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Pub Lover Jan 28th, 2011 05:06 PM


Esuohlim Jan 28th, 2011 06:16 PM

Why are there creepy asian dudes around here with Elmo winter hats and Hello Kitty car seat covers

Tadao Jan 28th, 2011 08:24 PM

It's Hip!

Zhukov Jan 29th, 2011 02:41 AM

So a man at work today asked for my help, and he also happened to have a flaming swastika tattooed on his neck. I basically told him that I wasn't going to talk to him, and also added in a little bit of colourful language. Later on I was told by some bumwad in management, while I proudly told my exaggerated story in the tea room, that we should strive to serve everyone to the best of our abilities no matter their beliefs.

Also, half way through typing that the ice cream van stopped outside my house. First time in the 5 years I've been here.

Tadao Jan 29th, 2011 02:47 AM

I bet he would help a aboriginal. The flaming Swastika probably just means that he thinks Nazis should burn for their hate crimes.

Zhukov Jan 29th, 2011 02:58 AM

His mate had a full half of his face covered with one (Seriously, how do you get a job with this?) and they both had rat tail hair cuts, so I knew he was a racist.

Babs Jan 29th, 2011 06:55 PM

It's okay, over 90% of people with facial tattoo's commit suicide.

MarioRPG Jan 30th, 2011 04:30 PM

Is that really a fact?

Tadao Jan 30th, 2011 05:26 PM

Zhukov Jan 31st, 2011 03:42 AM

WOAH. So they came back today and followed me around at work, then waited outside for me afterwards. What made it worse was that while they were standing outside the front door, other staff were casually chatting to them - am I the only prick with spine/ideals that would tell a nazi to get fucked? Anyway I walked out with a length of stick and they just watched me from their car. No, they didn't follow me home.

Tadao Jan 31st, 2011 11:24 AM

People usually let skinheads scare them. That is their primary weapon. Once they find someone who isn't intimidated by them, they try even harder. They are usually giant pussies who confuse fear with respect.

Fathom Zero Jan 31st, 2011 11:37 AM

Edit: Then again, it's probably a terrible idea in many ways.

MarioRPG Jan 31st, 2011 01:09 PM

I get to see some sort of heart surgery tomorrow :D Gonna be intense. And yes, I've already been told to take some Junior Mints.

kahljorn Jan 31st, 2011 03:11 PM

zhukov i dont know who the bigger racist you or him

his swastica could be the good kind of swastica and he could be all deeply spiritual and just wanting to save people with his swastica of life

Tadao Jan 31st, 2011 10:52 PM

When you see him say "Sup my nigga" and fist bump him. Also wear a Nelson Mandela pin to work. Nazis hate Mandela.

Hey Mario, good luck.

Dr. Boogie Feb 1st, 2011 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 711777)
WOAH. So they came back today and followed me around at work, then waited outside for me afterwards. What made it worse was that while they were standing outside the front door, other staff were casually chatting to them - am I the only prick with spine/ideals that would tell a nazi to get fucked? Anyway I walked out with a length of stick and they just watched me from their car. No, they didn't follow me home.

Well there's your answer about how someone with a face tattoo finds work: they don't. They just spend all their time stalking people who make fun of their tattoos.

Zhukov Feb 1st, 2011 07:23 AM

I talked to someone who was chatting with them and it turns out they were shopping around for stuff to clean spraypaint off their house. HAHA.

Mario: have fun with your INTENSE surgery Mario. Good luck dude.

Esuohlim Feb 1st, 2011 03:59 PM

My school cancelled class tomorrow for the third time in 150 years for a snowstorm that hasn't even started yet :|

Tadao Feb 1st, 2011 06:46 PM

:lol Onion News had a thing calle Snowpocolypse in which Obama sent massive aid to New Orleans because a tiny bit of snow was expected to fall.

Kitsa Feb 1st, 2011 10:04 PM

It's the snowpocalypse and we're all gonna die.

Immortal Goat Feb 2nd, 2011 08:20 PM

It feels like I'm living in Northrend. Maybe not Icecrown Citadel, but at LEAST Borean Tundra (WoWreferencegodIsuck) :(

LordSappington Feb 2nd, 2011 08:37 PM

It's currently 20 degrees in Austin, and everyone is flipping the fuck out.

Tadao Feb 2nd, 2011 09:24 PM

It's fucking freezing in Los Angeles. High of 62 today. I had to wear a light coat. >:

Fathom Zero Feb 2nd, 2011 10:34 PM

lololololol snow lolololol

Fathom Zero Feb 2nd, 2011 11:35 PM

It's that time of the year. To seize.

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