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glowbelly Sep 22nd, 2004 10:00 AM


we are just as clueless about the son/daughter thing as you, but i'm convinced i'm having a boy because no daughter of mine would treat me so poorly this early on in our relationship.

yes. still in cleveland...hopefully not for long as the whole city is falling apart. we're thinking philly again, but not sure if that's going to pan out or not.

congrats on your marriage. i wanted to do that before the whole baby thing, but you know...sex happens and then whoops baby and oh no we don't have insurance and whelp, i can't marry daddy cause then i'd make too much money to get state aid...so LUCKY YOU BASTARD >:

LNSICPantitude Sep 22nd, 2004 10:14 AM

all things come together in the end though, glowbelly. you seem pretty stoked so it must be a super thing. we'll be breeding to make the world a better place next year most likely. god help us all.

what does state aid actually provide? do you have to pay anything out of pocket?

your avatar thing makes me want peanuts. damn. i don't even like peanuts.

glowbelly Sep 22nd, 2004 10:20 AM

get this: as long as i make under a certain amount of money a month, i believe $1500, everything is covered. all prenatal care, the delivery and the baby is covered for 60 days after it's born.

i didn't really want to go this route, because it's basically like being on welfare, but it was the only real choice i had left. the others being that i get a full time job (and go to school part time while being pregnant - yuck) and pray that their insurance covered maternity, or try to get into an open enrollment insurance program, which would have cost me TWELVE HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH.

fuck that. i paid my taxes. i'm gettin' mine.

LNSICPantitude Sep 22nd, 2004 10:39 AM

that's insane. so if you were married they count both incomes huh? sounds like a good program but it must suck balls for those who are married and make just above the threshold and have no insurance.

i have health insurance through work but it's a crapstick hmo with like a 500.00 deductable for hospital stays. they don't however, offer short term disability here so when the maternity leave happens, i get 12 weeks unpaid. and that = broke ass mama.

Carnivore Sep 22nd, 2004 12:02 PM

Move to Massachusetts. Anyone can get MassHealth. Believe me, I know... because they use it to take a free ambulance ride to the hospital when they'd be fine in a cab :/ It would be nice to see somebody who actually needs it benefiting from it.

Anonymous Sep 22nd, 2004 05:51 PM

You could probably cut down on that shit if the ambulance ride included a mandatory blood test.

Carnivore Sep 22nd, 2004 06:12 PM

Or prostate exam... with no lube.

Anonymous Sep 22nd, 2004 06:15 PM

I'm thinking of things that would be nice to people that actually had to take a ride in the big red loud taxi.

ziggytrix Sep 22nd, 2004 06:18 PM

i'd rather take a free ambulance than a cab, but just how minor are we talking about? i mean, something like a pain in your abdomen might just be gas, or a kidney stone, or it could be your appendix preparing to rupture and end your agony with toxins coursing into your bloodstream, and short of getting to the ER ASAFP, you really wouldn't know.

plus, some people just don't know much about medicine. we aren't all trained EMTs you know. :/

Carnivore Sep 22nd, 2004 06:35 PM

We've been called for splinters, hemorrhoids, and people who have vomited once. We get called for pains people have been having for weeks, months, even years. They always seem to call at 3:00 AM for those. Meanwhile, people have pulled up in their car to the hospital with their spouse in cardiac arrest in the passenger's seat. The abuse of the system angers me. People think a Medicaid card is a free pass. I would do away with Medicaid completely if it couldn't benefit people like Glowbelly who need it, won't abuse it, and don't intend to remain on it permanently.

She better not call me when she's in labor, though. I've seen that before and it's not pretty!

Terra Sep 22nd, 2004 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by glowbelly
get this: as long as i make under a certain amount of money a month, i believe $1500, everything is covered. all prenatal care, the delivery and the baby is covered for 60 days after it's born.

i didn't really want to go this route, because it's basically like being on welfare, but it was the only real choice i had left. the others being that i get a full time job (and go to school part time while being pregnant - yuck) and pray that their insurance covered maternity, or try to get into an open enrollment insurance program, which would have cost me TWELVE HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH.

fuck that. i paid my taxes. i'm gettin' mine.

But you qualify for WIC the (Women, Infants and Children) program wouldn't you? That would give you some basics like milk and cheese products. In Missouri, the baby is covered on Medicaid for a good year if your income remains under the guidelines. There are ways around that (I'm helping out Jackie-my buddy that just gave birth on 9/11) as I'm finding out. There are programs available that would even give you a free phone line for local calls that happens to be state mandated if your on Welfare. The way I figure, and as you stated, you gave and now it's time to be able to utilize it. It's not like your going to be on it forever and before you know it, you'll be on your feet and giving back to the system before you know. I'm amazed at all of the programs out there that are available. Even if somebody doesn't qualify for out and out Welfare, there are TONS of programs through DFS that can help your situation out. :)

Supafly345 Sep 25th, 2004 01:50 PM

This forum was totally awesome just 5 days ago. Now it has fallen into complete crappy anarchy by just one blast from the idiot legion's shit-spray cannon.

Anonymous Sep 25th, 2004 01:59 PM

6/23/03 The beginning of the "Fall". :)

9/25/04 The Dark Ages. :love

12/24/05 The Age of Mad Max. :party

3/22/06 I-Mockery Shuts Down. :lol

Father §p@z Sep 25th, 2004 02:04 PM

Wow, that's the first post I've read by you that wasn't incredibly mean. :)

James Sep 25th, 2004 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Carnivore
She better not call me when she's in labor, though. I've seen that before and it's not pretty!

Just imagine what it'll look like when a baby's coming through it. :(

Crying Baby Jesus Sep 25th, 2004 03:15 PM


Carnivore Sep 25th, 2004 10:46 PM


Just imagine what it'll look like when a baby's coming through it. :(
I don't need to imagine. I've seen it.

AChimp Sep 25th, 2004 10:48 PM

Boy, this thread sure was better X posts ago. :(

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