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Jan 19th, 2008 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Zomboid View Post
ZBU!!!!!!! I like fathom, but he's 16. Seems smart for his age, but Zbu is the most qualified. I like the idea that someone else who's getting a degree in writing/literature (in one form or another) be a mod. It kinda makes sense.
I understand what you're saying. I really do. But you can't moderate if you're not here. It's really as simple as that. Fathom, while not being here quite as long as Zbu, has been much more active, and I think has been here at least every other day since he signed up. That's how often (at the very least) a moderator should be on. Pub stated earlier "If the main choice's activity is dependent on getting the p0w3r then they are doing it for the wrong reasons", but that's not the ONLY reason someone would get the modship. Even if someone is superly qualified, you wouldn't hire them if their availability is, like 5 out of 40 possible hours and you NEEDED the full timer.
Jan 19th, 2008 04:37 PM
Tadao I've got some group projects I want to start in here, but I don't know if I should wait for a mod.
Jan 18th, 2008 07:00 PM

-Require that all submitted poetry adhere to a declared sonnet form of the poster's choice. While I don't like alexandrines, I won't ban exclusively on the basis of seeing them used. I am a just ruler.
-Ask me later for more things when I feel clever.
Jan 18th, 2008 04:48 PM
Zomboid ZBU!!!!!!! I like fathom, but he's 16. Seems smart for his age, but Zbu is the most qualified. I like the idea that someone else who's getting a degree in writing/literature (in one form or another) be a mod. It kinda makes sense.
Jan 18th, 2008 05:48 AM
MLE Mods are not supposed to have hiatuses, hence why my vote goes to Fathom Zero. I haven't seen him take a hiatus since I've been posting.
Jan 18th, 2008 02:55 AM
Cliff Steele I would definitely agree on fathom, i would love to do this but i understand dissent exists because of my low post count over the years (lots of hiatuses, if that is a word?), and honestly fathom would probably have more time for it than i do. I would make time for it if I got it, but he's probably the best choice in the state of oklahoma
Jan 18th, 2008 01:15 AM
MLE Honestly, I think Fathom Zero is a good choice. He has respect for the forums, can be fairly objective, and has been here very frequently and steadily.

EDIT: plus, he's been here for a nice long time, giving him a large amount of seniority, and overall i just think he'd be smart with the moderation and all. I also see him as being respectful of the "written word", as I am of art.
Jan 17th, 2008 08:17 PM
Fathom Zero I'm writing short stories. I'll submit them when finished. But I'm not TRYING to write something.
Jan 17th, 2008 07:46 PM
Tadao I'll never make a poll. I just like them.
Jan 17th, 2008 06:59 PM
kahljorn you can make it me ill only fuck with people for fun and I'll remember fun is always the funnest!

i dont have dedicated internet right now but i probably will soon
Jan 17th, 2008 06:27 PM
Tadao Can we start a poll? We need more polls. I like polls.
Jan 17th, 2008 06:22 PM
King Hadas It's not so much about the power as the prestige. Also, this being the only message board I frequent and one I've been frequenting for four years now it would be nice to have a larger role in how it functions. I know the first thing I'd do if I was given mod privileges over this forum is change the name of it back to Recommended Reading. I respect Dr. Boogie as radical free thinker but you shouldn't throw away tradition just because it's not hip and happen 'n.

I really like what MLE did with Art Shit but I don't think it's possible to get people here that interested in creative writing. A drawing only takes a second to evaluate, if you like it you can spend more time taking in the details if you don't you simple move on. You (I at least) invest a lot more energy and time when reading something.

Another thing, if you have a book club idea or creative writing project you think people would be interested in than you should go ahead and start it up. You don't need mod privileges or a mods permission to do this.
Jan 17th, 2008 05:36 PM
Fathom Zero Whoa, Pub. Way to sound liek the voice of reason.
Jan 17th, 2008 02:32 PM
Pub Lover If the main choice's activity is dependent on getting the p0w3r then they are doing it for the wrong reasons.
Jan 17th, 2008 12:10 PM
Zomboid In like 7 years, cliff has a total of 508 posts, so I'm assuming zbu will be able to show up as much, if not more often. Since those two seem to be the only ones being seriously considered, I'd say give it to zbu :O
Jan 17th, 2008 08:21 AM
Chojin Would Zbu actually show up at least every other day and work to keep the forum active?
Jan 14th, 2008 07:51 PM
King Hadas When I saw this thread the first person I though of was Zbu, I just hoped he wouldn't show up so I could get those delicious moderator powers but now that his here his definitely the most qualified. Cliff Steele would probably be second in line if Zbu couldn't do it for some reason.
Jan 14th, 2008 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by Zbu Manowar View Post
I could do it. It would help me to get back into the reading thing since I'm getting a Masters in it. Plus, my constant moaning and groaning about the state of comics is always good for a chuckle.
I think Zbu would be the best of all those mentioned thus far :O
Jan 14th, 2008 03:24 PM
Cliff Steele
Comics 'n' books forum moderator

Here is my proposal if I am Moderator:

A monthly book club
Hopefully we could get 5 or 6 people to participate in this, taking a suggestion from a different member each month. Of course this would probably go as time goes on, but this doesn't have to be a huge forum. I would like this forum to retain the small feel of art shit. I want it to get enough activity to justify itself, I remember several occasions seeing the comic book forum go months with no posts , and the book forum several weeks. There are enough people with interest to make this work as long as there are things to do there, and not just "hay have youia herad of the zombie survaval guide?"

Caption the comic
for the last two weeks of the month I would put up a 3 panel comic strip and run a contest to see who comes up with the best lines. The winner would receive a comic book related prize(maybe a comic itself, heroclix booster, action figure,etc.)

I would plan various other forum events also, such as, as suggested by chojin, weekly discussion threads, locking at the end of the week. I also think there is alot of room for writings here that just isn't being exploited by the right people. No matter who the moderator ends up being, lets at least turn this into a servicable community.
Jan 14th, 2008 11:41 AM
Zbu Manowar I could do it. It would help me to get back into the reading thing since I'm getting a Masters in it. Plus, my constant moaning and groaning about the state of comics is always good for a chuckle.
Jan 13th, 2008 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Tadao View Post
Hmmm, I don't think I want to reveal who I really am just to be a mini mod.
You cheeky devil, you.
Jan 13th, 2008 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by Chojin View Post
requirements for the position include that you be here at least a year
Hmmm, I don't think I want to reveal who I really am just to be a mini mod.
Jan 13th, 2008 02:54 AM
Misdemonar I could do this.
Jan 13th, 2008 01:23 AM
Chojin Cliff Steele also threw his hat in. We'll put it to a vote later, maybe.

And yeah, requirements for the position include that you be here at least a year and that you've never been banned before.
Jan 12th, 2008 09:30 PM
Qwarx I thought he was going to say "not Qwarx/ZBF".
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