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10,000 Volt Ghost Feb 12th, 2009 11:12 AM

I might go see Friday the 13th at midnight tonight. Hopefully its good.

Dixie Feb 12th, 2009 11:31 AM

Let me know how you like it.
I've been very curious about it!

Dixie Feb 12th, 2009 11:42 AM

I'm trying out something I read on CNN.
I have taped my thumbs to my palms.
I will perform all my daily activities in this state until my husband comes home.
So far using a mouse really sucks.

Dixie Feb 12th, 2009 11:50 AM

I can still pick up my cats and wash dishes like this.
Not bad so far.
Cant wait til I have to wipe my ass.

Aaarg Feb 12th, 2009 11:59 AM

what if you have to BUILD SOCIETIES

oh by the way i dig the old type o negative in your signature and have always wondered if your username was in reference to the baaaaaaaaaand.

Dixie Feb 12th, 2009 12:04 PM

like what kind of societies?

And yes of course my username is in reference to the band.

executioneer Feb 12th, 2009 12:15 PM

motel six sucks, what kinda motel doesnt give you a tiny shampoo >: although i guess thats why it was only 36 bux a nighrt

Dixie Feb 12th, 2009 12:19 PM

I know where youuuu areeeee!

executioneer Feb 12th, 2009 12:37 PM

:eek :eek :eek :eek

Dixie Feb 12th, 2009 12:42 PM

You guys come help me pack dammit!

kahljorn Feb 12th, 2009 12:46 PM

heh why are you taping your thumbs to your palms? Reminds me of this:


Dixie Feb 12th, 2009 12:51 PM

Beats me.
I do alot of stuff for the hell of it.
Someone somewhere has a picture of me with a dildo taped to my head.
I do these things for no other reason than to do them.
If I were smart I'd claim to be drinking.

palindrome Feb 12th, 2009 01:38 PM

"For the hell of it" and "Because I can" are two of the best reasons to do anything.

Kitsa Feb 12th, 2009 01:55 PM

I just successfully used one of my grocery coupons on wine. :love

I promptly celebrated with a glass of wine.

Then my dog dragged me around the block a few times.

palindrome Feb 12th, 2009 02:00 PM

Let me know when you figure out how to get booze with foodstamps. I get to white trash level up when I can do that.

Kitsa Feb 12th, 2009 02:10 PM

You'll be the first to know.

This was recompense for some ickiness found in food I purchased. It said "any product", and I was waiting for them to say "any but alcohol"...but they just swiped it through. I felt like I'd just gotten away with something.

palindrome Feb 12th, 2009 02:11 PM

Corporate guilt booze. Classy.

Aaarg Feb 12th, 2009 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by palindrome (Post 613516)
Let me know when you figure out how to get booze with foodstamps. I get to white trash level up when I can do that.

just go to dc or ny or one of those other states that lets you get cash back from your foodstamp card.

palindrome Feb 12th, 2009 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Aaarg (Post 613521)
just go to dc or ny or one of those other states that lets you get cash back from your foodstamp card.

In that case, what government agency can I exploit for gas money to get to DC?

Aaarg Feb 12th, 2009 02:25 PM

that, i can't help you with.

Dixie Feb 12th, 2009 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by palindrome (Post 613519)
Corporate guilt booze. Classy.

You really look familiar, I'm trying to place where I've seen you.
It could have been a year book. It could have been Twisters.
I'm not sure...

Dixie Feb 12th, 2009 02:39 PM

I've narrowed how I know you down to one person on your friendslist from your myspace!
Now I know how I know you!

Kitsa Feb 12th, 2009 02:40 PM

Holy fucking shit, and I thought my bus was bad when a kid cut my ponytail off. Apparently it's gotten worse.


Kitsa Feb 12th, 2009 02:41 PM

myspace :(

Dixie Feb 12th, 2009 02:42 PM

Thank you Kitsa for giving me another reason to not want children and to detest a good portion of them.

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