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Pub Lover Sep 10th, 2009 03:16 PM

Tadao Sep 10th, 2009 03:16 PM


Aaarg Sep 10th, 2009 03:16 PM

mine would cut sandwiches into quarters diagonally and i'd take a bite out of each one before continuing.

Dixie Sep 10th, 2009 03:17 PM

There's nothing wrong with the dude I went out with last night.
He and his girl broke up recently.
We had a good time last night, he was very much a gentleman.

Tadao Sep 10th, 2009 03:19 PM

Take it to loveline, no one cares here.

Dixie Sep 10th, 2009 03:25 PM

Pub asked.

Aaarg Sep 10th, 2009 03:29 PM

Pub asked, but Tad commanded.

Pub Lover Sep 10th, 2009 03:31 PM

Pub will read it wherever you happen to reply to him.

Tadao Sep 10th, 2009 03:35 PM

I had to say it or else Aaaarg might type in caps at me again :tear

Aaarg Sep 10th, 2009 03:40 PM

no way buddy i'm so mellow i'm typing in no-caps again.

Pub Lover Sep 10th, 2009 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 647250)
Anyways, here's an email I got today.

hi...you like to hear others interests...well i am interested in jesus...what are you interested in?

Even nuns have more interests than just Jesus, King of The Jews. :(

However, sex is rarely one of them, I hear. :(

MajorScales Sep 10th, 2009 04:37 PM

I bet nuns rub one out on occasion :)

Pub Lover Sep 10th, 2009 04:39 PM

Not in mixed company, I'm sure. :(

Fathom Zero Sep 10th, 2009 05:14 PM

In mixed company, especially.

Dixie Sep 10th, 2009 05:39 PM

So I'm volunteering at the science museum Saturday for BugFest.
My job is going to be at the "Interactive Playground" and I'm working with someone/something called Cameron the Caterpillar.......
We shall see how this goes.

Tadao Sep 10th, 2009 05:43 PM

I want to visit your interactive playground

Dixie Sep 10th, 2009 06:22 PM

No, you just want to visit Dixie's Love Shack

Fathom Zero Sep 10th, 2009 06:27 PM

Dixie's Love Cock

LordSappington Sep 10th, 2009 06:31 PM

I got into the most anti-climatic fight ever today in school. This kid I know through my friends went into a bathroom stall, so I threw some dry paper towels at his head and walked out. Not odd for my friend group at all; just a joke.
At the end of lunch, I ran into him, and he started screaming at me, and shoving me, and basically yelling 'WHAT'RE YOU GONNA FUCKING DO?!'
So, after the fifth shove, and he still wouldn't elaborate, I decided 'Whoa, fuck this.' and kicked him in the nuts. Hard. When he bent over in pain, I gave him an uppercut to his face, and just walked off.
So, do nut shots count as a win? I mean, the guy's a good six inches taller than me, and obviously has serious anger issues, so I think it's sort of fair.

Pub Lover Sep 10th, 2009 06:38 PM

"That's my purse!" :pac-man

Guitar Woman Sep 10th, 2009 06:39 PM

He sounds like a great person

Ploxtrot Sep 10th, 2009 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by LordSappington (Post 647284)
So, do nut shots count as a win? I mean, the guy's a good six inches taller than me, and obviously has serious anger issues, so I think it's sort of fair.

No, that's against the rules and you should be disqualified from any fights you enter.

Pub Lover Sep 10th, 2009 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Wiffles (Post 647261)
I think it would be safe to say that I live in Pub's basement :)

Get a cock, and then we'll talk. <3

Originally Posted by MajorScales (Post 647294)
I kinda doubt they have basements in NZ...he might have you tied up in a closet, that they call a dingaroo room or a Wallaby hamper.

What the heck is so gosh darn complicated about basements that would prevent the local shed-makers sticking one in? :(

As a matter of fact I do have a basement. It is a hole under the house used by the local Marries to clear the indoors long drop.

Tadao Sep 10th, 2009 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by HowardC (Post 647291)
Nearly all of the Misfits songs have been covered by Metallica, including Die Die Die My Darling. The Metallica versions are also vastly superior. I hate to knock the Misfits, because they are a very creative band, but let's face it, Danzig can't sing and the rest of the band can't play. The Metallica versions have crisp, intelligable lyrics and sharp, complex guitar work that make for a far more enjoyable listen. And for the record, except for that odd few months when they were going to a therapist (St. Anger) Metallica has NEVER and will NEVER suck.

I'm not a fan of this album at all. Sounds like most misfit albums, namely a drugged up alcoholic mumbling and screaming while the rest of the band seemly plays as irratic and badly as possible. And before you ask yes, I AM a fan of punk. The problem is it's more of a concert medium and doesn't translate well to an album.

I would recommend instead you buy Metallica's "Garage Days" album. It contains two of the songs listed as well as some motorhead and other covers.

This makes me wanna get banned.

Tadao Sep 10th, 2009 08:19 PM

I can feel the hate rise :(

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