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AChimp Jul 7th, 2003 10:05 PM

Actually, this that really was good advice. :O

I will try to talk to her tomorrow. Or the day after that. Or the day after that. Whenever I see her. :)

AChimp Jul 9th, 2003 10:41 PM

She told me to talk to her on Friday. :O

Anonymous Jul 9th, 2003 11:06 PM

softening you up for a break-up :<

AChimp Jul 9th, 2003 11:22 PM

Maybe. :eek

I need to think of things to say that will get me on her good side. ;)

Anonymous Jul 9th, 2003 11:24 PM

she's already made her mind up.

AChimp Jul 9th, 2003 11:28 PM

Maybe. :(

But I will wear a clean t-shirt anyways. That always seems to help.

Actually, she told me to talk to her on Friday because she has an exam coming tomorrow and several labs to do in one of her summer courses and doesn't want to be distracted by DEEP THINKING. :chatter

Anonymous Jul 10th, 2003 12:51 AM

that's another way of saying "don't bother me while i hump this other dude"

i got to level 3 and took a proficiency in speaking woman :<

Pub Lover Jul 10th, 2003 01:06 AM

AChimp, this person of which you speak never was 'your girlfriend', she just used you as a study aide & for tech support. :)

AChimp Jul 10th, 2003 01:23 PM

You are not being supportive. :(

Professor Cool Jul 10th, 2003 03:07 PM

I'll support you cause chimp. A lost cause, but still a cause.

Go get em', chimp!!! :) :/ :)

AChimp Jul 10th, 2003 03:13 PM


Royal Tenenbaum Jul 10th, 2003 05:27 PM

Instead of going to the movies with his friends, Chimp is going to waste his Friday in another attempt to reignite this relationship. :/ Not a good idea.

Anonymous Jul 10th, 2003 08:35 PM

You should go to the movies, chimp. She'll use it as a guilt trip bargaining chip to help her dump you, but she's gonna do it anyway.

If she loved you, she'd find the time to talk to you before friday. 'Simple as that.'

Jixby Phillips Jul 10th, 2003 09:20 PM

Don't go to the movies OR try to rekindle your relationship. I mean, what good movies could possibly be out right now?

AChimp Jul 10th, 2003 10:03 PM


Instead of going to the movies with his friends, Chimp is going to waste his Friday in another attempt to reignite this relationship. Not a good idea.
I already told you I work tomorrow night and have to study for my exam on Monday. >:

Bar none. :(

AChimp Jul 10th, 2003 10:27 PM

Anyways, I figure that there's no harm in talking to her tomorrow. I don't really have any hopes, but there are a few things that I'd like to straighten out.

Baalzamon Jul 11th, 2003 12:39 AM


Anyways, I figure that there's no harm in talking to her tomorrow. I don't really have any hopes, but there are a few things that I'd like to straighten out.
yeah, theres no harm in it.

from what youve told me though, I think It'd be best for yourself if you go into it simply to get closure, and for nothing else.

It really doesnt sound like shes interested, or that it will change any by tomorrow.

Its the uncertainty thats been fucking with you. Above all else, eliminate the uncertainty tomorrow. dont let the conversation turn into some ambiguous "maybe later" "not right now" type of shit, because then it will just bother you for another 3 months, and just keep repeating on you.

Get to the point, get it sorted out, and maybe you'll still be "friends", whatever the fuck that means :blah

Just finnish it, so it doesnt fuck with you even more for the next year and a half.

kellychaos Jul 11th, 2003 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Baalzamon
Get to the point, get it sorted out, and maybe you'll still be "friends", whatever the fuck that means :blah

Just finnish it, so it doesnt fuck with you even more for the next year and a half.

Then it would be called "Chimp's Little Thread". >: Nuff said.

AChimp Jul 11th, 2003 11:34 AM

Exactly. :rolleyes

AChimp Jul 11th, 2003 03:16 PM

Okay, I talked to her. It didn't really turn out the way I expected it. In fact, it didn't really turn out as anything. :/

She was writing an exam today, so I waited outside the class and studied for my exam on Monday and she was surprised to see me, but was friendly. She said that she had to work that afternoon so any talking that we did wouldn't last very long.

I didn't want to start off with TEH SERIOUSE, so I just asked her how she was doing, how was class, etc. and then we walked around for a bit and everything seemed to be going good. She acted the same way that she had months ago. :/

She wanted to wait around outside her class to talk to other classmates about the exam a bit, and she had to give a paper to her lab partner, so I stayed with her and we talked some more.

Then more people started coming out of the exam room and she talked with them. I couldn't really participate in the conversation, so I just sat there and studied a bit more. Then, when those people left, she looked at me and said, "I'll be right back" and then went a little ways off to talk to one of her other classmates who had just appeared.

Okay, fine. I stayed there. No big deal.

She started walking back, but before she was halfway back to me, a couple more people came out of the room, including her lab partner. Of course, they started talking about the exam. That's all right, though, I thought. I do the same thing after big exams and tests.

However, after about 5 minutes, she looked over at me and blinked, then said, "Are you waiting for me?" Everyone in her group started staring at me.

"Uhh... yeah."

"Well, you can go. I've got a few places to go before I go to work."

"Uhh... okay... *pause*... are you available on Monday?"

"No, Monday is bad. I've got a lab, and so is Tuesday."

At this point, the group started to break up and she started walking away.

"So, uhh... what's a good time then?"

"I dunno. Just find me."

"That's what I have been doing."

"Oh, well then just e-mail me with a time."

"You haven't been checking your e-mail."

"Yeah, I'll get around to that sometime."

"Uhh... okay... bye?"


I don't get it. Why be friendly to me when there's no one around, but then treat me like shit when there are other people around? I should point out, though, that it seems like she only treats me like shit when they are people that I don't know, yet she does.

It's almost as if she has to prove something to them, or something. :/

Jeanette X Jul 11th, 2003 03:49 PM

I would dump her if I were you. If she doesn't think you are good enough for her friends, then dump her. And that crap about "gentleman" and "lady" made me want to puke. Get rid of her. You deserve better than that manipulative bitch. :pac

AChimp Jul 11th, 2003 04:00 PM

The "gentleman" and "lady" stuff was the first one and she is long gone. In fact, I haven't seen her in over six months, so as far as I know, she might have died. :)

It is a new girl that is bothering me now. :(

Baalzamon Jul 11th, 2003 04:03 PM


"You haven't been checking your e-mail."

"Yeah, I'll get around to that sometime."
that is what we call an "excuse" and its a very bad one too. Everybody checks their fucking email! she is lying to avoid the issue, and she will continue to do so, because she fears confrontation, and you are letting her get away with this.

She's obviously not interested, and instead of having the guts to say so, she is letting you follow her around aimlessly hoping that you might get a relevant piece of info from her, someday, maybe.

IMO thats way worse than just coming out and harshly telling yo that shes not interested. at least if she did that you'd know whats going on, and the matter would be resolved for both of you.

She is a coward, and you deserve better.

Royal Tenenbaum Jul 11th, 2003 06:58 PM

What a bitch. My recommendation: Go back and hang around Bailey's Western Civ class. All the cool girls are in that class. :love

AChimp Jul 12th, 2003 07:00 PM

I could use my Yanni-Fabio joke again. :)

Ah well. I will have to brood about this more and become depressed again and then go harass her again. She still has one of my textbooks. LOL.

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