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Dec 11th, 2011 10:54 AM
Pentegarn This is like the reverse DML thread
Dec 10th, 2011 11:15 PM
ThrashO no updates, moving on.

I do still miss her and our relationship. If we meet in the future then cool, if not I'm sure I'll have gotten over it completely.
Dec 10th, 2011 04:23 PM
10,000 Volt Ghost updates
Nov 28th, 2011 03:48 AM
ThrashO y,
Nov 28th, 2011 02:57 AM
Shyandquietguy Good lord you're embarrassing.
Nov 28th, 2011 02:15 AM
Nov 28th, 2011 02:11 AM
Grislygus I'm posting from my phone, someone else post an embedded youtube of David Bowie's Changes
Nov 28th, 2011 02:06 AM
Grislygus When the music plays! AND WHEN THE WORDS ARE TOUCHED WITH SO-RROW, when the music plays...





Nov 28th, 2011 12:25 AM
kahljorn she was a whore dont blame yourself
Nov 27th, 2011 11:23 PM
Shyandquietguy I love how modest and human you try to come off as.

Originally Posted by ThrashO View Post
This is an early picture of us, about a year ago. The relationship only got better and better. We never fought, we had a great sex life, she was NORMAL, she let me do whatever I wanted, if she came over and we were playing poker she'd let me finish! Then if I wanted to come in the room afterwards and play some Gears she'd be like "Babe you know I don't care, I love you".

It was fucking madness. Never has a relationship been so good.

Now, I've been with some absolutely beautiful girls. Some that are beyond a level of foxiness comprehendable by man. For example, the last chick I met in Seattle was not only a mega-fox but she was smart as hell. She was the embassador to the University of Washington and right now she's working on becoming the supervisor at the EPA in Seattle. And her body was INCREDIBLE. Curvy and in shape. She teaches yoga on the weekends. She was also funny and was a BOSS at super Mario World (but come on, who isn't.)

I don't ever brag about my sexual conquests or my love life in general. I'm a very private person when it comes to that sort of thing, but there are always many levels of insanity to women based on their rank on the babe scale. For example, that girl, the EPA babe from Seattle, let me know 4 months into our relationship that she was going through a divorce. I asked when. She say's "Well he hasn't signed the papers yet".

I'm like... "Son. Wat." But I really liked her, and I tried to cope with all of it. Turns out she wasn't ready for the divorce and things just spiraled. She was manipulative and changed her mind about everything every other minute. I said "Fuck this" and moved back home. She calls me every once in a while and sends me a picture of her butt or something but I don't really care.

Anyways, the girl in the picture up top is Katie, and I loved her more than anything. It was the best relationship I've ever been in and I didn't know that a relationship could be so good. NOTHING was wrong with it what so ever.

Then she kind of stops talking to me, stops staying the night then says she wants to go on a break so she can focus on school. I over reacted a bit and we didn't talk for about a week. Now it's official that we're broken up, she doesn't seem to care at all and she doesn't want to talk with me about any of it. I don't think she's with another guy at all, but she does seem to talk to her friends alot, so she apparently has time for that.

Deep down I know that in a few months she's probably going to come running back to me, because that's how it always works, and I don't really know what to do if this does happen. The way she seemed to turn her undying love for me off in an instance makes me think I would have no relationship security what so ever. Maybe she was tired of me. Maybe she really couldn't concentrate with me on her mind. I don't really know. Like most girls, she doesn't give a straight answer so it leaves you forever wondering. I do still love her, I think about her all the time, and every day I wake up I have to remind myself that she's not in my life anymore. It's getting easier, but I know that there probably won't be another relationship as good as what I had with her, and after being with some of the sexiest girls on the planet, that's really all I want anymore.

Already there are girls that are texting me shit like "heyy" which whenever you see extended letters like that it means "I'm ready for you to dump cum all over me." but as lonely as it is right now, I don't want any skanks at the moment. I'm taking this time to better myself, save up some money and hopefully get back into school.

I'm trying to not be a pussy, I haven't cried or anything, and I'm not going to be a faggot about any of it, but I mainly posted here because I haven't talked to anyone else about it IRL. All of my friends and family thought we were such a cute and perfect couple that I wouldn't know how to tell them that it's over.

So, advice? Thoughts? Insults?

[EDIT] posting this somewhere and getting it off my chest has helped a little. I suggest anyone else going through the same thing to do so as well.
Nov 27th, 2011 10:38 PM
ThrashO Yes, that is the girl that I'm bent out of shape about. Some days are easier than others. Despite everything she's done to hurt me, I still love her more than any girl I've ever been with.

Even though I was really hurt by what happened, she did alot of things for me while I was in a time of need, and I will always appreciate that. I have alot of great memories that overshadow any moments I've shared with anyone else, and I've accepted that it's over.

One day I'll be able to look back on those times and smile, but for now they're something that I try not to think about.

I try to think about the future. Getting in the best shape of my life, getting back into school, making more and more progress playing guitar. But honestly what keeps flooding my mind is things I SHOULDVE done. Maybe I should have just accepted the break instead of getting upset. Maybe a little time is what we needed. Instead I got pissed off, told her to get fucked, called her a whore, etc etc. And I did all of this to a girl that I have never been angry at or fought with. to a girl whose shit I never EVER went through. to a girl I never questioned about ANYTHING. This was the only chick I ever thought about marrying and having kids with. All of the partying and traveling that I wanted to do as a bachelor seemed so stupid and irrelevant at the thought of being a father and husband to a girl who was so perfect and amazing in every way to me. Which is why I couldn't understand why what happened, happened.

Maybe I was a dickhead who pushed her away. Maybe she really was just a whore. I think I'll never know, so instead of wondering about it, I'm just trying to forget it. It's working, but slowly.

If I had the chance to see her, hang out with her or talk to her again, I don't think I could do it. I would probably ignore her and hope she went away.

And no, me and elx haven't hung out yet.
Nov 26th, 2011 02:55 PM
Zomboid THAT'S the girl you're all bent out of shape about? Yeesh.

Also, does elx seriously know you outside of imock?
Nov 17th, 2011 03:30 AM
LordSappington Well then, let me put it this way: She looks and sounds like a dumb, shallow bitch, who you're obviously better without. The more time you spend agonizing over her being out of your life, the less time you have to do whatever else you want, like finding a better person, or just having fun doing whatever.
tl;dr Go live life boyo
Nov 17th, 2011 12:21 AM
ThrashO that picture makes me sad

this whole week is booked with poon that i could give a shit less about. I dont even know why im doing it.
Nov 17th, 2011 12:06 AM
Shyandquietguy Do it.

And God speed to you Fayg0
Nov 15th, 2011 03:41 PM
Pentegarn This plan has promise
Nov 15th, 2011 01:20 PM
LordSappington Okay, boyo, here's my advice: Get your sorry sack off that couch and let go of the bong for a while. Take a shower, put on a day-old t-shirt and jeans you haven't washed in three weeks. Walk over to wherever this nice chick is, or take the bus for added effect. Walk over to her, and invite her to your place for a dicking session. Word it exactly like that; women love being objectified. They eat that shit up.
Then reach orgasm in thirty seconds and bawl into her shoulder for the next hour about how life isn't fair and you just want to be loved
Nov 15th, 2011 06:55 AM
Pentegarn You wouldn't go see that concert?
Nov 14th, 2011 11:42 AM
10,000 Volt Ghost The band is back together

Nov 14th, 2011 03:58 AM

Nov 14th, 2011 02:44 AM
Fathom Zero
Originally Posted by ThrashO View Post
I know that people say that hurting others will make you feel good about yourself but I'd rather not.
Who the fuck says that? Also, go for it. In the course of going for it, you'll forget about it.
Nov 14th, 2011 12:56 AM
ThrashO Also, on a this-thread related note...

There is the nicest, sweetest girl who works at the place that I do, and we flirt and talk alot, it's obvious that she likes me.

I've decided not to pursue though. She's a sweet heart and everyone keeps asking me when I'm going to ask her out. I'm not going too. I know i'm not over my ex right now and I feel like I would just hurt her. I know that people say that hurting others will make you feel good about yourself but I'd rather not.

I feel better about making this decision rather than crushing some poor young girls spirit :/

I kind of want to smoke with her and just hang out, that might be a bad idea though.



Nov 14th, 2011 12:51 AM


Nov 14th, 2011 12:41 AM
elx we're going to get intoxicated and watch the meteor shower this thursday night, YOU SHOULD ALL COME, but wear gloves!
Nov 13th, 2011 04:52 PM
k0k0 I wasn't kidding. Nerd party sounded funner than being a coked up loner.
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