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Dixie Aug 26th, 2009 03:59 AM

this is my second divorce, there really isn't a whole lot available unless you breed irresponsibly, but that's a conversation best left for another part of the forum

Dixie Aug 26th, 2009 04:03 AM

that was kind of harsh,
basically most programs to help people like me out are reserved for people with kids.

kahljorn Aug 26th, 2009 08:07 AM

you can probably qualify for 200+ dollars of cash aid from the welfare office, judging by people I know who have been in a similar situation as you, but sometimes it takes a while to get. Plus you can get on EBT which'll save you a shit load of cash, and you'll eat like a queen and itll make you feel better.

it might be a lot different state to state but that's what you can get here. Having more kids (or people) makes you get more money but you can still qualify.

Aimless Aug 26th, 2009 03:55 PM

have you thought about applying for college and trying to live on campus? they have tons of programs and funding for single people. just a thought.

Dixie Aug 26th, 2009 04:02 PM

actually yes i have, but i don't think i qualify if they base it off my last years taxes

Aimless Aug 26th, 2009 04:05 PM

I'm not exactly sure but I think I have a friend that used their parents when they had a similar problem.. if your parents are jerks that kinda doesn't work. It's worth going and talking to the loan officers at the college.

I would be in your position too but my ex is nice enough to let me live with him while I'm injured :/

Dixie Aug 26th, 2009 04:11 PM

I could live with him, but I don't drive and I need to be close to work. I'm at his house now and I'm 30 minutes from all my friends and work. And even though work is dry right now, something can always pop up so I like to be around just in case.
I had a friend today offer his spare bedroom to me, i might have to take him up on it but I still can't bring my kitties :(

Aimless Aug 26th, 2009 04:13 PM

:( I would hide them.

Dixie Aug 26th, 2009 04:19 PM

Yeah because you can totally hide 2 cats in a 12 x 12 room and them not tear up every goddamn thing.

Dixie Aug 26th, 2009 04:21 PM

I love them but they deserve better since I can't take care of them :(

Aimless Aug 26th, 2009 04:27 PM

It's too bad you don't have someone you trust that can take them in so you could visit them, at least you aren't one of those fucks that just leave their cats outside and don't bother to take them with them when they move.

The Leader Aug 26th, 2009 04:28 PM

I'm sure that you will be able to find someone who will love them as much as you do. :3

Dixie Aug 26th, 2009 04:32 PM

I guess it's good that the hardest part of this breakup is finding the cats a good home.

Kitsa Aug 26th, 2009 06:55 PM

There are no-kill shelters that can assure placement of the cats, if you could find one near you.

There are also cat-playpens on ebay that are big enough for 3 cats and a litterbox. I have one that I use when my guys are in a ransack-the-house-at-night mood. They couldn't be in it 24 hours a day, but it'd be an okay option for a short time if you needed to be out of the house and leave them there. It's about $115 shipped.

MattJack Aug 26th, 2009 06:58 PM

I like it when Dixie is being meaner 'an hell.

If it makes you feel better I lost two cats to an ex that I lived with for a while. We dated for a few years, but I don't know how that compares to marriage.

Kitsa Aug 27th, 2009 12:27 PM

I'm starting to really hate Facebook.

Not only can you not say anything without being monitored by assorted family members with varying degrees of intention, you also have random high school people ( with whom you never got along in the first place) who are using the opportunity to get some quality cyberstalk in.

And the quizzes! God, the fucking quizzes! Am I the only one on the planet who doesn't give a rat's ass what kitchen utensil I am?!? How many surveys can a person fill out about the last person they texted, how many tattoos they have, how many piercings they have, whether they'd have kids with the last person they kissed, and so on?!?!?

I have two FB accounts and I'm sorely tempted to purge the fuck out of one of them. Family you more or less live with, but damned if I want to continue my subscription to the obnoxious blatherings of a college acquaintence I can barely remember.

Tadao Aug 27th, 2009 12:30 PM

Yeah, get email addys from those you care about and delete your facebooks.

Kitsa Aug 27th, 2009 12:34 PM

Well, there are at least two people on one who live quite some distance away, and I want to maintain at least casual contact with them. Not in a bother-them-with-lots-of-emails way, just sort of have them around so if they make some big announcement or something I won't be out of the loop.

That's the main concern, I don't want to drop those two. With the exception of some elementary-school friends I remember fondly, that's about it.

Tadao Aug 27th, 2009 12:40 PM

I think I'm gonna get real drunk today. I apologize now just in case.

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 27th, 2009 12:42 PM

Just don't respond to the rest and don't bother answering the quizes.

The Leader Aug 27th, 2009 12:56 PM

I just tell everyone how stupid they are with my facebook. :/

Kitsa Aug 27th, 2009 01:07 PM

in a lot of ways it's even worse than myspace :(

10,000 Volt Ghost Aug 27th, 2009 01:12 PM

at least you don't get friend requests from people like "Staci Wetlips" or "Rock Hardchest"

Tadao Aug 27th, 2009 01:24 PM

I'm gonna wind up playing James Taylor songs on my guitar and wishing things went different.

Kitsa Aug 27th, 2009 01:52 PM

I have a bunch of twitter requests that turn out to be some sort of fucked-up German porn. I'm not too keen on twitter, either.

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