 'toot' your own 'horn' so loudly, it really doesn't count for much around here to tell everyone how wonderful you are.
Spare me your platitudes, Max, they don't interest me in the slightest. I came over here to have a laugh and a bit of a break from flaming - what did I get - a load of shit because I come from a site that some people are afraid of or simply don't like. Well, fuck 'em - had I ever spammed this forum? Had I ever trolled this forum? Had I ever spoken to anybody on this forum other than you
and that retarded fuckwit, george?

"you got demolished." for instance, while somewhat acceptable in the Mock Wars forum (and even there it's a juvenile tactic) in general we like to let readers decide what's funny and what isn't, who's right and who isn't, etc.
It might be juvenile when it's an air claim but, when I take somebody's post, prove it to be a heap of nonsense and hypocrtical, lame bullshit and humiliate them in front of their friends...then they got demolished. Like I've already said...I didn't start this shit and I'm sure as hell not going to sit by placidly and let it continue. What did you do when you felt your board had been slighted Max? You came to BH and proceeded to spam threads all over the place...most of the time, nobody could shut you up...yet you moan at me for defending myself against slander and base accusations? Hypocrisy, Max? I expected better from you.

You have a certain joi de vris, but please, let it's merits sink or swim as they may! Do you imagine Albert Einstein burst into Physics seminars, puffing out his chest and shouting about what a magnificent organ his brain was?
Of course not...but if somebody had jumped up and called him a moron, I would expect that he would have defended himself...much as I am doing. Did you actually put any thought into that sentence, Max or were you just rambling for the sake of saying something?

My weekend was lovely, thank you.
Well, why couldn't you have said that in the first place instead of deluging me with the preceding four paragraphs of diatribe that had about as much justification as George W Bush winning the Nobel Peace Prize?

I spent much of it showing an Archeologist from Egypt around my home town of Salem. His area of expertise is Ahkenaton and Atonism in general and he was most interesting.
Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV), the 'enlightened' Pharaoh...married to Nefertiti - moved the capital from Thebes to Armana...a city he founded and peopled with citizens of like mind. Worshipped the one god...Aton-Ra, the god of the sun and turned people away from the traditional pantheon of Egyptian gods. Probably murdered by the traditional priesthood to stop the people from revolting against them. Quite possibly a sufferer (along with his queen) of Marfan's Disease (or Syndrome) characterised by the shape of the head and elongated fingers, all of which are shown quite clearly in his and Nefertiti's portraits...unheard of at the time for a Pharoah to have an accurate likeness made. All off the top of my head so please correct me if I made any mistakes.

I eagerly await your jokes regarding where he was 'digging'.
I assume he was digging at Armana...that would be the logical place. If the professor is still around, please let me know...I have always had a passion for Egyptology.
Mar 18th, 2003 05:55 PM
Max - guess who?
Originally Posted by Chojin
How completely insidious! Apparently, your 'stealth' internet attacks were so effective that I was completely demolished without anyone, including myself, being any the wiser!

As for my advice on editing, the concept is consolidation; you keep it to one post and it accomplishes three key goals: Your thesaurii-enhanced babble is contained within a simple format that everyone who values their sense of humor can ignore, the thread doesn't expand to three pages in an afternoon, and we all get to see a whole lot less of the pathetic signature you crafted over three lunch periods at your all-male, cardigan-mandatory magnet school.

Blah...blah...blah...try reading the original post YOU made.

What the fuck has the drivel you gibbered inanely above got to do with an edit button? Look, here's an idea...fuck off and come back when you know what the fuck you're talking about...m'kay?
Mar 17th, 2003 09:41 AM
mburbank Li'l Evil;

You're not in Kansas anymore.

The Pro Wrestling meets Junior Varsity Debate Squad bragadaccio indicative of "Brawl Hall" only makes you look like some rare bird inflating it's gullet, collecting bits of tin foil and spastucally dancing in hopes of attracting a mate.

While I'm sure everyone is impressed by how limber you must be to 'toot' your own 'horn' so loudly, it really doesn't count for much around here to tell everyone how wonderful you are.

"you got demolished." for instance, while somewhat acceptable in the Mock Wars forum (and even there it's a juvenile tactic) in general we like to let readers decide what's funny and what isn't, who's right and who isn't, etc.

You have a certain joi de vris, but please, let it's merits sink or swim as they may! Do you imagine Albert Einstein burst into Physics seminars, puffing out his chest and shouting about what a magnificent organ his brain was?

My weekend was lovely, thank you. I spent much of it showing an Archeologist from Egypt around my home town of Salem. His area of expertise is Ahkenaton and Atonism in general and he was most interesting. I eagerly await your jokes regarding where he was 'digging'.
Mar 17th, 2003 08:41 AM
Anonymous How completely insidious! Apparently, your 'stealth' internet attacks were so effective that I was completely demolished without anyone, including myself, being any the wiser!

As for my advice on editing, the concept is consolidation; you keep it to one post and it accomplishes three key goals: Your thesaurii-enhanced babble is contained within a simple format that everyone who values their sense of humor can ignore, the thread doesn't expand to three pages in an afternoon, and we all get to see a whole lot less of the pathetic signature you crafted over three lunch periods at your all-male, cardigan-mandatory magnet school.

Mar 17th, 2003 05:48 AM
Max - guess who?
Originally Posted by mburbank
He's just kidding. He's a totally serious catcher.
Okay...that one sailed over my head. Welcome back, Max...have a good weekend?
Mar 17th, 2003 05:47 AM
Max - guess who?
Originally Posted by Chojin
A couple tips.
Save 'em...YOU need all the tips you can get - you got demolished.

- We have an 'edit' button. You can use this to add to an existing post, rather than creating five new ones to reply to two different people.
Why do I get the feeling that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about? Why would I use the edit button to reply to you? Why would I edit a post in which I replied to somebody else simply in order to reply to you? Are you on medication? If you make a post to me, I will respond...I will respond in a SEPERATE post so that you know that the post is for you. At no point have I made 5 new posts to reply to two people...one person gets one reply. Is that so difficult for you to understand or have you been hitting the Ripple to such and extent that you have double vision?

- Keep the unnecessarily articulate Robin Williams jokes to a few sentences, and I just might be inclined to read them.
There are NO Robin Williams jokes anywhere in any of my posts...which you know as well as I do. You're simply doing everything you can to avoid replying to a post in which you got made to look a complete fool...which is, in truth, what you are.

If you didn't want me to humiliate you in front of your friends, it might have been a better idea if you hadn't invited yourself, onto this thread because you thought YOU could put one over on me. YOU were the one that stepped up to the plate whilst I was pitching. YOU were the one that demanded to face Evil Blood rather than Max-Guess Who? - why are you acting so surprised that a fastball hit you in the teeth?
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