I-Mockery Forum

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Emu Dec 30th, 2007 01:01 PM

i thought you were

Rongi Dec 30th, 2007 01:13 PM

Chojin took it away cuz i dont post that much anymore :(

Rongi Dec 30th, 2007 01:18 PM

This whole vacation sux. I've been sick as a dog since thursday so I cant go out. The only time I can go out is to go to work >:

I havent smoked a cigarette in days I wanna kill someone!

At least I got FFT: War Of The Lions to entertain me

MarioRPG Dec 30th, 2007 01:25 PM

Cigarettes are bad Rongi. What kind of role model are you?

Asila Dec 30th, 2007 01:52 PM

Nooooo not having a computer sucks. And I got a computer game for christmas. :tear
Not having an internet connection sucks too, but in that "I need another hit man, c'mon" kinda way. And not a single computer place around here can look at the damned thing until mid-next week.
Speaking of hits:

I havent smoked a cigarette in days I wanna kill someone!

Moobs Dec 30th, 2007 01:55 PM

i'm smoking RIGHT NOW >:

Tadao Dec 30th, 2007 02:16 PM

I'm smoking for three

MetalMilitia Dec 30th, 2007 06:09 PM

I smoke, therefore I am.

MetalMilitia Dec 30th, 2007 06:10 PM

...or therefore I was depending on how much cancer I have.

Moobs Dec 30th, 2007 06:23 PM

i kinda miss the days when i could stay underwater for 2+ minutes :(

Tadao Dec 30th, 2007 06:27 PM

Not me! Now I can choke myself quicker while I masturbate.

Pub Lover Dec 30th, 2007 09:27 PM

I'm currently reading Bruce Campbell's 'If Chins Could Kill'. It's much more interesting than this thread right now.

I'm only here because Chjin called me Princess for being such a fag & not logging on.

Pub Lover Dec 30th, 2007 09:28 PM

Is Code-Wheel Jones really Willie?
If so I am really >:

Pub Lover Dec 30th, 2007 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 516485)
I mentioned this before, but Pub has 200+ posts in The Cowboy Song.


Why is that significant? You have hell of too many stupid posts yourself. At least mine are largely contained in stupid threads, baby. :love

Chojin Dec 30th, 2007 09:50 PM

PublicPubLoather: Yes, I miss Loveline dearly. Because I totally missed all the polls asking what forums I wanted to see got rid of.
Chojin (AIM): well it's back now anyway
PublicPubLoather: Thank you, Mister Yockey. :)
Chojin (AIM): you're welcome, princess

Pub Lover Dec 30th, 2007 10:03 PM

Yeah, & the only reason I had that chat was because I wasn't going to log on just to post in that thread.

Pub Lover Dec 30th, 2007 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 517155)

i'd never touch a ps3 with my D*CK


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 517158)
oh uh he'd also probably not click on that at work and neither should you


Originally Posted by Fathom Zero (Post 517159)
Wtf is wrong with you omg my parent's saw that, you ass.


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 517160)
it's totally work safe, fathom

and your parents would have found out sooner or later anyway


Esuohlim Dec 30th, 2007 11:19 PM

I'm gone for three days and now there's a lot of new shit to learn around here >:

Janky >:

Zomboid Dec 30th, 2007 11:30 PM

I'm gone for 10 and there's some new, very shitty people!

Guitar Woman Dec 30th, 2007 11:36 PM

Mabye instead of complaining you could go convince some of the cool old people to come back!

Rongi Dec 30th, 2007 11:45 PM


Esuohlim Dec 30th, 2007 11:47 PM

I was in Florida since Boxing Day and I had a damn Seven Force dream while I was there. >:

Zomboid Dec 30th, 2007 11:49 PM

I think most of the "cool people" that left are gone for a variety of reasons. The main reason being that too many current posters really suck :lol . Maybe if you leave for a bit, they'll be lulled into a false sense of security and come back!

Oh shit rongi! Thanks for the reminder. Almost went too far there :lol

PS - I just saw the burger king commercial where the guy is either a terrible actor or genuinely pissed off and says "GET BACK THERE AND MAKE ME A WHOPPER" :lol

Zomboid Dec 30th, 2007 11:52 PM

Milhouse, last night I had a dream where I could communicate with ghosts in my apartment and they were all hot girls who liked to get naked and stuff but occasionally they'd show me what they looked like the moment they died and I was all :x. I distinctly remember that at one point I asked "what the fuck was that?" and one of them explained and showed me in great detail all the cuts and burns and shit. I was both very aroused and horrified by this dream :(

Pub Lover Dec 31st, 2007 12:04 AM

Way Sexy! :eek

Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 517179)
Mabye instead of complaining you could go convince some of the cool old people to come back!

Self ban, & we have a deal.

Pub Lover Dec 31st, 2007 12:05 AM

Whoops, forgot the :love

Nothing but :love 4 GW

Fathom Zero Dec 31st, 2007 12:07 AM

I had a dream last night where I opened up a giant, rusty vault door from like 1880's New York City. There were ghosts and monsters and stuff inside, like a haunted boiler room, only when you got lost, you couldn't find your way back out. But I did. Then Koreans were invading my city at night and I tried to run back home and one of them pointed his rifle at me. I cried and yelled, "Don't shoot. I'm a boy!" He told me to get on the ground. I did, sobbing.

And that's the last thing I remember doing in that dream before my dumbass friend kicked me in the head.

zeldasbiggestfan Dec 31st, 2007 02:18 AM

Why were you kicked in the head?

Fathom Zero Dec 31st, 2007 02:31 AM

How should I know? He probably thought it'd wake me up. I mean, if someone was sleeping, a foot in the face can drive home a point fast.

Rongi Dec 31st, 2007 02:38 AM

Zomboid did you hear about the watchmen movie that's going to come out?

Yeah it looks like it's gonna really suck a fat one :(

zeldasbiggestfan Dec 31st, 2007 02:41 AM


MattJack Dec 31st, 2007 02:58 AM

I feel like I should be the boy in your avatar, Rongi. Jus cuz I love titties so damn much.

MattJack Dec 31st, 2007 02:59 AM

I'm still an ass man though, but we'll keep that a secret so nobody but the internet knows.

Zomboid Dec 31st, 2007 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Rongi (Post 517246)
Zomboid did you hear about the watchmen movie that's going to come out?

Yeah it looks like it's gonna really suck a fat one :(

I did, and yeah it will probably suck a whole lot :(

Mockery Dec 31st, 2007 03:16 AM



Pub Lover Dec 31st, 2007 04:16 AM

Nice redesign & everything. Could we have a little note at the top of the page for the next few days saying "No 'Hi I am new' threads!" so all the new people, that I'm going to be really nice to, get the frikking idea?

Pub Lover Dec 31st, 2007 04:26 AM

I've changed my mind. I don't like the new lag. It feels like dial-up. :x

Guitar Woman Dec 31st, 2007 04:48 AM


Mockery Dec 31st, 2007 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 517297)
I've changed my mind. I don't like the new lag. It feels like dial-up. :x


The lag you're experiencing has nothing to do with the redesign. Late at night our server stats run and it causes lag. I even doubled checked with tech support and they confirmed it: "Your server is swapping due to the amount of RAM analog stats uses. Likely, it will not speed up until this completes."


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 517298)

YOUR FACE :picklehat

Pub Lover Dec 31st, 2007 04:57 AM

I guess that means everything is just perfect. >:

Well done. >:

Guitar Woman Dec 31st, 2007 05:07 AM

I give this redesign an A+

Guitar Woman Dec 31st, 2007 05:24 AM

Props especially for the search list, which unlike a lot of other sites is totally not shitty and completely functional.

The alarming speed with which I found the old Lawstripz article was



Pub Lover Dec 31st, 2007 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by ZAKO the GREAT (Post 517307)

Age- 26
job- slacker
where are you at?- Earth, unless my mum lie to me
how did you find out about this site?- can't remember
what's your favorite thing about the site?- ALL, mostly... half.. eh...
why did you start posting-...
hobbies- arts & shits
fav. music/band- start-up music of my comp
fav. book- shits nobody cares about
fav. movie- shits nobody cares about
Fav. Video Game- shits nobody cares about
Who do you hate the most on this board- shits nobody cares about
what is that smell-Christmas candles. shits nobody cares about

26 & still using the wacky location of Earth? :rolleyes
Also was it necessary to say 'shits nobody cares about' five times? This is the internet, if you like something there is every chance a guy on here likes to have sex with it. ;)

Hey Seven Force! :lol

Pub Lover Dec 31st, 2007 05:56 AM

The subforums keep moving around. It's damn near enough to drive a drunk guy MAD! :eek


Originally Posted by Cordelia Burbank (Post 505175)
"What if a boy married his sister and the boy had three babies and one of them was born with a diaper on and one of them was a monkey and the other was a toaster?"

EisigerBiskuit Dec 31st, 2007 06:01 AM

I have nothing to talk about. Nephews however did get us all sick on New Years eve. Thanks a lot!

Pub Lover Dec 31st, 2007 06:02 AM

Hey folks. It's 2008 here now. We got jetpacks & sexy space aliens. :D

You guys better get here fast before we run out, like last year. ;)

Guitar Woman Dec 31st, 2007 06:54 AM


Guitar Woman Dec 31st, 2007 06:55 AM

But anyway enjoy the future buddy

Seven Force Dec 31st, 2007 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 517308)
26 & still using the wacky location of Earth? :rolleyes
Also was it necessary to say 'shits nobody cares about' five times? This is the internet, if you like something there is every chance a guy on here likes to have sex with it. ;)

Hey Seven Force! :lol

i aint nothin' but a horndog

Esuohlim Dec 31st, 2007 02:19 PM

Give me a week or so to get used to this new design because I HATE CHANGE :throwschairs

Mockery Dec 31st, 2007 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 517305)
Props especially for the search list, which unlike a lot of other sites is totally not shitty and completely functional.

The alarming speed with which I found the old Lawstripz article was uh Alarming!

Thanks, glad ya like it. That was easily the most requested feature to be added to the site so I made sure we had a really nice one that almost always gave you the results you were looking for and didn't send you off to some shitty looking page at the same time.

Sometimes change... is good. :O

Noodles Dec 31st, 2007 03:23 PM

Yes in fact change can be PERFECT!

Esuohlim Dec 31st, 2007 03:36 PM

ATTENTION VIDEO GAME NERDS: I need to know if an N64 AV cable will also work for a Gamecube. SOMEONE PLEASE FIND THIS OUT FOR ME POST HASTE

Fathom Zero Dec 31st, 2007 03:40 PM

I've been "invited to attend the prestigious", (their words), "Congressional Student Leadership Conference of 2008."

I may just go along for the ride and see how many people I can piss off with my ideals. I also kinda want Rudy Giuliani's autograph.

Noodles Dec 31st, 2007 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 517385)
ATTENTION VIDEO GAME NERDS: I need to know if an N64 AV cable will also work for a Gamecube. SOMEONE PLEASE FIND THIS OUT FOR ME POST HASTE

Along with the SNES yes, the N64 cable also works with gamecube.

Chojin Dec 31st, 2007 04:07 PM

Who knew this many people actually read i-mockery!

Mockery Dec 31st, 2007 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 517398)
Who knew this many people actually read i-mockery!

You mean there's any I-Mockery OUTSIDE of the forums? OMG!

Fathom Zero Dec 31st, 2007 09:36 PM

Pub Lover Dec 31st, 2007 10:27 PM

Awwww Shit! All the jetpacks are broke & the Sexy Aliens say they have to get home. It looks like you guys missed out on all the fun AGAIN! Tough luck. Maybe Next Year. ;)

Pub Lover Dec 31st, 2007 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Dead (Post 517343)
what's your favorite thing about the site?- Fapping to Pictures of R...I mean the concise and humorous articles.
why did you start posting- I decided to find new hauntings since VampireFreaks ( lulz ) deleted me for about the 80th time. Since I-Mockery has their new FREE registration, I said, "Why not?".

Hang on, the new people don't have to pay now?! >:


Originally Posted by Fatacula (Post 517505)
Name- Fatacula
Age- 25
Job- Not going to say...
Where are you at?- On my couch

Even spys can brush off the job question by saying Civil Servant, what is the big secret that you're so ashamed of? Especially as the two people above you both admitted to being unemployed.


Originally Posted by the_stig (Post 517519)
job-real estate
where are you at?-Wisconsin

Some say he is wanted by the CIA, and that if he could be bothered, he could crack the Da Vinci code in 43 seconds. All we know is, he's called The Stig! :eek


Originally Posted by Evil Dead (Post 517343)
what's your favorite thing about the site?- Fapping to Pictures of R...I mean the concise and humorous articles.

Creep. :lol

executioneer Jan 1st, 2008 12:08 AM

this is a terrible mistake, i believe :(

executioneer Jan 1st, 2008 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Pub Lover (Post 517520)
Some say he is wanted by the CIA, and that if he could be bothered, he could crack the Da Vinci code in 43 seconds. All we know is, he's called The Stig! :eek


Seven Force Jan 1st, 2008 12:22 AM

Happy birthday Pub Lover. :)

Pub Lover Jan 1st, 2008 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Seven Force (Post 517535)
Happy birthday Pub Lover. :)

The forum can't seem to count. 2008 - 1983 = 24? Hardly.

Pub Lover Jan 1st, 2008 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Code-Wheel Jones (Post 517543)


Originally Posted by Et tu (Post 517544)
If it's not zubrowka it's not vodka ;)


Originally Posted by Code-Wheel Jones (Post 517546)
shut uppa you face ketel one is good enough for ray smuckles so it's good enough for me

Exactly what I said in my head! :eek

If only I could channel Willie into my posts. ;(

Seven Force Jan 1st, 2008 01:08 AM

Well, funny you should mention that

Pub Lover Jan 1st, 2008 01:14 AM

Oh man, I forgot to bump my birthday thread last year.

I hope I remember in March. ;(


Seven Force Jan 1st, 2008 01:15 AM

i miss professor cool

Pub Lover Jan 1st, 2008 01:18 AM

Where you even here then?

I got him banned. ;)

Seven Force Jan 1st, 2008 01:23 AM

weird, i remember seeing him post

Guitar Woman Jan 1st, 2008 03:03 AM

happy 2008, guys!

Pub Lover Jan 1st, 2008 08:45 AM

New user 23_ is great. Does she use a blue font because she's goth? Or because she has the wrong board settings like that one time with Terra/Daisyhead/Waterwitch?

My memories of those guys are a bit mixed, plus a buch of people I don't even have names for.

RIP FatSatan. :(

Pub Lover Jan 1st, 2008 09:07 AM

Thanks to a lurker I now remember that Naps are for SISSIES! >: & I still need to drink more. ;)


Originally Posted by Jemry (Post 517634)
Name- Jemry
Age- 17
job- Child Devourer
where are you at?- Australia, Mate <--(Mate = proof)

I guess they'd have to be Aboriginal children, then the judge would just let you off saying they probably consented to being devoured.

Australia. :rolleyes

Guitar Woman Jan 1st, 2008 04:00 PM

I guess my fears about what the new people were gonna be like were completely justified

Fathom Zero Jan 1st, 2008 04:24 PM

Justified about being a huge dick.

MarioRPG Jan 1st, 2008 04:27 PM

There's already some promising ones, jerk.

King Hadas Jan 1st, 2008 04:50 PM

Everyone's a little obnoxious when they first join a forum like this with very few exceptions. All and all I-mockery really could benefit from some fresh air.

Tadao Jan 1st, 2008 05:33 PM

I guess the new Pratchett loving girl and I are lucky we joined days before the new change.

MLE Jan 1st, 2008 06:04 PM

comparitively, you guys are like vets!

Mockery Jan 1st, 2008 06:19 PM

I'm only letting Pub Lover be a whiny bitch about the new users because today is his birthday... and when it's your birthday, you can be a whiny bitch if you want.

Fathom Zero Jan 1st, 2008 08:45 PM

You would cry, too, if it happened to you. >:

bigtimecow Jan 1st, 2008 10:10 PM

so everyone, tomorrow i'm going to make some pizza but i want to make something else to go with it. any suggestions?

Mockery Jan 1st, 2008 10:14 PM

Do you have a budget, time frame and/or any kind of stuff you don't like to eat with pizza?

bigtimecow Jan 1st, 2008 10:19 PM

not particularly fond of anything spicy.

so far i've come up with maybe some breadsticks?

MLE Jan 1st, 2008 10:31 PM

Applesauce <3

Tadao Jan 1st, 2008 10:36 PM

get some string cheese sticks, roll them in bred crumbs and fry them in hot oil real fast. Mmmm

MLE Jan 1st, 2008 10:41 PM

mmmmm, that sounds delectable ;o

Eyelobe Jan 1st, 2008 11:19 PM

Right on. The site looks great now - much easier to navigate. It's good to see some new people posting in the forums, too...

Mockery Jan 1st, 2008 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 517849)
get some string cheese sticks, roll them in bred crumbs and fry them in hot oil real fast. Mmmm

I think we have a winner! :drooooool

Now I'm hungry. >:


Originally Posted by Eyelobe (Post 517870)
Right on. The site looks great now - much easier to navigate. It's good to see some new people posting in the forums, too...

Thanks man, glad ya like it. And yeah, I love all the new people that are joining in the discussions both in the articles, the weeklies, the blog and the forums. Good times, good times. :picklehat

bigtimecow Jan 2nd, 2008 12:21 AM

alrighty guys, so here's the plan for my meal tomorrow!

barbecue chicken and bacon pizza

breadsticks with some melted cheese / Tadao's mozzarella sticks (haven't decided)

some sort of slushie / smoothie with strawberries and kiwis or something

let's hope it goes well! i'll take some pictures if i can :love

oh, and i'm watching lost in translation right now for the first time and it's fantastic. i also watched the squid and the whale earlier, very good as well. anyone's thoughts?

Zomboid Jan 2nd, 2008 12:40 AM

whoa whoa whoa let's not push it. The forums are compressed now but you keep your movie discussion to the movie forum pal.

Chojin Jan 2nd, 2008 01:12 AM

I keep thinking that 23_ is FS in the forum index :<

bigtimecow Jan 2nd, 2008 01:13 AM

sorry zomboid :(

i got excited

Seven Force Jan 2nd, 2008 01:37 AM

those pictures are going to be delicious

Pub Lover Jan 2nd, 2008 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Mockery (Post 517757)
I'm only letting Pub Lover be a whiny bitch about the new users because today is his birthday... and when it's your birthday, you can be a whiny bitch if you want.

Thank you. :)

Oh Wait! NO THANK YOU! >:

I like new people fine, & I want them to stay, but hell if I'm going to be nice to them if I find something mean I can say that I find amusing. Birthday or not.

Pub Lover Jan 2nd, 2008 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Fatacula (Post 517505)
Name- Fatacula
Age- 25
Job- Police Officer


Originally Posted by Fatacula before edit (Post 517505)
Name- Fatacula
Age- 25
Job- Not going to say...

Oh shit! It's the Rozzers! :eek

I think I was better off not knowing! ;(

MattJack Jan 2nd, 2008 05:11 PM

fuck the police, comin straight from the underground

Fathom Zero Jan 2nd, 2008 05:16 PM

Boggle saved my life.

bigtimecow Jan 2nd, 2008 05:48 PM

food cancellation due to being paid 2 weeks late due to christmas :( sorry guys

Guitar Woman Jan 2nd, 2008 06:38 PM



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