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Royal Tenenbaum Aug 2nd, 2003 04:59 PM

Wow, that was retarded. *DELETED*? I could care less about her; I don't hate her, but I don't particuallarily like her, I don't really have an opinion on her except that she treats *DELETED* like shit. I definitely won't be mad if he hooks up with her. What do I care, I have a girlfriend, I'm extremely happy in my relationship, and I want all my friends to be happy.

Baalzamon Aug 8th, 2003 05:03 PM

So chimp, whats the deal?


Did something bad happen that you dont feel like talking about?

Or did you decide you are better off just letting it go and decided to leave her alone?

Feel free to give yes or no answers to those questions. I have no interest in any more than that.

I doubt you are interested in telling all of us personal details at this point anyway.

I'm just curious considering your level of excitement a week ago, and the fact that there has been no post for 6 days.

Royal Tenenbaum Aug 8th, 2003 05:46 PM

maybe she killed him. :/

AChimp Aug 8th, 2003 05:56 PM

I haven't talked to her for a week, so nothing has really happened. Maybe I will see her on Monday. :/

I'm not going out of my way to see her or anything, though. I must have patience. ;)

Baalzamon Aug 8th, 2003 07:02 PM

Oh yeah, I'm sure in a few months she'll still feel like talking to you ;)


Royal Tenenbaum Aug 9th, 2003 07:58 AM

"Leave Chimp be, let him make his own mistakes."

Baalzamon Aug 11th, 2003 02:57 PM

I said nothing about lighthearted sarcasm

Royal Tenenbaum Aug 11th, 2003 04:54 PM


Baalzamon Aug 11th, 2003 09:39 PM


Whatever man. If its funny and its not too mean, I'm saying it, and I dont give a shit.

Protoclown Aug 12th, 2003 12:05 AM

I don't believe this, but I actually agree with Snake.

Chimp, forget about her, you're wasting your time, and you're headed straight into stalkerville.

If she actually wanted to talk to you, she would make herself available to talk to. And I'm not talking about once or twice out of some sense of duty or in an attempt to put closure on the situation, I'm saying she would actually MAKE AN EFFORT to spend time with you.

She's not. So obviously, this is going nowhere.

Hell, I used to think you had to struggle to convince girls that you were worth their attention. That you constantly have to strive to convince them to like you. That you regularly have to deal with being ignored if you weren't convincing enough. That's just how I thought it worked. But it's not that way. It's not that way at all. You really DON'T have to beg for female attention, even though that's what I always thought you had to do to get it.

The problem is that you're obsessing. I used to do that with girls I liked, and now that I've started seeing it in other people, I'm realizing what a huge problem that was for me. And it's probably why I never had a girlfriend.

Give it up and move on, dude. This is TOTALLY not worth it. I promise you it's not, and I don't even know you or her.

AChimp Aug 12th, 2003 12:23 AM


I know you're right. The letter made me feel a lot better, and I have no expectations anymore. If she wants to talk to me, well, maybe she will sometime in the future.

It's hard to ignore it, though. This is still gonna bother me for a long time. :/

Anonymous Aug 12th, 2003 01:08 AM

if it makes you feel any better, i stalk my girlfriend too :<

sadie Aug 12th, 2003 03:00 AM

the only difference is how the attention is received.

Royal Tenenbaum Aug 12th, 2003 07:53 AM

I agree with Protoclown agreeing with me.

AChimp Aug 12th, 2003 11:55 AM


Anonymous Aug 12th, 2003 04:26 PM

The only difference being I don't follow her anywhere and I have sex with her :<

sadie Aug 12th, 2003 06:35 PM

do you guys check out the guys together, chojin? >:

Anonymous Aug 12th, 2003 10:44 PM

yes :>

kellychaos Aug 13th, 2003 11:13 AM


< Kellychaos Looks Around Then Yells For Echo >

Yeesh! I thought this would be bigger by now. :/

P.S. ... and Baalzy, quit livin' vicariously through the Chimp. It's not healthy. :becauseicare :(

KILLADEUCE Aug 13th, 2003 11:25 AM


Hell, I used to think you had to struggle to convince girls that you were worth their attention. That you constantly have to strive to convince them to like you. That you regularly have to deal with being ignored if you weren't convincing enough. That's just how I thought it worked. But it's not that way. It's not that way at all. You really DON'T have to beg for female attention, even though that's what I always thought you had to do to get it.

The problem is that you're obsessing. I used to do that with girls I liked, and now that I've started seeing it in other people, I'm realizing what a huge problem that was for me. And it's probably why I never had a girlfriend.
Proto, this is very well put. I am now just starting to realize these things myself- And i couldnt agree more.

I think everyone should go through a situation like this once in their life so they can become better at working with the opposite sex and better themselves when the next girl/guy comes around. Experience comes with learning from mistakes-

Protoclown Aug 13th, 2003 12:30 PM

What if you only learn from watching other people make mistakes? Does that count as "experience"?

Krythor Aug 13th, 2003 12:38 PM


Cosmo Electrolux Aug 13th, 2003 12:54 PM

I still think Chimp should sleep in her back yard and jack off in her mailbox...>:

soundtest Aug 13th, 2003 12:59 PM

Girls like a challenge as much as guys do (or don't). If a girl knows you like her and are obsessing over her she'll either a) get bored if she liked you, or b) get creeped out if she didn't. Act like you just don't give a fuck and you have better things happening and she might be interested. Brush her off! Make it look like you're a real mover and shaker! All about attitude and balance. But wtf do I know... my advice is listen closely to any ladies that replied here.

OperationScuzBucket Aug 13th, 2003 02:28 PM

Wow this sounds really familiar. There's this guy who's liked me for about a year now...we'll call him "Carl" for explanation purposes. I thought he was cool at first, but then he got really frustrating and creepy. To this day he's still trying to get me to go out with him. I was really nice at first, trying my best not to hurt him while letting him down and even acting really friendly, but he was a stubborn boy and wouldn't take a hint, so I ended up telling him I was a lesbian....that fell through when I dated a guy a few weeks later. When he bitched to me about it, I was mean. I've started just telling him straight-out that he annoys the shit out of me and that I'm not attracted to him at all, and yet he's STILL trying. He wrote me a poem. A BAD poem. "I think of you, I'm thinking of me, will you and I become a we?"


My point? She doesn't like you. I can tell because she's acting just how I used to act around "Carl". You may not be like him (for your sake I hope not...) but she is definitely not right for you. Move on before she gets completely pissed and turns into psycho-bitch.

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