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Colonel Flagg Mar 16th, 2009 05:51 AM

I'm not exactly a "medical" doctor, but it sounds like you have some bronchitis. See your doctor for a prescription medication that will give him a nice kickback. Srsly.

Dixie Mar 16th, 2009 06:04 AM


kahljorn Mar 16th, 2009 06:37 AM

Will bronchitis go away on its own? I don't usually go to doctors cause i have no money ;o

I don't really have much of a cough mostly just a sore throat/feels like something is stuck in my throat ;o maybe its just sinus irritation or something ;\


Dixie Mar 16th, 2009 07:52 AM



Aaarg Mar 16th, 2009 08:10 AM

definitely aids

Dixie Mar 16th, 2009 10:42 AM

Out of desperation and weakness I bought ultralights.

Kitsa Mar 16th, 2009 10:49 AM

A neighbor lady asked me out to lunch next week and then proceeded to provide a list of places where she would not go.

I love people.

Dixie Mar 16th, 2009 10:49 AM

Hahaha, you have such colorful people in your life

Kitsa Mar 16th, 2009 10:58 AM

I think everyone has people like this, I just talk about it, heh.

This lady is very "colorful" indeed, and by that I mean when she gives you a list of places she will not go for your birthday lunch, and said birthday lunch is already postponed for a week because you're spending your actual birthday doing favors for her, it really doesn't surprise you at all.

But that's ok. Makes life interesting.

Dixie Mar 16th, 2009 11:14 AM

Very particular!

Womti Mar 16th, 2009 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Aaarg (Post 619568)
definitely aids

Colonel Flagg Mar 16th, 2009 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 619577)
A neighbor lady asked me out to lunch next week and then proceeded to provide a list of places where she would not go.

Do you expect her to stick you with the check too? ;)

Kitsa Mar 16th, 2009 02:05 PM

Oh! Yes, well, the check is a different thing entirely. I forgot to tell you about her system with checks.

It used to be, among this group of 5 people, that at these lunches the remaining 4 people would split the bill of the fifth "guest of honor". You know, in lieu of a gift, they'd split the cost of your lunch 4 ways. It worked out well. Except she gradually began souring on that concept.

At the end of her own birthday lunch, after everyone had paid for her meal, she announced that at the next person's, everyone would start paying for their own.

Let me repeat that...she decided that after hers was taken care of, ensuring that she had one last hurrah before she got to enjoy an entire year of not paying for $4 or whatever of someone else's lunch.

Tadao Mar 16th, 2009 02:08 PM

Hehehe, she is the queen on smalltown, usa

Kitsa Mar 16th, 2009 02:10 PM

Self-appointed and self-anointed, yes.

kahljorn Mar 16th, 2009 02:55 PM


Man i would totally tell that lady to shove a rock up her anus :(

My wife was driving the last night and she was on a two lane road that turned into one road so of course people have to yield and she was in the lane people were supposed yield into and there was only one guy in that lane, so that one guy decided to CUT HER OFF and shortly after my girlfriend honked at him he SLAMMED ON HIS BRAKES COMING TO A COMPLETE STOP IN FRONT OF HER AND NOT EVEN AT A STOP SIGN. he did this like 3 times, then he was driving all slow so my girlfriend tried to pass him and then he started speeding up trying to not let her get over ;\
Theeeen, she was at the intersection to turn, she was in the right lane he was in the lane that went straight so he like DROVE AROUND HER AND CUT HER OFF IN THE MIDDLE OF AN INTERSECTION THEN DROVE ALL SLOW IN FRONT OF HER. Then she decided to write down his license plate and when he realized what she was doing he started driving all fast and panicked :lol
then she pulled up next to him at a stop sign and showed him the license number cause she got the whole thing and he was all, "Drrrrhaaa" with a scared retard face ;\

I HATE PEOPLE! Then the other day this guy was at an intersection where there's two right turn lanes, obviously because there's two different lanes you can pull into (one goes onto a freeway, the other onto an avenue). So he's sitting there for like a few minutes before we even get there, even though there's no reason to, then when we decide to go he almost TURNS INTO US CAUSE HES TRYING TO GET INTO OUR LANE. Luckily he stopped so i flipped him off then he started driving all close to us and trying to stare us down so we laughed at him and I did some dances. He followed us for like ten minutes though trying to be creepy ;\
It's no wonder that there have been so many killing sprees lately ;\

Oh yea and then my dumb neighbors who only pay for one trashcan keep stealing our trashcans (we just paid for a new one, too) and they have THREE TRASHCANS WHEN THEY SHOULD ONLY HAVE ONE. We have four cause there's four addresses at my house. Anyway the city kept trying to contact them about it and they kept ignoring theem, not answering the door, responding to phonecalls/letters. So the city came out and took their trashcans and gave ours back to us. So a couple days later they steal it again and fill it with their illicit goods (they are running an illicit business out of their home and using trashcans to dump the products because they tried to apply for a city contract without a business license so THEYRE ONTO THEM) and they put their illicit goods in our other trashcans too. So the other day by chance they were cooking food outside, since nobody else could get a hold of them i told them the city said they should only have one trashcan and that they (the city) are gonna call the cops if they do it again. The son (prolly in his 30's) was all, "YOULL HAVE TO TALK TO MY MOM THOSE ARE HER TRASHCANS" and she hid in the house till she heard cops then she came running out and was all, "YOUR HANDY MAN TOLD US HE MADE A MISTAKE THAT ITS OUR TRASHCAN" meaning she probably yelled at him and he's just some dumbass crackhead who doesn't know any better so he apologized and gave it back... anyway we had to tell the hobag that they are only paying for one (which she proceeded to argue that THERE WERE TWO WHEN WE MOVED IN) and that the cops are gonna be called on them and then she straightened up and said they would put it back ;\
but then the city found out so they brought us a new one and they're turning them in for running a business out of their home without a license and dumping stuff y ou're not supposed to dump in trashcans (its supposed to be hauled or something.)


Kitsa Mar 16th, 2009 03:01 PM

LOL, what an idiot.

We had a guy stop in the middle of an intersection in front of us the other day. He was trying to make a turn into oncoming traffic to get into the oncoming traffic of I-75. We couldn't figure it out...surely he could see two lanes of cars on a freeway off ramp coming straight at him, right?

I don't know what it is with people stealing trashcans. We have a family across the street who keeps stealing our recycle bins.

kahljorn Mar 16th, 2009 04:36 PM

You can call the city and they will get pissed off and annoy them :O

That happens all the time here for some reason. i think everybody here is just retarded. I always see overly aggressive drivers, who cut people off like crazy and drive too fast stop in the middle of the intersection, and then stay there. I think they do it so that they can be like, "IM NOT STUPID... NOT STUPID... IM NOT STUPID AND NOBODY CAN SEE ME."

b_squared Mar 16th, 2009 05:08 PM

Writing down the license plate is smart, sometimes if I'm at a stop I will take a cell phone photo of it. It usually stops the asshole behaviour from the other driver.
Before I moved we had to paint the address on our trashcans so people did not take them. The city did not seem to care about our cans being stolen, so why should I care if I painted their containers.

The Leader Mar 16th, 2009 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 619610)
My wife was driving the last night . . . after my girlfriend honked at him. . .


Kitsa Mar 16th, 2009 06:04 PM

With Kahl, I've learned not to ask questions.

Babs Mar 16th, 2009 06:35 PM

I can't believe I read that whole rant but fuck that asshole for being a prick and escalating the situation to a level it shoul of never been at. Report that ass in.

kahljorn Mar 16th, 2009 07:56 PM

I call my wife my girlfriend all the time. I like the sound of girlfriend better ;o Also i think its habit. PLUS IT LETS THE LADIES KNOW IM STILL AVAILABLE FOR SOME SIDE ACTION/THREESOMES/FOURSOMES.

haha the city came out today i guess they are really annoyed with those people because they won't respond to their calls/emails/letters (over the course of a month) and they keep having to come out. So the city is bringing them up on ab unch of code violations: Pressing charges for running an unlicensed business, pressing charges for illegal dumping (supposed to be taken to the dump not in a trashcan), and they are also taking away all of their trashcans until they contact the city (because they pretend like they aren't there whenever the city comes out). :LOL

Tadao Mar 16th, 2009 08:08 PM

I called my wife my girlfriend for a year. We dated for 5 years before getting married. I got used to it.

Aaarg Mar 16th, 2009 10:18 PM

I asked my friend if he wanted to go camping in April. He said sure. I pointed out that it wasn't car camping and that he'd have to carry a backpack, and he asked "is it safe?" and "do you have bear mace?"

I need new friends. Now.

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