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10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 5th, 2010 04:47 PM

Ugh, have you guys ever watched Redeye on fox news? Its on at like 2 or 3am and its the most ridiculous show. I understand the fact that its supposed to try and be funny but it just comes off as jerks being jerks. As opposed to a comedian being funny as a fake politician.

Say the exact opposite of Colbert who is a comedian doing a news report in character.

These people are news reporters trying to be comedians but they're just ridiculous horrible. The one saving grace is that they have Oderus Urungus as an outer space consultant sometimes.

Fathom Zero Nov 5th, 2010 05:17 PM

Red Eye is my favorite "news" show on television. Actually, it's prolly second to the Daily Show. But still.

And most of them aren't news reporters, many are really comedians, like Jim Norton, Amy Schumer, etc.

And Greg Gutfeld is building a gay bar next to the mosque that's being built in NYC. How can anybody not find that awesome?

kahljorn Nov 5th, 2010 10:00 PM


Zhukov Nov 6th, 2010 03:58 AM

Christ, humanity is a mess.

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 6th, 2010 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 703054)
Red Eye is my favorite "news" show on television. Actually, it's prolly second to the Daily Show. But still.

And most of them aren't news reporters, many are really comedians, like Jim Norton, Amy Schumer, etc.

And Greg Gutfeld is building a gay bar next to the mosque that's being built in NYC. How can anybody not find that awesome?

Oh, I just thought they weren't comedians because none of them were funny. :p

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 6th, 2010 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by 10,000 Volt Ghost (Post 702209)
Fine. They are the kangaroos of potassium then.


Fathom Zero Nov 6th, 2010 02:44 PM

It's hard to be funny on network TV. Everyone's castrated by advertising.

Dr. Boogie Nov 6th, 2010 03:08 PM

Fox News is cable, not network.

Fathom Zero Nov 6th, 2010 03:16 PM

Cable network. :\ And I said advertizin'.

Dimnos Nov 16th, 2010 05:42 PM


God damn it America. Your making it hard to... Just about everything. >:

kahljorn Nov 16th, 2010 06:18 PM

:lol saw that and found it unbearable as well. But to be fair doesn't the new american oxford dictionary or whatever allow words like ain't as well?


Sarah Palin's reality show scored huge ratings for its premiere Sunday nightuoq
ugh. her daughters on a teen pregnancy show too :lol
i hope she runs again and wins just so that i can let go of america

Dimnos Nov 18th, 2010 10:49 AM

I hope she runs and just gets the lowest votes ever. That is the only way I want her in the history books. :\

kahljorn Nov 18th, 2010 10:52 AM

Yea, well, I'm sure deep down we all want that but know that it will never happen :tear

Dimnos Nov 18th, 2010 01:11 PM

Dream crusher. :tear

kahljorn Nov 18th, 2010 02:29 PM

that should be palin's campaign slogan

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 18th, 2010 02:49 PM


executioneer Nov 18th, 2010 03:21 PM


Dimnos Nov 18th, 2010 03:44 PM

My dream home for Barbra would be a coffin.

10,000 Volt Ghost Nov 18th, 2010 04:16 PM


Fathom Zero Nov 23rd, 2010 02:58 AM

So North Korea just attacked South Korea again. I think this one's probably not going to go over well.

Zhukov Nov 23rd, 2010 03:28 AM

Nah, nothing will happen, nothing military or genuinely serious I mean. Nobody wants a war with the North except possibly the North.

The worst that will happen is some kind of sanction that they will try to make worse than what they already have in place.

They sunk a ship and killed 46 in March; nobody wants to commit to actual conflict, so DPRK is seeing what it can do. Probably just for kicks, but also because it needs to show off to it's own people that it's the one in control. The US/UN etc don't care if it looks like DPRK is in control, just as long as they keep going ahead with the special economic zones being set up in some areas that allow foreign companies to 'employ' North Korean slaves - for even cheaper than their Chinese counterparts.

Fathom Zero Nov 23rd, 2010 03:35 AM

I'd like to believe human lives are worth something, but yeah. Fucking CIA needs to get some assassins up there.

Zhukov Nov 23rd, 2010 04:33 AM

The CIA would be the last people to kill Kim Jong Il, which is what I assume you are saying. North Korea is going down the same path that China went down, only more drawn out, in that eventually you will be wearing sneakers with MADE IN DPRK on them. Why would they want to assassinate the guy responsible for that?

There is the possibility that there will be conflict with South Korea, but it's a small risk to take. The nations of the world don't want Kim Jong Il out of power, they just want him to stop building nuclear bombs and stop trying to aggravate things.

Kill Kim Jong Il = his son takes over, economic freedom for foreign countries is halted, Songun (focus on military) policy is increased, more shelling of the South and sinking their shit.

Dimnos Nov 23rd, 2010 11:03 AM

Democrats just have nothing better to worry about? :rolleyes


Tadao Nov 23rd, 2010 12:27 PM

Democrats, Republicans. One in the same.

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