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Mar 20th, 2010 12:26 AM
Shadowdancer21b I love this movie, and I love the games too, except for Silent Hill 4. This movie tells its own story in a Silent Hill vein. I love it.
Sep 26th, 2008 03:45 PM
Mister Tea And for what it's worth, those straight-jacket thingies weren't knock-kneed in the source material, but that corrosive liquid they spew still made them plenty dangerous in both movie and game.
Sep 26th, 2008 03:43 PM
Mister Tea The reason for going to the town was a lot less contrived and stupid in the original game: Sure, Cheryl -not Sharon- was subliminally called to the town by a supernatural evil in order to combine her with the lost half of her consciousness, but at least it made sense from Harry's -not Rose's- view: his daughter just suggested Silent Hill as a good vacation spot.
Sep 22nd, 2008 01:47 PM
the Platinum Poppy I can't believe lots of people actually thought this was a good horror movie... I saw it a while ago, so I don't have everything in vivid memory, but I do remember the overall impression was unintended comedy.
First that mother who's so incredibly stupid. Or stupid doesn't cover it, make it insane! Her daughter has sleepwalking problems and she lives near all kinds of dangers like waterfalls and big highways. But she doesn't even bother to lock the front door! That would be like, priority number one in my book. Then she tries to solve her daughter's problems... by taking her on a car ride to a far-away town, just because it's called "silent hill", and her daughter says this phrase in her sleep????? I mean, how far-fetched is that? If your own kid suffered from sleepwalking and went "Africa, Africa" in her sleep, would your own reaction be to put the two of you on a plane to some random place in Africa? No it wouldn't, not unless you're insane. You'd go to a shrink with her, that's what you'd do! To make ANY kind of sense of that mum's behaviour one has to imagine that there's like half an hour of movie cut away, where the mum tries everything normal first (like locking the door, seeing a shrink, seeing a second shrink) but when nothing helps she finally suffers a total nervous breakdown and embarks on this crazy car ride to the town of Silent Hill.
Then all the monsters are knock-kneed. It's like the movie makers thought that being knock-kneed immediately makes you menacing. Perhaps the director was bullied by some knock-kneed kid when he was little... or something.
When they first come to the town, they encounter some creature that's severly disabled. For all we can tell he/she is deaf, blind, without arms AND so knock-kneed he/she can barely walk. This is supposed to be a menace? I don't get it.
I could go on like this, but enough is enough... I'd give it half a pickle as a horror movie, but a few pickles as a comedy.
Sep 22nd, 2008 12:29 AM
Mister Tea Gripes about the plot aside (Dahlia as a good character? Are you fucking serious?), I do believe that Silent Hill is the best video game movie to date. But then, that's about as back-handed a compliment as you can possibly give.
Sep 21st, 2008 01:08 AM
Copper I have friends that can agree about the whole "laughing at inappropriate moments" comment. Two of my friends went to see this and actually *laughed* at the skin ripping scene. Mostly because it was...unexpected. Pyramid head was supposed to be repressed anger/sexual feelings and so they were expecting something *much* worse when he got hold of...whoever he got hold of. Instead..."Shrip!"

I, myself, haven't seen the movie. "I'll go, and I'll watch it, if you tell me when it's okay to look." "Copp, it's *never* okay to look." "Oh. Nevermind."

Maybe one of these days...
Sep 19th, 2008 08:18 PM
Kilgore Cod Good Video Game Movie?

Seems like an oxymoron to me.

In all seriousness I enjoyed the movie. I never cared for the games so I didn't have that bias going into the movie.
Sep 17th, 2008 07:33 PM
Mockery I haven't played much of the actual games, but this is definitely one of the better video game movies out there. It has Alice Krige, who has always been a great horror actress, and I thought Pyramid Head was handled well (something they could've easily screwed up). And yes, the Nurses had to be my favorite part of the whole movie. They were actually creepy... a rare thing in modern horror films if you ask me.
Sep 17th, 2008 05:55 PM
Guitar Woman I thought this movie was horribly cheesy, but after playing the first game I saw that it was really true to the source material in that respect.

They probably could have done more with Boromir and actually had Lisa in the main part of the movie, since she was also my favorite character in the first game, but other than that I thought it was pretty good.
Sep 17th, 2008 04:47 PM
Hanglyman I'm surprised you gave Silent Hill such a high rating... I thought it was incredibly disappointing. The acting was horrible, the atmosphere was creepy but (in my opinion) nothing like the game, the plot was a mess, and people in the theater, myself included, were laughing at parts of the movie that were supposed to be serious. No Silent Hill movie should be unintentionally funny!

There were a lot of things I liked- the monsters were very true to their game versions, especially the straightjacket guy and Pyramid Head, the janitor was very much in the spirit of the games, and when everything started going all decayed and rusty, transforming right before Harry's... er... what's-her-name's eyes, the movie actually got GOOD for several wonderful minutes. I really liked the whole scene with them being chased by Pyramid Head, trapped in the elevator in the dark world. But the rest of it was just... bad. Burned Cheryl looked hilariously like Odo from Deep Space 9, Lisa Garland looked exactly right but was completely wasted, the husband character was pointless, etc. Even the music let me down a bit, because they used about 5 seconds of the main Silent Hill 1 theme (the mandolin music), then let it trail off immediately for no apparent reason.

I guess maybe my expectations were too high- for a video game movie, it's really, really good. Unfortunately, that's not saying much... I mean, compared to Street Fighter or the Super Mario Brothers movie, pretty much anything looks good. They got some parts completely right, and I enjoyed them, but for me, that just makes the rest of the movie that much more disappointing.
Sep 16th, 2008 12:42 PM
Jaimas The "Janitor" Creature was an awesome touch. It was so great for its purpose that Silent Hill's original creator praised the design and requested to be able to use it in a future game. So that's success right there.

The movie could have been better, but it was still damn good for a Video Game Movie. Better than anything Uwe Boll has done at any point in his life ever, at any rate.
Sep 16th, 2008 01:10 AM
Dungeonbrownies it was an amazing film
Sep 16th, 2008 01:03 AM
Huh!? Just to add to the point many people, starting with McFly, made about Sean Bean's character, it says in Wkikipedia that he originally had a much smaller role, but the studio wanted at least one major male character. Not that Wikipedia is always accurate, but I can see that happening.

I really liked this movie overall. I saw it with a bunch of friends, many of whom had never played the games, and a good time was had by all. The skin rip kill by Pyramid Head resulted in a lot of audible "holy shit!" and "did you just fucking see that?" remarks from people, which I think is a good sign for any movie.
Sep 15th, 2008 05:13 PM
Brunbb It seems to me that the ending was based off of the bad ending in the first game.
Sep 15th, 2008 04:54 PM
kakumei i really enjoyed this movie-- i've only played one of the SH series games, but i really enjoyed the movie nonetheless. i thought the gimmicky twist was kind of clever, but i was bummed they didn't shoot an alternate "good job, you got all the items and didn't drop any into a ravine" ending-- that would have made for a good extra on the DVD.

i thought the weakest elements of the movie were the dialogue and the acting, especially on our protagonist girl's part-- i thought she was supposed to be around 10 years old, but she kept talking like she was 5 (e.g. "i don't like that, mommy!").

i am exceedingly glad that they brought over some of the enemies and music from the video games. ... *especially* the music-- i own all the soundtracks and i love them. it is the best video game to movie adaptation i've seen. have you seen the "parasite eve" movie? i guess that was the other way around, where the video game technically came after the movie...
Sep 15th, 2008 04:40 PM
bauhaus the thing that pissed me off was yet another horror movie was SET in my homestate of west virginia but shot in canada
Sep 15th, 2008 04:24 PM
Roggs Very true on the "video game logic." That female cop made some major leaps to unfounded conclusions. Oh, that kid in the passenger seat is in a bad mood. Clearly this woman has abducted a child. Yeah, that makes sense.
Sep 15th, 2008 03:56 PM
Nick While I enjoyed the movie as a whole, the ending and the death of Cybil made my fanboy cry.
Sep 15th, 2008 02:44 PM
Hugo Will there be a review for the hitman movie?
Sep 15th, 2008 02:39 PM
Hugo I actually enjoyed the movie, but a couple of things did bother me. It looks great and does a good job at creating a haunting atmosphere, and the pyramid head guy ripping the clothes and flesh of that insane woman was quite a surprise ( I don't know if that happened in the game, I've only played the first in the series).

Now, as McFly just said, that husband character was useless. Whenever he shows up the movie misses the pace and the eerieness is all gone. Cut his 20 minutes or so of screentime and you got a shorter, more focused movie.

Radha Mitchell is ok when she's taking it easy, but for several times her acting is quite embarassing. Her misguided half-assed raging performance at the church showdown made me cringe.

As for the ending, it's just another bad case of Shyamalanism. It's like when matrix came out: every action movie in the subsequent years had to have it's own lame attempt at recreating the bullet-time effect.

Overall, I enjoyed the feel and the look so much I can look away when the bad parts pop up on the scren. I feel it's somewhat misguided, A little more effort and balls and this movie would've been great, but I believe this is the best game movie so far.
Sep 15th, 2008 01:35 PM
Mister Tea The thing that bugged me was that they used the first game's plot, but did it so half-assed that they can never do a film adaptation of Silent Hill 3; and that one would make a great movie. Changing Dahlia's character into a "good guy" just to take a cheap shot at Christianity was also pretty weak; play the games to know what I'm talking about. It seems that gamers will never have it both ways, they'll either get the plot right and change the look (Mortal Kombat), keep the look and totally change the plot (Silent Hill), or just mess up both of 'em (all the rest).

Luckily, Silent Hill 2 is a completely self-contained storyline (I know about part 4, but it's so tangentially related to 2 that it doesn't matter), so they can make changes to that one if they have to without messing up any established continuity. Pity about casting Sean Bean in the first one, though, because he'd have made a great James Sunderland.
Sep 15th, 2008 01:05 PM
nirvana_infinity I actually enjoy this movie. Best part, hands-down: When Sharon's evil twin wreaks havok in the church, and dances around in the blood of the cult members. Second place: The creepy nurses. They look like backup dancers from a deranged Britney Spears video.
Sep 15th, 2008 08:53 AM
McFly I was kind of split on this movie. While I loved the video game series and the fact that they incorporated some of the visuals effectively, there were certain things that kind of irritated me. One thing was the acting. While most horror movies are known for bad actors, a lot of the acting was over the top and kind of took you out of the picture for a bit. It was kind of interesting to that it felt like Cybil and Rose were going to make out at any moment, though. Kind of makes me wonder if the director had a thing for female cops.

Also, Sean Bean’s character was completely unnecessary. While it kind of gave a little back-story of the town, it kind of took away from the visual elements and general creepiness that is evident within the town.

However, there were some good things as well. It was kind of cool seeing what became of Anna (who is somewhat reminiscent of Angela in Silent Hill 2). The kid Sharon (Cheryl in the video game series) was also kind of creepy as well in her dual role. What I was most impressed was how close they got Dahlia to the video game. The actress looked almost like a dead ringer for her counterpart on the game.

Whether you love it or hate it (as there seems to be people that go either way with this movie), the movie has a tendency to grow on you over time. I heard that they were considering a sequel to this movie as well, which makes you wonder if they will contain similar elements of the first film or start with a completely different storyline.
Sep 15th, 2008 08:43 AM
saturnknight I loved the movie, and i m happy to say i own it, as well as the first three games..... If you want the soundtrack, buy SH3, the actual soundtrack came with that game. i hear there's a Silent Hill 2 in the making.
Sep 15th, 2008 08:17 AM
Purple Man I loved the nurses; that was a really effective moment. I was pleasantly suprised by how well this film caught the spirit of the game.
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