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Jan 23rd, 2006 12:44 PM
kahljorn "Yeah, but you can't kill em, cuz then you're a threat, too!"

Morals and politics make me so tired. Sometimes i wish it were as simple as just killing the fuck out of them. It probably would be if morals weren't involved in the first place. I wish they'd just say shit like, "We need to attack these people because we hate them" and get it over with. Involving moral outrage in it is such a low thing.
Jan 23rd, 2006 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Pub Lover
It's my opinion that anyone that thinks killing people is a means to an end are a threat.
Yeah, but you can't kill em, cuz then you're a threat, too!
Jan 23rd, 2006 01:11 AM
Pub Lover It's my opinion that anyone that thinks killing people is a means to an end are a threat.

I've been banned for alot of things. :/

Edit: I like you, I, fuzzbot. Several of your long posts about Islam being misinterpreted fit almost exactly my opinions concerning Christianity.
Jan 22nd, 2006 07:54 PM
imported_I, fuzzbot.
I don't blame you.
They were probably practicing beating their wives with the bats.
Yeah that's pretty much all we do, we're also very uneducated. I ran off to attend college elsewhere just so I can buy my mother out of slavery.

I think the rising population of Muslims in Europe is a bigger threat than their levels within the US, after all America has the Latinos & they breed like good little catholic rabbits.
Didn't you get banned for using the word 'niger with an extra g' too much? Islam is the 2nd biggest religion in the world. The rising population of IMMIGRANTS in Europe is a threat, not MUSLIMS. Muslims are everywhere. Scary isn't it?



Just relax and calm down honey. Come back to us. The bed's been cold without you.
Jan 22nd, 2006 07:37 PM
ScruU2wice I'm sorry Kultur but I'm not even gonna waste my time with the biased garbage that has the word "leftist" or "right winger lunatic" or any variation, especially when it's in the first line. If the author is not even gonna spare the time to try to seem unbiased, I don't think he deserves the attention he craves.

for the second article, I find it shocking that muslims would pledge aliegance to their religion, that's just crazy. I know that the majority of america would piss on a christ figurine if it meant that it made America happy.

as for the third article, it made some critical points including this one

The study also revealed large amounts of movement of people from ethnic minorities into urban areas that were exclusively white in 1991. "There's a much higher degree of mixing in those areas. There are these dual processes that have taken place, with polarisation into isolated communities at the same time as immigration."
Jan 22nd, 2006 08:40 AM
Pharaoh Here's a good article explaining the situation in Europe:

Along Came Sharia-Islam and European secularism clash.

Here's the conclusion:

The European Left's strong support for Muslim immigrants has traditionally been twofold: first, Muslims are a religious and ethnic minority in Europe and therefore advance the Left's multicultural agenda. Secondly, as evidenced by their joint participation in the antiwar protests of the past two years, Europe's Left shares with many Muslim immigrants a resentment of the U.S., Israel and capitalism. But virtually all other aspects of the two groups' belief systems are at odds: gay rights, women's rights, abortion rights, multiculturalism, separation of church and state, interfaith dialogue and opposition to the death penalty, all perennial Leftist causes, are opposed by an overwhelming number of Europe's Muslim immigrants, sometimes brutally so. As its ever-growing Muslim population continues to alter the Old Continent's social fabric, the European Left seems to be coming to the realization that the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" adage to which it has traditionally ascribed its support of mass Muslim immigration no longer applies. For many of Europe's Muslims, the most pressing "enemy" is not the U.S., Israel or capitalism, but the liberal, secularized way of life practiced by their "infidel" hosts.
Jan 22nd, 2006 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by ScruU2wice
and there are suburbanite teens that grow up and go to college only to join the ELF and burn hummers. This doesn't constitute the majority of people who come out of the suburbs does it.

You really need to give evidence of these super-insulated communities who are absolutely unaffected by western culture in a western country, because even if that is the case your apocolyptic claim of sharia law ruling america would limited to the super-insulated communities, not something to get an America speedo in a bunch over.

Super Fundamentalist Muslims don't wanna commemerate the Holocaust, because they don't like Jews. Super Fundamentalist anyone won't commerate the Holocaust.
Here is some good excerpts about the insulation of Muslim communities:

"The activists and ambulance chasers of the Left demanded more multiculturalism in these schools—which gave cover to the ex-peasant community’s demands for the Islamization of the schools’ ethos and curriculum. They demanded—successfully, in some cases—that girls and boys be taught separately, that girl pupils cover their heads and limbs, that the schools serve halal meat, that Arabic and the Quran be taught, that British history classes depict Britain primarily as an exploitative, demonic nation. Principals who resisted these demands were branded racists.

In 1989 came the most significant divide in the multicultural history of Britain: the Rushdie affair, which uncovered a multicultural fifth column, whose literary criticism entailed book burning and death threats. The British Muslim community echoed the call of the Ayatollah Khomeini to hunt down and kill the writer. There were denunciations of Rushdie in every mosque by mullahs and crowds who had only handled a copy of the book to burn it. Not one mullah—not one—raised a voice in support of the principle of freedom of creativity; no mullah ventured the opinion that the fatwa was wrong or against Islamic teaching. Though the supposedly liberal Muslim commentators whom the British press retains were not in favor of the death sentence, none would extend himself to a defense of the book. In Bradford, an ugly book-burning rally was led by one Kalim Siddiqui, who was forced to admit to an investigating press that he and his operation were financed by the government of Iran. He subsequently set up a "Muslim Parliament of Britain," which professed to dispense laws and promulgate rules for the Muslims of Britain. "

"The third question is related and perhaps even easier to answer: obviously many more young men in Britain and other countries are willing to die and kill in the name of Islam. A recent Guardian survey of the British Muslim community showed that 5% of those polled believed that the London bombings were justified. Moreover, another survey showed that nearly 10% of the British-born Muslims polled felt no loyalty towards Britain, but felt they owed their allegiance to Islam. While this figure forms only a small percentage of the population, it could still mean that numerically thousands of British Muslims support the London bombings. We are in for troubled times, indeed!"

"Mike Poulsen, a lecturer in geography at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, analysed UK census data from 1991 and 2001. He found that the number of people from the Pakistani community who lived in segregated communities in Bradford and Oldham had trebled during the decade. The numbers of people within the Indian community in Leicester living in such enclaves rose by a third."

Many of the commmunities become insulated nd as a result can bcome a breeding ground for sme of the sparks of hatred.
Jan 21st, 2006 11:12 PM

"Hi guys I'm comedian and social commentator DENNIS MILLER, I think we should have the illegal mexicans build a wall along the border than throw them over at the last minute. hahahah. wouldn't that be funny!!! if you didn't laugh at my joke you're too uptight.

and don't get me started on the space program, I mean why do I even here about a junk of foam hitting the wing of the space shuttle, I mean it's FOAM, whats foam doing in space, and why are we in space when we got all these crazy Islams trying to take over the earth. I'm DENNIS MILLER guys thanks alot you've been mediocre, HAHAHA just kidding you guys suck, I'm on the EDGE..."
Jan 21st, 2006 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Pub Lover
after all America has the Latinos & they breed like good little catholic rabbits.
Damn straight! Open up the borders!
Jan 21st, 2006 05:34 AM
Pub Lover I think the rising population of Muslims in Europe is a bigger threat than their levels within the US, after all America has the Latinos & they breed like good little catholic rabbits.
Jan 21st, 2006 12:51 AM
ScruU2wice and there are suburbanite teens that grow up and go to college only to join the ELF and burn hummers. This doesn't constitute the majority of people who come out of the suburbs does it.

You really need to give evidence of these super-insulated communities who are absolutely unaffected by western culture in a western country, because even if that is the case your apocolyptic claim of sharia law ruling america would limited to the super-insulated communities, not something to get an America speedo in a bunch over.

Super Fundamentalist Muslims don't wanna commemerate the Holocaust, because they don't like Jews. Super Fundamentalist anyone won't commerate the Holocaust.
Jan 20th, 2006 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by ScruU2wice
Saying that sharia law is going to sweep through America and Western countries because of muslims fucking like rabbits, is right on the money. The key to any logical statement is to take a current situation and extrapulate it in the most ridiculous way possible and an ominous overtone to it.

Remember the first time you heard your grandpa or grandma being surprised when the guy at H&R Block was black, those mildly racist situations are kinda how it is when you talk to elder muslims, only they're not nearly as subtle. They cling to there past beliefs no matter how taboo it is right now. Their, kid's kids won't hold the same "old country" beliefs as they do. Just like any ethnicity that floods America.
I think the communities are far more insulated; there have been terrorist acts executed by Muslim youths in Britain, some of which were born in Britain and regarded as normal members of their community (I am remember reading this articles after the July attacks, but I have no time to find the links).

You cannot say that these super-insulated communities are comparable to our older generation -- we have official mouthpieces of the Islamic people making these statements and refusing to comemorate the Holocaust because of the honorings of homosexuals.
Jan 20th, 2006 07:16 PM
ScruU2wice Saying that sharia law is going to sweep through America and Western countries because of muslims fucking like rabbits, is right on the money. The key to any logical statement is to take a current situation and extrapulate it in the most ridiculous way possible and an ominous overtone to it.

Remember the first time you heard your grandpa or grandma being surprised when the guy at H&R Block was black, those mildly racist situations are kinda how it is when you talk to elder muslims, only they're not nearly as subtle. They cling to there past beliefs no matter how taboo it is right now. Their, kid's kids won't hold the same "old country" beliefs as they do. Just like any ethnicity that floods America.
Jan 20th, 2006 05:26 PM
kahljorn The message of this thread is to make more babies. Stupid people, breed. Make horses of your cabage and wine.
Jan 20th, 2006 05:12 PM
Immortal Goat
Originally Posted by Kulturkampf
Originally Posted by Immortal Goat
I do not agree that the Muslim community should have been outraged at the rememberance of gay victims, but I also do not think that gay victims need a special place in history seperate from the rest of the victims. They were all treated horribly, and should be remembered as such. Not as gay people or Jewish people, but people in general that went through horrible suffering in the name of hatred and bigotry.
Yuoa re going to be serious with the thread?

You basically just said nothing other than: "I am a liberal and I think that everyone deserves dignity and human rights and so many people are in pain that my heart bleeds because of bigotry."

Tell us what you think of even moderate Muslim councils taking these ridiculous, hardline stances.

You basically just said nothing other than :"I am a conservative and I think the only people worth a damn are white upper class citizens who are sure to praise the Lord for their good fortune while stepping on the destitute".

Oh, and I'll tell you what I think of moderate Muslim councils taking these stances. I think it is sad that there is even this argument at all. It is important to remember victims of the Holocaust, and I also feel that victims of other such horrendous acts in history need to be remembered as well. It is stupid to not be able to look past one's own personal bigotry and see the humanity in all of us. You, KuttheKrap, are an inferior being, possibly evolved from the moist underbelly of a maggot infested sewer rat from Nazi Germany. That is the only way to explain your lack of intelligence coupled with your blatant disregard for human life. Fuck you, you Nazi skinhead, and I hope you choke on your communion wine and die.
Jan 20th, 2006 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Out of my personal experience every male Muslim I've known has become an asshole at the latest by the 20-22 age, & every female that didn't kowtow would unceremoniously disappear & not be heard from again.

Oh & they can't garden, but that could of just been the ones that lived near me. They would take broom handles or baseball/cricket bats & hit the ground outside, then stand around with these crude instuments before madly thrashing at the ground again. Once, in 2001, I was reported to the council for having am 'unfit' garden. Apparently my flowers, shrubs & trees 'attracted insects & rats'. When my garden & home was inspected by councilworkers, I helpfully pointed out the mounds of trash & garbage in some very coincidental neighbouring gardens, but I was told that the council would be unable to take action against my neighbours so I should either bare it or move.

I left the country.
I don't blame you.
They were probably practicing beating their wives with the bats.
Whereabouts did you used to live?
Jan 20th, 2006 11:22 AM
Jeanette X
Originally Posted by Kulturkampf

Tell us what you think of even moderate Muslim councils taking these ridiculous, hardline stances.
Yeah, their Christian bretheren would NEVER do anything like that...
Jan 20th, 2006 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by ziggytrix
Shocking news: Ragheads hate queers! Fox News at 9, you heard it first.
You confirm Pharaoh's stance:

Liberals have no idea how to handle a situation where their zeal for multiculturalism and inclusionof homosexuals begins to clash, being that the Muslims are yelling "FUCK HOMOSEXUALS!" and now some of the homosexuals are saying, "Hey, these Muslims are mean fuckers!"

You do nt, either, so you act like a cunt.
Jan 20th, 2006 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by Immortal Goat
I'm going to be serious in this thread, but only because it will once again show my superiority to Pharaoh.

I do not agree that the Muslim community should have been outraged at the rememberance of gay victims, but I also do not think that gay victims need a special place in history seperate from the rest of the victims. They were all treated horribly, and should be remembered as such. Not as gay people or Jewish people, but people in general that went through horrible suffering in the name of hatred and bigotry.
Yuoa re going to be serious with the thread?

You basically just said nothing other than: "I am a liberal and I think that everyone deserves dignity and human rights and so many people are in pain that my heart bleeds because of bigotry."

Tell us what you think of even moderate Muslim councils taking these ridiculous, hardline stances.
Jan 20th, 2006 09:31 AM
Pub Lover
Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Hey Saad, how are you doing? I should get on AIM sometime so we can chat.
Translation: Oh man, you're a Muslim & I like you but I was going to be really racist in this post.
Originally Posted by Pub Lover
Anyway, on topic: I think we should wipe out all the Muslims because only then can we be safe.
Translation: OK, I'm just gonna say what I think.
Originally Posted by Pub Lover
...& maybe the queers too. :/
Translation: ...err, maybe I was joking about the whole racist thing.

Out of my personal experience every male Muslim I've known has become an asshole at the latest by the 20-22 age, & every female that didn't kowtow would unceremoniously disappear & not be heard from again.

Oh & they can't garden, but that could of just been the ones that lived near me. They would take broom handles or baseball/cricket bats & hit the ground outside, then stand around with these crude instuments before madly thrashing at the ground again. Once, in 2001, I was reported to the council for having am 'unfit' garden. Apparently my flowers, shrubs & trees 'attracted insects & rats'. When my garden & home was inspected by councilworkers, I helpfully pointed out the mounds of trash & garbage in some very coincidental neighbouring gardens, but I was told that the council would be unable to take action against my neighbours so I should either bare it or move.

I left the country.
Jan 20th, 2006 08:47 AM
Pharaoh We don't have to wipe queers out. If Muslim and non-Muslim birthrates continue at their current levels, Muslims will one day be the majority here, and eventually sharia law will be introduced and gays will no longer be tolerated. Forget about gay marriage, they won't even be able to admit they're gay. It's only a matter of time in Europe before that is going to actually happen.
So, what's it going to be? Muslims or gays? It's your choice.
Jan 20th, 2006 07:39 AM
Pub Lover Hey Saad, how are you doing? I should get on AIM sometime so we can chat.

Anyway, on topic: I think we should wipe out all the Muslims because only then can we be safe.

...& maybe the queers too. :/
Jan 19th, 2006 09:57 PM
ScruU2wice Honestly some of the things I hear old pakistani people say about the jews are down right hilarious. and Hindus their not big fans of Hindus.
And don't get me started on the gays. And what's the deal with Hands free headsets it's like people are talking to themselves, And Airline food, C'mon, I asked the stewart "can I have another pillow, It tastes better than this crappy food" HAHAHAAH
Jan 19th, 2006 06:23 PM
Abcdxxxx I didn't pick those articles because it said "the Jewish Holocaust" I picked them because it shows it was a Holocaust denier thang.

Think about it. Remembering the Holocaust OFFENDS them!?
Jan 19th, 2006 06:11 PM
Pharaoh I agree, Abcdxxxx, the main reason they boycotted is because they hate Jews. The quotes I posted were just to show that there is a clash between gays and Muslims. They're not all about Holocaust day though, there are other issues. Link here.
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