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Protoclown Mar 21st, 2003 06:58 AM

Exactly. I just think it's hilarious how you just assumed he's a US citizen, because we all must be US citizens around here because the United States is the only country with technology and we're also the center of the universe. :rolleyes

There are quite a few non-American (not UN-American, mind you) posters on here.

You dumbfuck. :lol

VinceZeb Mar 21st, 2003 09:42 AM

Ok, I'm sorry that I used my mind to put the gaps together to see that the same people that always say "your" president are usually Americans that don't like Bush. Most people from a different country wouldnt put quotes around your to begin with, especally if they are from a different country. Serves no purpose to do so.

Oh no, people dont post here from America! I didn't realize that. I wish I could be cool and put Mortal Kombat and clown pictures all over my posts and be hip! Bet that gets you laid constantly.

FS Mar 21st, 2003 10:08 AM


Oh no, people dont post here from America! I didn't realize that. I wish I could be cool and put Mortal Kombat and clown pictures all over my posts and be hip! Bet that gets you laid constantly.


VinceZeb Mar 21st, 2003 10:11 AM

Yep, that is what I said. Man, you are clever.

Protoclown Mar 21st, 2003 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by VinceZeb
Ok, I'm sorry that I used my mind to put the gaps together to see that the same people that always say "your" president are usually Americans that don't like Bush.

I have NEVER heard an American refer to the President that way, no matter how much they don't like him. Maybe you were having political debates in your special ed class or something?

Buffalo Tom Mar 21st, 2003 12:36 PM


Maybe you were having political debates in your special ed class or something?
Protoclown, you dumb fuck! You know that in special ed class they only talk about how not to eat Elmer's Glue and about the dangers of blunt kindergarten scissors! Stop making silly assumptions about a person's normal daily activities, no matter how idiotic his posts are!

Protoclown Mar 21st, 2003 12:50 PM

You're right, I shouldn't make assumptions. Fortunately for me, in his postings, he's CLEARLY illustrated how much of a cold heartless asshole prick he is without a shred of decency or compassion, so I don't have to assume that anyway.

VinceZeb Mar 21st, 2003 01:27 PM

I wished I lived in dillusional liberal land. Must be nice to be a fucking uninformed idiot.

I guess I'm an idiot. I'll continue to be a part of the 10% who pulls the cart and you continue to be the 90% who rides along and whines about it not going your way.

Pub Lover Mar 21st, 2003 01:34 PM

Hey Vince, can we have a look at your magic key?

Edit: Because you must have a magic key to open your secret stash of 'truth' that only you seem privy to. :(

ranxer Mar 21st, 2003 03:01 PM


but I would love to see your head explode while Cheney takes the oath.
yea as said it is most of the administration.
as for heads exploding.. i just stand my ground with a sign or two and watch others get red in the face and threaten to explode my head, but if they move on me it proves my point that they don't believe in a free country.

sorry you wont see me acting rabid, as a matter of fact the anti-war people are determinded to keep things as peaceful as possible.. much more so than the bush supporters.
my biggest problem is getting passed thier propoganda of 'if your not with us you're a terrorist' they cant seem to think very well. :/

so keep screaming obsenities and wishing harm on others it shows your true colors!

ItalianStereotype Mar 21st, 2003 03:04 PM

forget all that terrorist, iraqi, blah blah war bullshit, i want to see your head explode because you are a foaming zealot and i dont like you.

glowbelly Mar 21st, 2003 03:24 PM

i want to see your head explode because i bet it's filled with pretty colored confetti. :)

Carnivore Mar 21st, 2003 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by VinceZeb
Must be nice to be a fucking uninformed idiot.

Why are the best educated people (most college professors) in the country overwhelmingly liberal? They must be uninformed :/

So long as there are people like you to swallow government lies and accept what is said at face value, this country will continue to decline.

ItalianStereotype Mar 21st, 2003 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by glowbelly
i want to see your head explode because i bet it's filled with pretty colored confetti. :)

if you hit it with a bat, maybe some tasty candy yummies will fall out

VinceZeb Mar 21st, 2003 08:27 PM

Ha. Most college professors, that are liberal, usually do not have a grasp of reality. If you would like many stats, figures, and reports on the idiots of the left who everyone adores like Noam (who's doctorate, in my opinion, should be withdrawn since he is completely based on junk science and little research), Zinn (a straight up Commie), and Singer (words cant describe how reprehensible this lunatic is), I would gladly do it in public.

I dont accept or believe everything the govt says. Like I said before, if you would get some reading comprehension, is that I don't agree with anything I hear or see unless a) It already agrees and confirms what I have believed or b) It has enough truth based on FACTS that I can be swayed to believe that way.

Carnivore Mar 21st, 2003 08:46 PM

Socialism is not bad. It can be successfully bred with democracy. It is not a bad word. You and Raygun need to know this. Calling someone a Commie doesn't discredit them. I feel no need to defend any of the individuals you indicted as their credentials stand on their own.

If you don't believe everything you're told, what do you think this war is about? I'll hold my response for your answer.

VinceZeb Mar 21st, 2003 09:09 PM

Communism murdered 100+ million people, more than every religious war combined. Communism is based on the belief that govt gives you rights, everyone no matter how much you work or dont work that you should get all the same, and that speaking out against the govt or having unpopular thoughts or ideas should be considered a 'crime' and you should be sent to a re-education camp.

Socalism is the utopia of fools. Democracy and socalism does not work. Free men believe in captalism, which is a unequal distribution of joy. Liberalism is the equal distribution of misery.

This war has to do with many things. Iraq violated the rules of law as set by the cease fire agreement during the first Gulf War. Would we have did this before 9/11? Probably not. But now is a different time where the enemies of free nations is not contained to a state or a nationality, and whoever supports these groups should be punished. Does this have to do a bit about oil? Perhaps. I have not seen any evidence either way to support it. It wouldnt suprise me a bit if it was, but so what? We could have just invaded Kuwait or bought off saddam to get cheap black gold.

I have seen enough to justify my views and to dismiss the ones on the far-left and the far-right.

FS Mar 22nd, 2003 08:50 AM


Communism murdered 100+ million people
Egad! And I thought it was dictators.

Carnivore Mar 22nd, 2003 11:36 AM

Egad! You were right! Communism is about equal distribution of wealth, but it has nothing to do with eliminating free speech and reeducation camps. Governments claiming to be communist have perpetrated such crimes in the past, but those were the acts of individuals, not communism.

You call a democratic socialist state the "utopia of fools" so I must assume you were born into a well-off family and have never wanted for anything in your life. Say that you have the same opportunities as a hispanic child born in the inner-city to a single parent working two jobs just to make ends meet. I'm not about equal distribution of wealth. I don't mind people earning money. I just believe that with greater wealth comes greater responsibility to ensure equal opportunity for everyone. There is nothing wrong with wealth when legitimately earned. I can't condone earning wealth through government subsidies, laying off employees and cutting benefits to maximize profits, and other less-than-honest practices. In a completely capitalist society without any government regulation of business, this would happen. As it is, the United States is not even completely capitalist. Democratic socialism does work where it exists (where the United States has allowed it to exist because American likes to overthrow socialist governments using what some might call terrorist methods).

You're quite the arrogant ignoramus. It's clear that you don't look beyond your own limited experience at the bigger picture. You must be Raygun's twin.

AChimp Mar 22nd, 2003 12:10 PM

*waves small Canadian flag* :)

VinceZeb Mar 22nd, 2003 05:41 PM

Sorry, but I wasnt born well off. My family made a modest living and I work for all that I have. I was taught self-reliance, unlike most people are today. They are taught by example to rely on govt for everything. I want to help out anyone that wants to work and stand on their own two feet. If they want to be govt money banks and collect the hard earned tax dollars of me and my fellow tax payers, then I have no use for them whatsoever. I would assume if you got ALL of your money that you earned and then had to pay 5% of it to a bum who did nothing but smoke crack or shoot up all day, you would change your tune.

In America, we have about as much equal oppurunity as human society can provide. You operate under the notion that there is true "equalness", when, as it has been proven time and time again, there is not. If we were all in the caveman days, the notion of equality would be laughed upon. It's who clubs the deer and cleans the meat who gets to eat. The ones that are too lazy starve off.

I am confident, although some say I am arrogant. But I am not ignorant nor small-pictured. I SEE the big picture every day. I am a conserative/libertarian. That is the only way to see things.

Carnivore Mar 22nd, 2003 05:52 PM

I see the abuses of welfare all the time. I'm the one scooping them off the street after they OD. It pissed me off, yes. I don't, however, lose sight of the people who really do need help. The people who need welfare support for a little while they get back on their feet.

As for equal opportunity, you mean to tell me somebody attending an inner-city public school is going to get an education equal to the one I got in the public school system of a rich, upper-middle class suburb inhabited primarily by whites?

VinceZeb Mar 22nd, 2003 07:50 PM


As for equal opportunity, you mean to tell me somebody attending an inner-city public school is going to get an education equal to the one I got in the public school system of a rich, upper-middle class suburb inhabited primarily by whites?
NO, THEY WONT! You are proving one of my points that everyone on this board denies! Inner city schools suck! Not because they don't get money, its because of the way the govt has given control to the unionized teachers and then they dont teach! The teachers teach the kids crappy, they dont care about the job, and the children suffer, because no one bothers to help them with their condition! If we have it so the kids could choose the public schools they went to, then schools would have to compete (like a business, as in capitalism) for kids. How would schools compete for children and parents? By providing a good education and after school activites so kids can learn that THEY CAN get out from their situations.

We keep pumping money into a leaky ship that never gets fixed! Whats the point of giving money to a school if it still sucks! Let the kids choose. Schools will improve. In the places it is done, it works. Even Joe Clark, the guy who the movie 'Lean On Me' is about, says that. Over and over.

Carnivore Mar 22nd, 2003 07:59 PM

The town I grew up in had a very active teachers union and was considered one of the best towns for education in the state. That's the state of Massachusetts, one of the best states for education in the country. Forcing schools to compete will only result in great inequality. Who do you think is going to be attending the better schools? Obviously not the poor! Measures must be taken to ensure that all schools provide an equal, quality education. Privatizing public schools is one of the most asinine ideas I've heard ever. You are quickly surpassing the dumbassedness of Raygun.

VinceZeb Mar 22nd, 2003 08:56 PM

Ok, I am going to be nice for one post. Do you know what the whole voucher movement is? The voucher movement is so underprivledged children CAN go to the better schools with the same type of money that would be given to a shitty school they are FORCED to be in. Making schools compete against each other is the best idea for schools!

When companies compete against each other for customers, who benefits? Ding ding ding, the CONSUMER! Taking the tax money out of failing schools, allowing parents to use the SAME TAX money that is paid to go to a different school that they CHOOSE, creates that much-needed competition! I work at a private college, we compete against MANY schools, and it makes we the workers, the teachers... EVERYONE work harder to provide the best education for the CONSUMER, the student!

Teachers will be forced to teach reading, writing, arithmetic, instead of "group feeling" sessions and tolerance classes! That stuff may be nice, but when it comes down to what children NEED first, its the basic tools to make it in our society! You can be tolerant and open minded all you want, but if your dumbass cant read or add functions, you won't make much of yourself a vast majority of the time.

Before kids learn about multiculturalism, they need to learn mathmatics. I have seen too many good people flunk our entrance exam to the school I work for because they don't know basic information that you or I should hopefully know. And these people are seniors or just graduated from high school! Hell, I have seen college students that can't pass it. And do you know where they all go? Govt schools. The ones who go to govt schols where they care about students or private schools knock our test out of the park.

I can only sum this up by an experience I had about a year ago while waiting in the line one late night after work at a grocery store. They just started talking about school vouchers and this upper-crust white apologist woman started talking about the evil Repugs and their school vouchers. She said all schools are just as good as another. I ask her where she sent her kid. She sends him to a private Luthern school. I then told her to put her money where her mouth is and send him to a school in East St. Louis.

East st. louis is in the top 5 of worst neighboods in the country. Needless to say, the conversation ended quickly.

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