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Jan 22nd, 2009 02:45 AM
Tadao You can almost hear the tears fall in the Vaseline.
Jan 22nd, 2009 02:05 AM
zeldasbiggestfan I get texts from odd companies like "butherpanties.org" or some crazy shit I've never heard of. I used to get calls from New Jersey all the time too. Then I got kinda pissed off and said if they called me again I'd kill them and burn their house down.

I don't really get calls at all anymore.
Jan 17th, 2009 09:47 PM
Is this the end of the Greg and his Boat saga?
Tune in next week for our exciting season finale!

Seriously, that thing about "Greg people" and "boat people" implies that there are other things that Greg bought that he hasn't paid off and other people who haven't paid off their boats, which would mean that there are two companies in on this and the fact that Greg hasn't paid off his boat means that both are after him.

Hmm, this sounds a bit like a mystery novel...
Jan 17th, 2009 05:23 PM
Kitsa was there really such a time? :tellmemore
Jan 17th, 2009 04:43 PM
Jan 17th, 2009 03:00 PM
Jan 17th, 2009 12:38 PM
Kitsa I have an update.

My phone rang again this morning....866 number I didn't recognize. It stopped ringing before I got to it, so I picked up and called back.

The lady answered, "National Collections Operative", or something like that. I said someone from that number had just called me. I heard a lot of quiet shuffling sounds, like she was trying to pull up an account from my phone number or something.

She asked, evidently getting ready to go into some sort of spiel, if the number I was using was the number they called. And then I laid into her about Greg, his boat, and being sick of being called constantly.

Then she said something that threw me..."Well, we're the Greg people, but we're not the boat people."


Greg and his boat were inseparable in my experience and their combined powers were a key element of my phone misery. Up to that point, I didn't know that Greg and his boat didn't always go together.

Anyway, I took down her name (Cora), her company's name (NCO), her manager's name (Cecilia) and the date and time. She says she'll take me off the list of numbers. We'll see. I could do with 15 fewer nonsense calls a week.

Is this the end of the Greg and his Boat saga?
Jan 7th, 2009 11:50 PM
ZeldaQueen Apparently in the phone book our number was right next to some Chinese restaurant's number, so for a while we'd get callers trying to find out how to get to the restaurant.

Actually, Kitsa your story kind of reminds me of one that humor columnist Dave Barry wrote about. He said that this guy kept getting a mysterious phone call where no one said anything. He answered the phone, there was a tone, and it hung up. He got it traced or something and it turned out that a company that had previously used the guy's phone number had some tank that they had rigged to call them when it was empty. The company wasn't around anymore but they didn't shut off the tank, so as Dave Barry put it, a guy was being harrassed on his phone with no human interaction at all (ah the wonders of machinery!)
Jan 7th, 2009 09:36 PM
executioneer PROBABLY YEAH SO
Jan 7th, 2009 09:34 PM
WhiteRat my dick is bigger than yours!
Jan 7th, 2009 09:32 PM
executioneer whocalled.us is better
Jan 7th, 2009 09:11 PM
Tadao Jen - 12 minutes ago
This needs to be stopped. I'm 15 and I recieved this call on my personal cell phone. It's scary getting a call from a number that's very unfimilar. I've been called multiple times, and it's getting old real quick.

Jan 7th, 2009 09:03 PM
WhiteRat This is a great site to check out when you start getting mysterious numbers. Anytime I get a weird number I look it up on here:

Jan 7th, 2009 08:53 PM
Tadao The warranty calls were a curse in California during Sept-Nov. 1 a day at the least. Thank god they seamed to move on.
Jan 7th, 2009 08:50 PM
WhiteRat I've been getting a lot of telemarketing calls from Canada lately, specifically New Brunswick. The first time they called it went like this:

Recording: "Please stay on the line for a chance to reduce your rate"

(I just got a new credit card so I figured, hey, what the hell, i'll see who this is)

Woman: Hi! Can you verify your phone number, name, and address?

Me: Who is this?

Woman: Sir, can you verify this information for me?

Me: Only if you tell me who you are first since you were the one that called me.

Woman: (nasty attitude) Ha! Actually, you called ME because YOU stayed on the line!

Me: Who the hell is this?

Woman: Ha! Fuck! (either that or suck, it was muffled as she hung up the phone).

Recently i've been getting calls from New Brunswick telling me to sign up for an extended warranty on my car. Funny, my 95 Camry doesn't and has never had one.
Jan 7th, 2009 07:00 PM
Zomboid hahaha I got a call from that number today. It was some stupid survey. I'm just gonna go ahead and keep not answering my phone when I don't recognize the number.
Jan 7th, 2009 06:56 PM
AChimp If you're getting harassing phone calls, you can probably call the cops and tell them that the voice is threatening you or something. :/

I was getting calls from 00-000-0000 for a while. It was a really bad recording telling me that I won a trip to Cuba or something. A lot of people I know were getting them, too. It turns out what happened was this: Canada introduced a national do-not-call list which pretty much everyone signed up for. Then telemarketers took the list and used it as a list of valid phone numbers to call by blocking their number.
Jan 7th, 2009 01:55 AM
darkvare me and some friends were on a car on our way to downtown. The phone of one of my friends rings so he answers, after explaining where he is hangs up i asked him who called and he says "i don't know some woman looking for a doctor i told her to meet next to the park"
Jan 6th, 2009 09:45 PM
WhiteRat Great track and a great album.
Jan 6th, 2009 09:04 PM
Sacks Check my machine on Friday there were 22 messages
Man, I can't win at this
One said this is for the kid living with Shaniqua
you want that chick you can keep her
Will this ever cease
So I can't get some sleep
Shaniqua moved out
Leave your message at the beep (beeeeep)
Yo, Shaniqua I love you, call me
Shaniqua don't live here no more
Shaniqua don't live here no more
Shaniqua don't live here no more
Is Shaniqua there?
Jan 6th, 2009 07:24 PM
Archduke Tips I get the occasional call for "Susan" from debt collectors. I just tell them I am not Susan and that she doesn't own the phone anymore. I don't get pestered by them too often.

Sometimes I have debt collectors come to the door for the guy who lived there before me. Most of them don't come back. I think it is when they meet my pitbull that they make that decision. (Also, I imagine when they don't find his car they figure he must be gone... that's what they are looking for.)
Jan 6th, 2009 02:04 PM
Tadao Oh, ok. I guess I'll just continue to stalk over here for the time being then.
Jan 6th, 2009 02:01 PM
MetalMilitia No, but I guess the debt collectors just look up our address in some database and it links to our new phone number.
Jan 6th, 2009 01:55 PM
Tadao Does your phone number stay with your address in Great Britain?
Jan 6th, 2009 12:46 PM
MetalMilitia Maybe this is a practical joke House was playing on Wilson but he got the wrong number.

Anyway - apparently the people that lived in this flat before me was shit at paying bills because we've had a lot of things like this. An automated caller thing would phone up and say "if you are MR SMITH please press 1, if not press 2". When you pressed 2 it disconnected you so in the end I just pressed 1 and told them to take me the fuck off their call list - which worked. Though it doesn't sound like you have this option.

Maybe phone your phone company and tell them your problem and they'll be able to sort it out in some fashion.
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