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May 27th, 2007 01:30 AM
kahljorn http://lookmind.com/brainsoft.php?id=35

tell me if that works... when i look for a crack/fake registration/serial i just get on google and do a search like, "Brainwave generator" "crack"

quotes included that makes it do a phrase specific search
May 27th, 2007 01:24 AM
DuFresne Could you, please? I have no experience with stuff like that. I wouldn't know the first thing to do or where to look.
May 27th, 2007 01:19 AM
kahljorn I cracked my version of BWgen... I'm sure you could find the means to do it as well. But, if you, or anyone else, needs help finding out how to crack/fauxregister (can't remember which it is) let me know and I'll find it.
May 27th, 2007 12:27 AM
DuFresne I got the bwgen.com one last night. The majority of the built-in preset beats (because the trial version doesn't let you play the cool user-created ones ) did virtually nothing for me (general relaxation" was ok, but that may have had less to do with the freqs and more to do with the rain-on-a-tin-roof background noise), but there was one notable exception that makes me think there might be something to all this. It was the first "sleep-induction" choice on the list.

(note: bear in mind that nothing in the following description was anywhere near as cool as it sounds. I was totally in touch with reality the whole time and the feelings I'll describe were more "neat sensations" than "omg im so fukkin wazted lol !!!!!!1111111")

Now this gave me some really neat mental and effects! About 7 minutes into it, I began to sense that I was gently spinning through space, totally weightless. This feeling lasted for about 30 seconds, and from this point to the end of the 20 minute-long beat, I was essentially completely relaxed. Do any you experience this thing where, minutes before you fall asleep, your mind races with seemingly random thoughts and images, though you know you're still awake? I had many periods of that. I also recall at least two periods of what felt like sleep paralysis, fortunately without the intense fear and horror that usually comes with it.

The beat faded away after 20 minutes, and when I got up from my bed I felt very relaxed and clear. I was disappointed that it hadn't actually made me fell asleep, though. Maybe it would if you're tired to begin with, which I wasn't. Not that I was expecting it to do anything after trying the worthless other presets.

So, was it an incredible enlightening experience that will cause my life to never be the same again, like so many comments on the website would want you to believe?

Hell no. It was a neat way to spend 20 minutes alone on a friday night. So is Guitar Hero.
May 26th, 2007 06:11 PM
kahljorn I actually read on their site that getting lumps in your throat is caused by listening to it at too high of a volume. Maybe it messes with sinuses or something? I don't know.

although peyote isn't the greatest feeling drug so maybe it's mimicing it extremely accurately ;o
May 26th, 2007 05:39 PM
Fathom Zero After listening to Peyote and LSD, I have a lump in my throat.

Is it supposed to do something else?
May 26th, 2007 04:35 PM
kahljorn I imagine blood pouring out of their ears to screams sounding, "LSD SOUNDS HAVE RUINED MY LIFE!"
May 26th, 2007 10:04 AM
Dixie It wasn't nearly as strong as the real thing, but I definitely felt it. I didn't totally lose it like I had before with DMT (and to be honest I haven't done DMT in years, but it's not the sort of thing you forget easily), but I still felt the same weird seperation and division of conciousness. I will admit, what I felt could probably be attained by forms of deep meditation,none the less there was still an effect from it. I tried Astral Projection last night and I had another positive experience with it. My husband tried one of them last night, but it didn't work for him, he was really dissappointed.

The BWGEN thing looks really cool. I'm definitely going to try some of those out as well. I appreciate you mentioning it.

Also it's hilarious to read about people being AFRAID to use this because it might cause brain damage "LIKE THE REAL THING". What a bunch of fucking idiots.
I'm going to have to agree with you on that.
May 25th, 2007 01:33 PM
kahljorn I can't imagine this triggering anything like a DMT high. DMT is way too strong of a drug...

"You forgot about speed giving you a super brain BTW. My friends are always sharp as razors with cutting comebacks while on it."

Must be because time slowed down so while it seemed they are sharp and cutting actually they had like 20 minutes to consider a retort.

anyway i dont know what's up with this doser place but if you get the BWGEN they have the drug frequencies a long with a lot of other shit and it also has tools for making your own things.

Also it's hilarious to read about people being AFRAID to use this because it might cause brain damage "LIKE THE REAL THING". What a bunch of fucking idiots.
May 25th, 2007 01:22 AM
Dixie I tried 3 doses of things I was/am very familar with (Marijuana, Orgasm, and DMT). I stopped one of them (Orgasm) after about 20% because it felt really weird. The other 2 were fairly similar to what I'm used to experiencing with the real thing.

The samples that came with the one I downloaded were Alcohol and Content, I decided I wanted to try something a bit stronger. It seems to help to play it at a low level where you can hear it but it's not very loud. On thier forums they have tips on how to maximize the experience as well and they did help.

I got a headache when I tried it the very first time, but it went away after a short while. I figured out it was because I was playing it too loud.

Even if it is psychosomatic or just the power of suggestion it apparently works for some people. I'd think people more susceptible (I don't feel like finding spell check right now) to hypnotism may be the best subjects for this sort of thing.
May 24th, 2007 10:14 PM
Supafly345 Its psychosimatic, duh. Isn't this Timothy Roth's brainchild?

You forgot about speed giving you a super brain BTW. My friends are always sharp as razors with cutting comebacks while on it.

Christ, is there backmasking on this or something, I just tried the sample and it is literally giving me a splitting headache. All of that subliminal audio stuff does. This is crap, they'll make you trip out through seering amounts of pain.
May 24th, 2007 08:54 PM
executioneer more like BULL-doser
May 24th, 2007 07:14 PM
kahljorn You've done real drugs and it feels the same as them?
These things never worked for me all they did was put me in a meditative dream-like state which i can do by meditating if I really wanted to.

the fact that people said the speed one makes "Time slow down" is retarded. Oh yea and that morphine numbs your body. Lol.
Morphine just makes you want to vomit everywhere and fall asleep and you feel drunk in a way because of the dizzyness and nausea but you also feel euphoric.
Speed kind of makes you speed up but it's not like time slows down lol fucking videogame idiots. mostly you just feel euphoric and giddy.
May 24th, 2007 06:08 AM
Dixie The ones I tried worked for me. I'm almost hoping for a Videodrome effect after a few sessions.

Long live the new flesh!
May 23rd, 2007 10:24 AM
Grislygus yeah, it's bwgen.com.
May 23rd, 2007 01:23 AM
kahljorn there's a free software you don't have to register for that does the same thing.. bwgen.net maybe :O it's called the brain wave generator and I remember it had something like bwgen.com/net/org or something for the webpage..
May 22nd, 2007 11:23 PM
executioneer yeah like i'm gonna register to download that shit

fuck that
May 22nd, 2007 05:35 PM
Misdemonar this is stupid
May 22nd, 2007 05:18 PM
kahljorn heh yea then like watching a movie and laughing a lot and then falling asleep

these aren't audio clips though they arejust like beeping noises usually that are supposed to be at certain frequencies and the idea is that you can hear frequencies you normally can't hear. It supposedly works by putting one frequency in one ear, and another frequency in the other, and the difference between the two frequencies is the frequency your brain is processing or something... so like if you had 500 in one ear and 510 in the other you'd be hearing 10 hz which is impossible for human ears to hear. Furthermore, 10mz is associated with "Brain Frequencies" like alpha/beta/thighmaster/theta waves so supposedly by supposedly hearing this freqeuncy for long enough your brain will adjust to that rate and so will your brain so you can meditate easier since meditation is associated with theta waves or something.
Also all the drugs supposedly work at various frequencies as well so they think that by making your brain that frequency you can experience the drug. why don't they just have a binural beat for eatting steak that way you won't ever have to eat again.
May 22nd, 2007 04:35 PM
Girl Drink Drunk A realistic audio clip for weed would probably be some guy inhaling too much and hacking up Phlegm and spit
May 22nd, 2007 02:34 PM
kahljorn I remember seeign this binural stuff for drugs years ago it's a bunch of bullshit

lol the people who type up experiences for the drugs are so dumb. The one for Dmt was particularly dumb because it's not really anything like that in real life.
for the most part you can tell most people either haven't tried the drugs or were trying to describe something cliche.


THE MORPHINE MADE MY ENTIRE BODY GO NUMB (actual posted experience)

it's so obvious that they are all lying/exaggerating.
except for like one or two people who said they just got headchange which should be expected from meditating...

lol and there are actually people who are afraid to try the binurals for LSD and other "hardcore drugs." That shit will fuck you FOR LYYYYYYFEEE
May 21st, 2007 11:39 PM
Jeff The Ninja


Audio Drugs. You can simulate taking everything from Chrystal Meth to Marijuana.

Its pretty fucked.

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