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Zhukov Aug 17th, 2010 05:18 AM

I too have problems with being bothered to do anything other than sleep and eat. Please suggest alternatives to exercise and proper diet.

Guitar Woman Aug 17th, 2010 07:57 AM

I said 20 pounds, fgt

If I couldn't handle 2 pound weights I would probably have bigger problems than being out of shape

Chojin Aug 17th, 2010 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 695448)
I HAVE PILONIDAL CYST COMPLICATIONS. (MEANING IT'S ON MY ASS). Please suggest alternatives to sit ups, sarge.

where on the ass?

situps aren't a terribly useful exercise, and i have a hard time believing that a bump on your ass would keep you from doing crunches, or you probably wouldn't be able to do things such as "lay on a bed"

for ab-only isolation, you could do dragon flags or hanging hip raises


I said 20 pounds, fgt

If I couldn't handle 2 pound weights I would probably have bigger problems than being out of shape
my advice remains the same. curls are only important for people who already train in the weight room, and even then are already are past the beginner stage. it's an isolation movement that works a vanity muscle. it won't help you 'lean up'. cut it out.


I too have problems with being bothered to do anything other than sleep and eat. Please suggest alternatives to exercise and proper diet.
ima stab you

executioneer Aug 17th, 2010 10:07 AM

is stabbing good exercise

Chojin Aug 17th, 2010 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 695465)
is stabbing good exercise

depends on what you're stabbing with. a knife would just be a tricep isolation exercise. swinging a 2-h sword around would be more compound and make for a better exercise.

MLE Aug 17th, 2010 07:41 PM

Swinging isn't stabbing.

Sam Aug 17th, 2010 09:30 PM


elx Aug 17th, 2010 10:19 PM

fall semester has started for all of the coooool kiiiiiiiiids

elx Aug 17th, 2010 10:20 PM

and single moms

elx Aug 17th, 2010 10:21 PM

why did boys stop going to school? :( it's like a 60:40 ratio nationwide and like 30:2 at mine :(

elx Aug 17th, 2010 10:22 PM

......not that i mind!

Kitsa Aug 17th, 2010 10:29 PM

I couldn't tell you.

I had a long day which included dental work. Drinking something and going to bed is sounding like an excellent plan.

elx Aug 17th, 2010 10:35 PM

it's because they're all going to jupiter to get more stupider

you should most definitely not sleep kitsa, you might eat a spider

Zhukov Aug 17th, 2010 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by elx (Post 695576)
why did boys stop going to school? :( it's like a 60:40 ratio nationwide and like 30:2 at mine :(

Some of us had to get jobs to pay the bills, rather than skills to pay the bills. :\

Kitsa Aug 17th, 2010 11:01 PM

Already dealt with a sowbug killer earlier and feel like I have them in my hair.

The spiders, it's like they find me.

When I was at the dentist earlier, they did all their work just as the anesthetic was 3/4 worn off. Then they asked me if it felt right. How should I know? I was starting to get sensation back in my upper lip, but it still felt like someone had pounded some tinkertoy pegs up where my front teeth had been. It's like the absolute wrong time to ask someone if their teeth feel right :/

I am having another "mike's harder lemonade" and I'm not quite sure what is in this but I'm seeing double and I may or may not have sent a comment box of utter gibberish to the good people of MAC cosmetics.

elx Aug 17th, 2010 11:26 PM

that's ok! the whole main target audience for mac cosmetics is brainless women, so your gibberish may very well make more sense to them than the usual commentary. :(

Esuohlim Aug 18th, 2010 01:12 AM

elx to answer your question it is because school is for losers, boooooooo

elx Aug 18th, 2010 03:32 AM

milhouse you are my brother, i think we should bond. you should start by telling me a really embarrassing story.

Esuohlim Aug 18th, 2010 04:37 AM

OK, mom says you were conceived in the restroom by weekend dad at the racetrack as a celebration for Dale Earnhardt's victory that day.

Fathom Zero Aug 18th, 2010 06:43 AM


captain516 Aug 18th, 2010 08:31 PM

I hope this is someone's character. And that someone better put this to good use in the future.

Sam Aug 18th, 2010 09:05 PM


Grislygus Aug 19th, 2010 01:15 AM

okay so I've had a couple glasses and I'm watching fucking Soul Train because there's nothing else on, and there's smokey goddamn robinson and the black guy from Ghostbusters performing and there's these animations and the announcer is a grand king pimp badass and this is awesome. How many people watched this stoned out of their minds in the seventies

Grislygus Aug 19th, 2010 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 695377)
brolifting issue: I've been curling 20 pound dumbbells pretty frequently for a while now, but it seems like I'm working my forearms more than my bi/triceps (srsly, I'm starting to get popeye arms) because I barely ever feel any strain on them, and I think there's something wrong with the muscles in my left arm, since when I try to lift the weight in that one after a few curls it just kinda goes dead and won't move. What the fuck is up with that?

I was doing some scud work for a relative hauling heavy shit for him, and the next day my left arm all around my lower bicep (the tendon area by my elbow is how I'd describe it) was completely frozen, like, in a 90 degree angle, and I had to put in in a sling to keep it from straightening out and exploding. It stayed like that for a few days, and then I could use it again. That might be related.

I'm probably just doing it wrong, but I think I'm gonna switch to pushups, crunches, chin-ups and the like because I don't want to murder my muscles from improper weightlifting technique

Plus I'm not trying to build muscle anyway, I just want to drop all my flab and look like Elric of Melnibone, and maybe define my abs a little

Hokay, as the the guy who already claimed popeye status, and the only guy on these forums other than chojin who can do 100 rep hammer curls with 25 lbers and 20 reps with 50 lbs, i continue to lay claim

Grislygus Aug 19th, 2010 01:26 AM

of course, chojin will be unimpressed by this evidence of inefficient lifting, but still. STEPPIN ON MAH TURF BROTHER


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