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glowbelly Dec 24th, 2003 08:05 PM

thanks, mr. fartin. the statue highgate cemetary one is, well, a statue in highgate cemetary that was hand colored in photoshop. :)

Rez Dec 25th, 2003 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by glowbelly
hurryup already

sorry, i dont run the site my stuff gets posted on and dont plan to... so that means when the site manager says he'll desperately try an update before the holidays, it means it might not happen... and it didnt..

but soon though... soon....

glowbelly Jan 2nd, 2004 04:47 PM


Rez Jan 14th, 2004 01:56 PM

ang again, it's stellar, as usual, fantastic composition, perspective, everything you already know, and i finally went and made one of them my background.. hope you dont mind if i use the Lynch and Sons photo for awhile as a background..

and am i the only one who checks this anymore? even i'm 12 days late and no one else is here!

it's not fair..

youre amazing, glowbelly.

edit: re: cliched self portrait: :lol

Anonymous Jan 14th, 2004 03:24 PM

I used one of her new ones in a background for our mix :>

glowbelly Jan 14th, 2004 03:51 PM

thanks so much, rez. i truly appreciate the comments. as a beginning student of photography i really try to emphasize technique and composition. i figure that i'll find my niche along the way. and no, of course i don't mind you using one of my snaps as your background image. just let people know who i am, if they ask.

chojin makes pretty background dancy color things with some of my photos.

in the next coming weeks there's going to be a lotta activity there. i'm taking a digital imaging course this semester. hold on to your hats.


Protoclown Jan 14th, 2004 06:01 PM

now you know damn well i don't wear a hat so i don't even know what that's all about

but i likey your id picture thingymabobbermajig

glowbelly Jan 14th, 2004 06:41 PM

i have a picture of you in a paper bag hat

Dole Jan 15th, 2004 10:29 AM

GB, I love the photo looking through the arms of the bench. Very nice indeed.

glowbelly Jan 15th, 2004 11:30 AM

thanks, sam. it means a lot to me that you checked all that out. :)

Protoclown Jan 15th, 2004 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by glowbelly
i have a picture of you in a paper bag hat


Rez Jan 15th, 2004 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Rez

Originally Posted by glowbelly
hurryup already

sorry, i dont run the site my stuff gets posted on and dont plan to... so that means when the site manager says he'll desperately try an update before the holidays, it means it might not happen... and it didnt..

but soon though... soon....

still waiting, i'm not alone on this site... so people send in paintings and stuff as well and he's waiting for it before he updates...


i swear, it's coming though.

glowbelly Jan 15th, 2004 06:36 PM

i'm looking forward to it!

Immortal Goat Jan 15th, 2004 07:12 PM

You've got talent. I tried taking a photography class in my highschool recently, but it was more developing your own prints than composition and stuff. That's the second-year class. And I'm a senior. :(

glowbelly Feb 12th, 2004 03:26 AM

take it in college!

i updated it again. i sure did. yup.

only 2 images this time.

clickity clickity clock

Bennett Feb 12th, 2004 12:16 PM


do you like Man Ray? The girl I was dating in college was an art history major and took a class on Dada. I looked through her books more than my own, and I fell in love with his work (not so much the rayographs, though)... unfortunately, he's about the only photographer I know :(

Rez Feb 12th, 2004 06:23 PM

i laughed at the superman pic of your dad :). well done balancing humor with what you were actually trying to pass across. this is as close to my definition of "art" i've seen in recent memory.

i looked at the other one and thought it was really good, then i read the description (see, i pay attention) and then thought it was really really good. its hard to be subtle with things like this, people inclined to do such things usually hit you in the face with it and you're left feeling uncomfortable. but this was real, graceful, and even sublime.

again, very well done :)

i'm getting links to more of the same pics i took from the last time, but these werent added into the theme for obvious reasons which will be explained when they go up. :)

glowbelly Feb 12th, 2004 11:27 PM

benny: man ray, while not one of my absolute favorite photographers, did do a whole lot for the medium and surrealist movement itself. his photographs tended to come off as "accidents" when in fact he spent a lot of time on technique to acheive the effect of his images.

some of my favorite photographers that you may want to check out include: jock sturges (make sure you are not on a work computer when you view his stuff. there is a thread somewhere on this board that i started about him, if you want some links), cindy sherman (mostly self-portraiture that is extremely derivative), garry winogrand (street photographer) and anthony goicolea (does digital manips using cloned versions of himself as a white upper class adolescent male).

i also really admire my instructor's work. her name is masumi hayashi. she does panoramic photo collages where she captures a 360 degree view by taking many smaller photos and then puts them back together after the shots are developed.

if you are really interested in finding some good photographers, check out the only skin deep project at http://www.icp.org/osd/preview/index.html.

rez: thanks so much for the nice comments. it's funny that you mention the second image, because it was the one that received the most negative (for lack of a better word) criticism in my class today. i plan on reworking this piece and will most likely end up removing my face from the bottom right, as it tends to crowd up the composition and take away from the image of my father. i think this is one that looks better on screen than in print.

as always, i'm looking forward to seeing more of your stuff.

Rez Feb 13th, 2004 01:54 PM

before i read the descrip, i thought the face got in the way and made the whole thing really "hallmark"
but art isnt just about composition and what "works" in a photo, and after reading it sounded like it needed to be there and even lent it credence.

so take it out if you want, but after seeing this one, i'd imagine it'd be your parents and a vacuum in the corner, like you're missing something.

i'm not sure actually... i dont know if i should babble about composition since i only know the really elementary aspects of it...

i liked the both of them. there. :)

glowbelly Feb 19th, 2004 10:20 PM

well that's good enough for me. :)

i redid "untitled" (god i hate naming things that) and handed it in to my photo prof. she seemed to like it better, which is good, but i'm gonna keep the original up on devart for awhile.

i updated my page with more snaps. these were taken with my boyfriend in mind, as a way of capturing where we live so we'll always have a personal history of our first home together. they're recognizable to us, but are a bit abstract to the outside viewer.

hope you like.


Dole Feb 20th, 2004 03:04 AM

Your technical skill is getting better and better Karen, nice one.

glowbelly Feb 20th, 2004 08:18 AM

thanks, sammy!

it helps that i have superior technical equipment to work with ;)

Rez Feb 20th, 2004 02:47 PM

the little things in and around the house that make that one place distinguishable from everything else.
i've tried taking photos like these, and all i'll say about em is that i need to keep trying... :rolleyes
yours however, continue to be excellent in every regard. i especially liked how a couple of shots fooled me into thinking they were black and white until one of the details, the details that make the place "your house," are in color and hence get the most attention. NICE one for that.


glowbelly Feb 20th, 2004 05:00 PM

thanks. i was really trying to focus on the bursts of color among all the gray, black and white. all of those shots are presented "as is," except for the dancing window one, which i converted to b&w in ps. the original has so little color in it, that i thought it worked better as a b&w photo.

glowbelly Mar 6th, 2004 01:23 PM

updated again.

i added the reworked version of untitled. i like it better. it's subtler and doesn't look all hallmarky.

there's a pottery piece that i did up there too, and an abstract extended photo collage of the frank gehry building here in cleveland. the latter was for my digital imaging class. um, and i did a panoramic photo collage of my apartment, or at least the part i spend the most time in.

hope you likey.


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