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Dec 12th, 2009 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by El Blanco View Post

Did they use some of the logistical and communication networks we left behind? Yes. Did we directly support the guys in power when we invaded or al Queda? No.
Well we did give the Taliban alot of money to stop the growing of opium shortly before 9/11. I'd say thats directly supporting the guys in power
And the Taliban are made up of members of one of the mujaheddin that we supported against the soviets or atleast of members of religious schools that the mujaheddin set up. Just because they didn't call themselves the taliban at the time doesn't mean its not essentially the same people we supported against the soviets that is now fighting us. Also the CIA helped trained various members of the mujahideen so even if bin laden wasn't directly trained by the CIA I'm sure he learned plenty of tactics from other cia trained members of the mujaheddin who he fought alongside of.
Dec 6th, 2009 01:59 PM
The Leader I seem to have started a trend in this thread of adding information that everyone already knows. I'm so popular!
Dec 6th, 2009 10:18 AM
El Blanco For fuck sake people, read a book.

The Taliban did not exist until 1994. Well after the Soviet pull out of Afghanistan. In fact, well after the Soviet Union fucking collapsed.

OBL had nothing to do with the CIA support of certain mujaheddin factions. In fact, he publicly railed against it, wanting a pure Muslim state fought for by pure Muslims.

The big weapon the CIA supplied to the friendly warlords in Afghanistan was a stinger missle launcher. It shot down the Soviet HiND helicopters. The battery on these things, however, had an active life of a few years, if you could recharge it. They were dead long before our forces invaded.

After we up and left without even attempting to form a stabilized government (which a lot of people are calling for us to do now), a power vacuum occured that was filled by the Taliban in 1996 with help from OBL.

Did they use some of the logistical and communication networks we left behind? Yes. Did we directly support the guys in power when we invaded or al Queda? No.
Dec 5th, 2009 10:33 PM
The Leader
Originally Posted by Ant10708 View Post
I suggest you just stop posting sow e can end this boring ass conversation your dragging on. I never post in the sports section. I frequent the gaming and movie section
You don't have to respond.
Dec 5th, 2009 09:59 PM
kahljorn Well so basically you think that arms trade should be abolished or limited? What countries which supply guns don't sell them to places you don't like? also you want limited government :O
Dec 5th, 2009 08:52 PM
Ant10708 JUST DANCE!
Dec 5th, 2009 08:51 PM
Ant10708 I suggest you just stop posting sow e can end this boring ass conversation your dragging on. I never post in the sports section. I frequent the gaming and movie section
Dec 5th, 2009 08:50 PM
The Leader That's probably because you seem to only post in the sports forum.
Dec 5th, 2009 08:47 PM
Ant10708 No just making my stance more clear since you were the one confused by thinking I felt the US was for some reason not apart of the less then desirable countries.

Good to see you know who I am because I honestly don't remember ever seeing you post before.
Dec 5th, 2009 08:43 PM
The Leader I think that you're very confused as to my stance on this. Of course such a thing is not uncommon with you.
Dec 5th, 2009 08:40 PM
Ant10708 you and kahl stating obvious facts like we trained the taliban and bin laden during the cold war. and the fact that the us is one of the worlds largest arm suppliers.

we also gave the taliban millions of dollars in the months prior to 9/11 in order to have them stop poppy production yet when we essentially control the country we let poppy production run rampant. MONEY WELL SPENT. LESS THEN DESIREABLE

I also think the fact that we have more then enough nukes to blow up the planet multiple times and yet at the same time we act like we are agaisnt nuclear weapons makes us a less then desireable nation.
Dec 5th, 2009 08:36 PM
The Leader What was that last post even in response to Ant?

edt: Goddamnit man, editing your posts.
Dec 5th, 2009 08:35 PM
The Leader Everyone's got their faults.
Dec 5th, 2009 08:34 PM
Ant10708 No shit we sell arms. We sell arms to backward ass countries like pakistan and at the same time try to kiss indias ass. which makes us a less then desireable country in my opinion. I thought we were all old enough here to be past USA USA chanting and are able to criticize it

Well thank you leader for proving my point that countries(such as the us) are less then desireable nations for selling weapons to shady countries.

like did i ever say the usa was immune to my criticisms?
Dec 5th, 2009 08:32 PM
Ant10708 Yes. Have you seen our political system where no real change ever occurs and the same people stay in power in official and unofficial positions for decades? And considering the US has trained or supplied weapons to half of our current enemies at one point in time and supported some pretty horrible dictatorships and continues to give trillions of dollars to columbia even thou nothing is being done to stop the coke trade. we also continue to have an partnership with an afghan man whose brother is heavily involved in the international herion trade. In this country you go to jail for possessing a hit worth of herion tar. Yet we have billions of dollars of aid going to the brother of one of the largest suppliers of herion? yes we are a less then desireable nation. don't get me wrong i love living in this country(mainly because i live in ny and not a shitty state) but we are not a role model and we waste tax payer money beyond comprehension. I also support limited government and the us govt has been anything but limited in the decades since ive been alive.
Dec 5th, 2009 08:28 PM
The Leader Yup to the Taliban thing and the United States is currently the largest arms supplier in history.
Dec 5th, 2009 08:27 PM
kahljorn and yea what the leader said: pretty sure we sell arms :O in fact we're pretty much the ones who gave weapons to the taliban or wtfever during the cold war, right?
Dec 5th, 2009 08:26 PM
kahljorn Maybe they did get their oil and they are just riding out the fact that they can charge 4 dollars a gallon :O
Dec 5th, 2009 08:23 PM
The Leader
Originally Posted by Ant10708 View Post
And to be honest I am not very well read on arms dealing so I couldn't really add anything aside from I'm sure they sell guns to people they are not suppose to like almost every less then desirable nation out there.
Uh... The United States is a less than desirable nation in your opinion?
Dec 5th, 2009 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Geggy View Post
So its easy for you to believe that saudi royal family gives financial support to terrorists yet you have difficulties grasping the fact that they cooperate with the US oil and arms industries?
When did I ever say that? When did I ever show any support for the saudi royal family? Just because I don't think they planned 9/11 does not mean I don't think they are rich ass motherfuckers that support some terrible things including terrorists. Of course they cooperate with US oil(whatever US oil is to you since its not one big company), they fucking sell the oil to the US. And to be honest I am not very well read on arms dealing so I couldn't really add anything aside from I'm sure they sell guns to people they are not suppose to like almost every less then desirable nation out there. See maybe if you posted more like the one im quoting and made some actual points I wouldn't dismiss everything you say.

Now that I answered your question lets see if you do the same for mine. Do you still feel one of the reasons the Iraq War was to obtain their oil.And if so why havn't we gotten large amounts of their oil yet?
NO BLOOD FOR OIL sounds nice but it seems that its been more BLOOD FOR NOTHING.
Nov 30th, 2009 08:32 AM
El Blanco It could possibly be that the Saudi royal family is friggin huge. bin Laden himself is part of it. That the part the Bus family and the US is close with isn't that close to the side trying to overthrow them and take power.

And do you or do you not believe KSM is innocent?
Nov 29th, 2009 05:59 PM
Geggy So its easy for you to believe that saudi royal family gives financial support to terrorists yet you have difficulties grasping the fact that they cooperate with the US oil and arms industries?
Nov 29th, 2009 05:03 PM
Ant10708 So your big revelation is that the Saudi royal family use to fund terrorism and probably still does. what a surprise
Nov 29th, 2009 04:34 PM
Geggy Wtf are talking about el blanco? You're the one who couldn't make the connection as to why the 9/11 commission fail to determine where the original funding of 911 plot came from because they didn't have the access to the 28 page report from the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence
Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 2001 which points to the royals of saudi arabia, whom the bush administration were cozy with, as the primiray source of funding. Why didn't the bush admin. want the info to be released? Because it might reveal and confirm fbi agent robert wright's story as true and authentic. Where do you think the 911 commission got the information that Osama was funding the 9/11 plot? From KSM. But they determined that the infomration was false because it was extracted from torture and was contradicted by other known facts. I only relinked to older articles because it explained how the military tribunal failed so badly that it had to be brought upon the civilian court.
Nov 27th, 2009 04:23 PM
Evil Robot If geggy goes Ill be there too, its only two stops away from my office. I just wan't to see what geegy looks like in real life. I'm not going to say hello or anything, I just want to take a video of him acting crazy and holding signs and post it here to make fun of him.
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