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Zhukov Oct 18th, 2009 09:52 AM

Wait, you did that while pregnant? You Horrid, horrid mother.

Colonel Flagg Oct 18th, 2009 10:45 AM

Maybe you should have told him that it wasn't so bad, and that he should try it himself.

Some people are born with two assholes. :\

Kitsa Oct 18th, 2009 10:50 AM

I'm sure that by his reckoning it's just friendly conversation, like when he told me to take down my hummingbird feeder because there are no hummingbirds in September. Or when he told me I was making his son gay because I let him use my art supplies to paint something.

I was using zip-ties to affix Zombie barbies to dead butterfly-bush branches. It wasn't that strenuous.

Pub Lover Oct 18th, 2009 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 653568)
I always wondered if you guys got any form of Australian broadcasting. ABC?

Technically we can pick it up if we buy off-brand equipment, but those that do are regarded with deep suspicion.

The only way New Zealanders could be more prejudiced against Australia is if you all became Asian overnight. #secretbigots

Pub Lover Oct 18th, 2009 01:20 PM

Hashtags are obnoxious. :)

Originally Posted by Dixie (Post 653809)
give him the pub treatment and take away his edit button, man.

This is the 'pub treatment' now is it? Great. Not like it was created in response to Jamesman being a little bitch. Or used most effectively against GW in curbing her behaviour to an extent. No, it is the pub treatment because I'm still that wacky a guy that I can't be trusted with a function I don't even use when it is available. Now if only we could get shutting the fuck up to be the Dixie treatment.

Pub Lover Oct 18th, 2009 01:46 PM

That was a dumb thing to say. I sure wish I had a way to undo it. Oh well.

Fathom Zero Oct 18th, 2009 02:15 PM

Hahaha :lol

What's up, Pub?

Babs Oct 18th, 2009 08:31 PM

Guitar Woman Oct 18th, 2009 08:39 PM

Someone asked me to take a "which wrestler are you" quiz a week ago

I got Chris Benoit :(

Zhukov Oct 18th, 2009 09:13 PM

I don't have an edit button :(

Pub, it's a strange relationship that NZ and AUS have sometimes. You are dirty Kiwis with a stupid accent and we hate you for it, but often we Tasmanians will feel we are more closely connected to that little group of islands to our East than we are to the big one to our North.

Mainlanders are seen as racist, and closely related to Americans, wheras New Zealanders are even more remote than we are, and I guess we are jealous of it. We don't feel fully Australian because it's so cold here and we don't have Kangaroos, and it might make more sense to be part of the country that our landscape resembles. Plus, mainlanders make fun of us for being hippies.

elx Oct 18th, 2009 11:25 PM

hangover fix pls pls pls quikqquick quick

Zhukov Oct 18th, 2009 11:27 PM

Irn Bru and Vegemite. Oh, hello Elx, have you been drunk this whole time?

MLE Oct 18th, 2009 11:29 PM

Did you know that hangovers are actually chemical reactions from a drug the government put in booze to stop people from drinking underage? True story.

Otto Oct 18th, 2009 11:44 PM

My grandfather used to tell me that all the time, then again this is a man that went to the grave believing that the moon landing was faked and was also orchestrated by Stanley Kubrick.

Oh alcoholic grandpa, why'd you have to drink an entire bottle of whiskey and fall down the stairs?

executioneer Oct 18th, 2009 11:46 PM

water b/w more water

Guitar Woman Oct 18th, 2009 11:55 PM

Yeah, I'm going to conclude that it's dehydration because I drink a bunch of water before I fall asleep and never get headaches

I still feel anemic but if you eat like a nasty greasy omelette after you wake up that goes away immediately

Try drinking only-dextromethrophan cough syrup until you're dissociated enough to not give a shit about the railroad spike in your brain.

Pub Lover Oct 19th, 2009 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 653887)
I don't have an edit button :(

I have a sneaking suspicion that the mods of this board are anti-antipodean. :conspiracy

Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 653887)
Pub, it's a strange relationship that NZ and AUS have sometimes.

NZ is two islands, and everyone here on the bottom one hates those on the top. I'm sure they'd hate us back if they knew we were here.


Originally Posted by elx (Post 653929)
hangover fix pls pls pls quikqquick quick

Don't drink so young, Lassie.

Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 653930)
Irn Bru and Vegemite. Oh, hello Elx, have you been drunk this whole time?

Come on now, how many perfect women do you think there are?

Zhukov Oct 19th, 2009 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 653943)

Come on now, how many perfect women do you think there are?

Only one :(

Colonel Flagg Oct 19th, 2009 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by elx (Post 653929)
hangover fix pls pls pls quikqquick quick

One way to fix a hangover is to not start drinking. :\

Failing this, I take 2 acetominophen, 1 naproxen sodium and 1 plain old extra-strength aspirin before tying one on. Probably something you should have asked before getting wasted. :\

Now, however, the best advice (second time so far, I think) is to drink plenty of water and wear hearing protection for all those loud inconsiderate bastards who are making TOO MUCH NOISE DAMMIT!

BTW, welcome back. How were those midterms? :)

executioneer Oct 19th, 2009 01:10 AM

i though taking acetominophen before drinking is a good way to get serious internal problems :/

Fathom Zero Oct 19th, 2009 01:12 AM

Some hair of the dog that bit you should work. :wakkawakka

Guitar Woman Oct 19th, 2009 01:17 AM

Mixing acetominophen with alcohol is the number one cause of liver failure in the country. Also why the fuck are you adding aspirin to that, are you trying to kill yourself?

MLE Oct 19th, 2009 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 653945)
Only one :(

This was very xkcd.

Kitsa Oct 19th, 2009 08:42 AM

I think hangovers are mainly dehydration, physiologically. Lots of fluids should help eventually.

I always find it weird how different types of alcohol can hit people so differently. For example, I can't deal with gin at all, the way a lot of people can't deal with tequila. It just makes me puke and puke. However, I used to be able to drink lots more whiskey than those around me with no effects whatsoever.

Dry wine does nothing to me, sweet wine (like Mogen David) has me falling over.

Or, at least it did. Back when I was able to partake.

Zhukov Oct 19th, 2009 09:48 AM

I've never had a hangover, or been drunk.

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