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Jun 30th, 2003 08:32 PM
kahljorn "I'm glad your business is non-profit becuase it it was for profit it would be out of business if you are the ph balance for employees."

I just wanted to rag on someone for spelling something wrong, becuase i dont have anything better to do.

Jun 30th, 2003 08:24 PM
El Blanco You mean kind of like the way Clinton spent money to cut the military in half, then blew more money on quadrupaling its activity around the world?

And can someone tell what specific actions that hillbilly took to make the economy boom like it did, or was he just a bystandard?

Folks the president doesn't have any real power over the economy. He can influence, but he can't take any legal action.

Anywho back to the topic:

Me and my friends have talked about this over many a beer. We came up with a couple answers:

Washington. The man. HE got it all started and if it wasn't him, we could very easily be a monarchy.

Lincoln. Lead the country through its greatest conflict. Stood tall in the face of adversity.

Teddy Roosevelt. My pick. Brought the USA into the 20 Century and established the enviormental movement. The United States is a world power because of him.

FDR. I don't personally agree with this, but my buddies insist. He was a beacon during WW2, I just think a lot of other things were questionable.

Truman. Highly criticized because he made the hardest desiscion an American president has ever made. Also kicked off the Civil Rights movement by desegregating the military.
Jun 30th, 2003 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
Wow, Paul. You have made me ashamed to live in St. Louis. You obviously dont know shit about economics or history to realize that Clinton had shit to do with the enconomy doing well. It was 95% based on the dot com explosion, and then the implosion, which happened on Clinton's watch, btw.

Besides, everyone brags about the govt "surplus". Well, as anyone who runs a company will tell you, havint a "surplus" of money is a bad thing, especially if it is big since that money is not being used to keep the economy going. Besides, all that "surplus" is OUR tax dollars, ladies and gents.
I'm not bothered to reply to the above post, but with all that surplus I think we could've funded health programs, child support programs, social security, but nooooo, we want to spend billions of dollars per day blowing shit up and policing Iraq. Bush is doing a shit job with the nat'l budget.
Jun 30th, 2003 05:41 PM
The_Rorschach Kal you are entirely right. Generally the time it takes for the economic fallout from one President's term to be felt nationally -if one discards Wall Street 'confidence' investing- is roughly five to nine years. The time depends a few factors, but its fairly reliable. Like many aspects of Political Science, there is no exact paradigm for application, but it is an usually uncontected figure.

As for the Trail of Teats I make no apologies. A war was fought over the Americas, and they lost; If it hadn't been Americans who did it, it would have been the Dutch, the French, the English, the Spanish or the Russians -As heartless as it sounds, what they suffered was the eventual fate of any people which fails to evolve with the times, techonologically speaking. What they faced is no worse than many of the horrors Americans have faced since, and while I believe America owes them a debt in failing to abide by the various agreements and treaties we've entered into with them, I stand by my decision.

Jackson was President of the United States of America and he protected the investments and lives of Americans.

He was not General Secretary of the League of Nations.
Jun 30th, 2003 02:37 PM
AChimp If Max is the pH balance, then Vinth is the nitrate level. And he's really high, too, because of all the shit he puts forth.
Jun 30th, 2003 02:24 PM
Bennett Sy Sterling
Jun 30th, 2003 01:36 PM
Esuohlim Wow, that joke couldn't be executed right in any other context. Kudos.
Jun 30th, 2003 01:30 PM
kellychaos That's funny. I find you rather acidic ... and Vinth is basically ... nevermind ... I'm stayin' out of this one.
Jun 30th, 2003 01:25 PM
mburbank Yeah, well that's 'cause I'm the PH balance around here.
Jun 30th, 2003 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by mburbank
You're aware the word 'business' has a deffinition, right?
Shit, I think you just blew his mind with that one.
Jun 30th, 2003 11:20 AM
mburbank If I'm the 'PH Balance', Vinth? The 'PH Balance'? What, you mean, like in shampoo? The 'PH Balance'?

Even for you, that is out there and meaningless.

So, anything that has business dealings is a business? So, when you buy a Veggie Delight, you are a business? And when the Catholic church buy vestaments, it's a business? Where does it get it's income from? What does it sell? Salvation?

You're aware the word 'business' has a deffinition, right?
Jun 30th, 2003 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by VinceZeb
Achimp, the govt is a business. But the problem with this particular business is that the govt will ALWAYS have customers. It has them by force. Now, where does a govt make 99.5% of its money? It makes it from the TAX PAYERS! The govt is a shitty business model becuase it doesnt make money by itself all too often.
And how many businesses go out and make money all by themselves? Almost every business has customers, either members of the public or other businesses. Besides, governments operate like businesses in many ways, but they are not true businesses. Of course, if you looked into how government contracts are handed out, you would know that already.

If you truly believe that governments get all their money from tax payers, you are an even bigger fool than I thought. A huge amount of the money that a government gets--much, much more than 0.5%--is from foreign investment from other governments, individuals and businesses (Yes, that's right! Foreigners are paying to run parts of the U.S.!), profits from its own investments in other countries, and borrowing. The government is constantly generating its own wealth.

Now, if we are running a high surplus, that means that the govt is taking WAY TOO much of our money, and needs to give it back to the people who pay it! It doesn't need to make another "social program". It doesnt need to give it to those who "need" it. It needs to give it to those who paid too damn much in taxes in the first place.
Oops! Vinth, you've mixed up equality and equity again as the basis for the government's operation! The government is in place to serve everyone, not cater to a select few.
Jun 30th, 2003 11:04 AM
VinceZeb Ok, the govt has no business dealings.... sure, Max.

I'm glad your business is non-profit becuase it it was for profit it would be out of business if you are the ph balance for employees.
Jun 30th, 2003 10:57 AM
Miss Modular Is that Max Frost?
Jun 30th, 2003 10:38 AM
mburbank You are so irony impaired it's pathetic.

I'm aware the Church isn't a business, you tool.

A Government is NOT just like a business any more than the Church is.

A Government is a social contract. Did you go to school? Can't you do any of this or yourself?

OUR government, as difficult as it may be at times, is a mutually agreed upon Social contract, by the people, for the people. You have your problems with its current functioning, I have mine, everyone always will.

McDonalds is a business. I don't have to have anything to do with them unless I want to.

The Museum I work for is a non profit business. I don't have to have anything to do with them unless I want to.

My citizenship is not the same as membership. I'm not purchasing products I select by paying taxes. The rule of law and the gaurantee of freedoms are not a touchless carwash.

You are an idiot.

"Oh! That's so Jewish, Hebestein!"
-Vinth Thimpleton.
Jun 30th, 2003 10:28 AM
VinceZeb The Catholic Church is a non-profit organization and charity group. One of the biggest in the world. It has business dealings, yes.

But a govt is just like a business, you dumbass.
Jun 30th, 2003 10:16 AM
mburbank Ziggy: you sneaky little illumanist.

Dole: I bought that when it came out.

Vinth. Oh, my God, you are so dumb, you are so dumb, you are so dumb. The Government is not a business. Governments are not businesses. They are Governments. I could try to pound it through your amazingly thick skull, but It simply isn't worth the typing. Use dictionary.

Th Catholic Church, now that's a business.
Jun 30th, 2003 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by The_Rorschach
Andrew Jackson.


I don't really have any favourites anymore.
There are thousands of Cherokees that will probably disagree with that pick. :trailoftears
Jun 30th, 2003 09:25 AM
Jun 30th, 2003 09:07 AM
Massive but worth it

Jun 30th, 2003 08:26 AM
VinceZeb Achimp, the govt is a business. But the problem with this particular business is that the govt will ALWAYS have customers. It has them by force. Now, where does a govt make 99.5% of its money? It makes it from the TAX PAYERS! The govt is a shitty business model becuase it doesnt make money by itself all too often. Now, if we are running a high surplus, that means that the govt is taking WAY TOO much of our money, and needs to give it back to the people who pay it! It doesn't need to make another "social program". It doesnt need to give it to those who "need" it. It needs to give it to those who paid too damn much in taxes in the first place.

You mean a surplus means a company is making profits? Oh man, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT!
Jun 30th, 2003 06:01 AM
FS I know people not born in the US can't run for president, but can't Schwarzenegger just scare Bush out of office?
Jun 30th, 2003 05:59 AM
ziggytrix Adam Weishaupt
Jun 30th, 2003 01:01 AM
havint a "surplus" of money is a bad thing, especially if it is big since that money is not being used to keep the economy going.
You've been reading out of Ronnie's economics textbook, haven't you, Vinth? You're twisting word meanings.

If a company has a "surplus" of money, it means that they have probably made a profit. You know, revenue minus expenses? It's a snapshot of one instant in time when all the dust settles.

Companies pay out dividends to shareholders and reinvest the "surplus." The government pays out in the hundreds of little social programs, tax rebates, grants and so forth, and reinvests some and saves some for a rainy day or an emergency.

Or did you honestly think that there's someone deep under the White House laughing maniacally as he watches them unload yet another truckload of bags with big "$"s on them full of OUR money, where they will sit for all eternity, making everyone poorer overall? Because, of course, in Vince Land, the actual value of money is IN THE PAPER!

Anyways, here is my favourite president.

Jun 30th, 2003 12:48 AM
Protoclown I'm amazed by all the people who are choosing recent presidents, since I don't think there has been a single president worth half a shit in my lifetime (26 years). Are these guys really no worse than the earlier ones? Do they just seem more horrible to me because I've been alive to witness all their bullshit rather than simply read a synopsis of what they did in history books?
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