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MetalMilitia Mar 22nd, 2009 02:16 PM

I think "significant" was the word you were looking for there :p

Kitsa Mar 22nd, 2009 02:18 PM

...no. Not-insignificant. I have been making not-insignificant payments, as in they have not been piddly one-or-two-dollar payments.

MetalMilitia Mar 22nd, 2009 02:28 PM

I find that logic not-unreasonable, I guess.

Kitsa Mar 22nd, 2009 02:38 PM

my writing style is not for everyone.

I'm sure some sort of analysis would reveal that it shows me to be a negative person.

Or I'm not sure it won't.

Tadao Mar 22nd, 2009 02:44 PM

I believe that you can't go to collections for hospital bills if you send them a good faith payment of 20 dollars a month. It might even be less. I don't think it is just a California thing either. They threaten collections but I think there is an exception for medical.

Kitsa Mar 22nd, 2009 04:39 PM

That was my understanding from when I worked in a hospital. These cretins have no honor.

Tadao Mar 22nd, 2009 04:41 PM

Well, at least it wont ruin your credit. Not like you have an use for credit. I know I don't.

Kitsa Mar 22nd, 2009 04:42 PM

I have no use for credit. My ex saw to that.

Babs Mar 22nd, 2009 04:53 PM

I believe credit is one of the worst things to ever happen to society. It's more safe to play with fire inside your house then playing with you credit. Remember this kids.

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 22nd, 2009 05:19 PM

Credit isn't so bad. Majority of the time it's used will ill intent though. I have credit available in case of emergencies but I try and contain any frivolous spending. I had to learn that the hard way.

Kitsa Mar 22nd, 2009 05:40 PM

My decisions to avoid all future excursions into the world of debt and the world of matrimony happened pretty much simultaneously.

I watch Bridezillas like people watch car racing...for the inevitable crash.

10,000 Volt Ghost Mar 22nd, 2009 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 620620)
can you narrow it down to the type of white?

Edit: I ask because there's a category called "blanc de blanc" that's white wine made exclusively from white (green) grapes.

Edit again: Dammit I want this shirt, it works on so many levels


Tadao Mar 22nd, 2009 06:32 PM

I'm watching a movie on SciFi called RAGING SHARKS. The opening scene was aliens fighting in space and the sharks in the movie growl like tigers underwater. This is awesome.

kahljorn Mar 22nd, 2009 07:01 PM

i owe the hospitol a ton of money cause they act like they are gonna cover me and then ten months later they send a notice basically saying, "YOU FORGOT TO SIGN YOUR NAME ON THIS LINE. SO YOU OWE US TEN THOUSANDS DOLLARS."

I'm never paying those jerkoffs. I didn't ask for their help.

kahljorn Mar 22nd, 2009 07:42 PM

Man there was this lady at my work today who drove me crazy. She was hanging out with a bunch of guys who were in their mid twenties, and while her facial features looked kind of young, and her body was fit, her skin was wrinkling all over the fucking place. She was also a an annoying customer.
Then towards the end she started talking to other people in line about how she used to be a subway employee and shit. And she had this fucking CACKLE. a straight up annoying fucking CACKLE LAUGH and she wouldn't stop she was like one of those people you get them to start laughing and they don't stop and they sound like they're gonna hyperventilate >:.

She must've been on meth or somethin

Kitsa Mar 22nd, 2009 07:49 PM

you sound like you're in a bad mood this evening, kahl.

kahljorn Mar 22nd, 2009 07:55 PM

not really ;o

Kitsa Mar 22nd, 2009 07:58 PM

I should really go take the dog for a walk because it's nice out, but I overdid the yardwork this afternoon and I have no energy :(

Babs Mar 22nd, 2009 09:27 PM

hahaha i just had an amazing time. I thought it would be a good idea to take this radio flyer I had and ride it down this soap box track by my house. It was pretty fun but then I got bored and decided to go down the grassy hill, well the wheel came off and I almost ate the biggest dick sandwhich. Stay tuned for pictures soon!

Tadao Mar 22nd, 2009 09:40 PM

Pics of a dick sandwich? :yum

Babs Mar 22nd, 2009 10:25 PM

Only the tastiest ones. :orgasm

Kitsa Mar 22nd, 2009 11:00 PM

"And now, here's something you'll really enjoy."

http://www.buzzfeed.com/expresident/boob-machine (NSFW)

Babs Mar 22nd, 2009 11:23 PM

OH MAN! it was so awesome when Frankie came out to support his role in his awesome movie Miracle in Lane 2. He came and took off his shirt and began chugging milk proving that he's in fact a machine.

Aaarg Mar 23rd, 2009 01:04 AM

the fact that your location is a tom waits lyric makes me enjoy you

BTW WHERE DO YOU LIVES , looks gloomy !!

Babs Mar 23rd, 2009 01:33 AM

I live in Columbus, Ohio and right now the weather can not decide on anything.

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