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kahljorn Dec 21st, 2010 11:38 AM


I like how you make it sound like I support the policies of the Swedish government, or am somehow responsible for it...

With all of your precious transparency in Sweden shouldn't your government be beyond simple mistakes like this?
seriously doesn't swden have like one of the highest transparencies in the world and yet they are the one violating this dudes rights


Tadao Dec 21st, 2010 12:36 PM

I've written Blasted Child off as a political lummox months ago. When he's cornered he either doesn't reply at all or he tries the old OK YOU GOT ME YOU'RE SO SMART sarcasm routine. On top of it, if he does something like attack someone elses country with generalized stereotypes and it gets thrown back at him, he starts in with the same old tired line of WOW YOU SURE DO STUDY UP ON ME A LOT, YOU MUST REALLY WANT TO BE ME. It's the same routine every time and as predictable as a rock being dropped in a puddle of water.

It's funny to watch him butt into a conversation though when no one is even talking to him. HEY GUYS, THIS IS THE PERFECT PLACE FOR ME TO SAY MY LINE!

Tadao Dec 21st, 2010 12:38 PM

Oh god, I just read what he wrote. He thinks he's pushing my buttons. :lol

Blasted Child Dec 21st, 2010 12:53 PM

When exactly have you got me cornered, Tadao?

Also, I'm not sure the phrase "studied up" applies in your case...

But why don't you make a search through your own post history and look up where you've written stuff about "sweden", "swedish" or "swedes", and tell me if it doesn't come across as just a tad obsessive. Especially since most of those posts are not preceded by america-criticism on my part

kahljorn Dec 21st, 2010 01:01 PM

The Leader Dec 21st, 2010 01:06 PM

Blasted Child doesn't know how to not be a serious sally. :(

kahljorn Dec 21st, 2010 01:11 PM

lol sally


just a tad obsessive.


Tadao Dec 21st, 2010 02:50 PM

:lol Because I know 2 things about Sweden

1: They are pussies when it comes to politics
2: If it wasn't for San Francisco, they would be the kings of self righteousness

I'm obsessive. In fact, you seem to know 10 times more about America than I know about Sweden. I guess that makes you a jealous stalker.

Tadao Dec 21st, 2010 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Blasted Child (Post 708495)
When exactly have you got me cornered, Tadao?

I've already put you in a corner 3 times in this thread alone. I'm not gonna play your little Coolinator game where we go back to every point and explain where you failed because you are too fucking lame to figure it out. So instead I will give you a fresh brand new corner. I know how hard it is for you to keep up so it will be less tedious this way.


Originally Posted by Blasted Child (Post 708481)
Tadao, if it would make you feel better, I can play along and pretend to be extremely offended by your attacks on Sweden.

I can pretend that it hurts a lot to hear you talk about events that took place 40 years before my birth, by a government I don't support, and I can also take back everything I've said about transparency so far, because I've suddenly understood the logical connection between your endless indignant ramblings about Swedes being pussies and the dangers of governmental transparency, it just makes so much sense now!

Were have I said that there are dangers in governmental transparency?

Zhukov Dec 21st, 2010 04:01 PM

Ok, I support the mockery and downright abuse of people to the fullest extent. I like it when sarcasm and deceit makes stupid people mad, and causes them to look even more stupid.

It's not really funny at all if the people that you are trying to mock don't take the bait, it just makes you look a little desperate. Trying to find absolutely everyone's 'weak spot' inevitably means that you are going to encounter people that genuinely don't care if you try to make fun of them, or will just get annoyed after a few pages of nonsensical posts claiming that they have been 'backed into a corner' - is that what you are aiming for?

kahljorn Dec 21st, 2010 04:15 PM

zhukov kinda sounds like he's backed into a corner

Tadao Dec 21st, 2010 04:22 PM

Lol, this coming from the fact master.

Tadao Dec 21st, 2010 04:30 PM

It's as if you skim the conversations and form your own opinion on what people are saying without actually reading all the words.

Pentegarn Dec 21st, 2010 05:37 PM

They don't want to address anything to do with cause and effect. And every time I try to explain it they both refuse to listen then flat out ignore it without addressing the points about transparency having long term bad effects. When I give an example where many many lives are lost as a result of transparency, I get a smokescreen reply saying I think "that gassing Kurds and torturing civilians should have been kept classified? Best that nobody found out?". Instead of an honest assessment of what that actually shows. Not that I should be surprised, PR guilt trips and making your opponents look like they are heartless to hide the fact that you are mindless is a tried and true communist debate technique. If it isn't Zhukov attacking how kind you look to others, it is Blasted Child not posting a single thought or addressing a single point in dozens of posts. Unless you count drawings that a kindergartner would be ashamed to cop to as 'addressing points'

Meanwhile we are also asked, when did Assange directly do hacking or theft of government documents? I will address this once again. Possessing stolen property is a crime, and is treated itself as theft in the US. We do this sort of thing so criminals in the US so they can't hide behind, "but I didn't do it directly" Charles Manson for example sits forever in jail and yet has never murdered a soul, yet his actions resulted in the deaths of many innocent people.

I find it ironic, and very hypocritical that you demand the government take responsibility for what they do, but give a pass to wikileaks because of a painfully transparent anti America agenda

The Leader Dec 21st, 2010 05:56 PM

you're retarded

Pentegarn Dec 21st, 2010 05:58 PM

You think everyone is retarded though

The Leader Dec 21st, 2010 06:16 PM

true :(

kahljorn Dec 21st, 2010 07:05 PM

i like how his points could be easily refuted with like three carefuly placed sentences that will never come

MLE Dec 21st, 2010 09:43 PM

I'm just popping in to say that all of these arguments/discussions/debates are going nowhere and have gone nowhere. I've gotten bored of reading it, so I'm just gonna stop.

Yeah, that's about it.

Zhukov Dec 22nd, 2010 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 708523)
They don't want to address anything to do with cause and effect. And every time I try to explain it they both refuse to listen then flat out ignore it without addressing the points about transparency having long term bad effects. When I give an example where many many lives are lost as a result of transparency, I get a smokescreen reply saying I think "that gassing Kurds and torturing civilians should have been kept classified? Best that nobody found out?".

You haven't tried to explain it, you've just told us that we are naive for not realising it. How will government transparency lead to the collapse of American society and widespread chaos? What are the long term bad effects of having a government answer to its citizens? Oh, and that final sentence in the quote there isn't a statement on what you think, it's a question that you didn't answer.

So, where is your proof that Julian Assange or Wikileaks are hacking into and stealing US military secrets?

What are the sensitive military secrets that Wikileaks has stolen, and why are they so dangerous if people know about them?

How does Wikileaks encourage other people to hack and steal information for them?


Instead of an honest assessment of what that actually shows. Not that I should be surprised, PR guilt trips and making your opponents look like they are heartless to hide the fact that you are mindless is a tried and true communist debate technique.
:lol What? That is retarded. Please, please, I beg you, since it sounds like there are NUMEROUS examples, could you please provide an example of a communist PR guilt trip designed to hide mindlessness? :lol Not that this has nothing to do with anything, and you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel if all you've got are 'typical communist debate technique' insults, but inquiring minds would like to know.


If it isn't Zhukov attacking how kind you look to others,
What? :lol I am attacking... how ... how kind you look? What does that mean?


it is Blasted Child not posting a single thought or addressing a single point in dozens of posts. Unless you count drawings that a kindergartner would be ashamed to cop to as 'addressing points'
I found them funny. You are not addressing points that have been raised, so I don't think you should expect people to not just stop being serious and make fun of your inane arguments.


Meanwhile we are also asked, when did Assange directly do hacking or theft of government documents? I will address this once again....
This is the first time...


...Possessing stolen property is a crime, and is treated itself as theft in the US.
So he didn't hack into government military files and steal information then. So he is not the hacker thief you claimed he was. The possession of stolen goods might be a crime - I'm not down with legal issues surrounding stolen words - but the information leaked to wikileaks was not stolen, and not even the US government, as far as I am aware, are claiming that it was. Where are you getting your information that says it was stolen?


I find it ironic, and very hypocritical that you demand the government take responsibility for what they do, but give a pass to wikileaks because of a painfully transparent anti America agenda
You haven't proven an anti American agenda; you have no idea what wikileaks has actually leaked via their website, since it's hundreds of documents from all over the globe - a lot of which have American sources because they are leaked by American diplomats or some such. What makes you think it is an anti American agenda? Also, as I have already said before, I am not giving wikileaks a pass from responsibility - I think they DO have responsibility - that's why I admire Julian Assange and Wikileaks, it's just that you think they personally hacked and stole the information and should be responsible for theft.

They didn't steal anything - it was leaked to them from others that had that information given to them. You have no proof that anything was stolen.


I'm just popping in to say that all of these arguments/discussions/debates are going nowhere and have gone nowhere. I've gotten bored of reading it, so I'm just gonna stop.
No, they're not going anywhere anymore. True enough.

Blasted Child Dec 22nd, 2010 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 708506)
I've already put you in a corner 3 times in this thread alone. I'm not gonna play your little Coolinator game where we go back to every point and explain where you failed because you are too fucking lame to figure it out. So instead I will give you a fresh brand new corner. I know how hard it is for you to keep up so it will be less tedious this way.

I think you're overestimating your ability to put people in corners, Tadao. At least when it comes to verbal arguments. I don't know about cornering people physically, but something tells me you do that much better.

I've looked through the posts you've made here (and god it's not a pretty sight), and the only time you've demanded some sort of response is when you asked for names of the leaks. I gave you a name that time, the most prominent leak so far. Link and all.
Then you kept repeating this request, as if I personally wrote the damned wikileaks and kept all the contacts in some sort of folder. Is that when you cornered me, Tadao? When you kept shouting "I want names!!"?

Oh, let me guess, it's when you wrote "what are you gonna do with all this information?" Then sorry if I didn't reply. This is what transparency is, Tadao, when people get information. What do you do with the news you read? Do you always do something actively?
Well some people do. And then you can support them, when you've received information and know how to cast your vote.
I simply think people should get information. I think that's ultimately a good thing. Totalitarian regimes cover up things and keep their people in the dark. You don't want that.

This is really all I have to say about this. It has nothing to do with being anti-american; if I was anti-american I would think you deserved the same kind of non-transparency they have in China.

Just my two cents.

Pentegarn Dec 22nd, 2010 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 708574)
You haven't tried to explain it, you've just told us that we are naive for not realising it. How will government transparency lead to the collapse of American society and widespread chaos? What are the long term bad effects of having a government answer to its citizens? Oh, and that final sentence in the quote there isn't a statement on what you think, it's a question that you didn't answer.

So, where is your proof that Julian Assange or Wikileaks are hacking into and stealing US military secrets?

What are the sensitive military secrets that Wikileaks has stolen, and why are they so dangerous if people know about them?

How does Wikileaks encourage other people to hack and steal information for them?

:lol What? That is retarded. Please, please, I beg you, since it sounds like there are NUMEROUS examples, could you please provide an example of a communist PR guilt trip designed to hide mindlessness? :lol Not that this has nothing to do with anything, and you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel if all you've got are 'typical communist debate technique' insults, but inquiring minds would like to know.

What? :lol I am attacking... how ... how kind you look? What does that mean?

I found them funny. You are not addressing points that have been raised, so I don't think you should expect people to not just stop being serious and make fun of your inane arguments.

This is the first time...

So he didn't hack into government military files and steal information then. So he is not the hacker thief you claimed he was. The possession of stolen goods might be a crime - I'm not down with legal issues surrounding stolen words - but the information leaked to wikileaks was not stolen, and not even the US government, as far as I am aware, are claiming that it was. Where are you getting your information that says it was stolen?

You haven't proven an anti American agenda; you have no idea what wikileaks has actually leaked via their website, since it's hundreds of documents from all over the globe - a lot of which have American sources because they are leaked by American diplomats or some such. What makes you think it is an anti American agenda? Also, as I have already said before, I am not giving wikileaks a pass from responsibility - I think they DO have responsibility - that's why I admire Julian Assange and Wikileaks, it's just that you think they personally hacked and stole the information and should be responsible for theft.

They didn't steal anything - it was leaked to them from others that had that information given to them. You have no proof that anything was stolen.

No, they're not going anywhere anymore. True enough.

1) A while back I pointed to an example article from wikileaks you posted that was both stolen (as all these leaked documents are) and how it effects the military, you ignored it then, and I am not going to repeat myself because you will ignore it now

2) the reason you think BC's childishly talentless cartoon was funny is because he is the only person who has your back

3) regarding examples of your heartless to somkescreen your weak stance, I gave 2 glaring examples, and even repeated them many times (gassing kurds to counter my Iraq transparency example, and your stance that I thought the holocaust should have been hidden which you made not because you honestly believed I thought that, but to make me look heartless so you could draw attention away from my point. Well, either that, or you really were moronic enough to believe that I thought the killing of 6 million people should have been or even could have been hidden. So either I am right about you, or you are a moron)

4) Assange is a cyber terrorist, a holder of documents he knows do not belong to him (a thief if ever there was one despite your counterargument based entirely in semantics) He not only knows they are stolen, he has no qualms about threatening the US with them, has done so before, and continues to do so now. And please, don't try to say "well he is defending himself" he fired the first salvo in this little war, are you telling me the governments have no right to defend themselves?

5) I noticed you ignored my SSA point, a domestic government installation, that has the US primary information item for every US citizen that if it were transparent as you wish so hard for it to be would render hundreds of millions of people naked to identity thieves.

6) You want a break down explained. Honestly I had thought you smart enough to know what could happen long term and were just ignoring it, but since I find I was mistaken about you I will give you one scenario

-Assange releases 250000 US documents, some of which could have military secrets in them, many of which have things that aren't the worlds business, some of which were bad, but nowhere near as bad as what they prevented.

-The world, galvanized by internet outraged, appeals to the UN

-The UN creates sanctions to hurt the US financially, but all it really does is eliminate the upper middle, middle, and lower middle class rendering the country mostly poverty stricken with a 2% of the population unaffected.

-The more zealous, anti american entities of the world decide the US has yet to suffer enough, and with what they now know about the domestic security of the US multiple terrorist cells decide to all attack, lives are lost in the millions, some countries may even find a weakened America a tempting target so they could strike too, which would mean war on US soil

-The US economy collapses, this now means exports of dozens of countries shut down, this also means, that food that used to be shipped to third world countries has also ceased, so now millions of people who rely on US agriculture must starve, and millions who rely on US spending to feed their families are also ruined.

That's just one possible way it could shake out, death, war, and world hunger all to satisfy your desire for sudden total transparency. Personally, I do not think the ends justify the means in that scenario, and would rather not take the chance of it coming to pass. Also I can't help but notice (nod to Tadao for inadvertently reminding me of this) that transparency doesn't seem to stop despot leaders like Kim Jong Il or Saddam Hussein so what good will it do with countries that are not committing atrocities at the level those leaders have? Countries have had the need for secrets because petty people have made it so. You can't change human nature and trying to force it to change is a pointless and dangerous endeavor.

Zhukov Dec 22nd, 2010 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 708581)
1) A while back I pointed to an example article from wikileaks you posted that was both stolen (as all these leaked documents are) and how it effects the military, you ignored it then, and I am not going to repeat myself because you will ignore it now

Thanks for telling me what page that is on, but I think I found what you are talking about:


Originally Posted by Zhukov
CIA report into shoring up Afghan war support in Western Europe, 11 Mar 2010 - This classified CIA analysis from March, outlines possible PR-strategies to shore up public support in Germany and France for a continued war in Afghanistan.


Originally Posted by Pentegarn
Looks like that is a military secret to me, it is classified, it is designed to help get support from other countries, and yet now, thanks to some espionage (exposing classified documents about strategies can be called nothing else you see) this particular strategy has been compromised. Why did the whistle need to be blown on this? To show the US uses PR to gain support from other countries? Unless you live under a rock you should know every country does this. Now that this is out there the people have gained nothing, yet the US just lost face in a PR campaign they felt was necessary.

Funnily enough, I didn't just ignore it then; here is my response:


Originally Posted by Zhukov
Assange didn't commit espionage to obtain the information. It was given to wikileaks by most likely a member of the US military. It's not espionage, nor is 'exposing classified documents' considered espionage. The fact that such classified information is leaked through this particular website is NOT proof that said website used espionage to obtain it. That's not proof that Assange is a spy, a head of a spy ring, a hacker, or assisting or being an accessory to spies.

If you are referring to me not responding to the threat that leak poses to the military, ok. I don't consider it breaking news that the US spends money on public relations to drum up support for war, you agree with me, so why is it's revelation so dangerous? Why do people not deserve to know for sure that it happens? Why does it 'compromise' the strategy if people know that there is a strategy? I'm asking you why it's so dangerous that this information is leaked.

I also don't think you can just say that a document is stolen; you have to tell me how you know it's stolen. Saying "they are all stolen" isn't sufficient. The documents are uploaded anonymously to Wikileaks, the only person accused of ANYTHING by the US government is Bradley Manning, who didn't steal anything, but has been charged with 'unauthorized use and disclosure of U.S. classified information', so he was entrusted with information that he then passed on. No stealing.

Seriously. Nothing has been proven to be stolen. Even if there was stolen information, it doesn't change what the information says, and it doesn't change a people's right to know what their government is up to.


2) the reason you think BC's childishly talentless cartoon was funny is because he is the only person who has your back
Nah, they were funny. It was a big see-through sheet attacking people. Haha.


3) regarding examples of your heartless to somkescreen your weak stance, I gave 2 glaring examples, and even repeated them many times (gassing kurds to counter my Iraq transparency example, and your stance that I thought the holocaust should have been hidden which you made not because you honestly believed I thought that, but to make me look heartless so you could draw attention away from my point. Well, either that, or you really were moronic enough to believe that I thought the killing of 6 million people should have been or even could have been hidden. So either I am right about you, or you are a moron)
If you don't think the holocaust should have been kept classified, then why? Why should that have been uncovered? The government deemed it classified.

Pentegarn, your arguments led to me asking you questions based on what I considered the next step in your logic. You stated that governments should have the right to keep things classified if they deem it necessary, so I followed on and asked you if a government (Nazis) had the right to keep things (holocaust) classified that they deemed necessary. I didn't ask you if it was ok to kill 6 million Jews, I didn't ask you if you hated Jews and were a Nazi and whether or not you would commit genocide, I asked you if THAT was an exception from your statement, or if it didn't come into it at all, or whatever. I asked you what you thought and you considered it an 'ad hominem' attack. Same with Saddam; he was a government, he decided that gassing people and torturing people should be kept classified, and I asked you if he had that right and whether it should be respected. MY point is this: if a government decides what should be secret and what shouldn't, they will inevitably cover up their mistakes and crimes under the cover of 'it's classified', the numerous gaffes and crimes shown on wikileaks backs this up.

You also thought that the Watergate scandal was ok to be out in the open, but only because it was released by a respectable newspaper, and not a website. I don't see how this fits.


4) Assange is a cyber terrorist, a holder of documents he knows do not belong to him (a thief if ever there was one despite your counterargument based entirely in semantics) He not only knows they are stolen, he has no qualms about threatening the US with them, has done so before, and continues to do so now. And please, don't try to say "well he is defending himself" he fired the first salvo in this little war, are you telling me the governments have no right to defend themselves?
Again, you are just stating he's a 'cyber terrorist' who steals or has other people steal things for him without any substance. Still, even if it was all true (which you have not proven) what difference does it make? Do people not deserve to know what their governments are up to?


5) I noticed you ignored my SSA point, a domestic government installation, that has the US primary information item for every US citizen that if it were transparent as you wish so hard for it to be would render hundreds of millions of people naked to identity thieves.
Your social security information and other private stuff like that isn't really relevant to this discu... uh, argument. Nobody is calling for that to be 'transparent', Julian Assange is not releasing credit card numbers on Wikileaks. It's not like a society can't choose what it wants to be known as public knowledge and what should remain private. Geez. I didn't ignore you when you pointed that out, I stated that Blasted Child already addressed it by saying what I have said just then, but more thoroughly.


6) You want a break down explained. Honestly I had thought you smart enough to know what could happen long term and were just ignoring it, but since I find I was mistaken about you I will give you one scenario

-Assange releases 250000 US documents, some of which could have military secrets in them, many of which have things that aren't the worlds business, some of which were bad, but nowhere near as bad as what they prevented.
What are these military secrets, and what does their secrecy prevent?

-The world, galvanized by internet outraged, appeals to the UN

-The UN creates sanctions to hurt the US financially, but all it really does is eliminate the upper middle, middle, and lower middle class rendering the country mostly poverty stricken with a 2% of the population unaffected.
- Also, the UN passes a law that says every first born US citizen needs to be genetically engineered to only have one working eye. This is called 'The Mark'.


-The more zealous, anti american entities of the world decide the US has yet to suffer enough, and with what they now know about the domestic security of the US multiple terrorist cells decide to all attack, lives are lost in the millions, some countries may even find a weakened America a tempting target so they could strike too, which would mean war on US soil
- America's common enemies enter a triad of hatred, lead by the Neo-Soviets, China and The Greater Iranian Sphere of Prosperity.


-The US economy collapses, this now means exports of dozens of countries shut down, this also means, that food that used to be shipped to third world countries has also ceased, so now millions of people who rely on US agriculture must starve, and millions who rely on US spending to feed their families are also ruined.
-Julian Assange accends to throne of Emperor of Mankind. The 350 year war against America begins.


That's just one possible way it could shake out, death, war, and world hunger all to satisfy your desire for sudden total transparency. Personally, I do not think the ends justify the means in that scenario, and would rather not take the chance of it coming to pass.
You're nuts. That is complete speculation and 'worst case scenario', thrown in with a little ignorance and a dash of patriotic militia well-wishing. I've got nothing to say except that. :lol Here is my "scenario", which I think is a little more realistic:

Documents are released, people want their government to start being more honest, nothing much else happens worth mentioning in the grand scheme of things.

If there was transparency in the government then maybe, just maybe, they would stop, or cut down on, institutionalised abuse, crime, environmental destruction, and economic lies, because an angry public would protest and not allow it. Maybe.


Also I can't help but notice (nod to Tadao for inadvertently reminding me of this) that transparency doesn't seem to stop despot leaders like Kim Jong Il or Saddam Hussein so what good will it do with countries that are not committing atrocities at the level those leaders have? Countries have had the need for secrets because petty people have made it so. You can't change human nature and trying to force it to change is a pointless and dangerous endeavor.
Seriously, don't drag the fallacy of 'human nature' into this otherwise ... ok, it's idiotic already, just don't make it worse. YOU CAN'T CHANGE HUMAN NATURE WE ARE HARD WIRED TO GREED. Anyway, I think you will find that the people of North Korea by and large believe that their beloved leader is a god, a benevolent ruler of a utopia surrounded by post apocalyptic hell holes infested with Ameri-Demons. Kim Jong-Il and Sadaam are hardly the poster boys of an honest government; their citizens didn't know what they were up to. If you want to know why 'The World' doesn't fix the problems in North Korea, even though it knowns about them, it's because it doesn't give a shit about the people, and only cares about the status quo. This is also why your scenario of unadulterated fiction would not happen; the UN would not place sanctions on the USA.

/end typical communist debate techniques.

kahljorn Dec 22nd, 2010 09:20 AM



I'm not down with legal issues surrounding stolen words - but the information leaked to wikileaks was not stolen, and not even the US government, as far as I am aware, are claiming that it was.







kahljorn Dec 22nd, 2010 10:16 AM


Assange didn't commit espionage to obtain the information. It was given to wikileaks by most likely a member of the US military. It's not espionage, nor is 'exposing classified documents' considered espionage. The fact that such classified information is leaked through this particular website is NOT proof that said website used espionage to obtain it. That's not proof that Assange is a spy, a head of a spy ring, a hacker, or assisting or being an accessory to spies.
Here's a definition of ESPIONAGE that i found:

Black's Law Dictionary (1990) defines espionage as: "...gathering, transmitting, or losing...information related to the national defense".
Sounds like he does all of that :lol

ALSO you can't technically "STEAL" information/ideas anyway, so most of your arguments regarding it being "Stolen" are irrelevant. "Unlawful reproduction" or transmission would be more appropriate, i guess. So just replace all of those terms with stolen and it should be AOK. The only way you can really "Steal" information is if you use it first, claim it was yours and/or get the benefits.

Colonel Flagg Dec 22nd, 2010 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 708583)
[a whole bunch of examples showing how documents given to employees are not "theirs" to "leak"]

As an individual who deals in sensitive information on a daily basis for private industry, I'm gonna have to side with Kahl on this one.

I know I would be prosecuted if I leaked my company's sensitive information. Not to mention fired for cause.

kahljorn Dec 22nd, 2010 10:30 AM

but you didnt actually STEAL the information ;)

kahljorn Dec 22nd, 2010 10:33 AM


Colonel Flagg Dec 22nd, 2010 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 708591)
but you didnt actually STEAL the information ;)

No. No, I did not.

Dimnos Dec 22nd, 2010 11:19 AM

What if I worked for Grumman and was working on a top secret plane for the military and took part of the design and posted it on a billboard on the side of the highway. Is the guy who owns the company that owns that billboard responsible? Or am I the one responsible because Im the one that broke confidentiality?

You want to address cause and effect but dont want to look at the effect of violating the fist amendment. No matter how you slice it Assange and Wikileaks are part of the press and thus protected. If you dont want this kind of thing going on you need seal your leaks. You dont want your thoughts and ideas about the rest of the world published for the rest of the world to read? DONT PUT IT IN A FUCKING EMAIL JACKASS. :dunce

kahljorn Dec 22nd, 2010 11:28 AM


What if I worked for Grumman and was working on a top secret plane for the military and took part of the design and posted it on a billboard on the side of the highway. Is the guy who owns the company that owns that billboard responsible? Or am I the one responsible because Im the one that broke confidentiality?

VERY NICE. But what about when you have a billboard labeled, "BILLBOARD FOR POSTING TOP SECRET PLANE PLANS FROM THE MILITARY AND BREAKING CONFIDENTIALITY" then you have created an environment in which posting these top secret plane plans is encouraged and provides an avenue for them to be taken advantage of. I also think the fact that you are looking for that sort of information makes you "responsible" in a way...
Torrent sites don't actually steal the information themselves and that is why they've been able to get away with it for so long (IN PLACeS LIKe SWedEN INTERESTINGLY WITH ALL THEIR TRANSPARENCIES IT SOMEHOW MAKES IT EASIER TO GET AWAY WITH "PROVIDING A RESOURCE AND OUTLET FOR HACKErS/INFORMATIONTHIEVES." But now more and more of these sites are coming under scrutiny and have had certain rules placed upon them due to these problems.

Furthermore, what if the billboard owner refuses to take them down cause its protected by freedom of speech/press/information? There's responsibility there right?

The Leader Dec 22nd, 2010 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 708581)
the reason you think BC's childishly talentless cartoon was funny is because he is the only person who has your back

I thought that they were funny. :(

Dimnos Dec 22nd, 2010 01:06 PM

The billboard analogy was more to accentuate the idea that he who breaks confidentiality is responsible. In the actual case of posting on a billboard Im spending money for that space. As long as Im paying the rent why would the owner take it down? He is just conducting business. He nor I are breaking the law. Unless I did in fact sign a confidentiality agreement. Then I and I alone am in breach of contract.

As far as encouraging the behavior... There is nothing illegal about that either. If on that same billboard I posted a sign that reads "No cops for 10 miles. GUN IT!" I am encouraging illegal and dangerous behavior but Im not breaking the law. Say I wrote and or published a book that explained how to do illegal activities I still havent broken the law. People who buy and read said book arent breaking the law despite the fact that I am "encouraging" the behavior. Example...


One could argue that Powel indeed encourages people do make bombs and blow shit up. Even if someone did buy this book and did in fact make a bomb using the details inside and then used the bomb to kill their neighbor whos dog just wont shut the fuck up. Who is at fault here? Is it Powel for writing the book in the first place? Is it the publisher who printed the book? Or maybe its Amazon for selling it? No. The only one responsible is the guy who actually made the bomb and used it.

executioneer Dec 22nd, 2010 01:16 PM

which is kind of funny, since amazon kicked wikileaks off their webspace. IT'S OK TO SELL BOOKS ON HOW TO BOMB SHIT BUT DONT YOU *DARE* EMBARRASS AMERICA :mad

kahljorn Dec 22nd, 2010 03:39 PM


The billboard analogy was more to accentuate the idea that he who breaks confidentiality is responsible. In the actual case of posting on a billboard Im spending money for that space. As long as Im paying the rent why would the owner take it down?
There is now pictures of child pornography on the billboard.


Say I wrote and or published a book that explained how to do illegal activities I still havent broken the law. People who buy and read said book arent breaking the law despite the fact that I am "encouraging" the behavior.
Say you publish a book of child pornography. People who buy the book are now in possession of child pornography.

kahljorn Dec 22nd, 2010 03:52 PM


In June 1971, Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo were charged with a felony under the Espionage Act of 1917, because they lacked legal authority to publish classified documents that came to be known as the Pentagon Papers.[19] The Supreme Court in New York Times Co. v. United States found that the government had not made a successful case for prior restraint, but a majority of the justices ruled that the government could still prosecute the Times and the Post for violating the Espionage Act in publishing the documents. Ellsberg and Russo were not acquitted of violating the Espionage Act, but were freed due to a mistrial based on irregularities in the government's case.[20]

yea, so that's the law that makes it illegal to publicize classified information/be seditious. The Espionage Act of 1917



Dimnos Dec 22nd, 2010 04:00 PM

Child pornography is a bit of a different story. Its flat out illegal no matter who has it or where its displayed.

Riots though! :) If I were to write a book (shoot a film or whatever) on how to start a riot there is nothing illegal about it. If I were to write a book saying we are going to riot on this day at this time and this is how we are going to do it... Then yes I am guilty of incitement. For it to be applicable to Assange he would have to get on Wikileaks (or I suppose anywhere really) and say "We are going to hack <government or corporate entity> next Wednesday by way of DoS."

Let me read up on this Espionage Act. BBL.

kahljorn Dec 22nd, 2010 04:04 PM

oh yea.. i edited out the part about riots, but i was just bringing that up to point out why that you can't publicize/say whatever you want.


Child pornography is a bit of a different story. Its flat out illegal no matter who has it or where its displayed.
so are guberment secrets that can harm the nation if displayed, apparantly :O


"We are going to hack <government or corporate entity> next Wednesday by way of DoS."
Isn't that what 4chan basically did in response to this? thought i saw guitar woman or someone mention that


In response to the actions of Julian Assange and his organization, U.S. Senators Joe Lieberman, John Ensign, and Scott Brown "introduced a bill to amend the Espionage Act in order to facilitate the prosecution of folks like Wikileaks."[31] This legislation, known as the SHIELD Act, "would make it illegal to publish the names of U.S. military and intelligence informants."[32] Critics have noted that "[l]eaking [classified] information in the first place is already a crime, so the measure is aimed squarely at publishers," and that "Lieberman’s proposed solution to WikiLeaks could have implications for journalists reporting on some of the more unsavory practices of the intelligence community."[33]
Interesting that they want to modify the law specifically for the Julian Asshinge thing. Does that mean wikileaks leaked the names of US Military and Intelligence informants?

Dimnos Dec 22nd, 2010 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 708632)
so are guberment secrets that can harm the nation if displayed, apparantly :O

This is another point in this whole debate. IS anything he posted really going to harm the nation or its military efforts. Most of what has been released by Wikileaks (I dont say all because I havent read over all 200K+ documents) doesnt pertain any current military actions. They document mistakes and carelessness on the part of the military in events that happened in '09.

So far from what I have been reading about the espionage act this is also what keeps them from being in violation of the espionage act. But more on that later.


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 708632)
Isn't that what 4chan basically did in response to this? thought i saw guitar woman or someone mention that

Yes and by all accounts they are in fact guilty. However unless you can prove that Assange is a member and actually partook in their illegal hacking then he still isnt guilty. Even if they did it "in his name" or whatever.


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 708632)

In response to the actions of Julian Assange and his organization, U.S. Senators Joe Lieberman, John Ensign, and Scott Brown "introduced a bill to amend the Espionage Act in order to facilitate the prosecution of folks like Wikileaks."[31] This legislation, known as the SHIELD Act, "would make it illegal to publish the names of U.S. military and intelligence informants."[32] Critics have noted that "[l]eaking [classified] information in the first place is already a crime, so the measure is aimed squarely at publishers," and that "Lieberman’s proposed solution to WikiLeaks could have implications for journalists reporting on some of the more unsavory practices of the intelligence community."[33]
Interesting that they want to modify the law specifically for the Julian Asshinge thing. Does that mean wikileaks leaked the names of US Military and Intelligence informants?

I dont exactly follow this quote. :\ At the beginning it sounds like they want to prosecute Wikileaks. Then it switches to talk specifically about military and intelligence informants and releasing their names. I dont know if Wikileaks released actual names of informants but if they have to amend the law to make what Wikileaks did illegal then arent they kind of saying it wasnt illegal before? Ill read up more about this Shield Act while Im reading up on the espionage thing.

kahljorn Dec 22nd, 2010 05:02 PM

What they are talking about is making it specifically illegal to publish the names of undercover people and stuff. All of the stuff about leaking information covered by the espionage act was already illegal since it was ennacted in 1917. It's already illegal but this will make it easier to convict them. prolly before with a good lawyer you could get out of it easily.

prolly cause of stuff like this and the Plame case.


Dimnos Dec 22nd, 2010 05:07 PM

Kind of like when Cheney outed Valerie Plame? :oops

kahljorn Dec 22nd, 2010 05:14 PM

yea. i think what they are going for is that a lot of these laws are based on intent or something. So while there are laws against it there's nothing to actually protect the individuals who will have their names leaked...

with this its illegal to publicize their names, period. So it will provide a discouragement from publicizing their names at least.

Pentegarn Dec 22nd, 2010 05:35 PM

I was going to reply to your tripe Zhukov, but after the beating Khal laid on your post/stance in his replies today I think that would not be very sporting of me

Tadao Dec 22nd, 2010 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Blasted Child (Post 708580)
I think you're overestimating your ability to put people in corners, Tadao. At least when it comes to verbal arguments. I don't know about cornering people physically, but something tells me you do that much better.

I've looked through the posts you've made here (and god it's not a pretty sight), and the only time you've demanded some sort of response is when you asked for names of the leaks. I gave you a name that time, the most prominent leak so far. Link and all.
Then you kept repeating this request, as if I personally wrote the damned wikileaks and kept all the contacts in some sort of folder. Is that when you cornered me, Tadao? When you kept shouting "I want names!!"?

Oh, let me guess, it's when you wrote "what are you gonna do with all this information?" Then sorry if I didn't reply. This is what transparency is, Tadao, when people get information. What do you do with the news you read? Do you always do something actively?
Well some people do. And then you can support them, when you've received information and know how to cast your vote.
I simply think people should get information. I think that's ultimately a good thing. Totalitarian regimes cover up things and keep their people in the dark. You don't want that.

This is really all I have to say about this. It has nothing to do with being anti-american; if I was anti-american I would think you deserved the same kind of non-transparency they have in China.

Just my two cents.

The correct answer is "I was wrong. you never said that". Again we see how you simply ignore the question by trying to change the subject. Pathetic.

Tadao Dec 22nd, 2010 08:47 PM

For the record, I'm fine with transparency, what I'm not fine with is allowing small countries with little to no military to be open to black mail. Let me guess. I'm completely wrong and this could never happen. Well I'm not saying that it is happening, I'm saying this is just one of the many horrible things that can happen just so that armchair politicians can read the latest hot gossip and complain by the water cooler about how bad the world is.

Good thing we found out abut all this stuff, now let the change roll over me like a cool mountain breeze on a hot summer night! Ahhhhhhhh refreshing!

I know, you need a better example. Let's say a county like Georgia has done some really illeagal things against Russia in order to prepare themselves against Putin's constant manuvering. Now that people who work withing Georgia's government have a place to reveal these secrets that they themselves were probably a part of as well, and the whole world is so hungry for these secrets that they are willing to protect these whistle blowers, said blower can ask for a lot of stuff or they will give the secrets out. Georgia will pay for sure, they can't afford to be held accountable, but major countries like the U.S. and Russia can just ignore the crime they themselves have committed because no one is going to take them down.

Whatever though, telling you this is gonna prevent this from happening as much as Hilary Clinton is gonna be punished for her crimes against the U.N.

kahljorn Dec 22nd, 2010 10:58 PM

i was readin gthis thing earlier and it said that after he announced that he was gonna release some new leaks next month about corrupt individuals in a major bank, that Bank of Americas stock declined and it migt be because they thought the leaks were about bank of america :lol

Tadao Dec 22nd, 2010 11:01 PM

Wait, he's now pre warning what he is gonna release. This dude is probably as corrupt as the people he is outing.

Tadao Dec 22nd, 2010 11:28 PM

I've been too negative about this whole thing, so here is a positive scenario.

All the world leaders are at a table in their secret cave. They are very upset. Apparently all there brilliant strategist and operatives couldn't figure out how to stop there employers collapse. It all started after Blasted Child told his mom that he is outraged and something needed to be done. Magically rocks thrown by rebels could bring down war planes and a molotov cocktail could destroy a tank. Trash can lids could deflect bullets and people were organized enough to forget about their own financial woes and made it to a rally. Indecently, rallies were effective enough to keep peoples emotions high past the next day and new leaders were put into office with the strict warning that Blasted Child would be able to see everything they did and they would be sorry if he catches you being corrupt.

Tadao Dec 22nd, 2010 11:45 PM

I know this girl who will have sex with you for money. She's 12 years old. I'll give you her number for 50 dollars and you pay her directly for the sex. I'm not a scumbag though because I'm not the one breaking the law.

Pentegarn Dec 23rd, 2010 06:04 AM

You forgot to hope really hard for the best case scenario Tadao, if you do that then bad consequences can't possibly happen no matter what short sighted things one does right?

Zhukov Dec 23rd, 2010 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by kahljorn (Post 708586)
Here's a definition of ESPIONAGE that i found:

KAHL: There are several definitions out there; I was going with

1. the systematic use of spies to obtain secret information, esp by governments to discover military or political secrets
2. the act or practice of spying


Espionage or spying involves an individual obtaining information that is considered secret or confidential without the permission of the holder of the information. Espionage is inherently clandestine, lest the legitimate holder of the information change plans or take other countermeasures once it is known that the information is in unauthorized hands.

I hate it when we whip out the dictionary to prove a point, and I just don't consider posting anonymously donated information on your website as espionage.


The act of obtaining, delivering, transmitting, communicating, or receiving information about the national defense with an intent, or reason to believe, that the information may be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation. Espionage is a violation of 18 United States Code 792-798 and Article 106, Uniform Code o fMilitary Justice.

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.

In this example you could argue for and against it, since Wikileaks is receiving the information (although they don't know what they are receiving) but they don't receive it with the intent to cause injury to the US or to advance any other nation. Unless you are Pentegarn and believe that he is doing it to bring about the end of mankind.


ALSO you can't technically "STEAL" information/ideas anyway, so most of your arguments regarding it being "Stolen" are irrelevant. "Unlawful reproduction" or transmission would be more appropriate, i guess. So just replace all of those terms with stolen and it should be AOK. The only way you can really "Steal" information is if you use it first, claim it was yours and/or get the benefits.
My arguments AGAINST Assange stealing the information have always been the same; he isn't involved in obtaining it. My arguments AGAINST any one else stealing information is based in the facts that they are not outsiders hacking in to US military bases and stealing whatever Pentegarn thinks they are stealing but hasn't told us what. Neither of us were using a dictionary or the official US legal definition for 'stealing', both of us were simply using it as 'illegally obtaining'. If having classified documents leaked to you without any action on your part counts as 'stealing', and everyone in this thread uses that stance, then I guess I will change my use of "he didn't steal it" to "he didn't do any illegal actions to obtain it". Hasn't changed my stance.

Personally, I do think there are military secrets. The blue prints of your weapons, the names and families of your soldiers, other stuff, and honestly, if someone let that sort of information out then I can see why it's illegal. It's illegal to give it away, sure, but that is what we are dealing with, not someone stealing it from outside. This is what Pentegarn has asserted this whole time; be it Julian Assange himself, personally, or him encouraging or hiring others to do it for him. This is the 'stealing' and 'stolen' I am referring to. As I said, the legal terms are above me and I can concede that and it's not really a beating on my stance, since my stance is that the information has not been obtained illegally - Wikileaks did not hack computers to get it, and even though it was/is illegal for them to leak it, whomever uploaded it to wikileaks did not have to steal to get it.

For the record I'm only talking about hacking here because that is the ridiculous accusation I was dealing with - Julain Assange is a hacker thief anarchist terrorist.

PENTEGARN: Bye! Play again anytime! Thanks for going from 'kinda cool guy that I can respect' to 'wanker who can't have a discussion without getting aggressively personal'!

kahljorn Dec 23rd, 2010 07:24 AM

oh alright i gues i got the ISITSTOLEN/tRANSPARENCY/IS It A CRIME ATALL stuff all mixed up.

i still think its possible that he encourages people to leak pee on him, though.

Zhukov Dec 23rd, 2010 07:55 AM

R Kelly shows support to Julian Assange: LINK

Pentegarn Dec 23rd, 2010 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 708720)
I hate it when we whip out the dictionary to prove a point, and I just don't consider posting anonymously donated information on your website as espionage.

So you hate it when someone posts something factual that is contrary to your views?

I see....

PS Thanks from going from 'guy I barely noticed' to 'douchebag who can dish out insults but gets pissy when he has to take them'

Tadao Dec 23rd, 2010 06:06 PM

MLE Dec 23rd, 2010 07:48 PM

Zhuk's got you beat out in senority, you know. Also, you started the name calling, and he didn't stoop to that level and continued to attack your arguments instead of you.

Tadao Dec 23rd, 2010 07:59 PM


Tadao Dec 23rd, 2010 08:01 PM

I have you beat in seniority, age, dominant sex also I have never actually been removed as mod of this forum. So shut it MLE and bake me a sweater.

kahljorn Dec 24th, 2010 04:14 AM

wanting to make love to tadao ruins your chances of making love with tadao >:

executioneer Dec 24th, 2010 04:22 AM

yeah tadao is **RAPES ONLY**

Pentegarn Dec 24th, 2010 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by MLE (Post 708768)
Zhuk's got you beat out in senority, you know. Also, you started the name calling, and he didn't stoop to that level and continued to attack your arguments instead of you.

First off, I don't know what "senority" or even seniority for that matter, would have to do with this. Only seems to matter to people like you though

Second off, he threw the first insult when he said:


Originally Posted by zukhov
So you ARE saying that gassing Kurds and torturing civilians should have been kept classified?

which I never actually said, and he knew I never actually said, he only posted that to as you so poetically put it, 'stoop to that level' first. And to make me look hateful to distract from what I was trying to say.

I get it MLE, you dislike me personally, I also don't give a crap. That said, the least you can do is not make up events to push that agenda along. Try to stick to things that actually happened mmmkay?

MLE Dec 24th, 2010 08:50 AM

Oh I never even slightly disliked you until reading this thread. And I still don't dislike you personally. I just don't understand your political views, despite your continued wordy efforts to show them off to everyone.

You've got to stop assuming people hate you when they put down your arguments. You'll never be on the debate team that way.

Zhukov Dec 24th, 2010 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn

Second off, he threw the first insult when he said:


Originally Posted by Zhukov
So you ARE saying that gassing Kurds and torturing civilians should have been kept classified?

That's a question, not an insult. You're just trying to cover up the fact that you got really pissed off really easily... as soon as you were asked to back up your accusations and explain your views.

Tadao Aug 16th, 2012 12:23 PM

I think it's awesome how shitty the wiki leaks guy life is now.

So now he's in Ecuador? Is that one of the "good" countries that doesn't abuse it's citizens?

kahljorn Aug 16th, 2012 02:35 PM

is this just the world powers trying to get back at him for revealing the truth?

Tadao Aug 16th, 2012 04:00 PM

I think it's the world powers getting back at him for trying to extort money from them.

Colonel Flagg Aug 16th, 2012 10:02 PM

I think his 15 minutes are up.

Zhukov Aug 22nd, 2012 12:03 PM

Can't help but think it would get wikileaks et al a lot of fame points if he was extradited to Sweden then the US, and then sentenced to death.

I'm sure he doesn't want to die though.

Tadao Aug 22nd, 2012 12:22 PM

I'm surprised we can't buy him off of Ecuador.

kahljorn Aug 23rd, 2012 03:13 AM

ecuador sounds like a really delicious place

i really just imagine the wikileaks guy living it up eating eclairs everyday and im kinda jealous

Tadao Aug 23rd, 2012 11:31 AM

I guess he's in London stuck inside the Ecuadorian embassy. :lol

kahljorn Aug 23rd, 2012 01:02 PM

how the hell did he end up getting political asylum from equador of all fucking places

is that like the political equivalent of me being so desperate for a job that i applied at fast food places?

Zhukov Aug 24th, 2012 03:04 AM


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