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Thread: Why does everone here seem to hate Linkin Park? Reply to Thread
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Jul 8th, 2003 04:23 AM
DecapitatedHate I thought pop was just short for popular
Jul 7th, 2003 03:39 PM
crash0814 Well, how does one define pop? Is pop anything with a catchy chorus? A lot of quality bands could be described as pop then.
Jul 7th, 2003 04:00 AM
kahljorn "If someone just doesn't like them i am fine with that. If someone is specifically into a certain kind of music, i am fine with that too."

"The only reason i started posting in this one is how immediately everyone just laughed. I wanna challenge that because i think a lot of people haven't given them a chance just because they are pop."

"and that all pop is bad by definition"

E? Okay, well, I don't like them, not only because they have no talent, but also it doesn't excite me. It doesn't make me "Feel" any "Emotion". All it makes me feel like is turning it off, and I think it has accomplished it's duty quite well.
Jul 7th, 2003 02:38 AM
wreckreation My whole goal in this thread is to dispel all the BS reasons people have for "hating" LP. If someone just doesn't like them i am fine with that. If someone is specifically into a certain kind of music, i am fine with that too. However, i wanna challenge the idea that music has to be hard to play to be good and that all pop is bad by definition. The only reason i started posting in this one is how immediately everyone just laughed. I wanna challenge that because i think a lot of people haven't given them a chance just because they are pop.
Jul 6th, 2003 11:02 PM
kahljorn "There are so many good electronic acts that are mostly programmed except for a keyboard and vocals and maybe a moog or theremin."
Like Britney Spears, and the Backstreet Boys. I should diversly trot upon the Genre, for sure. But I do have to admit, I love Supposive metal that is completely programmed and never even uses a guitar, bass, or drums, that is the best metal ever. I completely agree with you. Even Rock is Good when almost all of the songs are programmed, such metal rocking jazz dancing skills. How hardcore.

"man you're a moron. You should get your head out of your ass and explore some different genres of music"

You should get your head out of your ass and stop thinking that just because you like something means everyone else should. All I was doing was discussing their skill and talent, what the fuck is your problem? Not taking this personal? Do you sit up late at night jacking off to portraits of the band or something?
I haven't even sunk so low as to say shit like, "I hate linkin park cause they are posers", so you must be taking your lack of musical taste(talent wise) as an insult to your person.

"A kid with a chello could make more hardcore music than they have."
Alamaailman Vasarat is Cello Music, so is Rasputina. Alamaailman has some straight up Death metal Cello songs, it's crazy. Rasputina is considered, "Gothic Music".
Jul 6th, 2003 10:53 PM
kahljorn "Take Nirvana for example. Most Nirvana songs are four power chords played over and over again."

Most Nirvana songs are Single-picked, that is what Nirvana is danceable for. And yes, they do use alot of powerchords, part of the reason most people use Nirvana to learn to play. Also part of the reason they suck.
It just so happened we were discussing their TALENT and SKILL. TALENT and SKILL. TALENT and SKILL. I think repeating myself is necessary in cases like these, where playing powerchords is considered some kind of an ungodly skill few men are blessed with.
Radiohead is electronic. That's great. There are a few differences between Radiohead and Linkin Park though, namely being the Vocalist has TALENT and SKILL. Also he doesn't sing about completely lame ass crap that some stupid ass Writer probably hired by the producing company probably made up thinking how to make horny 12 year old girls wearing their first training bra to feel safe and happy and shed a few tears while staring at a picture of the lead singer when listening to Linkin Park.

I love the Melvins, King Buzzo is fun.
Jul 5th, 2003 04:57 PM
crash0814 YOU suck. And on a side note, it's cello, you fucking retard.
Jul 5th, 2003 04:50 PM
The One and Only...
Originally Posted by crash0814
Feeling very passionately about the talent of Linkin Park myself, I thought I would throw in my two cents, wanted or not. I do not like Linkin Park. I don't really have a particular reason for it. I just really, really don't like them. But however, I want to talk about some of the complaints people are throwing against LP. First of all, to the person who says that Linkin Park just uses power chords: hundreds of great songs (and albums for that matter) were constructed mainly out of power chords. Take Nirvana for example. Most Nirvana songs are four power chords played over and over again. Don't even claim that you dislike Nirvana (if you do, I will be forced to rip out your intestines and force-feed them to your mother while she's being anally raped by my trained monkey). To the person who says that all programmed music is crap: I'm just going to say Radiohead and leave it at that. Well, on second thought, you probably don't like Radiohead. Oh well, discard that point. Shit. My argument's kind of fucked now. Oh well. Music is a subjective thing, and different people will always like different music. I just don't like Linkin Park. I happen to like the Pixies. And Primus. And Ween. And Mr. Bungle. And Pavement. And Sonic Youth. And the Smashing Pumpkins. And Nirvana. And Jane's Addiction.
All of those bands suck. Especially Nirvana. Thus, your point is void.

I hate LP because they're posers, not because of the music itself. The band acts all hardcore, but they're music is really, really weak and light. A kid with a chello could make more hardcore music than they have.
Jul 5th, 2003 04:49 PM
noob3 Nirvanna sucks, dude. They're just one huge rip off of all the cool underground stuff that came around in the 80's. Kurt played power chords because he sucked, and he knew this. And that's why he killed himself, because his band wasn't as cool as The Melvins. Or something.
Jul 5th, 2003 04:07 PM
wreckreation good contribution crash...

and i said a keyboard and vox and maybe a moog or a theremin.

so i meant in addition to a keyboard and vocals. but also, moog makes other stuff too, moog even makes theremins.
but anyone who knows about keyboards knows there is a big difference between analog and digital. hence moogs and their ilk are much different than a synth or something.
Jul 5th, 2003 07:42 AM
DecapitatedHate I never liked linkin park to begin with, but what made me hate them was when I read an atricle on the guitarist. It was just like any other interview, but then he said something like "I try to make the sickest, most disgusting guitiar riffs as possible", that's pretty much when I started to hate them.

"Don't even claim that you dislike Nirvana."

I don't hate Nirvana more than Linkin Park, but then again that's not saying much...
Jul 5th, 2003 05:07 AM
crash0814 Feeling very passionately about the talent of Linkin Park myself, I thought I would throw in my two cents, wanted or not. I do not like Linkin Park. I don't really have a particular reason for it. I just really, really don't like them. But however, I want to talk about some of the complaints people are throwing against LP. First of all, to the person who says that Linkin Park just uses power chords: hundreds of great songs (and albums for that matter) were constructed mainly out of power chords. Take Nirvana for example. Most Nirvana songs are four power chords played over and over again. Don't even claim that you dislike Nirvana (if you do, I will be forced to rip out your intestines and force-feed them to your mother while she's being anally raped by my trained monkey). To the person who says that all programmed music is crap: I'm just going to say Radiohead and leave it at that. Well, on second thought, you probably don't like Radiohead. Oh well, discard that point. Shit. My argument's kind of fucked now. Oh well. Music is a subjective thing, and different people will always like different music. I just don't like Linkin Park. I happen to like the Pixies. And Primus. And Ween. And Mr. Bungle. And Pavement. And Sonic Youth. And the Smashing Pumpkins. And Nirvana. And Jane's Addiction.
Jul 4th, 2003 11:15 PM
Helm A moog is a keyboard last time I checked :/
Jul 4th, 2003 10:35 PM
noob3 What makes a moog not a keyboard?
Jul 4th, 2003 10:11 PM
wreckreation man you're a moron. You should get your head out of your ass and explore some different genres of music. There are so many good electronic acts that are mostly programmed except for a keyboard and vocals and maybe a moog or theremin.
Jul 4th, 2003 05:58 PM
kahljorn "yeah i ask. Lots of good music is composed on computers. do you really dare to say that all programmed music is crap?"

Umm, yes. That's exactly what I say. I bet during concerts he lip syncs. And this is the first LP hate I've been involved in..
Jul 4th, 2003 05:51 PM
The One and Only... I hate LP because they SUCK!!!
Jul 4th, 2003 02:14 AM
wreckreation LP RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Jul 4th, 2003 02:08 AM
Dole You're part of their Street Team, aren't you?
Jul 4th, 2003 01:39 AM
wreckreation "I bet the guy doesn't even scream good"
bet? listen and find out.

"And programmed music... you ask why we hate?"
yeah i ask. Lots of good music is composed on computers. do you really dare to say that all programmed music is crap?
Jul 3rd, 2003 11:52 PM
Helm Didn't we already have this thread twice over already?

I guess I'm going to turn my back on this and let it be ignored. Sorry.

Edit: This is not a new thread, it's an old thread coming back
Jul 3rd, 2003 08:53 PM
kahljorn I bet the guy doesn't even scream good, it's probably distortion. And programmed music... you ask why we hate?
Jul 3rd, 2003 02:33 PM
wreckreation I am not taking it personally. I am doing a little thing called "critical thinking".

Last time i listened to LP i noticed they don't even have guitar on a lot of songs. Nor drums being played by a drummer. A LOT of their songs are almost completely programmed. So there is another element for you. The whole "dj" element i think is kinda lame since he just scratches, but the programming is good. They have a bamboo flute in one of their tracks. Thats cool! It's not just a gutiar player and a bassist and a drummer and a singer. Majority of the music is programming like an electronic act. Then they play over it with whatever they want. In light of this i am not surprised that the guitar player isn't the greatest.
Jul 3rd, 2003 04:44 AM
kahljorn That's the thing, they don't have anything else. Just power chords, and "Open Roots".
The drummer is anything but good. And if they even HAVE a bassist I'm sure they aren't fantastic, go look at some tabs.

Just remember, the thread was entitled, "Why do people hate lincoln park", so don't take things so personally.
Jul 3rd, 2003 01:57 AM
wreckreation That's just one instrument out of the whole band. It really amuses me how ass backwards people can get in their mentality for searching for "good" music. I agree, the guitar player just uses easy ass stuff. If you want to hear talented guitar, listen to someone else. However, power chords are still good, and mixed in with the other elements they have i think it is a fresh, positive angle on the typically fuckign crap rock/rap/industrial blend genre. I don't like the rap very much, but at least it isn't too annoying. it's kinda catchy sometimes. I liek the main vox, i like the composition, i like the production and i applaud the diversity out of such a pop album.
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