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Aug 16th, 2009 03:54 PM
DevilWearsPrada is this a new record in bump time or something?
Aug 13th, 2009 04:38 PM
The Leader lol
Aug 13th, 2009 03:57 PM
VaporTrailx1 Well. since the spambot hit it. let's reenergize this bitch lol
Aug 13th, 2009 03:47 PM
Colonel Flagg Dude, this thread is like 6 years old.
Aug 13th, 2009 03:38 PM
VaporTrailx1 Do we really need another inept U.N. type organization that doesn't give a fuck what all those third world fucks are doing?
Aug 13th, 2009 08:55 AM
Zhukov I miss a lot of people from this thread. Vince mostly.
Aug 13th, 2009 02:04 AM
executioneer eat shit, spambot
Aug 12th, 2009 11:44 PM
International War Crimes Court Is Inaugurated, but w/o US

For the first time in the history of treaty-making a signatory unsigned a treaty. That was the United States in March 2002 when President George Bush gave the order for the U.S. to pull out of the International Criminal Court, an institution that would probably have never got off the ground if his predecessor, Bill Clinton, together with American legal experts and non-governmental human rights activists hadn't been so behind it. It seemed to many that the U.S. was shooting itself in the foot. Not only does the U.S. have a vested interest in making sure that the reach of a world institution with the legal right to detain and try war criminals is as robust as possible, but it alienated important political forces, particularly in Europe but also elsewhere, that has left a bad mark at the back of their minds. It makes for one more good reason why they don't rally to America's side in its plans for war with Iraq. The UN and the institutions and conventions it maintains or midwifes, as diverse as the Kyoto Protocol on global warming, the peacekeeping secretariat, the human rights commission, the Conventions on the Rights of the Child and on Women, don't just spring back like a rubber band after they have been stretched out of shape by Washington. They hang rather limp and are a poor replica of the bodies with high tensile strength that they could be if the U.S. were four square behind them.
Mar 16th, 2003 02:19 PM
Baalzamon The U.S.A. has never, and will never do anything illegal? good, then join the court and prove it.

if you join, and find that all these terrible things start happening because everyone hates the U.S., then deal with it when it happens.

As it stands, all your country is doing is making it look like you've got something to hide. Maybe you do, maybe you dont, but join the court, and, as bush likes to say: "show your cards".
Mar 16th, 2003 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by The_Rorschach
"You mean we won't be able to murder children in cold blood and get away with it??"

Choke down some Ritalin would you? Do you believe this is an accurate portrayal of how modern warfare is conducted? Do you believe the the Armed Forces advocate such actions or even condone them?
No, Rorshach. I was making a point. If we're NOT doing things like murdering children in cold blood, then why the FUCK are we so worried about joining this international court system?
Mar 16th, 2003 09:27 AM
Spectre X
Originally Posted by El Blanco
Why can't we just let Sly rest in peace?
you mean he's dead?

oh well, I think that Bush is an arrogant bastard, who should be replaced by a better president and locked in the basement of a brothel, where they use him as a loveslave. Or something similar, like forcing him to listen to Shania Twain music for the rest of his life.
Mar 15th, 2003 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
The problem is that the UN/ICC and the rest of those groups wants a one world govt... look at the European Union.
The European was more so out of economic solidarity than anything else. It was more of a response to NAFTA and FTAA. So who really wants the "one world government," Mr. Clancy???

I think a global court is a good idea. We espouse democratic values not only at home, but abroad as well. We shouldn't be affraid to put our money (and the consequences of our actions) where our mouth is.
Mar 15th, 2003 10:48 PM
Anonymous Do you really think we'd name our bombers things like "Baby Destroyer" if that wasn't the case?
Mar 15th, 2003 09:06 PM
The_Rorschach "You mean we won't be able to murder children in cold blood and get away with it??"

Choke down some Ritalin would you? Do you believe this is an accurate portrayal of how modern warfare is conducted? Do you believe the the Armed Forces advocate such actions or even condone them?
Mar 15th, 2003 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
I could not be happier that we did not sign up to be a part of this sham of a court. All it will do is make our soliders liable for anything that the One World Govt deems is evil.
You mean we won't be able to murder children in cold blood and get away with it??

Mar 15th, 2003 10:17 AM
AChimp Bah. Stupid miles.
Mar 15th, 2003 05:42 AM
FS I have to think, would this be the best of times to start an international war crime court, or the worst of times? Both given as a reason that the international community seems to be falling apart. Could this be effectjve as a last attempt at patching things up, or would it be fruitless before it's active?

Eitherway, I can't say I've seen much credible reason given for the US not joining this court - nothing but paranoia and hypocrisy, to be honest. Either people don't want the US to join because they fear that American officers will be put on trial for war crimes they actually committed, OR they think the international anti-American state of mind is so bad that innocent American civilians will be somehow abducted and actually convicted of crimes they didn't commit out of petty spite.

As ineffective as international organizations can be, I still don't believe they'd blatantly abuse their role or defy their own laws. But if the American government does not agree with me on that, then I guess the US has no place in this court.
Mar 15th, 2003 04:13 AM
ItalianStereotype 90 miles chimp, cuba is only 90 miles away...
Mar 14th, 2003 11:10 PM
AChimp OH NO! And the U.S. doesn't try to push it's own views on any other countries? Look to yourself before you start throwing around accusations, you assgoblin.

Now, imangine China, France and Germany are the main people on here.... do you think for one instant they wouldnt try to get some United States diplomats in there for a sham of a court trial?
Uh huh... is that any different from the U.S. holding Arabs for months and months without trial?

The international court is a separate entity from any country and wouldn't have a bias. What kind of crimes against humanity have U.S. diplomats committed against France, Germany and China lately? You've only pointed out those countries because they've been vocal in their opposition to a war on Iraq, so why are you concluding that they are out to get you?

I mean, when is the last time you saw people braving death, starvation, and drowning just to have a chance to kiss Netherland soil?
I assume that you are referring to those poor fools that swim to Florida from Cuba. In case you haven't realized, if you are a Cuban wanting to leave Cuba, the first place you will chose to go is to the U.S., not just because the U.S. is a few hundred miles north, but because it's a long, cold trip to Canada by raft and Haiti isn't especially appealing, even by Cuban standards.

You see, that's what happens when First World countries have their fat ass sitting beside Third World countries. In physics, this is called gravity.
Mar 14th, 2003 10:36 PM
VinceZeb The problem is that the UN/ICC and the rest of those groups wants a one world govt... look at the European Union.

AChimp, it has everything to do with the U.S. Equality is a pipe dream, belief in it is dillusion personafied especially when it comes to countries and cultures being equal. MANY countries have a ingrained biased against the U.S., and the ICC is just another way to try and push its views on the U.S. The EU in preticular want the US knocked down a peg or two so it can show that its holding-hands together govt is better than sovergn nations that stand on their own two legs. The ICC CAN take in anyone in a country that respects its authority if it sees fit. Now, imangine China, France and Germany are the main people on here.... do you think for one instant they wouldnt try to get some United States diplomats in there for a sham of a court trial? Please. I'm sorry if gove-ment skool edgeumacation has made the current new generation have a worldview of "multicultural equality" and "world govt justice", but it will not work. The only people that rule everything in the world are dictators or tryants. The U.S. is supreme to every country on the planet just by rep alone.... I mean, when is the last time you saw people braving death, starvation, and drowning just to have a chance to kiss Netherland soil?
Mar 14th, 2003 09:24 PM
AChimp Uh huh... and how many normal people have committed a crime that effects enough people to warrant being tried by humanity at large?

You won't be hauled off to international court for stealing cable or shoplifting.

It's pathetic that the U.S. sole reason for not joining this court is the fact that it would have to get it's booty ass off of it's self-placed pedestal and stoop to everyone else's level and act like an equal... but then, spreading democracy and equality is such a noble task, in'it?
Mar 14th, 2003 09:12 PM
The_Rorschach For what it's worth Vince, I happen to agree with most of what you said, with the natural exemption of the New World Order, One Word Gov't nonsense. And the dragged from our homes bit.

The court is a sham, and I don't believe any sovereign nation should consent to its judgement.
Mar 14th, 2003 08:02 PM
VinceZeb I know I am correct. Under the ICC, any one of us could be drug from our homes and tried in their courts.
Mar 14th, 2003 02:45 PM
FS Yeah, he is.
Mar 14th, 2003 01:29 PM
Anonymous You are so right.
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