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DevilWearsPrada Oct 22nd, 2008 08:29 PM

join usssssssss......

MetalMilitia Oct 22nd, 2008 08:31 PM

Show of hands - who thinks devilswearsprada should pipe down?

DevilWearsPrada Oct 22nd, 2008 08:34 PM

I already broke up with you, i-mockery.

Dixie Oct 22nd, 2008 09:14 PM

Then fucking leave already.

DevilWearsPrada Oct 22nd, 2008 09:59 PM


liquidstatik Oct 22nd, 2008 10:04 PM


liquidstatik Oct 22nd, 2008 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by MetalMilitia (Post 589678)
Show of hands - who thinks devilswearsprada should pipe down?


Grislygus Oct 22nd, 2008 11:02 PM

He's got a wobzire quote in his sig

AND he missed the page break

kahljorn Oct 23rd, 2008 01:07 AM

I'm guilty of that myself but mostly because it happens on accident and im too lazy to change it.

kahljorn Oct 23rd, 2008 01:07 AM

I got suspended from a class at school because i made fun of the teacher for being a crazy jerkoff ;o

liquidstatik Oct 23rd, 2008 01:15 AM

i cant edit posts so y'lal just gonna have to deal with it when i miss pagebreaks >:

liquidstatik Oct 23rd, 2008 02:38 AM


Furthermore, these girls are almost never interesting from a friendship point of view. Teenagers are intellectually and emotionally too immature and I can't stand many them to tell you the truth. I am sure there are those that are very smart and mature even at their age, but I have yet to meet any. My unfulfillable fantasy is someone who is mentally and emotionally at least my age, but remains physically 15 indefinately. I understand that this is not possible.
Oh man, I feel him :(

MetalMilitia Oct 23rd, 2008 01:42 PM


liquidstatik Oct 23rd, 2008 02:54 PM


Kitsa Oct 23rd, 2008 06:01 PM

Here's something. My puppy's going into training to be a service dog (as soon as we find the right place) and I am scared to freaking death to take a dog anywhere in case someone gives me a problem about it. Sure, they have all of the "service dogs welcome" shit, but I don't think anyone really means it.

pac-man Oct 23rd, 2008 06:29 PM

Choose a place that'll train him to attack people who renege on their "service dogs welcome" policy.

Tadao Oct 23rd, 2008 07:29 PM

Are you training it for you or are you going to give him away?

Kitsa Oct 23rd, 2008 07:57 PM

No, I'm training her for me. Because my balance is fucked.

Tadao Oct 23rd, 2008 08:13 PM

How's your physical balance? Badump dump dump Tscht

Kitsa Oct 23rd, 2008 08:24 PM

sure ok yes

Tadao Oct 23rd, 2008 08:30 PM

It's time you stopped caring about what people think, and high time you start thinking about what people owe you.

Kitsa Oct 23rd, 2008 08:37 PM


Well, I was looking at all of the crap you have to buy for Service dogs, and much of it seems to center around trying to avoid getting into trouble with people. Like, vests so it's obvious, patches so it's obvious, even little cards with the laws printed on them so you can hand them out. They sort of set you up for it.

Tadao Oct 23rd, 2008 08:39 PM

That is way cool of them, I'm just bummed that if I ever do wind up in a wheelchair, I won't be able to go to a great many of places.

Kitsa Oct 23rd, 2008 08:43 PM

I've randomly landed back in a wheelchair on and off and it's mainly a giant feeling of well, shit, what now.

Jeanette X Oct 23rd, 2008 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 589475)
oh my god the poor puppy :(

I found the article the pic came from, and the dog is getting better. :\

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