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Mar 4th, 2007 09:16 AM
soundtest I was really fed up with my job so 3 months ago I quit, sold all my things and hopped on a plane to China with no real plan. I've travelled through most of the country and saw a bunch of cool things but now I've overstayed my visa and have to go talk to the Shanghai police tomorrow! But I still have no regrets - life is too short to be miserable at shitty jobs!

Mar 3rd, 2007 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by KevinTheOmnivore View Post
The job... but bad for my health and stuff.
How so?
Feb 28th, 2007 10:51 AM
KevinTheOmnivore Yeah, I'm seriously feeling better and better about the choice with every passing day.

I'm confused-- Rog and Doop, are you two in LA, or no?
Feb 27th, 2007 03:15 PM
Cosmo Electrolux My job kind of sucks, but the pay is pretty good and they'll let me take off during the day to take classes. So, until I finish school, I can put up with varying amounts of shit...but, like Rog said, there are a million jobs out there, and if they start making my life hell, I can walk and find another.

Good for you Kevin...a lot of people will stay at a job that is killing them ( like my mom). I think you did the right thing, putting your health and mental well being first.
Feb 27th, 2007 03:00 PM
Lenor After I graduate, my career will end up making my insanity worse.

Feb 27th, 2007 02:37 PM
Mockery Yep, I don't believe in staying with any job that doesn't improve with time or constantly shits on you. There's a million jobs out there... if one isn't treating you right for any reason, pack your bags and move on to the next one. You already give them most of your life each year, there's no reason you need to give them your health and sanity too.
Feb 27th, 2007 02:12 PM
KevinTheOmnivore Yeah, my scenario sort of resembles your second one, although I'm quite happy with the decision. The job is good professioanlly, but bad for my health and stuff.
Feb 27th, 2007 01:03 PM
doopa I have twice quit jobs with no new jobs lines up. The first time was my first job out of college. We moved to a different state just so I could take the job. But my boss was a yeller. After 3 months there I called him up one morning and just said I wasn't coming in anymore. It wasn't too long before I found another job - we didn't starve.

The second time was a bad situation. I had been there about a year. I decided I would rather be poor than sick and tolerant of bullshit. So I gave my two weeks notice. Without my job we couldn't afford to live where we lived and that was why we moved back to Virginia. Thats when I started painting children's furnature for not much money and freelancing because I couldn't stand the thought of going back to work fulltime corporate. This went on for a long time. Again we certainly never starved. And even though it was really rough I know I did the right thing and I know Rog would agree.

So yeah - don't sweat it.
Feb 27th, 2007 05:32 AM
Feb 27th, 2007 04:46 AM
Lenor Kevin

Been awhile.
Feb 27th, 2007 04:36 AM
Misinformation Man DID YOU KNOW:

The term, "White Collar" is a reference dating back to the times of slavery. Originally "White Color," it was a term used to describe superiority, as in white folks being superior to black folks.

As America became more diverse and more sophisticated in its business options, those working in offices or doing physically light work were considered "White Color" workers, compared to the inferior workers who were considered to be doing "poor" or "black color" jobs.

As the days of segregation came and went, America took a more friendly adjustment to the terms, replacing "Color" with "Collar," and replacing "Black" with "Blue."
Feb 26th, 2007 09:53 PM
Fathom Zero Well said, mate.
Feb 26th, 2007 09:27 PM
MattJack I doubt Kev is mooching. He's all politically invovled n shit.
Feb 26th, 2007 04:17 PM
Goat Cheese Oh great another jobless dude mooching on the government
Feb 26th, 2007 12:23 PM
kahljorn You should get the BBB on his ass, Mattjack. I don't know if they actually do stuff like that, but not paying you for hours you worked is against the law.
Feb 26th, 2007 10:45 AM
MattJack Yea I guess I can see that. It doesn't make it right in my book though. I'm a poor college student and I've had to have my car worked on once or twice. Luckily, I know the people who do my work and I trust them. I simply could not afford having some douche tell me I need all these things that I really don't so he can make an even bigger buck. Then if I choose not get what an "expert" says I need, I get to have this major catastophe floating around in the back of my mind.

It's like going to a doctor to get a check up and he's all,

"Yeah, everything looks good today sir. Oh, it appears you might have this AIDS thing. I'd suggest buying these meds (which I get hooked up on) to maybe prevent it from getting worse. Hell you may not have any problems at all, but really, do you want to run into a big problem later?"

Sorry, I think most mechanics are crooked mother fuckers. I'd trust my drug dealer who goes by Beef before I'd trust a mechanic.
Feb 26th, 2007 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by MattJack View Post
He'd as well "sell" people things that they "needed" for their vehicles. Say you come in for a $20 oil change, right? Well guess what? You also "need" X, Y, and Z too, because you really don't want to take any chances. Thus your $20 oil change would come out to be well over $100 or $200. This happened almost daily.
That's pretty common practice, actually.
Feb 26th, 2007 10:14 AM
MattJack I was working at a mechanic shop recently while I go to school and the boss was a complete dick. Not only that, but he would simply disappear for days on end. You wouldn't hear from him, not a phone call, nothing. I suspect that he'd get pilled out, seriously.

He'd as well "sell" people things that they "needed" for their vehicles. Say you come in for a $20 oil change, right? Well guess what? You also "need" X, Y, and Z too, because you really don't want to take any chances. Thus your $20 oil change would come out to be well over $100 or $200. This happened almost daily.

Also he was the kind of guy who was never wrong. He was never wrong, always right, don't think about questioning or suggesting anything, ever. He told me to adjust the wires to a computer in the office and plug in a new keyboard and mouse. Ok that's cool. My dad has worked computers for well over 20 years and I know what one is. Bossman had adapters for the USB keyboard and mouse so that they would plug into the ports. Problem was, he had 2 mouse adapters (they were purple) and not one for the keyboard. I tell him about the problem of the keyboard not working he's about to run into. He walks over to me, looks at the adapters, looks at me, and says,

"Hmpf, they're just colored-coded, for dummies." Insinuating that I'm an idiot.

"Yes Sir." I replied, knowing he was the one missing brain cells.

Two minutes later when everything was hooked up and I booted up the PC, I left and went in the shop. He called me back into the office not long before that, "HEY MATT THIS KEYBOARD DONT WORK! WUD YU DU?"

"Sir, I thought it was color-coded, you know, for dummies."

Then came paying.

One day I was working my normal 10 hour shift and the boss told me he was going to show me how to do something. Needless to say, he never showed me how to do said thing and sent me to "go be a sidekick" in the shop. Well when it came time to get off, he was pissed that I didn't do the thing he wanted me to do but never showed me how to do it.

He said, "Look, you can do this shit on my time or on your time. I don't pay overtime so I suggest you do it on your time."

"Yes sir." I replied and I clocked out at 6:45pm.

The NEXT day when I clocked out, I saw he had drawn lines through some of my clock out times and simply put 6:00pm! The mother fucker cut out HOURS I HAD WORKED. AND when it came time to go to Mardi Gras, which I had marked off obviously, he conviently didn't pay me that weekend before. Even though everyone else got paid. Everyone else gets paid, yet I don't? He simply wanted to be a dick and put me in a bind because he could. He had this constant power trip.

Needless to say, I don't work there anymore.

Feel better?
Feb 26th, 2007 09:47 AM
So I quit my job today

SO I gave notice to my white collar job today. I've only been at it for about 7 1/2 months, but decided this was best. I want to work on side projects, and maybe just temp. for a bit. But I basically have nothing lined up, and not a lot of scrilla.

Anybody else have job dumping stories that might make me feel better?

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