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Cfr5 Sep 30th, 2007 03:31 PM

Make me a few, please.

Chojin Sep 30th, 2007 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 505807)
Fair enough.

Is your game broken or scratched, though? My 360 does that with EDF and only EDF. Perhaps the 360 and Wii use the same brand of drive or the data is stored in the same pattern on the disc. Hmmmm.

How is MySims, by the way?

The disc isn't scratched, I guess it just doesn't cache anything at all. It gets much louder when you go into areas with lots of stuff.

The game is actually really good, btw. It's nothing like the sims, more like Animal Crossing plus playing with blocks :< Most of the game is actually you building furniture for people that they can actually use, but you can get pretty crazy with the pieces. My guy is a huge dick and the people in my town cry when they make eye contact.

Fathom Zero Sep 30th, 2007 07:52 PM

Didja make them some really uncomfortable furniture?

Chojin Sep 30th, 2007 07:55 PM

I made one guy a bed of nails because he's lived in my town for a month and never thought to ask for a place to sleep before. He was DELIGHTED.

HickMan Oct 1st, 2007 05:11 AM

F this guys I'm selling my 360 for a Nintendo 64 with Goldeneye and playing it on my hdtv. It'll look stellar

Fathom Zero Oct 23rd, 2007 07:05 PM

Hey emu, hey emu.

The Wii is good because we say it's good.

Chojin Oct 23rd, 2007 10:44 PM

And 360s cannot overheat because it has never happened to me and should it happen it's just sort of like god's test to job and if you don't run out and buy three more to replace it you're some kind of faggot.

Emu Oct 23rd, 2007 10:45 PM

I'm waiting for this supposed "Falcon" model.

Chojin Oct 23rd, 2007 10:47 PM

yeah, us too :< we have the funds to buy one and I'd like to, but I really would rather it not blow up.

Fathom Zero Oct 23rd, 2007 11:07 PM

Hahaha, I knew that would happen. Anywho, Shadow Hearts is still a kickass game, though I've never played Okami. I can see how it'd work fluidly on the Wii.

Emu Oct 23rd, 2007 11:09 PM

From the 2 hours I've played of Okami, this game would be a must-have on the Wii. It would take the place Twilight Princess was supposed to have.

noob3 Oct 24th, 2007 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 505797)
This is true. But really, with lines like "Anyone, with proper knowledge, should be able to fix anything, thus making said problem a non-issue," do you really need proof that you said something asinine in the past, prior to a few hours ago?

By the way, my Wii is making strange noises when we play MySims, but during no other game. It's coming from the disc drive, though I have no idea if the Wii is supposed to be that loud. My guess is NO, and I called Nintendo to get a UPS shipping label sent to me. It arrived a few days ago (about 2 days after I made the call), and I was told that it would take about 3-4 days to get to Nintendo, 3-4 days to repair, and then another 3-4 days to get it back - At most 2 weeks, total, with no proof whatsover that something was wrong. When I called Nintendo, they had Smash Bros. music for the hold music and warned that my wait time could be UPWARDS OF FIVE MINUTES but thank god it was only like two or something. I told the guy that it was making strange noises while playing MySims and he said 'Oh, really? Is that game any good?' and we talked a bit about it. I offered to let him listen to the noises after he'd submit my repair order, and he was all 'What was that?' (it sounds like a hamster trying to escape a habitrail). However, the system still works fine and is just making noises in that one game, and I'm afraid to send it out because we use it too much (between MySims and Mario Strikers Charged and Metroid Prime 3, I don't think there's a day that it doesn't go used).

Compare this to Microsoft's service, wherein you can expect to wait AT LEAST a month to get your system back, and it is virtually guaranteed to break (if it wasn't, they wouldn't have extended the warranty to 3 years. Shut up.). I don't know if you have to pay to ship it to them in the first place, but my money is on 'of course.' Our friend Chris is going through this issue at the moment (they've had his box for at least a month and a half), and so far has yet to play his copy of Halo 3 due to their shitty turn-around time.

I also ordered a new set of 4 Wii straps from Nintendo's web site a few weeks ago, for free (I heard they had released new models of straps from Infendo). They arrived within the week. This is my second set from Nintendo, and these have a lil locking mechanism. They're cute.

When my 360 broke, they sent me a coffin with styrofoam guards & a free ship label. No cost to the customer at all.

Zomboid Oct 24th, 2007 05:50 PM

Hey guys I really like my 360 but not my wii. I think it has something to do with not wanting to play a bunch of mini games or compilations.

Guitar Woman Oct 24th, 2007 06:11 PM

Hey guys, I really like the Wii but not the 360, which might have something to do with not wanting to play a bunch of fucking console shooters while 13 year olds swear at me over an expensive online service.

Guitar Woman Oct 24th, 2007 06:12 PM

Also I am suggesting we sticky this thread

EisigerBiskuit Oct 24th, 2007 06:37 PM

Raise of hands who has a PS3.

Guitar Woman Oct 24th, 2007 06:43 PM

I was planning on getting one so I could get all the PS2 games I missed out on last gen AND a healthy catalog of sexy PS3 games, but that was before they decided to have winning the lottery as a requirement to own one and decided to have the only good exclusive for it be Warhawk.

I may still get one when I secure a job and if a few more games come out, but I hear the backwards compatability is a load of bullshit. I'd ask you guys to validate this, but nobody fucking has one so I may never know.

noob3 Oct 24th, 2007 06:54 PM

guitar woman i have never had a 13 year old cuss me over live, usually there isn't even any little kids on unless you get on during school hours (which surprizingly is when all the little kids play i guess they play hookie) one kid was really irritating because he was pretending to be a russian :lol but usually i have had only good experiences with my fellow 360 players

there's a bunch of non console shooters for the 360 you are just using a bad arguement

Guitar Woman Oct 24th, 2007 07:29 PM

Ok, that's probably because I don't own one. But I'm still not getting one when I could have all the interesting games for it on my PC for free and with way better aiming.

If I had a good PC, which might be a nice alternative to blowing all my money on a PS3.

Kant spelz Oct 24th, 2007 07:34 PM

360 is for little kiddies who can't afford a decent video card or for hardcore losers who have no friends to play video games with.

Stick with a Wii.
It's a blast.

Zomboid Oct 24th, 2007 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by noob3 (Post 508514)
guitar woman i have never had a 13 year old cuss me over live, usually there isn't even any little kids on unless you get on during school hours (which surprizingly is when all the little kids play i guess they play hookie) one kid was really irritating because he was pretending to be a russian :lol but usually i have had only good experiences with my fellow 360 players

there's a bunch of non console shooters for the 360 you are just using a bad arguement

Same here. Like any online game, there's quite a few total losers who get way too into it, but for the most part everyone is pretty easy to get along with.

Expensive online service? I paid like $70 for a package that had a year of xbox live gold, new headset, webcam, and some free xbox live arcade games and shit. That's not exactly expensive. Also, I'm probably wrong here, but I don't remember there being any real online capabilities for the virtual console games. I like playing street fighter 2 on live except when the insanely good players come on and fucking destroy me within 10 seconds.

Guitar Woman Oct 24th, 2007 08:35 PM

See: Mario Strikers Charged, Smash Brothers Brawl, Mario Kart Wii.

And again, I don't support the virtual console. I have an emulator with NetPlay, mabye you guys should get one too!

Zomboid Oct 24th, 2007 08:38 PM

I'll be getting smash bros brawl for sure, but I definitely don't have enough interest in MARIO SOCCER to get that. Mario Kart just isn't very fun for me anymore.

Guitar Woman Oct 24th, 2007 08:40 PM

Mabye 16 people in an online multiplayer game will change your mind a little bit :<

Also, I thought for sure Strikers would be a giant lump of shit, but I played it a little in a GameCrazy over the weekend and it's fucking FANTASTIC.

Emu Oct 24th, 2007 08:41 PM

Yeah, I love kart games and all but Mario Kart's just not doing it for me. If Mario Kart Wii is going to be anything like Double Dash then I think I can get along without it.

Guitar Woman Oct 24th, 2007 08:43 PM

Double Dash was terrible :<

Emu Oct 24th, 2007 08:47 PM

It wasn't terrible. I mean it delivered basically the same thing the previous two did -- three difficulties, sixteen tracks and mirror mode. It suffers from Melee-itis and all the characters are clones of eachother. And they re-used a lot of the music. And it's impossible to get a boost in two-player co-op. And powersliding is impossible. And the battle minigames are awful.

Okay yeah maybe it is.

Guitar Woman Oct 24th, 2007 08:50 PM

I remember when I was younger and I had friends, and we could just play the Battle mode on 64 for hours and hours.

We didn't even fight directly, we just drove around on Block Fortress shooting shells and bananas into the bottom level and trying to knock each other off :<

Emu Oct 24th, 2007 08:51 PM

And can someone explain to me why fat fucks Wario and Bowser drive faster than Toad and Koopa Troopa?

Guitar Woman Oct 24th, 2007 08:52 PM

And it's also a crime if, when taking DD's shit factor into consideration, you don't mention Baby Park, the most horrible and retardedly unoriginal track in the history of Mario Kart. Why the fuck they ported it to DS and made it playable online is completely beyond me, and every time I'm playing and some fag picks it I DISCONNECT IMMEDIATELY.

Guitar Woman Oct 24th, 2007 08:54 PM

Also, heavy characters have a high top speed and low acceleration rate, which means that if you don't drive in a criss cross pattern or hit anything then you can GO LIKE HELL.

Most of the time this is impossible, though.

Emu Oct 24th, 2007 08:55 PM

I was going to mention Baby Park but I thought I had disparaged it enough.

I miss Crash Team Racing. :\

Chojin Oct 24th, 2007 11:38 PM

I love double dash ;< It's way better than the piece of shit that was kart 64.

Also, Mario Strikers Charged is a fucking amazing game, and if you go LOL MARIO SOCCER YEAH OK without even playing it, then you have no right to complain about people going LOL SHOOTERS YEAH OK about your 360/PS3/3DO/Neo-Geo.

Guitar Woman Oct 24th, 2007 11:49 PM

Chojin, I generally respect your opinion in these matters, but I'd like you to give me a detailed explanation as to why you hate MK64 so I will have points to base my logic on when I tell you to go fuck yourself.

Ok? :<

Chojin Oct 24th, 2007 11:53 PM

Sure -
  • it's slow
  • the framerate is crappy
  • at least two of the stages are designed in such a way that if you hit someone with an item right before they make a jump, they have to repeat the entire lap
  • introduced blue shells, which were the worst idea ever
  • computer will literally teleport to keep up with you if you're doing too well
  • n64 analog control sucks
  • largely uninteresting courses

Emu Oct 24th, 2007 11:54 PM

Blue Shells are even worse in Double Dash. You only get them if you're in last place, and the only person they help is the person in second place, or third if it's a close race.

Chojin Oct 25th, 2007 12:00 AM

They work the same way in the 64, GBA, GC, and DS versions, but they showed up in the N64 version first is all I was saying.

Emu Oct 25th, 2007 12:02 AM

No, the 64 one had some use, because it would swerve to hit all of the players ahead of you, but in DD it just flies over everybody, gets to first place incredibly fast (so much so that you can't keep up with it) and knocks out the person in first. But by that time it's so far gone that you can't possibly make any gain on it unless you saved and threw it when you were in second place, in which case you would probably nuke yourself in the explosion.

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 12:05 AM



it's slow
It's a 3D game from 1996, it was fucking when it came out. Also, stop playing on 50cc, you fucking pussy.


the framerate is crappy
Are you emulating this or something? I got out my copy to play before I typed this, the framerate is fine.


at least two of the stages are designed in such a way that if you hit someone with an item right before they make a jump, they have to repeat the entire lap
That's half the fucking fun :<


introduced blue shells, which were the worst idea ever
Yes, but you actually had time to slow down so it avoided you and hit the fag you were doing VICIOUS BATTLE with, giving you the edge, unlike the faggoty flying ones which only give you the option of having it hit the people in second and mabye third, too.


computer will literally teleport to keep up with you if you're doing too well
I never saw this, and still don't notice it after playing a few courses just now. I might just suck horribly, but I say this is crap because I've gotten so far ahead that I overlapped a bunch guys and nobody rose to challenge me ever.


n64 analog control sucks
Ok you are right about this one :<


largely uninteresting courses
This game contains my favorite mario kart courses ever :< Banshee Boardwalk, Yoshi's Valley, and Rainbow road all kick substantial ass, among others.


I admit that it's not nearly as good as I remember it being, but it's still way better than that pile of shit Double Dash.

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 12:06 AM


Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 12:15 AM

Also, I don't see any teleporting, per se, but the characters in second and third are always the same for the 4 races in a Prix, and they always seem to MAGICALLY speed up even if you've completely devastated them.

Of course, this happens in every other Mario Kart, too. :<

Emu Oct 25th, 2007 12:16 AM

Every Kart game. Cortex always wins in CTR.

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 12:19 AM

I remember on the desert level I'd always try going through the train tunnel because I was convinced I could make it a shortcut, but the train raped me EVERY TIME and when it didn't I came out and was in like 8th place

Chojin Oct 25th, 2007 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 508601)

It's a 3D game from 1996, it was fucking when it came out. Also, stop playing on 50cc, you fucking pussy.

It's much slower than all of the other Mario Karts, including the GBA and SNES ones.


Are you emulating this or something? I got out my copy to play before I typed this, the framerate is fine.
It runs below 30 fps on the target hardware.


That's half the fucking fun :<
Killing someone from a race, permanently, in ONE FELL SWOOP, isn't fun at all for that person. It's kinda why lakitu saves you from lava and shit.


I never saw this, and still don't notice it after playing a few courses just now. I might just suck horribly, but I say this is crap because I've gotten so far ahead that I overlapped a bunch guys and nobody rose to challenge me ever.
It uh, really isn't. The computer will teleport. All the time. Just watch the player icons on the left running along the track - if you're waiting for a Quake-style slipgate noise accompanied with star trek effects or something, you're missing the point.


Ok you are right about this one :<


This game contains my favorite mario kart courses ever :< Banshee Boardwalk, Yoshi's Valley, and Rainbow road all kick substantial ass, among others.
The GC rainbow road is better, and I don't remember those other ones. The ones they sent over to the DS suck. I'm also talking compared to DD here, too, where there's lots of interesting shit going on.

Double Dash is a great game with much better balance, ai, levels, and speed than 64. I really don't see what your problem is!

Emu Oct 25th, 2007 12:26 AM

I liked N64's Rainbow Road simply because you could take that awesome shortcut if you jumped off at the very beginning.

Fathom Zero Oct 25th, 2007 12:26 AM

I like Mario Kart 64 and Double Dash! They're fun games!

Emu Oct 25th, 2007 12:27 AM


Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 508609)
It's much slower than all of the other Mario Karts, including the GBA and SNES ones.

Ok, mabye you need to do some heroin to get into the groove of things!

Coincidentally, fuck the SNES and GBA ones.


It runs below 30 fps on the target hardware.
Ok, but it isn't CHOPPY, which I can live with!


Killing someone from a race, permanently, in ONE FELL SWOOP, isn't fun at all for that person. It's kinda why lakitu saves you from lava and shit.
Fuck that person. If I gave a shit about him in the first place, I wouldn't have dumped his ass into a lake of ice water!


It uh, really isn't. The computer will teleport. All the time. Just watch the player icons on the left running along the track - if you're waiting for a Quake-style slipgate noise accompanied with star trek effects or something, you're missing the point.
Again, I still don't see the teleportation. I was probably watching the map so hard I forgot to get way ahead of everyone, but whatever. Mabye you could provide a YouTube video or something.


Double Dash's control is horrible, too, but you seem to think that is a GIFT STRAIGHT FROM OUR LORD AN SAVYUR JEASUS CHRIST.


The GC rainbow road is better
Yeah, enjoy your shitty rainbow road music and no chainchomps or awesome neon backgrounds, and drifting off the fucking edge because of the game's horrendous power sliding.


Double Dash is a great game with much better balance, ai, levels, and speed than 64. I really don't see what your problem is!
My problem is that Double Dash is TERRIBLE

In fact, thanks to this thread I realize that Mario Kart is crappy in general and only getting worse so I won't waste my money on the Wii version. But hey, more dough for me to buy No More Heroes with!

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 508611)
I like Mario Kart 64 and Double Dash! They're fun games!

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 12:37 AM

So, Mario Kart has no games that I like for anything other than nostalgic value except the DS one which I don't like anyway because the online community is full of fucking faggots and it says FUCK ALL and doesn't even include the game's coolest tracks for wifi play.

Fuck this series :[

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 12:47 AM

While we're on the subject of cool games Chojin hates, what do you have against Earthbound? It's one of the only jRPGs I can play without vomiting :<

Emu Oct 25th, 2007 12:50 AM

It makes his white blood boil with the slanderous stereotypes of the white lifestyle.

Emu Oct 25th, 2007 12:51 AM

At least, that's what it does to me. :\

noob3 Oct 25th, 2007 12:56 AM

ooo my first sticky :D

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 12:57 AM

I love the part in the beginning where you talk to Pokey's dad and he's all WOULD YOU PLEASE MOVE AWAY SOON

Chojin Oct 25th, 2007 04:26 PM

Double dash's controls are just fine, you homo. The powersliding on the DS is retarded, it actually makes you move in that direction instead of, like, sliding.

Earthbound sucks because I am not five years old and therefore can't relate.

Emu Oct 25th, 2007 04:38 PM

Guys why does everyone call her Aerith when her name is clearly spelled Aeris :\

Fathom Zero Oct 25th, 2007 05:47 PM

Because they're jFAGs like Guitar Woman.

MetalMilitia Oct 25th, 2007 05:48 PM

Everyone shut up about stupid JRPGs and Nintendo.

Talk about how fantastic Portal is. It's a conversation far more relevant to my interests.

Btw, does anyone ever watch the Zero Punctuation game reviews?

I finally caught up with all of them today and I must say they're fantastic and really accurate.

Check them out here (site may be down right now):


Chojin Oct 25th, 2007 05:58 PM

Yes, let's all talk about how great Portal is in the 'LET'S ARGUE ABOUT VIDEO GAMES' thread, guys.

Fathom Zero Oct 25th, 2007 05:58 PM

Portal is fantastic!

Chojin Oct 25th, 2007 05:58 PM


MetalMilitia Oct 25th, 2007 06:00 PM

We can argue about which part is our favourite.

P.S. CHONG!!! >:

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 06:00 PM


Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 06:01 PM

And yes, I generally tend to have the same opinions! He's a cool guy!

MetalMilitia Oct 25th, 2007 06:03 PM

'cept for he hates Japanese RPGs and you love them to bits. :rolleyes

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 06:07 PM

Hahaha, what?

Ok, so I like FF6 and Chrono Trigger, but everyone else fucking does too.

Where you guys get the impression that I think Japan is fantastic I'll never know

Emu Oct 25th, 2007 06:10 PM

The Heavenly Sword one :lol

MetalMilitia Oct 25th, 2007 06:11 PM

You love Japan by proxy because you spend so much time posting next to Chojin.

Also you are always talking about how you love JRPGs to bits. :rolleyes

Emu Oct 25th, 2007 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 508729)
Hahaha, what?

Ok, so I like FF6 and Chrono Trigger, but everyone else fucking does too.

Where you guys get the impression that I think Japan is fantastic I'll never know

Well TBH every avatar you've had so far has been of some character from any of the handful of animes that define what it means to call something Japanese

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 06:12 PM

Anyone else do the pen thing on Psychonauts? :(

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 06:13 PM

Also unless it was opposite day when I said that Tales of Symphonia and most games of that ilk were fucking horrible I don't get how you'd think I liked jRPGs

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 06:14 PM

As for anime, I like Ninja Scroll and Vampire Hunter D, but again, so does everyone else

MetalMilitia Oct 25th, 2007 06:14 PM


I don't get how you'd think I liked jRPGs
Well you're just the type to be honest.

Chojin Oct 25th, 2007 06:16 PM

My favorite part of the lesbian is the cleft chin!

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 06:16 PM

man this is like becoming the chatroom thread but for the gaming forum

DuFresne Oct 25th, 2007 06:23 PM

i was a fan of Yahtzee before this thread made him cool >:

but i've only been a fan since GW posted the video in the Bioshock thread so yeah, thanks for that kiddo :(

I did the pen thing too :(
And I subsequently went out and bought Psychonauts :)

Emu Oct 25th, 2007 06:24 PM

Well people bitched when we chatted about games in the GenBlab chat thread so fuck them!

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 06:28 PM

I love Yahtzee's sense of humor, but I can't get into any of his adventure games. I forced myself to like halfway through day 1 of 5DaS, but then I got distracted and haven't touched it since.

Interactive Fiction adventures are more my speed anyway, he should totally do one of those.

Fathom Zero Oct 25th, 2007 08:41 PM

Hay guys, I'm buying a PS3.

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 08:52 PM

Let me know what Twing Twang is, ok?

Fathom Zero Oct 25th, 2007 08:55 PM

I don't know what you're talking about.

Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 08:59 PM


Fathom Zero Oct 25th, 2007 10:25 PM

I wish I could reference humorous internet videos like you.


Guitar Woman Oct 25th, 2007 10:27 PM


EisigerBiskuit Oct 26th, 2007 12:10 AM

what is there to argue about anything besides it being too old, too much like every other game, or that it was a complete moneybag of failure? it's too much for me to worry over!

gaming is in stasis to me

Guitar Woman Oct 26th, 2007 10:37 PM

So I just spent like 5 minutes taking shit from some prick on Yahtzee's forums about how Um Jammer Lammy is terrible and that it has shit tracks with shit guitar playing and singing, after which he proceeded to be all GUITAR HERO 3 IS GONNA HAVE THE BEST SOUNDTRACK EVAR

it made me :oneofthosedays

MLE Oct 26th, 2007 11:01 PM

At first I thought you said Gitaroo Man and I was like WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT

Guitar Woman Oct 26th, 2007 11:03 PM

I've never played Gitaroo Man :<

MLE Oct 26th, 2007 11:04 PM

I can not talk to you again until you have.

Emu Oct 27th, 2007 12:48 PM

Guys I have a question.

The copy of SOTN I bought seems to be working about 90% okay but has a few errors due to a very small (probably about an eighth of an inch long) but rather deep scratch on its backside. This results mostly in some errors with the music at certain parts (mostly in the Marble Gallery and the first section of the SPOILERinverted castleSPOILER)
and some pretty bad graphics errors when I transist past a disc-reading area when moving from said areas. The graphics errors can be fixed by re-loading the area but this is kind of a pain in the ass. Being in the aforementioned areas when the music is screwing up results in some lag and/or freezing when I try to access the start menu or die. Opening and closing the disc cover usually fixes this.

The dude I bought it from said he would resurface it if it gave me any problems, but as I understand it there's some risk involved in it and if he resurfaces it I probably won't be able to get my money back. :( Should I have it done?

Fathom Zero Oct 27th, 2007 04:41 PM

Well, I'd do it if those parts are that important to you. I've buffed and resurfaced almost all of my games. Never had a problem.

MLE Oct 30th, 2007 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 508998)
I've buffed and resurfaced almost all of my games.

You must take pretty poor care of your games, then.

Fathom Zero Oct 30th, 2007 07:58 PM

Guilty! :lol

Actually, since I turned fourteen and realized that trading in games is stupid, I've kept them all in the original cases instead of on spools like I did.

Emu Oct 30th, 2007 08:00 PM

Every time I go into gamestop anymore they try to convince me that trading in games will save me money.

Fathom Zero Oct 30th, 2007 08:10 PM

The turning point for me was looking around for Shadow Hearts 2 and Katamari Damacy only to remember I'd traded them in for Halo 2 or something gay.

Emu Oct 30th, 2007 08:23 PM

Speaking of Katamari, I found it in a ghetto pawn shop for 8 dollars. Bought Fatal Frame III instead because I figure Katamari probably has a longer shelf life. :[

Edit: Meaning I could come back and get it later when I had money.

MLE Oct 30th, 2007 10:35 PM

Katamari is hard to find, dude. At least it was about 8-12 months after the small release. I doubt they upped production at that time.

Fathom Zero Oct 30th, 2007 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 509208)
Halo isn't old enough for that. However, it does have its plot broken up into tons of books, and now supplemented by Halo Wars.

And Street Fighter has the mangas, the animes, the movies, et cetera.

MLE Oct 30th, 2007 11:24 PM

I don't think he was discrediting that in that quote, I believe he was trying to establish that the point noob was trying to make in that thread was less relevant than he originally intended.

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