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Esuohlim Jan 23rd, 2008 08:52 PM


Guitar Woman Jan 23rd, 2008 08:58 PM

Is Silent Hill 2 really worth playing, guys, or is the entire gaming community liking it some cruel conspiracy to get me to SUFFER like with Tales of Symphonia

I spend most of my time wishing it was the Resident Evil remake instead, or that I was just watching the movie

The cutscenes so far remind me of Killer 7 in that they have barely any substance unless you care enough to over-analyze them (I don't), except they aren't nearly as cool to watch

I'm afraid to say this because I know an angry mob is going to find me and burn my house down, but this game is seriously no fun

Guitar Woman Jan 23rd, 2008 08:58 PM

I want to like it REALLY BAD, too

Guitar Woman Jan 23rd, 2008 09:02 PM

Also, before you say anything, I was afraid to post this in the scary games thread because Emu would end me.

Esuohlim Jan 23rd, 2008 09:02 PM



Guitar Woman Jan 23rd, 2008 09:05 PM

I keep forgetting that I'm a big boy now :<

Pub Lover Jan 23rd, 2008 09:29 PM

I want to play the Silent Hill games, but I think the internet ruined them for me, like Kevin Smith movies & Slipknot.

Asila Jan 23rd, 2008 09:55 PM

Guitar Woman: Drink a significant portion of a bottle of whiskey and you'll have the perfect combination of paranoid and reckless, and loud sounds will scare the shit out of you. Then play.
Pub: I dunno, I watched the film and everything before I played 2 and it didn't scare me, and I'm actually afraid to play the others.

executioneer Jan 23rd, 2008 09:59 PM

mr mockery yelled at me ;_;

Guitar Woman Jan 23rd, 2008 09:59 PM

I already know that
anyway so w/e

Guitar Woman Jan 23rd, 2008 10:00 PM

or was it some other kind of dog

I don't pay attention to that kind of thing

Pub Lover Jan 23rd, 2008 10:02 PM

What for Willie?


Originally Posted by Asila (Post 526987)
Guitar Woman: Drink a significant portion of a bottle of whiskey and you'll have the perfect combination of paranoid and reckless, and loud sounds will scare the shit out of you. Then play.

I'm glad you didn't suggest the Whiskey solution to me, because that is not how I get at all & I drink significant portions everyday.

Originally Posted by Asila (Post 526987)
Pub: I dunno, I watched the film and everything before I played 2 and it didn't scare me, and I'm actually afraid to play the others.

Yeah? & what are your opinions on Kevin smith & Slipknot? :lol


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 526983)
when i was reading this page i thought it was the caption your avatar game thread

and i almost wish it had been

I want to eat all those threads. :(

Asila Jan 23rd, 2008 10:02 PM


mr mockery yelled at me ;_;
He hits you because he loves you.


Yeah? & what are your opinions on Kevin smith & Slipknot? :lol
Umm, well I umm.... OH MY GOD, LOOK OVER THERE!
I'd say that Slipknot could suck my ass, but I have this fear of being beaten up by people younger than I.

Pub Lover Jan 23rd, 2008 10:06 PM

No one should be scared to say that Slipknot suck.

Asila Jan 23rd, 2008 10:10 PM


No one should be scared to say that Slipknot suck.
In theory, yeah, but kids today have access to more weaponry than I do, so I'm just going to smile pleasantly and wander away.
And I just said 'kids today', what the fuck?

Guitar Woman Jan 23rd, 2008 10:11 PM

Getting old feels wierd, yeah.

Seven Force Jan 23rd, 2008 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 526988)
mr mockery yelled at me ;_;

What did you do :(

Guitar Woman Jan 23rd, 2008 10:35 PM

this game sure has a lot of unintentionally funny moments

I thought Pyramid Head was supposed to be some horrific rape machine but i'm trapped in a small room with him and all I have to do is walk to the other corner every so often while he swings at where I was 30 seconds ago

executioneer Jan 23rd, 2008 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Seven Force (Post 527000)
What did you do :(

i was just smarting off in a article commentry thread is all :x

Neen Jan 24th, 2008 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 526993)
No one should be scared to say that Slipknot suck.

My brother sleeps with one of their posters over his head.:hypno

I should definetly post his picture sometime.... fuckhead.

Seriously, I wanna beat the shit out of him and his smug face.

MetalMilitia Jan 24th, 2008 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 526977)
I want to play the Silent Hill games, but I think the internet ruined them for me, like Kevin Smith movies & Slipknot.

I feel the same way about scat porn and super mario bros.

Sethomas Jan 24th, 2008 04:35 AM

I just prepared some pre-made Indian food. Some kind of gravy with kidney beans or something in it. I eat Indian food fairly frequently and I honestly cannot name a single dish I like off-hand, I just don't pay attention to its nomenclature.

Anyways, it came in a vacuum-sealed pouch nestled in a cardboard box. On the cardboard box was an unflattering picture of the gravy substance in a bowl beside a super-imposed image of a mildly attractive (by Western beauty standards reflecting upon an "exotic" features) woman in traditional subcontinental garb. I guess it was her function to inform the less culturally nuanced members of foreign markets that "this product is typically eaten by people who look like this". Maybe they also wished to convey an idea such as, "eat this product, and girls of our culture who look like this will fuck you."

Anyways, my parents are probably coming to visit tomorrow and I can totally picture my mom asking me, in all seriousness, if I bought the box of Indian food just because of the picture of the girl on it. That made me think, "yeah, I bought this bean gravy so I could masturbate."

The thoughts in my head progressed along to something along the lines of making a YouTube video talking about how I bought the bean gravy so I could masturbate. It would show me lustily looking at the image on the box, then I would make some comment about not being to control myself. I'd then pull out my dick, remove the contents of the box, and proceed to fuck the bean gravy itself inside the vacuum-sealed pouch (so as to provide form). I could offer up-to-the-moment commentary about the degree of sensation I was getting from all the spices, and I'd talk about how the burning I felt was releasing endorphins to enhance my experience.

I don't think YouTube would allow that, however.


MetalMilitia Jan 24th, 2008 06:30 AM

It's weird because people usually masturbate to obtain bean gravy. Not the other way round.

Esuohlim Jan 24th, 2008 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 526944)
Also I found an article on anime that cites an Engineering student's opinion. Is that to do with you?

I'll have you know that that "anime defamation league" was one of the first (if not THE first) groups I ever joined so kiss my d*ck

Pub Lover Jan 24th, 2008 12:32 PM

'Defamation' means you love it, right? :rolleyes

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