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Topic Review (Newest First)
Mar 21st, 2011 12:49 PM
Fake Ghost Pirate Dumbkoff! Zat is Herr Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" from ze glorious Ninth Symphony, not "Die Walkurie" by Herr Wagner!!! Achtung! You ignorant Philistine!!!! <(:-o
Feb 26th, 2011 11:16 PM
Dsinder I cautioned my zombie obsessed 14 yr old daughter as to what an insane splatterfest this
movie would be. And we both had a hilarity filled evening while watching. The over the top
gore was sweet.., In the sense that you didn't really care about the next schmuck destined to bite it. There wasn't enough time to get that attached. Not that you would ever really want to.
Fun movie. Lots of zombies and human douchbags dying nasty, gory deaths.
What makes this movie fun is the fact that it doesn't take itself too seriously. Except for the makeup and gore FX. They're actually quite good.
A reminder...9 out of 10 zombie hunters (including my daughter) prefer 'Jiffy-PoP' popcorn over the leading national brand!
Feb 12th, 2011 08:15 AM
Kitsa Another sticking point might be the "expecting a whole lot" part.

It's just stupid fun. It doesn't matter that the uniforms are a little off; History Channel it's not.
Feb 11th, 2011 10:34 PM
Captain Seamus I liked this one, because I was expecting very little but got a neat-enough splatter film.

Kinda wish there were more Nazi Zombie movies though. There was one other that I heard about, that would've had Nazi Zombies with drill-fingers on a beach, but I can't remember what it was called or if it was ever finished.
Feb 11th, 2011 06:56 PM
Nick Now I wanna see this movie.
Feb 10th, 2011 10:47 PM
saturnknight The nazi group in question in this movie is "einsatzgruppen" and I thought their uniforms would be a little different. especially since some stories of the group did involve them basically being in large numbers
Feb 10th, 2011 07:33 PM
narcolepticsloth Personally I hated this movie. Especially the one character that did nothing but reference better movies every five minutes. And it was more pseudo intellectual than actually intellectual. What really bugged me was how generic the movie was. the only thing new that this movie brought to the table was throwing in nazi zombies. And even that wasnt done well.

And the zombies going after the gold can be explained in the way every other movie that uses this little plot device can. It was cursed! Therefore, if its disturbed, then the "zombies" (and really, ghouls would be a better name) will go after the ones that disturb it.
Feb 10th, 2011 05:30 PM
ruhfraider I wondered at the end of this movie since these are nazi zombie ie dead, why would that give a rats ass about a hand full of gold? It wasn"t like they were saving up for retirement!
Feb 9th, 2011 02:20 PM
HowardC TH:

I got what you were saying, but I clarified to point out that you really can't do zombie movies any other way. Aside from minor modifications, when you change a zombie movie it ceases to be a zombie movie. Your complaint was kind of like saying "Boy I wish they wouldn't have cowboys riding horses in the american west in Westerns." ;-)
Feb 8th, 2011 07:51 PM
Kitsa I think maybe the sticking point might be the taking-it-seriously part.
Feb 8th, 2011 10:27 AM
Taco Head HC all I was saying is I am bored with zombie movies and would like to see it done in a different way. May of the questions where rhetorical.
Feb 8th, 2011 10:23 AM
OxBlood I really didnīt like Dead Snow at all. It was ultra-cheap, the characters were worse than in a Slasher movie, the whole arrangement was...I donīt know...utter crap. Even the zombies were lame and stupid, I thought they were more like Ghouls or something. Too fast, to intelligent. Now, normally Nazi Zombies should be pretty funny but this time...nah, I just hated the whole thing.
Feb 8th, 2011 06:44 AM
HowardC Taco Head:

Answering your questions as they are asked:

Most of your questions can simply be answered by saying that zombie movies are rarely about the zombies... unless it's a really bad zombie movie. This is why the world is often over-run and there are few surviviors. The movie is about the interaction of the living characters. The zombies could just as easily be aliens, vampires, killer tomatoes, ect...

Well first off there have been several "zombification" techniques over the years, but the virus is the most popular premise because zombie movies aren't about the fear of the undead they are about the fear of a global pandemic.

In high budget films zombies look like a dead body would if it had enough flesh to still support movement. In low budget films zombies look fake because they can't afford to make them look any better and this is compounded by the fact that, unlike a typical "monster" movie, you'll have several makeup applications to do.

If a zombie was all bone and no flesh then it wouldn't be a zombie now would it?

I think your problem is your are looking at the zombie as a monster type to be exploited when in fact it's real purpose is to kind of be a living natural disaster used as a background character for a survival horror story.

While I do agree that the character could be utilized in different ways, I find that zombies would be infinately less terrifying in smaller groups on a managable scale. There have been films that break this rule though and do it well... REC and Evil Dead come to mind. That's another problem with your reasoning btw. You asked why zombies can't be brought back via the occult. Well they can (like in evil dead) but the problem is unless they are the a-typical zombie people see them not as zombies, but as demons in possessed corpses. Proof of this is the fact that you rarely hear people call the deadites zombies.
Feb 8th, 2011 01:58 AM
Dommin Best part? "TELL THEM IT'S TERRORISTS!"
Feb 7th, 2011 10:51 PM
Taco Head I know I will get flamed for this but I need to get it off my chest.

Now this is a zombie movie I can get in to. It is something different (all be it goofy) form the normal zombie movie. I am really getting tired of the same old story in zombie films, its the apocalypse, the zombies are made from a virus/government bio weapon, the zombies are slow or fast (I couldn't care less), the survivors are the or could be the last humans stuck in a mall/house/underground bunker blah blah blah.

All zombie movies seem the same to me and it is getting old. Why cant the dead come to life because of something other then a virus what about the occult, or maybe the biblical Apocalypse, or because they feel like it. Why can't zombies look really dead and not just bloody gray skinned humans, like bone arms and skulls. I'm sure I'm in the minority for saying this every time I bring it up to my friend they always get on my case about it like i should get thrown in zombie jail for thinking such a thing. Oh well. I will be getting this movie now.
*Puts on flame proof jacket*
Feb 7th, 2011 08:57 PM
Relaxing Dragon I'll be frank: I was really disappointed by this movie, didn't care for it at all. Went into it with high expectations of a good time, as everyone does, but between the remarkably unlikable characters, the waste of the zombies being Nazis (aside from the Commie weapon kill and a few other little things, they could've just been regular zombies and there wouldn't have been much change to the movie at all), and, perhaps most of all, the constant stealing of bits and shots and whatnot from other movies (there's a fine line between homage and rip-off, and this one skates right over it), it just ended up annoying the piss out of me.

I'm probably being overly harsh, and it did have some decent gore and at least a few good kills, but overall I'm still waiting for that one good Nazi zombie movie to finally come into existence.
Feb 7th, 2011 05:56 PM
Starscream Loved this movie. I found it sort of slow in the beginning but when it opened up, oh God was it glorious. I also loved it because despite the humor and the not taking itself seriously it was unapologetically brutal. And the end, well.. Lets just say I love movies that end the way this one does.
Feb 7th, 2011 01:47 PM
Weekly Movie Review: Dead Snow

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