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James Nov 30th, 2006 06:36 AM


noob3 Nov 30th, 2006 09:42 AM

GC had the resident evils, those were cool! PS - 360 has no appeal at all? Not even as a HD movie player? IDK man I like my 360 and i dont think any console is going to have as many people online as XBOX LIVE

ill get a wii but not a ps3

Chojin Nov 30th, 2006 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by James
I really haven't heard many good things about the incorporated Wii controls anyway. I'm content getting the GC version over the Wii one. In face, I prefer it.

Aiming for the slingshot and arrows are way better for wii. I personally love using the remote as a sword, especially when you whip that bitch out.


The PS3 holds the most interest for me, because I feel it has the most long-term appeal. The PS2 is 6 years strong and going for AT LEAST another year before the PS3 officially takes over, giving it the longest lifespan we will have ever seen in a video game console to my knowledge.
Have you ever heard of this really obscure system called the nes or something

More when I'm not on my phone!

BobDole Nov 30th, 2006 10:56 AM

When I get the money, it'll definantily be going towards a Wii. I'd like to say that I'll eventually give the PS 3 a chance, but nothing about it really appeals to me, especially the way that Sony has chosen to market it more as a computer system than a video game system. Thing is, I'd like a video game system over a half-assed computer system, due to the fact that I already have a fully functional computer system.

I'd also consider a Playstation 3 if all the games I wanted weren't coming out for awhile, and the fact that it no longer carries the series that was the reason for me buying a PS 2 over the GC (Xenosaga) is another strike against it.

Most likely, I'll be going with a Wii.

Girl Drink Drunk Nov 30th, 2006 12:23 PM

Actually, I believe it is the NES and Playstation that have been around the longest. Both lasted about 10 years. On the other hand, if you are talking in terms of success, then yeah, it has probably one of the longest runs (success and relevance-wise)

Chojin Nov 30th, 2006 12:30 PM

Depends on how you define success - the nes had more market share and was WAY more profitable. And it kinda, like, pioneered mainstream home gaming.


Girl Drink Drunk Nov 30th, 2006 01:21 PM

Yeah. I'm aware of that. I was more implying that near the end of the run of the NES and PS, they were mostly just releasing more of the consoles instead of the games. I wasn't saying that PS2 is more successful than the NES or PS overall, but actually meant that PS2's last years might be more productive and lead to a fair amount of games. Afterall, it has taken about 5 years for a console to be released that is drastically more powerfull than the last generation (there was a 3-year difference when the Genesis was released to compete with the NES). Considering the myriad of different consoles and add-ons that were released during the early to mid-90's, I can see why Nintendo wouldn't focus their efforts on NES games (which is probably another reason that mostly only re-modelled NES's were being sold). Seeing as how there hasn't been quite as much hardware compared to that in the 90's, and my aforementioned comment about the longer wait for a next-gen console, I figure PS2 should be able to provide new games for a longer period of time than the NES had (as opposed to mostly just providing services and re-designed hardware). Again, though, I didn't mean to imply that the PS2 is the most successful.

noob3 Nov 30th, 2006 01:23 PM

but wasn't the genesis just a nes with different games? & a different casing?

Chojin Nov 30th, 2006 01:32 PM

Very funny ;<

And no.

Plus the genesis had BLAST PROCESSING OH MY GOD

Girl Drink Drunk Nov 30th, 2006 01:33 PM

That was next-gen, pretty much. It was 16-bits (as opposed to 8), and technologically superior.

Black Flag Nov 30th, 2006 01:36 PM

actually there was a 5 year span between when the famicom and mega drive were released in japan and a 4 year span between the nes and genesis

so, it's not that different

Girl Drink Drunk Nov 30th, 2006 01:39 PM

Shit. You got me there. Still, though, I think it had to do with the fact that there were so many consoles being released, and boasting different advancements in technology.

thebiggameover Nov 30th, 2006 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by James

XBox360 holds almost no interest to me. To me, the original XBox and the 360 are just forgettable systems. Nothing has ever really jumped out at me and made me WANT the systems. The closest they've come is with Gears of War, but I'm not going to get a console JUST for one game, and no other titles have ever gotten me interested in a Microsoft system. I'd honestly put the 360 in the same ranking as a cell phone, in terms of game appeal.

i used to think that way before i got to kind of own one for a month. xbox live will change your mind if you just give it a chance. also, they just started a HD movie down load on xbox live....

Emu Nov 30th, 2006 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin

Originally Posted by James
I really haven't heard many good things about the incorporated Wii controls anyway. I'm content getting the GC version over the Wii one. In face, I prefer it.

Aiming for the slingshot and arrows are way better for wii. I personally love using the remote as a sword, especially when you whip that bitch out.

If you turn the pointer to face yourself, can you commit seppuku?

James Nov 30th, 2006 04:07 PM


noob3 Nov 30th, 2006 04:49 PM

Um, James? All the Xbox 360s games are in HD? You didn't know? I'm not sure if that's what you meant but.. If I ever do want to watch a HD DVD, I have the option. And I don't HAVE to plunk down the extra $200 on the spot, like I said, it's an option.

I <3 my 360! :D And what the fuck is blu-ray? Is it another word for HD? Because. My xbox has that. And it dosn't try to beat around the bush with fancy names!

Immortal Goat Nov 30th, 2006 06:35 PM

Noob3's comment on Blu-Ray is my main reason for thinking it will not be a successful medium. I would assume that Noob represents the standard consumer here. Most of us know what Blu-Ray is, but the average consumer doesn't, and doesn't give a crap. All they know is that, to maximize the effect of the Blu-Ray, one needs to have a 1080p HD TV, and those are not cheap. It's an extra expense that, personally, I think Sony should have waited until the NEXT generation to throw in there, if at all. DVDs work. The consumer will see HD DVD next to Blu-Ray, and will think "Blu-Ray? What the fuck is that? Oh, HD DVD. I know DVDs, and HD is good, right? I'll buy that!"

Not that Blu-Ray isn't good, but it's unneccesary in this console generation, and is adding to the already high price of the PS3. That, and at launch, it has 0 compelling games (for me at least) makes me think that I will wait on Sony through this generation, then pick up the 3 whenever they decide it was a bad idea and work on 4.

the_dudefather Nov 30th, 2006 06:49 PM

the thing I don't get is, if blu-ray can store so much data, but you have to install the games on the hard drive to get decent loading times, then cant you just get the same effect with multiple discs?

and sure games will need more storage space than a DVD can provide, but wont -again- multiple DVDs be a reasonable solution until either Blu-ray or HD-DVD is established enough to warrant its use in a console (cheaper components, faster readers etc). changing the disc 3 times when playing a PS1 final fantasy wasn't that bad (I draw the line at monkey island disc swapping madness though)

sure things will be probably different in a few years when the extra investment of a ps3 pays off, but that's when ill actually buy one :P

noob3 Nov 30th, 2006 07:10 PM

Seriously, is that all it does? More storage? Are you shitting me? Do we really need MORE STORAGE in this day in age? Alot of my games have more than 1 disc and I've never thought of as a hassle or anything. I mean, it makes me think I'm getting more for my buck! It's like 2 games for the price of one, man! They're making us pay more so they can spend less on discs :(

This is somthing they should reconsider! More discs! Less storage!

Am I right guys?

James Nov 30th, 2006 07:59 PM


Microshock Nov 30th, 2006 08:15 PM

Eh ps3 sucks....

wii owns..

im tired of the same old gameplay...at least nintendo offers something new which is gonna be a success like they proved with the ds...which beat the psp and nintendo still owns 75 percent of the handheld gaming market.

ArrowX Nov 30th, 2006 08:29 PM

The 360 has High Definition games but not an HD DVD drive. The HD-DVD drive is a $200 add on.

And about the whole multiple disks thing. I've been wondering why there aren't any of those anymore! I remember back in the day that it was pretty much a contest to see who had the game with the most disks, and that if there was more than one disk it was a fucking bombshell as well.

darklycan Nov 30th, 2006 09:03 PM

Xbox 360: The 360 seems like a second next-gen console I would get when it has a good value pack with it. (Thats what I did with my Xbox). ATM the main selling point for the 360 for me is some of the games, Dead Rising would be a game I would start afresh everyday mostly becasue I love horror movies. However for christmas i'm going down to Melbourne and my Cousin has a 360 so I'll see what it is like before I make my mind up about it.

Wii: The console I am picking up on December the 7th. I have always had a soft spot for nintendo becasue nothing make a VERY LONG car trip seem shorter than my gameboy. Also 1st party games from nintendo have been the only ones that have stood out for me. PS2 and Xbox 1st party games weren't eye raising for me. Also Nintendo usually has the genres of games I like, so that another selling point for me. Finally the third party support at lunch is getting me giddy becasue after the gamecube's horrible 3rd party support I was starting to get a little worried but if 3rd party produces are intrested in making games for the Wii, then I'm excited!

PS3: Hmmm whats to say? This console won't be out in Australia till MARCH, which really shows how much Sony gives a damn about Australia and while consoles usually release later in Aus, its has never been this bloody long. Improved graphics is always a good thing and being able to experiance it will be something else. At this time I'll have to wait before me final decision on the PS3

Overall: The Wii is my first choice for better or for worse. I will have to see what the 360 and PS3 are truley like before I make up my mind.

Chojin Nov 30th, 2006 09:30 PM

Sony's biggest problem here isn't price directly in my opinion, it's that their games look the same as every other console if you don't have an expensive HDTV. And at launch, it looks about as good as current 360 games even with an HDTV. Of course, Microsoft's had a year to grow their graphics and I don't doubt the PS3 will trump them in that category in as much time. Screenshots I've seen of coming games for the PS3 in HD are nothing short of brilliant and if all the consoles were the same price I'd probably go with the PS3 as my secondary console. Adding motion-sensing and nixing vibration at the last minute was a hilariously pathetic move on Sony's part, but stealing from Nintendo is what tiggers do best, I guess ;<

James, you keep saying 'who buys a PS3 for movies' and then turn around and say that a standalone blu-ray player is $400 more than Sony's ultra-expensive system. So, I would imagine a lot of people who buy PS3s will do it for the movie-playing format. I also agree with the sentiment that HD-DVD will trounce Blu-Ray, if for no other reason than people know what DVDs are and they know that HD means 'good'. Also, I realize that the NES came out more than 20 years ago, but that's just proof that even 90% market share and longevity to rival Christianity can't save your subsequent systems from failure (not to say that the SNES failed, but it had less market share and the N64 all but tanked). The lesson that I think we all should have learned from the PS2 is that even the least powerful system can win it big - even without first-party support - as long as you have a lot of people making games for it. The PS3 is so fundamentally different from anything that's worked for Sony in the past that to compare it to their other consoles is actually less accurate than comparing it to its competition.

Also, as I understand it, the 360 uses a format of DVD that is higher density than normal DVD while not being HD-DVD. I could be wrong.

Comrade Rocket Dec 1st, 2006 03:54 PM

thats my main problem with the ps3. In order to actually enjoy what the system has to offer you have to drop almost 3000 dollars. i dont have 3000 dollars, i barely had the 300 i dropped on my wii and a game. and so far from what i have seen its not that impressive. the two games i played were NBA 2k7 which is unfair to judge because it generally looked like a peice of crap. The sweat coming off the people looked more like they were covered in a plastic shell. the other game i played was some ATV game. And while the ATVs were insanely detailed. And it was cool when you crashed because they took the time the detail small car parts that anyone besides a mechanic wouldnt be able to recognize. But the ground and walls looked HORRIBLE. They were still heavely pixelated and kinda blurry. I dont know if thats because it was on a plasma and not the HDTV, but if thats the case sony is dead last for me... like behind the N-GAGE last. I dont want to have to buy a HDTV in order to play metal gear solid 4 so snake doesnt look like hes a pile of pixels and blurs fighting other pixels and blurs in pixel and blur land.


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