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Jun 27th, 2003 10:54 PM
Jeanette X Or we could just run away into the wilderness, sleep in leaf beds, eat bugs, and shit in bushes like our noble ancestors.
Jun 27th, 2003 10:45 PM
kahljorn You could all just become bums, never work a day and drift around from train car to train car, hoping to rob random mice of their breadcrums. Then you'd be focused on survival, that and finding a place to take a leak.

But then you'd have to give up your wonderful computers.
Jun 27th, 2003 12:37 PM
Protoclown Max, my sister is an artist who is going into art therapy, she finds the field very interesting and I think she'll find it rewarding if she actually goes through with it (she's working at an apartment complex now and still living with my parents to try to pay off her college debts).

I found what you said to be pretty inspirational, Max, especially that whole bit about how the whole body of work is most imporant. People tell me I'm talented, but I'm usually too lazy to get off my ass and write anything (and I have a hard time believing in my abilities). But then I get mad when I see someone else who is truly talented wasting their talents or being selfish and not sharing them with the world.
Jun 27th, 2003 10:39 AM
kellychaos But farming can be informative too. After my friends and I spent a whole summer bailing hay for one of our neighbors, I was able to conclude that I had hayfever allergies.

It didn't take me the whole summer to learn this but he paid us well, had a couple of hot daughters (skip the farmer's daughter jokes) and he'd buy us beer once or twice a week after we finished our work for the day. Alcohol is very important in the development of 16 year-old boys. He'd give us just a couple and say that "a man's work deserves a man's drink". I felt like a man. But then again, he was a little whacky and anti-government and had a handgun shooting range in his backyard. :/
Jun 26th, 2003 10:04 PM
whoreable at the same time though, work is just something ya gotta do if you enjoy it or not. work doesnt have to be your whole life. i am sure once i get a real job i probaly will hate it (who knows...), but i can live with that cause there will always be time outside of work.
Jun 26th, 2003 09:45 PM
Anonymous holay makaronah thanks for the encouragement and sympathy

about rog talking about me and hating my art or overthinking it or whatnot... well if I ever actually liked it or was satisfied by something I did I would probably stop doing it. Then the 'problem' would be solved, because that's what it feels like to me - that I am solving a problem. So it's ok to hate what you do SOMETIMES.
(not with a job though. that's whole different hate)

but I agree with dole about trying to make a living off of it can kill it. I think that makes me overthink things in a bad way. In a "can I sell this" way. So that is why I have more recently really tried not to even think about that sort of success or whatever. I just need to work on it and not worry about it (this also related to what Max said about the process being more important. If I have to worry about making money, the end product is what becomes more important to me)

anyway, there is a lot in this thread I will need to think about

I had that job interview thing today. At least the people seem decent so if I get it I think that would be ok for now.

Late this afternoon I took a nap and had a FARM NIGHTMARE. So I think that killed my farm dreams. It was wicked frightening. At the end of the nightmare I literally 'put a lid on it' (the farm. a giant lid). But I am still going to start a window box, amd maybe someday I will have a fairly big garden and I can have a stand at the side of the road to sell my lettuce and peas.

I feel bad for everyone else who is miserable. I don't think it is necessary. It's just a matter of figuring out something that you wold enjoy and that is reasonably obtainable. What do I know I am still miserable. What I can't understand is why there are people in these jobs who are miserable themselves and hate it (managing/exec positions) who feel the need to inflict misery on everyone else. You would think they would be understanding and try to make things better.
Jun 26th, 2003 09:08 PM
O71394658 Not to burst your bubble or anything...

Is Your Job Boring You To Death?
Tuesday June 24, 2003


HOUSTON, Texas -- Warning: That boring, humdrum job of yours could actually kill you, a chilling new scientific study reveals.

Researchers from the University of Texas School of Public Health have found that workers who drift through the day in undemanding jobs with little control over what they do are 35 percent more likely to drop dead in a given 10-year period than workers in more challenging positions.

The results fly in the face of conventional wisdom, which holds that people with exciting but high-stress jobs such as CEO, espionage agent or nuclear sub commander are more likely to keel over dead from heart attacks.

Instead, the university experts now say it's clock-watching drones -- like comic-strip wage-slave Dilbert or Drew Carey's character in his popular TV sitcom -- who are headed for an early grave.

In other words, you really can die of boredom.

The experts, whose stunning findings were published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, warn that folks in mind-numbingly boring jobs tend to feel increasingly useless and detached from events around them.

This often leads to "adopting of high-risk behaviors that can lead to a higher risk of death," such as boozing heavily, writes professor Benjamin C. Amick III, lead author of the eye-opening study.

Amick and his team based their conclusions on surveys and other data collected from 7,500 adults nationwide in a variety of occupations.

The most deadly jobs, they found, were those that the subjects found dull as dishwater -- ho-hum positions such as night janitor that "are largely lacking in meaningful content," according to Amick.

The dullsville-equals-deadville study suggests that doing something you find rewarding is essential for a long and healthy life.

"The meaningfulness of work may be an important contributor," says Amick.

Forget about the so-called "risky" jobs like firefighter, bomb-defuser, fighter pilot or transporting nitroglycerin over mountainous backroads by truck. Experts say you're most likely to die in the next 10 years if you have a snooze-worthy job like one of these:

Tollbooth operator
Assembly-line worker
Lighthouse keeper
Screw inspector
Night watchman
Thumbtack salesman
Jun 26th, 2003 08:19 PM
Jeanette X Skullhed, I didn't know you were a tattoo artist. How about posting some pictures of your work?
Jun 26th, 2003 07:14 PM
Skulhedface Well Doopa... have you considered tattoo artistry?

It worked out for me. I get to do something I love and make a more than decent living at it. The best part is, the only person I have to answer to is a friendly (albeit heavily tattooed) metalhead.

Maybe it might not be up your alley, but trust me, I knew what you were feeling, and despite all the negative stigma surrounding it, it's actually a SAFER job to work than most, heh... well, just as long as you don't fuck up and forget to sterilize something.

At any rate... it was a job I as an artist enjoy the hell out of, and it's definitely not making me poor...
Jun 26th, 2003 06:57 PM
whoreable not much. i have stayed out by myself for only one night with nothing. but i used to camp in scouts :nerd alot and go on big week long trips. I think with a few basic tools, and a little bit more reasearch on some survival techniques i would be ok. granted i dont know how well i would do but i think i could survive for two weeks at least.
Jun 26th, 2003 06:35 PM
Jeanette X
Originally Posted by whoreable
but seriously thats a pretty interesting site. but i do really want to do a survival trip for a few weeks or so. sure i might die, but i think the experience would be worth it.
A survival trip?! How much woods experience do you have?!
Jun 26th, 2003 06:27 PM
whoreable Whatever just don't come crying to me when some singing bear befriends you and takes you in as their son.
Jun 26th, 2003 06:22 PM
FS Whatever just don't come crying to me when some singing bear swallows you whole.
Jun 26th, 2003 06:10 PM
whoreable i knew it was a great idea!!

sorry you had to be so very WRONG fs.

but seriously thats a pretty interesting site. but i do really want to do a survival trip for a few weeks or so. sure i might die, but i think the experience would be worth it.
Jun 26th, 2003 06:01 PM
Jeanette X You'd actually be kind of suprised. Children have been raised by animals. Go to www.feralchildren.com
Jun 26th, 2003 05:51 PM
FS whoreable, your idea is romanticized too. Reality would probably be more like this:

Jun 26th, 2003 05:34 PM
And I can't beleive so many people are this miserable. Is this life? This is ridiculous. Why the hell does anyone bother
Curiosity. Sad sad hope that things will possibly get better and I'll live happily ever after. I should sue Disney for that... but if I did and won millions then I'd whine about the taxes and the government, I'm sure.
Jun 26th, 2003 05:15 PM
whoreable peronally i like my idea of living with the animals best

oh how simple life would be.
Jun 26th, 2003 04:34 PM
mburbank Infotech is to todays workforce what the assembly line was to our parents and the mills to our great grandparents.

Soul deadening jobs are tough, no doubt about it. I strongly recomend steering the mid away from loathing. Be as zen as you can. "Chop wood carry water" they say, and that can be the same with the keyboard.

Here's my suggestion. Art therapy. There are lot of crazy little kids out there (and frightening adolescents locked up in wards) and they all need to draw. It's meaningful work, helping kids who need help is highly rewarding, crazy ass kids are buckets of fun if tey are not your crazy ass kids and you get to have art supplies. I also think, in my limmited experience of you, that crazy ass kids would see you as someone they could trust. I mean that as a compliment. You would need to go back to school, and a s human services field, it pays shit. But it wouldn't crush your soul, hell, it might even fuel it.

Having given my two cents on that, here's the follow up. Be as critical as you like where it hones your skills, but the results of any individual work are unimportant. It is the body of work you produce throughout the course of your life, and the process of doing that work that is meaningful. The individual works belong to your audience. The process alone belongs to you. The only reason I've been able to work as long as I have at writting, art and performing with so little financial success is that I'm immersed in the process. Anything I get in return is gravy.

Mmmmm. Gravy.

I also hate and have failed miserably at the business/schmooze end of things. If you can find someone to do that for you (and lord knows I have not) let go of it entirely. Especially where you are a visual artist, you can get away very easily with being moddy, sullen and uncommunicative. But if you do find someone to do business for you, I strongly suggest you let go of every aspect of your work but it's creation. That inlcudes judging finished pieces worthy or unworthy. Just work.
Jun 26th, 2003 12:39 PM
sspadowsky I've been too busy allowing my creativity to be sapped by my soulless corporate job.

That and trying to figure out how the fuck I'm going to pay for our honeymoon. If anyone has three grand they can give me, let me know.
Volcano vaporizers
Jun 26th, 2003 12:29 PM
Protoclown Oh, and just where have YOU been, Mr. I'm-Too-Cool-To-Post-Here-Because-I'm-Getting-Married-And-I-Have-a-Life?

Jun 26th, 2003 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Mockery
My philosophy is that if you have to rely on something you truly love to survive, it can potentially kill any enjoyment you get from it.

There's definitely truth to that. She hates her latest piece that she just posted in the art forum last night. Being a Warcraft fan, I loved it, but she's already talking about taking it down. I think she takes things too seriously when it comes to her art. She doesn't believe in putting out "crap", but even if a piece is good in everybody's mind, if she doesn't like it, she'll take it down. Somebody should make a Strangepuppets.com "THE DIRECTOR'S CUT!" where she can't take down all of her art everytime she decides she doesn't like it anymore.

I guess it comes down to my belief that you just have to "let things go" at some point and stop worrying about them so much. :/
That's the shitty part of the cerative process: If she doesn't like it, that's all that matters to her. I think it's that way with most artists- a hundred million people could like it, and it wouldn't matter because SHE didn't like it.

But all artists are fruitcakes and whack-jobs, so their judgement is inherently suspect.

You have spectacular talent, Re. I don't think there's any job in the world that could kill your art.
lesbians Webcams
Jun 26th, 2003 08:06 AM
Carnivore This thread is so thoroughly depressing. It makes me feel bad about enjoying my current job

If I ever become rich, I'll open an art gallery just for you, Re.
Jun 26th, 2003 07:37 AM
Mockery My philosophy is that if you have to rely on something you truly love to survive, it can potentially kill any enjoyment you get from it.

There's definitely truth to that. She hates her latest piece that she just posted in the art forum last night. Being a Warcraft fan, I loved it, but she's already talking about taking it down. I think she takes things too seriously when it comes to her art. She doesn't believe in putting out "crap", but even if a piece is good in everybody's mind, if she doesn't like it, she'll take it down. Somebody should make a Strangepuppets.com "THE DIRECTOR'S CUT!" where she can't take down all of her art everytime she decides she doesn't like it anymore.

I guess it comes down to my belief that you just have to "let things go" at some point and stop worrying about them so much. :/
Jun 26th, 2003 04:31 AM
Dole I think just about one of the biggest luxuries in life is having a job you enjoy- and not many people get to do that. I worked shit corporate jobs for years, and it was hell on earth, but if you persevere and have a small amount of luck you can end up with something that isnt so bad. I work two jobs and both of them are really quite reasonable, even though one of them is for just about the largest corporation in the UK. I never thought I would see the day where I would be in a situation like that, ie really not minding going to work in the morning.
I really hope you can make a living from your art, but sometimes this is a double edged sword....I know a few people who make a living from freelance artistic endeavors, and sometimes it can be really really tough. My philosophy is that if you have to rely on something you truly love to survive, it can potentially kill any enjoyment you get from it. I found that with music at any rate. As soon as I stopped trying to do it 'professionally' I enjoyed it SO much more. Of course if you can make some money from it without having to make a living from it, its the best of both worlds.
Hang in there re, you are not alone in your situation. Don't let the bastards grind you down!
And farming is really, REALLY hard work. Plus you have to get up at like 4 in the morning and work all day.
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