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RaNkeri Feb 19th, 2009 01:27 PM

Based on the "..." at the end, I think it might have something to do with the grenade

Tadao Feb 19th, 2009 01:28 PM

It's both funny and depressing at the same time :(

MetalMilitia Feb 19th, 2009 01:29 PM

Like a sad clown :(

RaNkeri Feb 19th, 2009 01:41 PM


Where re-education has failed my comrade, the hangman’s noose will succeed…

MetalMilitia Feb 19th, 2009 01:45 PM

Btw, people on Digg that can apparently read Russian are saying the translations aren't actually translations. I think they're just poking fun at Russia by making them the way they are.

Tadao Feb 19th, 2009 01:54 PM

Yeah, I read the comments on the pics. That makes it even funnier.

RaNkeri Feb 19th, 2009 03:54 PM

Which apples do you prefer? Green or red ones? :eek

Tadao Feb 19th, 2009 03:58 PM

I like Fuji apples

RaNkeri Feb 19th, 2009 04:05 PM

I can't deicde which I prefer more, Golden Delicious or Red Delicious :(

Tadao Feb 19th, 2009 04:07 PM

Fucking Finland! Take a lead from America and enjoy them both in glutinous joy!

Kitsa Feb 19th, 2009 04:27 PM

It would only be glutinous joy if they were in a pie :P

The bf won't shut up about Honeycrisp apples. He appears to believe they're the shit.

I'm all about Winesaps.

executioneer Feb 19th, 2009 04:27 PM

delicious apples aren't delicious >: pink lady or fuji are the best, or maybe elstars

golden russets are good too even if their skins ARE textured like a potato

RaNkeri Feb 19th, 2009 04:32 PM

Granny Smiths are ok too

executioneer Feb 19th, 2009 04:34 PM

in pies maybe :/ although i havent had one in a long time so maybe i'm just being unfairly racist against them

pac-man Feb 19th, 2009 04:35 PM

As opposed to being fairly racist

executioneer Feb 19th, 2009 04:37 PM

yes well if they are genuinely the most sour thing ever then i think it's justified

pac-man Feb 19th, 2009 04:39 PM

I like all apples equally. Except those lazy crab apples. Go back to where you came from crab apples!!!

Kitsa Feb 19th, 2009 04:41 PM

I have two crab apples which were IMPORTED FROM CANADA (that's what the sign at the store said) but I've been afraid to try them. When we had a crabapple tree in our yard my mom told us they were poisonous.

pac-man Feb 19th, 2009 04:46 PM

Never had one myself. I've heard that about them being poisonous but it's not true. They just don't really look all that edible to me.

Kitsa Feb 19th, 2009 04:46 PM

They're soft, not hard like apples. At least these are. They look like overgrown cherries.

pac-man Feb 19th, 2009 04:49 PM

They're prolly sour as all hell.

RaNkeri Feb 19th, 2009 04:57 PM

They're good for making cider though :/

Atleast wikipedia says so

Kitsa Feb 19th, 2009 05:10 PM

My dog has a barking problem.

We had to crate-train her because she was ransacking the house. All of her playtime is heavily supervised. So she gets in her crate and gets bored and she starts barking.

She has a bark collar that's supposed to teach her "unsanctioned barking is a bad idea". It sprays lemon scent whenever she hits a particularly shrill note. It works when it's on, but I hate using it because it seems cruel. Also, when it's off she barks as much as she damn well pleases.

I can't wait till we get a kennel up in the yard that she can play in. She's only a puppy but she's as big as a frigging pony already.

Otto Feb 19th, 2009 05:51 PM

I don't like the taste of apples, but I like to use them to make shrunken apple head dolls.


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 614892)
My dog has a barking problem.

She has a bark collar that's supposed to teach her "unsanctioned barking is a bad idea". It sprays lemon scent whenever she hits a particularly shrill note. It works when it's on, but I hate using it because it seems cruel.

Don't worry about the anti-bark collar, when my dad was a kid his dad got their beagle de-barked, which I always thought was far crueler than the collars that just shock the dogs or spray them with citrus.

pac-man Feb 19th, 2009 05:52 PM

You got a pic of one, Otto?

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