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Perndog Aug 15th, 2007 08:07 AM

It's easier to get roms from bittorrent sites or peer-to-peer networks. I used to find them on Kazaa; eMule is probably the best bet now.

arg_zombies Aug 15th, 2007 08:23 AM

I got the battery pack and I also got you some neutral Ready Salted crisps and I got some new headphones and I got some batteries and I got a 521mb Xd card for my camera, then I came home and I packed loads of my clothes into a big suitcase with my brothers stuff then I got a small bag out the cupboard and I put my iPod speakers etc. in it then I downloaded Fight Club to watch on the plane off my iPod then I hacked all the iPod games to play and now I'm sitting here with my bass guitar playing Pixies songs and playing texas Hold'em on the Pod.

Howabout you guys?

RaNkeri Aug 15th, 2007 12:05 PM

Where are you going man?

arg_zombies Aug 15th, 2007 03:03 PM

Greece :rock

We have these American friends who live 6 months in New York and 6 months in Greece and they have this really nice house witha swimming pool on top of a mountain next to the sea :lol

RaNkeri Aug 15th, 2007 03:08 PM

Oh yeah, Greece pwns :rock

Been there once, in Athens. It's damn hot in there though, but noticing that they live near the sea the air might be pleasantly cool.

arg_zombies Aug 15th, 2007 03:18 PM

And apparently it's like their hottest ever summer atm :eek

We generally stear clear of Athens because it's too touristy, we go to the islands
Also because we fear the evil wreckless driving ;)

RaNkeri Aug 15th, 2007 03:23 PM

Oh yeah, I forgot that I've also been to one of the islands, Aegina. And you're also right 'bout the reckless driving, almost every driver in Athens seemed to be on a rampage.

arg_zombies Aug 15th, 2007 03:32 PM

We go to Evia :)

it's like an evil fox trying to have sex with the rest of greece :\

RaNkeri Aug 15th, 2007 03:36 PM

What're you gonna do in greece?

Are you that type of a tourist who goes to the museums and ancient ruins and shares an interest to the mythology?

Or are you just gonna grab a beer, go to the beach and try to score some chicks?

arg_zombies Aug 15th, 2007 03:39 PM


I have to say
I haven't yet been to a museum
But I have been to a lot of temples, like I went up Mt Olympus to check out the original Olympic Games which is all like ancient stone tracks and stuff, and that had a whole load of temples etc.

But yes,
i will eventually make my way to the beach and sit with the people fishing for octopus :lol

Also my grandma is Greek, so she can just order us stuff from the Tavernas

Guitar Woman Aug 15th, 2007 04:43 PM

How come the Metroid style castlevanias are so fucking awful? These games basically have gotten rid of everything I liked about the old Castlevanias and replaced it with crap. What the fuck is with this gradual learning curve and leveling up? Where's my ball-busting difficulty? Why do I have so many shitty and not-useful-for-killing-undead weapons? Where's my CHAIN WHIP? And who the fuck is this white-haired Anime punk? WHERE IS MY MUSCLEBOUND ROMANIAN MAN IN A PLATED MINISKIRT? THIS IS BULLSHIT. FUCK YOU, NAMCO.

Rongi Aug 15th, 2007 05:01 PM

I think you need to shut the fuck up right about now.

Perndog Aug 15th, 2007 05:07 PM

Circle of the Moon HELLO :rolleyes

Guitar Woman Aug 15th, 2007 05:08 PM

I just jumped straight to Aria of Sorrow, seeing as it is hailed as the greatest game on the gameboy advance by EVERY FUCKING PERSON ON THE INTERNET.

Of course, this isn't the first time I've been severly disappointed by something everyone said was good.

I really really hope Symphony of the Night does not suck like this, because I really want to like that game when I finally get to play it

Guitar Woman Aug 15th, 2007 05:17 PM

Another thing I don't like is that it sends you into some huge open-ended castle without any objective or destination whatsoever, you're just supposed to wander around killing shit until you get to a place that advances the story. This was fine in the old castlevanias, because there was only one path to go on, but in an adventure game like this? This is not 1986, AoS development team.

Rongi Aug 15th, 2007 05:22 PM


Chojin Aug 15th, 2007 05:25 PM

Can you imagine how stupid this board would be if you got prizes for posting?

Guitar Woman Aug 15th, 2007 05:27 PM

Those faggots docked me so many points for trolling spam threads that I've got negative 68. :<

Chojin Aug 15th, 2007 05:29 PM

So in their world, when someone's posting like an idiot, you make them have to post more?

Chojin Aug 15th, 2007 05:30 PM

I think the official term for that is 'The 4Chan System'

Guitar Woman Aug 15th, 2007 05:31 PM

Oh not only do they deduct points for being an idiot, they will also add to your warning level when you start breaking the rules, and the bigger a warning level you have the more it costs to download roms.

I think this is my new favorite website, guys.

Chojin Aug 15th, 2007 05:33 PM

link? 6

Guitar Woman Aug 15th, 2007 05:34 PM

I made a thread about it in Around the Internet.

This pages posts should probably be moved there, since it is not getting any love at all

Guitar Woman Aug 15th, 2007 05:48 PM

Hey, speak of the devil!

Originally Posted by Dr. Saucy

Originally Posted by MEIN FURHER

Originally Posted by Dr. Saucy

Originally Posted by MEIN FURHER
Just want to let you know that I warned you.
For being a dumbass.

That's nice. You know, USUALLY when an internet forum dict-, uh I mean ADMINISTRATOR gives a citation, they also give a link to the thread the infraction occured in, so the poster will know where he went wrong and AMEND HIS AWFUL WAYS. Just a little hint, I know you might not be very good at this internet important person gig.

This is why I called you a dumbass.
Look at your warn log.
I already left a link in there.

Just so you know, there is a difference between being a dumbass and being a witty douchebag. You should spend more time on forums where you aren't awarded prizes for typing a few words in a text box and then pressing "Post Reply." :<

I am such a rebel, all the ladies will love it


Rongi Aug 15th, 2007 05:57 PM

Will you stop fucking switching sexs?

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