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Tadao Sep 18th, 2008 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 580105)
I've seen that one dude from KISS, I don't think any self respecting man wants a chin like a Ken doll

My brother has that chin. LA girls love that shit.

Pub Lover Sep 18th, 2008 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mockery (Post 580113)
Since a large portion of these candies are still in production, check out these two big lists o' mine...

I-Mockery's Ultimate Guide To The Halloween Candies Of 2007

I-Mockery's Ultimate Guide To The Halloween Candies Of 2006


Pub Lover Sep 18th, 2008 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by wobzire (Post 580066)
I saw this today and all I could think about was what he would feel upon seeing it;

I asked Danny, & he said he'd hit it, which really could go either way, or indeed both ways with him.

ElPila666 Sep 18th, 2008 06:21 PM

Stupid germans! >: she could had became into the most beathiful jailbait shemale ever, why they want to take her dick off? :(

Kitsa Sep 18th, 2008 06:28 PM

I just snapped a pic of this badass maternal wolf spider in my driveway. Those are babies on her back.

Guitar Woman Sep 18th, 2008 06:35 PM

I love getting cavaties drilled on, guys :<

I wish I had a bunch of novocaine so I could inject my mouth with it before every meal.

Tadao Sep 18th, 2008 07:40 PM

The treadmill desk would be great for phone sex operators.

Grislygus Sep 18th, 2008 07:51 PM

That is one unpleasantly masculine chick

Tadao Sep 18th, 2008 07:56 PM

She is smelling fat guy sweat all day.

Grislygus Sep 18th, 2008 07:57 PM

And it's leaking in through her pores and slowly changing her into a dude

Tadao Sep 18th, 2008 08:00 PM

Look at the lazy fuck way in the back. It's holding itself up by hanging its arms over the wall.

Grislygus Sep 18th, 2008 08:02 PM


Kitsa Sep 18th, 2008 08:05 PM

Relevant or not, I decided to go ahead and share the hideously gross blister with you. I got it from having a questionable spot burned off at the dermatologist's. Redhead fair-skin bonus points!

For any of you who were on the fence about doing me.

(the blister is long-gone, btw- was just extremely ugly while it lasted)

Tadao Sep 18th, 2008 08:07 PM

How did you not pop it?

Kitsa Sep 18th, 2008 08:10 PM

It was painful to even touch it. It got to where it looked like there was a giant red jellybean growing off my hand.

It popped involuntarily when I forgot it was there and accidentally slammed it in a drawer. And it hurt like righteous fuck.

Tadao Sep 18th, 2008 08:19 PM

I would have put a hot needle through that shit right away. I know you're not supposed to, I don't know why though. Someone else can Google it.

Kitsa Sep 18th, 2008 08:21 PM

It's like protective bubble wrap over your wound.

Tadao Sep 18th, 2008 08:24 PM

So is a band-aid after you pop it.

Kitsa Sep 18th, 2008 08:38 PM

It was right near my knuckle, band-aids kept coming off, it was a major pain in the ass.

Tadao Sep 18th, 2008 08:43 PM

Yeah, that isn't a band-aid friendly spot.

Kitsa Sep 18th, 2008 08:45 PM

I tried looping one around the front and one around the back to hold it on, but when it got wet it'd just slide right off. I was very relieved when I got past the bandaid stage.

DevilWearsPrada Sep 18th, 2008 09:25 PM

Jellybeans, you say? Maybe JellyBelly planted their mutant seed in you while you toured :x

Kitsa Sep 18th, 2008 09:43 PM

this was way before that, unfortunately. Carrying a mutant jellybelly seed sounds kinda cool.

Neen Sep 18th, 2008 10:06 PM

You know that "SKRAA" sound you hear from various birds-of-prey on TV or in movies? Well, it turns out that it's added there for effect; only one species of falcon actually makes that sound. So, while I was out on my daily stroll, I heard it, clear as day.

Fuck that was awesome.

DevilWearsPrada Sep 18th, 2008 10:33 PM

IRL bald eagles make a kind of weak cluck type noise

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