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Tadao Oct 7th, 2008 08:22 PM


Phoenix Gamma Oct 7th, 2008 08:24 PM

Edited my post after you posted that. Just console games, plz.

Tadao Oct 7th, 2008 08:26 PM

Hey everybody, let's edit our posts to get around sounding like a retard!

I bet he says "Sue me, jerk."

MetalMilitia Oct 7th, 2008 08:28 PM

Pfft, I said platform - the PC is a platform ergo I need make no such concessions.

Though I would mention Mass Effect which I still rate as one of the best games I've ever played.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 7th, 2008 08:28 PM

I edited it just a few seconds after I posted it because I forgot to add something. Sue me, jerk.

Tadao Oct 7th, 2008 08:30 PM

Ooops, I did the same thing. Crazy world we live in.

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by MetalMilitia (Post 585767)
See my above post. The Orange Box was available on both platforms.

Yeah, but you had to have been a retard to purchase it for anything other than PC.

Why are you making it sound like I hate Portal and TF2? Best Valve games ever. TF2 is pretty much all I play anymore.

STALKER came out in 2007, too, didn't it? Despite the vanilla release being a massive, broken turd, Oblivion Lost mod makes it one of the most immersive and impressive things I've ever seen.

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 08:44 PM

Also I never said anything on the Wii was innovative

The console itself is a neat idea, but nobody will take it seriously. An awesome game like deBlob or No More Heroes comes out for it every once in a while, but everyone passes those off as bullshit for reasons I cannot begin to comprehend.

Your brains have probably been stupidified by Gears of War and Halo.

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 08:53 PM

Gears of War isn't even good, guys, come on.

MetalMilitia Oct 7th, 2008 08:56 PM

Of all the PS3's problems its price isn't very important. The lack of games is far more damaging to its reputation.

I've had one for a couple of months and I can rent just about everything released for it for free. So far I've only found two games that I like; Battlefield Bad Company and Uncharted.

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 08:57 PM

I was actually planning on getting a PS3 eventually, too. "Too expensive" isn't really an issue if you don't rely on mommy and daddy for all your monetary requirements.

Still, 500 dollars. God damn.

I'll probably need to do some looking to find the 60GB model with the Emotion Engine, too, since I'm mainly going to use it to play all the PS2 exclusives I missed out on in my Gamecube days.

Zomboid Oct 7th, 2008 09:28 PM

Gears of war was fun. Stop fucking acting like every game sucks unless it is incredibly over the top with either nintendo icons or gay anime shit, has NICE, BRIGHT COLORS, and motion sensitive controls.

I'd agree that mass effect was one of the best games of the year. Fuck, even the xbox live arcade gets some really good games. Braid and castle crashers kick ass.

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 09:31 PM

I act like games suck when they do

Like Gears of War

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 09:33 PM

Thanks for reminding me about WiiWare games, btw. See? Wii does too have some good stuff.

Zomboid Oct 7th, 2008 09:46 PM

Yeah, there's a whole shitload of great stuff on there. Oh yeah, there's only megaman 9 :lol

I have that on xbox live.

Your opinion on games is shit. If not because you're a vapid shit, then because you fucking flip flop on anything you say anyway.

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 09:52 PM

Zomboid responding with namecalling and hostility to a perfectly valid and neutral point?


Tadao Oct 7th, 2008 09:52 PM

Yeah and Diablo is an awesome game!

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 09:56 PM

Diablo 3 looks pretty good

Zomboid Oct 7th, 2008 09:59 PM

Are you really that fucking dumb, or do you just not know how to read? Your "valid point" was shot down. Wiiware has fuck all for games. OMG POKEMON FARM! YAAAAAAY! More kiddy nintendo shit. Whaaaat fun. The only other thing on there that is worth a shot is possibly the strong bad game.

Secondary point is: Your opinion is null because you can't even stand by your own arguments. You bitch and complain forever about something, and then a day later you go back on it and say you're wrong. Oh, and you sometimes toss in a :<

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 10:01 PM

Zomboid, how bout you make a list of games that I supposedly only like because the bright and flashing colors keep me amused, and I'll give you valid reasons as to why they are fantastic?

Then you can establish in a civil manner, to me, why Gears of War and all that chaff is, in fact, not boring, unoriginal, and repetitive as hell.

There are also plenty of neat WiiWare games to play if you bother to look!

The Dr Mario thing, Defend Your Castle, Strongbad's Cool Game for Attractive People, Megaman, Art Style: Orbient, etc.

Zomboid Oct 7th, 2008 10:08 PM

The fact that the wii is the only console you owns means that most of the shit you play already fits that bill. Thanks.

Gears of war is just a fun game. It's fast-paced, involves strategy on the higher difficulty levels and multiplayer, and the setting is fucking cool. It's like the guys from Predator got tossed into a war with an amalgamation of every cool alien race. It's not the be-all, end-all game that some people claim it to be, but it's fun and people still play it. The fact that it's got a very active multiplayer community means that it's yet another notch above every single wii game.

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 10:11 PM


involves strategy on the higher difficulty levels and multiplayer
One multiplayer strategy, along the lines of "get to the torque bow first," and one single player strategy, involving crouching behind cover waiting for your chance to pick everything off slowly, laboriously, tediously, from a distance. That's why I didn't like playing Mass Effect, either. Or any third person shooters that take after Gears.

World of Warcraft also has a very active online community, Zomboid, but under no circumstances does that make it a good game.

I hate to compare apples to oranges here, but in the online department Mario Strikers has any number of hilarious and humiliating ways to kick your adversary's arse, most of which are satisfying as hell to pull off, and counterable, provided you know what the hell you're doing; so, games between equally matched players can and will go on for ages and ages. It is intense as hell and the most fun I've ever had with a multiplayer game. I'm not just ducking behind cover and shooting some moron who has a smaller gun than me, I am matched on a level playing field of wits and resources, and then through strategy and cunning I cut his head off and smash it onto a pike with my gigantic BATTLE MALLET. That's what every multiplayer game should feel like.

The only comparable thing to it is winning a heated game of Starcraft against some obsessive Korean kid. Except you need way better reflexes.

MetalMilitia Oct 7th, 2008 10:34 PM

GoW may not be that original from a setting/storyline perspective but what sets it apart is the quality. Everything about the game is really well done - the graphics, the animations, the cover system. Besides, people like games about space marines killing aliens, just like people like games about nazis and zombies.

I like that original games are made (Portal/TF2 etc) but I don't think you should have originality for the sake of originality. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 10:38 PM

Large amounts of polish in everything is sort of a granted quality for games these days, though, so if it doesn't do something other than that I'm not too inclined to be interested.

Also, every game and their dog is about World War 2 and Space Marines; I can understand that people like that stuff. I like stuff, too, but I wouldn't want every game ever to be about surreal, foggy, haunted tourist towns and Joe-Normal protagonists braving the horrors within, it'd just get boring.

Zomboid Oct 7th, 2008 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 585839)
Large amounts of polish in everything is sort of a granted quality for games these days, though, so if it doesn't do something other than that I'm not too inclined to be interested.

Also, every game and their dog is about World War 2 and Space Marines; I can understand that people like that stuff. I like stuff, too, but I wouldn't want every game ever to be about surreal, foggy, haunted tourist towns and Joe-Normal protagonists braving the horrors within, it'd just get boring.

Yeah, large amounts of polish is a granted quality for games these days except for most games on the wii. GoW just one-upped a bunch of games with certain things, which is why it became so popular.

Not every game is the same because it contains some base attributes that other games contain as well. I don't see why that is hard for you.

MetalMilitia Oct 7th, 2008 10:53 PM


Added: indeed a quick check of metacritic shows that of the 271 games listed for Wii, 217 score below 75% ( the arbitrary number game reviewers give to "average" games).

Zomboid Oct 7th, 2008 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 585831)
One multiplayer strategy, along the lines of "get to the torque bow first," and one single player strategy, involving crouching behind cover waiting for your chance to pick everything off slowly, laboriously, tediously, from a distance. That's why I didn't like playing Mass Effect, either. Or any third person shooters that take after Gears.

World of Warcraft also has a very active online community, Zomboid, but under no circumstances does that make it a good game.

I hate to compare apples to oranges here, but in the online department Mario Strikers has any number of hilarious and humiliating ways to kick your adversary's arse, most of which are satisfying as hell to pull off, and counterable, provided you know what the hell you're doing; so, games between equally matched players can and will go on for ages and ages. It is intense as hell and the most fun I've ever had with a multiplayer game. I'm not just ducking behind cover and shooting some moron who has a smaller gun than me, I am matched on a level playing field of wits and resources, and then through strategy and cunning I cut his head off and smash it onto a pike with my gigantic BATTLE MALLET. That's what every multiplayer game should feel like.

The only comparable thing to it is winning a heated game of Starcraft against some obsessive Korean kid. Except you need way better reflexes.

I'm gonna be honest here: I skimmed that. What I got was that multiplayer doesn't equal good and that you don't like the strategy involved in any shooters.

Oh well. That sucks for you then, because it doesn't look like anything is gonna be changing on THEIR side. You enjoy your one good game a year, though.

I'd say that I should be playing games right now instead of arguing, but if I'm fucking around doing this, I don't feel as bad not doing my homework than I would if I were playing a game.

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 585845)
Yeah, large amounts of polish is a granted quality for games these days except for most games on the wii. GoW just one-upped a bunch of games with certain things, which is why it became so popular.

Not every game is the same because it contains some base attributes that other games contain as well. I don't see why that is hard for you.

Firstly, lack of games with good visual and design quality is a huge problem with the Wii for me, and a complaint I've voiced before. Everything on it looks like a fucking Dreamcast game, despite the fact that it's graphically capable of Resident Evil 4's visuals, which still hold up pretty well. You're still acting like I'm touting the Wii as the best thing since sliced bread. I'm not; it's as shitty and flawed as all the other consoles on the market. The PS3 is probably the only one I don't have a srs beef with.

Secondly, yes they are. Yeah, one game is about space marines killing aliens that look like burn victims, and another game is about space marines killing aliens that look like anthropomorphic elephants, but it's still the same old played out bullshit we've seen a million times before. You are nitpicking to a ridiculous degree by arguing that these small differences make the games completely fresh and original experiences.

Is it too much to ask that people do something different once in a while? Sometimes I want games about psychic summer camps and brain harvesting, or assassins with seven personalities, or wapanese losers who win lightsabers off of internet auctions. Or galactic princes rolling shit up into balls and launching them into space, or wandering swordsmen scaling monsters the size of skyscrapers and murdering them to resurrect a dead girlfriend, or a bunch of dorky, psychic kids setting out to kill an evil space abortion from the future.

I hate to be constantly sucking Yahtzee Crowshaw's dick, here, but he summed my thoughts up pretty well when he said "20 years ago, back in the 8-bit era, games could be about French chefs riding giant stick insects weilding a gun that shoots velociraptors. These days a game's considered original if the gritty, well armored soldier protagonist has a moustache."

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 11:05 PM


Zomboid Oct 7th, 2008 11:06 PM


Zomboid Oct 7th, 2008 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 585841)
System Shock 2 and Doom 3 is what I think, but I liked both of those.

Well, ok, one of those. It does look pretty interesting.

Yeah, I am sooooo sick of all of these similar games! I want some originality!

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 11:15 PM

Isn't Dead Space a third person shooter

Guitar Woman Oct 7th, 2008 11:18 PM

I also said it LOOKS interesting. It might actually turn out to suck, either because of fathead developers or EA's grand and amazing publishment routines.

As long as the gameplay is fun and they try to expand on System Shock's "surrounded by hostile aliens and a batshit insane AI while also trapped in space" setting, taking it to new and interesting places, I'm sure it'll be peaches.

Guitar Woman Oct 8th, 2008 12:06 AM

Speaking of which, System Shock 2 isn't downloadable off Home of the Underdogs anymore.

Fuck! :(

executioneer Oct 8th, 2008 12:09 AM

it says it's broken and to try back later? they're not taking it down for rights or w/e

Guitar Woman Oct 8th, 2008 12:09 AM

I was going to suggest we get some four-man co-ops going

Schimid Oct 8th, 2008 03:02 AM

It's hardly fair to say that the Wii is made for nostalgia and people that don't typically play games. It's just made for people that play Nintendo games. Like I said before, My problem isn't so much with the Wii as it is with the industry itself and there just simply aren't a lot of games out that I personally want to play...except for Nintendo games. And even then, my interest is waning in their stuff too.

Personally I didn't like Gears of War, I thought it was dull and the cover system was extremely clunky and unintuitive. Then again, I don't like a lot of shooters.

OxBlood Oct 8th, 2008 03:04 AM

You sure are an agressive little bunch of people *reads the last pages*

Basically, I can accept that there won´t be many original games in the future, but that doesn´t mean I can´t enjoy "normal" games. Take Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for example...I don´t know how many times I´ve played through that game with a friend, one of the games I spent the most time with this past year...same thing for Condemned 2 (minus the Multiplayerpart, didn´t like that).

I don´t need the holy grail of creativity pour it´s glorious content all over me when I play. Solid games are all I ask for. What I AM allergic to are bad dubs. Which is a local problem of non-english speaking countries mostly, yes, sure.

Concerning Dead Space...I´m actually looking forward to that. It has all the ingredients of a great game. Aliens, Mutants, drifting gigantic Spacecrafts (the drifting is very important), mining and mining-tools that double as weapons, Upgrades (ALWAYS enhance a game, literally) for the suit and the weapons, a main character with a mask and hopefully more than 8 hours of lenght. All it misses are zombies but aliens and mutants are valid substitutes for zombies, so that´s okay.

Zomboid Oct 8th, 2008 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by Schimid (Post 585899)
It's hardly fair to say that the Wii is made for nostalgia and people that don't typically play games. It's just made for people that play Nintendo games. Like I said before, My problem isn't so much with the Wii as it is with the industry itself and there just simply aren't a lot of games out that I personally want to play...except for Nintendo games. And even then, my interest is waning in their stuff too.

It's gimmicky, man. When the selling point of most games is "LOOK! MOTION SENSING!", you can kind of tell that they're not exactly going for the same demographic as Sony and Microsoft. That's not to say that there aren't games for your average gamer, but there's a shitload (and it seems like the majority) of games that are made for Mom, Dad, and now, with wii fit, fatties.

Ox- I agree completely. I really enjoyed Condemned 2, but I'm glad that it was a rental because the multiplayer was utter shit and the single player mode was too short. Still fun though.

MetalMilitia Oct 8th, 2008 08:48 AM

I'm looking forward to FarCry 2 the most. It got something like 96% is PC Gamer UK and the open world gameplay looks awesome. Great graphics and setting too.

I was looking forward to Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway for ages but reviews and been slightly poor. I'll still get it though.

Zomboid Oct 8th, 2008 01:15 PM

Is that the series where you have reduced accuracy when you're under fire? If so, I played the first one and enjoyed it but for some reason, I never went further than that.

Schimid Oct 8th, 2008 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 585901)
It's gimmicky, man. When the selling point of most games is "LOOK! MOTION SENSING!", you can kind of tell that they're not exactly going for the same demographic as Sony and Microsoft.

I agree. I completely and totally agree. But I'm not entirely sure that's what it's made for. People just have no clue what to do with it yet--including Nintendo. Right now I definitely think it's existence is limited to those two things you've boiled it down to, sure, but there's so much more that can be applied. Most of the best Wii games don't have an excessive amount of waggling. There is a TON of shovelware, sure, but you could find the same on the PS2.

The entire thing is future potential, I think. I wish I could say people are doing interesting things with it, but they're really not. WiiWare was originally intended for fresh takes on the controller, and very little of them are. Even worse, there aren't even any good REGULAR WiiWare games like Braid or Castle Crashers. Bomberman was a great idea but there's LAG. There's online lag for fucking Bomberman.

There are good games you can play on Wii that aren't available anywhere else. I love No More Heroes and Elebits (i miss it badly), Boom Blox is good from what I hear and De Blob sounds interesting. I think Mirror's Edge could be great on Wii if it didn't have an extreme amount of waggling (but God i know it would). Devs that aren't really experienced are going straight to Wii and getting their card game compilations on the map because, hey, it's cheap and everyone knows people on the Wii will buy that shit. Look at Carnival Games.

I guess my issue is that the Wii was made to include outside demographics, sure, but I don't think that was all it was...at first, anyway. The runaway success enticed game makers to just play it safe and just make a pool or beer pong game rather than develop new concepts and ways to use the remote. Maybe things will change, maybe not. Maybe the Wii's success damned us to increasingly simple games, like I feel Halo's success damned us to a decade of polished but indistinguishable space shooters.

But the Wii could do great things, if people just fucking tried.

Neen Oct 8th, 2008 04:32 PM

Boom Blox = virtual Jenga.:x

That said, I'm looking forward to The Conduit, Deadly Creatures, and Disaster: Day of Crisis.

Right now, I'm enjoying Wario Land: Shake it. Not that it's revolutionary or anything, but in this day and age a good sidescroller is a welcomed treat.

Hell, Mario Galaxy, Zack & Wiki, and Metroid Prime 3 are sure to become sought-after gems if the Wii ever goes belly-up.

Guitar Woman Oct 8th, 2008 06:00 PM

Yahtzee talked about this today!


Also, I didn't think Disaster actually existed anymore.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 9th, 2008 03:31 PM

So I got DeBlob. If you own a Wii, you should at least look into it. It takes the freeware tech demo and makes it way more awesome. It's not a system mover, but it's really cool. I dig it.


Also, I kinda want Disaster, only because it's going to be sooooooo cheesy. I know it'll just be waggle shit, but I've always wanted a game based on natural disasters and shit.

Guitar Woman Oct 15th, 2008 04:01 PM

Guys, I love today's Zero Punctuation


If I hadn't been told he was reviewing Clear Sky, I probably would have thought he was talking about the first one.

Does the STALKER dev team know how broken their games are? I would have thought they'd fix every problem the original had in the second installment.

Dr. Boogie Oct 15th, 2008 04:36 PM

They did "fix" the problems, in that they took a lot of the old bugs and tweaked them into exciting new bugs, like the self-operating machine gun bug, and the non-aggressive military guys bug.

Ooh, and the "increasing your max carry weight doesn't improve your sprinting ability" bug. They still hadn't fixed that one by the time I played the game, finished it, and uninstalled it.

A friend of mine put it best: it's basically STALKER modded. Not patched, modded.

Emu Oct 15th, 2008 05:50 PM

I haven't been able to watch the ZP videos for weeks. When I click them to play, nothing happens. :(

Guitar Woman Oct 15th, 2008 06:39 PM

You have to wait for up to a minute because the Escapist's video player is really bad.

Emu Oct 15th, 2008 08:37 PM

It turns out I didn't update my Flash properly. Thanks, Flash!

Zomboid Oct 15th, 2008 08:56 PM

this is for all of the fans of those fucking stupid gritty shooting games!!!!! u just wish u could play the same games that my parents can easily beat. u suck!!


Guitar Woman Oct 15th, 2008 09:29 PM

Yes, the only reason I don't like shooters because I'm horrible at them. I have over 100 hours in Team Fortress because it's just so STUPID and I need to find evidence to support it's horribleness; not because it's, like, a fun and unique shooter full of attitude and awesome or anything.

Guitar Woman Oct 15th, 2008 09:32 PM

Also the only games I don't like mostly because I'm bad at them are Deus Ex and Morrowind so shows what the hell you know

Zomboid Oct 15th, 2008 10:07 PM

hey dude this doesnt concurn u this is for dem haters.

Emu Oct 15th, 2008 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 588015)
full of attitude and awesome

this, stop saying this

Kusanagi_no_Tsurugi Oct 16th, 2008 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 588015)
Yes, the only reason I don't like shooters because I'm horrible at them. I have over 100 hours in Team Fortress because it's just so STUPID and I need to find evidence to support it's horribleness; not because it's, like, a fun and unique shooter full of attitude and awesome or anything.

Second. I quit playing Counter-Strike due to this, AND the fact I never figure out how to properly play them with a keyboard (I'm more used to play games on PC with a keyboard than joysticks). There's just too fucking many keys to press (though I don't have that much of problem while playing GTA).

Guitar Woman Oct 16th, 2008 10:54 AM

I like it when people don't know what sarcasm is

Dr. Boogie Oct 16th, 2008 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 588015)
Yes, the only reason I don't like shooters because I'm horrible at them. I have over 100 hours in Team Fortress because it's just so STUPID and I need to find evidence to support it's horribleness; not because it's, like, a fun and unique shooter full of attitude and awesome or anything.

You've got a team of people to distract the enemy for you and cover for your ineptness, which leads you into mistakenly believing that you're good at the game, and it is therefore fun.

Guitar Woman Oct 16th, 2008 01:08 PM

I play the Spy, though, most of the time my team is a liability that loves following me when I'm cloaked and getting me set on fire.

Or the Scout, where you have to be good at twitchty, spastic gunfighting because your only real advantage is super speed. The scattergun is also slower when both firing and reloading than the generic shotgun, so there's that, too.

Or the Demoman, where you have to plan everything 10 seconds in advance and know exactly how every class behaves. I mean, you could also just sit on the point babysitting some stickies, but enjoy an extremely small number of kills for that round.

I do think that a good deal of the game is based on luck (FUCKING critrockets), but you can still be good at it.

If you're worried about not being able to relate, Zomboid, don't fret! TF2 is FULL of retards with messiah complexes. You will fit right in.

Phoenix Gamma Oct 16th, 2008 02:34 PM

If you're lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, you can flip the whole game around. I saw it happen a lot when I frequented 2Fort.

Of course, this argument can be applied to any game, so it's a moot point :X

Bad Mr. Frosty Oct 31st, 2008 01:08 PM

I'm rather behind in the world of gaming; I JUST GOT an original Xbox system 3 days ago. It does have Halo 2 though. Good practice for the 3rd one, right?

And apparently the original Xbox is known for shooters galore.

Big McLargehuge Nov 3rd, 2008 03:59 AM

halo is stupid

Bad Mr. Frosty Nov 3rd, 2008 11:40 AM

Yes, I guess it is the 'cool thing' to hate the Halo trilogy. I personally don't see what all the fuss was about back then. For me, I only wish Timespliters 2 was a little more well known; the utterly random & ridiculous playable characters in that are downright amazing.

Emu Nov 3rd, 2008 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Big McLargehuge (Post 591649)
halo is stupid

this is completely true

Maxilor Nov 4th, 2008 03:54 PM

Not so much "Stupid" as it is "Overrated".

I would take a Half life Mod (LEFT 4 DEAD) over Halo 4 or whatever there coming out with next.

Guitar Woman Nov 4th, 2008 07:39 PM

Someone tell me why I should care about Left 4 Dead.

It basically looks like an amalgamation of every generic zombie mod for HL2, but you pay money for it.

MetalMilitia Nov 5th, 2008 07:13 AM

Except L4D is being made by Valve - the best developer (of shooters) evar.

OxBlood Nov 5th, 2008 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 591965)
Someone tell me why I should care about Left 4 Dead.

It basically looks like an amalgamation of every generic zombie mod for HL2, but you pay money for it.

Well...letīs see

1. Itīs not a mod

2. Itīs a console game as well

3. It doesnīt look like a game from 1999

and maybe this director-stuff is fun, who knows.

Enough reasons for me to be interested in it. And there are no Zombies in the game, not one.

Dr. Boogie Nov 5th, 2008 02:12 PM

It'll have a tough fight in store if it wants to be considered a better zombie game than Dead Rising.

Maxilor Nov 5th, 2008 04:42 PM

Ive seen the game play videos of the game and there using ALOT of the models from previous games (Halflife 2 and Counterstrike) but the game looks impressive and like Grand Theft Auto sacrifices Graphics for content (or atleast i hope). It's also extremely fastpace which could make or break it, Regular FPS PLayers will find a challenge but will often lose there minds when a new player cannot keep up.

executioneer Nov 6th, 2008 02:02 AM


Maxilor Nov 6th, 2008 08:37 AM



MattJack Nov 6th, 2008 11:21 AM

I think L4D will be the next game I pick up. It just seems like a good lan game.

My buddies and I have lan parties ;_;

MattJack Nov 6th, 2008 11:23 AM


Guitar Woman Nov 6th, 2008 03:39 PM

I'll probably get Left 4 Dead and pretend I'm playing Diablo 3. :(

Maxilor Nov 6th, 2008 03:51 PM

Not sure if anyone cares about Warhammer 40,000, but I found this recently.


Any thoughts? (Besides the obvious "OH EM GEE THAR COPYIN GEARS OF WAR! PHAIL!")

Guitar Woman Nov 6th, 2008 03:55 PM

I want to hold every designer's head in a toilet until they agree to stop fucking making games about space marines.

I might not be a very big fan of Valve, but I love the shit out of them for actually coming up with original settings and characters.

Maxilor Nov 6th, 2008 03:58 PM

Yeah but Games Workshop was the first to make a game about space marines.

so kudos to them.

And Nay I say to all those rip-offs! (Starcraft)

Dr. Boogie Nov 9th, 2008 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 592479)
I want to hold every designer's head in a toilet until they agree to stop fucking making games about space marines.

I'll let them off the hook if they make a game that's fun to play.

Zomboid Nov 9th, 2008 10:47 PM

GW, I doubt that you can overpower a toddler, nevermind an adult male.

liquidstatik Nov 9th, 2008 11:25 PM


Guitar Woman Nov 10th, 2008 01:07 AM

my strength is fueled by rage and shitty video games

Dr. Boogie Nov 10th, 2008 11:25 PM

He's upset that it's taking so long for GoW2 to come out.

OxBlood Nov 11th, 2008 08:07 AM

Isn´t it out over there at your places? Been a week since release here...

Guitar Woman Nov 11th, 2008 03:23 PM

I like how the Left 4 Dead demo is like 25% of the full game, but still only lets me have 6 days to play around with it.

Also, amazing, brilliant fucking job not letting me play any other Steam games while it's downloading.

MetalMilitia Nov 12th, 2008 01:44 PM

I just played the first 20 or so minutes of World at War. First let me get one thing straight - I like WW2 games so I'm not going to bash WaW just because it's set in the 40s. I will however bash it for the fact that my initial impressions are awful.

First the AI is dumb as fuck. The zombies in L4D are way, way smarter than the enemies in WaW and they're not even supposed to be smart.

The weapon sounds are crap. The garand sounds NOTHING like it's supposed to - as in not even remotely - and the other weapons sound like airsoft guns. CoD games have always suffered from crap weapon sounds but I don't remember them ever being this bad.

Your weapon just hovers motionless in front of the screen and you hands are massive. I'm pretty sure the guns in Doom were more animated than those in WaW.

Invisible walls. Enough said. Actually no, not enough said - STOP USING FUCKING INVISIBLE WALLS IN GAMES. For example at one point I was obviously supposed to attack an enemy camp. As luck would have it there was a watch tower just outside the camp which would've been a perfect spot from which to snipe... if there wasn't a 1 ft high collection of stones blocking me from getting there which you couldn't jump over. I get that they can't just let you fuck off into the jungle but invisible walls are so lame.

Guitar Woman Nov 12th, 2008 02:51 PM

Whatever, guitar woman

Anyway, instead of invisible walls, every game should have some horrible wild animal that mauls you to death if you go too far away from where you're supposed to be, and then re-spawns exponentially whenever you kill it.

In an unrelated matter the shark is my absolute favorite part of Crysis

bigtimecow Nov 13th, 2008 09:25 AM

i thought you were talking about spore creature stage at first :(

Zhukov Nov 14th, 2008 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Maxilor (Post 592477)
Not sure if anyone cares about Warhammer 40,000, but I found this recently.


Any thoughts? (Besides the obvious "OH EM GEE THAR COPYIN GEARS OF WAR! PHAIL!")

I finished Gears of War 2 in a few days and I'd love for something to fill the single player gap until I can get a good broadband connection and get into multi. I know that that game wont be out for a while, but I like the 40k setting and I like the action and style of GOW, so I'd probably buy it and like it, despite the fact that it's probably not that deep.

On another note, I've heard that the GOW2 multiplayer is flawed/broken because of the lobby system, anyone care to comment?

OxBlood Nov 15th, 2008 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 594007)
On another note, I've heard that the GOW2 multiplayer is flawed/broken because of the lobby system, anyone care to comment?

Havenīt tried it cause I donīt like that kind of Multi but from what I read, most people donīt like that you cannot choose what kind of mode you play in a public match. Seems to be completely random.

Nick Nov 15th, 2008 12:39 PM

GoW2 multiplayer sucks.

Jeff The Ninja Nov 16th, 2008 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Nick (Post 594363)
GoW2 multiplayer sucks.

All mutliplayer on Xbox live sucks. Unless you are playing some obscure Live arcade title or only play people on your friends list, every fucking game that you hop into on there is going to have some little 13 year old prick with a name like SASUKE_NINJA66321 make it known to everyone in the game that "YOU COST ME MY ACHIVEMENT FOR NOT GETTING KILLED IN A MULTIPLAYER DEATHMATCH :explode".

Its called a deathmatch for a fucking reason shithead.

Nick Nov 16th, 2008 11:17 PM

That sounds like a personal problem, brah.

OxBlood Nov 17th, 2008 03:18 AM

My main problem with the XBL-Multi is that most people really are Idiots. Young Idiots. Doesn´t matter where they come from, I mostly experience Americans (judging from their way of pronounciation), British, Australian and French (even though I don´t understand a fucking word of what they say...many of them sing all the time which is quite irritating).
The worst thing would be those people who appear to be 5...at least they sound like 5...shrieking baby-voices in my ears squealing as many insults as they can fit in a sentence.

I don´t know what happened to those countries, but apparently, total anarchy rages outside our borders or something...where are the parents, beating the shit out of their children for being like that?

Wait. Maybe those ARE the parents. Who wants to help me build a giant laser cannon to obliberate mankind? Anyone?

Zomboid Nov 17th, 2008 03:32 AM

People who sing are the worst. I just, you know, mute people.

executioneer Nov 17th, 2008 04:16 AM

all online multiplayer sucks, guys, it doesn't matter what platform it's on or what game

OxBlood Nov 17th, 2008 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 594541)
all online multiplayer sucks, guys, it doesn't matter what platform it's on or what game

Nah, Co-op is also Multiplayer, mostly online and itīs excellent. As long as you play with people you know.

executioneer Nov 17th, 2008 04:52 AM

i don't know anyone

Sam Nov 17th, 2008 03:17 PM



Zomboid Nov 17th, 2008 05:35 PM



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