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Fathom Zero Oct 30th, 2007 11:35 PM

Granted, noob is special and Halo overstayed it's welcome, but using that statement as a counter-point is dumm.

MLE Oct 30th, 2007 11:39 PM

Not really. He has a valid point that it's not just the games here.

Chojin Oct 31st, 2007 12:17 AM

My point was that Halo branched out beyond the numeric series as well. Way to DECONSTRUCT MY HOUSE OF CARDS

Fathom Zero Oct 31st, 2007 12:42 AM

They fall on their own eventually, i.e. YOU'LL HAVE ALZHEIMER'S SOON.

MLE Oct 31st, 2007 01:00 AM


Fathom Zero Oct 31st, 2007 07:50 AM

Somebody had to tell him the truth sooner or later.

Emu Oct 31st, 2007 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by MLE (Post 509436)
Katamari is hard to find, dude. At least it was about 8-12 months after the small release. I doubt they upped production at that time.

I'm probably going to go pick it up today. What I meant is that the store I found it in was a tiny pawn shop that dealt mostly in car parts and stereo equipment, and Katamari happened to be a gem surrounded by 50 copies of Madden '05-'07, so I don't think it's in danger of being bought any time TOO soon. Fatal Frame III on the other hand I found in Gamestop, and they never sit on the shelves more than a day.

Guitar Woman Oct 31st, 2007 08:36 PM


Guys, this is one of the best things I've seen all year

noob3 Nov 14th, 2007 07:39 PM

i found a jet set (not sure which?) at a closing video store, it was like $1.. I went back to pick it up and the mother fucker was CLOSED

Fathom Zero Nov 16th, 2007 12:18 AM

Probably the Xbox one. There are tons of them, anyway. Bundled title, ya see.

Supafly345 Nov 24th, 2007 04:46 PM


Guitar Woman Nov 24th, 2007 07:18 PM

I never noticed before but Yoshi's Island is really shitty and the only fun parts are just broken and stupid versions of levels from Sonic the Hedgehog

Emu Nov 25th, 2007 12:40 AM

Yeah, playing that game again as an adult ruined my childhood. ;-;

Guitar Woman Nov 25th, 2007 09:05 PM

I'm currently playing a freeware MMO Strategy RPG called Dofus. It's kind of like an online version of Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics, except instead of controlling a bunch of dudes you ARE one of the dudes and have to use TEAMWORK to survive!

I ran around shouting obscure lyrics at new guys and getting orally raped by Teddy for the better part of thirty minutes, then got into EPIC COMBAT with some little sheep creatures. That part was boring, but since I am a level one berserker with no weapons, magic, 1337 5k!11z, or party members other than the aformentioned haloboy, I wasn't exactly expecting Frank Miller's rendition of Thermopylae.

It's a little simplistic, but I like it!

Guitar Woman Nov 25th, 2007 09:06 PM

That should have gone in the what are you playing now thread but that one isn't stickied like it should be so I forgot about it >:

bigtimecow Nov 25th, 2007 09:52 PM

let's argue about g-man


Seven Force Nov 25th, 2007 11:03 PM

Everything went to shit

after 16-bit

bigtimecow Nov 26th, 2007 08:09 AM

i can take a hit

unless i pop a zit

Seven Force Nov 27th, 2007 12:43 PM

searchin' fo' a clit,

gonna make a new slit

bigtimecow Nov 27th, 2007 01:12 PM

i knock your ass into a pit

i really hope your pants don't fit

DuFresne Nov 27th, 2007 01:24 PM

hummingbirds like to flit

but i like to suck a tit

Guitar Woman Nov 27th, 2007 02:42 PM

Are we doing memes now, too? Jesus christ.

bigtimecow Nov 27th, 2007 02:44 PM

hi rhyming is a meme bye

Guitar Woman Nov 27th, 2007 06:04 PM



bigtimecow Nov 27th, 2007 08:12 PM

:( GW!

Guitar Woman Nov 27th, 2007 08:26 PM

So I had a job interview at the game store today! It went pretty well, the manager seemed really interested in the fact that I've done volunteer work taking apart and repairing/modifying computers, and wants to interview me again later when he starts doing repairs out of the store.

But that's not the important part. The important part is while I was waiting he encouraged me to make myself at home among the kiosks in the place, and I played Guitar Hero 3 and Halo 3, both of which were HORRENDOUS. :<

To start, GH3:
This game has some fucking problems, ok. The soundtrack is all right, but the game itself is a complete pile of shit. For one thing, the band member's character models and animations are so terrible and primitive that it is impossible to believe that this game wasn't made eight years ago for the original Playstation, left to fester, then re-released on newer systems with no visual updates whatsoever. It didn't look even half as good as the original Guitar Hero. Speaking of the PS1, by the way, Parappa the Rapper comes to mind when I play this because the game REFUSES to detect the notes I'm hitting when it's supposed to. I didn't play enough to decide if this was a shitty wireless guitar issue or if the notechart and the audio just don't synch up 100% of the time, but I had to hit frets way way early for it to register. Also, the fret signals kept gettting stuck and it wouldn't let me play any notes other than the one that jammed for periods of a few seconds, which is ridiculous for a game that requires you to be as rapid as this. I can blame that one on the wireless controller with reasonable confidence, I think.

I was planning on picking this up for my Wii when I had 80 dollars I didn't want anymore, but now I will not because this game is fucking awful.

Now then, Halo 3. I had less problems with this than GH3: the buttons are at least a little more responsive, and as always the visuals were PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY. At least, they would have been, if I could have fucking seen anything. Bungie seemed compelled to make this game a throwback to Marathon, and to that effect made the field of view ridiculously tight and horrible on the eyes. The fact that they also saw fit to put the crosshairs 3/4th of the way down the fucking screen and that the aiming mechanic is clunky as all hell probably didn't help, either. Mabye I've been spoiled by Metroid Prime 3 and all the PC shooters I've been bootlegging as of late, but Halo 3 definitely has the worst aiming I've seen from a console shooter in a long long long time. Again, the retarded placing of the crosshairs didn't make it easier. It most certainly was not as good as Bioshock, contrary to Chojin's opinion. And no, DuFresne, I am not just being a Yahtzeefag here.

So yes, pretty much any reason for me to get a 360 just went down the shitter.

But I'm totally probably going to get this job sometime in the future!

Chojin Nov 27th, 2007 08:45 PM

Guitar Hero 3:
Lag is caused by the HDtv being used, there are options to adjust this to better settings. The graphics are better than other Guitar Heros and that isn't really up for debate. The animations are much worse in GH3. The gameplay is the same as before, which is to say that it remains boring.

Halo 3:
The field of view is fine, and the same as Bioshock or anything else. Putting the crosshair lower prevents you from staring at the ground as much as you would otherwise and is for the most part a good design decision. Some of the guns take up a lot of visual room, but they have very few shots and do a lot of damage to compensate. The AI and gameplay of Halo 3 is better than Bioshock in so many ways that this is apparently a faith-based argument and there's no reason for me to pursue it any further!

Is also better than Bioshock.

Guitar Woman Nov 27th, 2007 08:53 PM


Is also better than Bioshock.
Well, yes. I wasn't saying Bioshock was anything special, but if given the choice I would pick it over Halo 3. Coincidentally, I'd pick Halo 1 over both of them.

I noticed they had an uncentered crosshair in some Beta footage I watched, but in the finished game it is so horrible that I can't even fucking function. I don't see how this makes the game better, I hardly spend any time looking at the ground in titles with dead-center reticules either. Although Halo is loaded with faggoty short enemies so I guess it makes a little bit of sense, but I think they completely overdid it.

Also, the version I played was for whatever reason in Spanish, which made me feel stupid :<

Chojin Nov 27th, 2007 08:56 PM

I guess play Halo 3 at someone's house instead? The game plays just fine for me and everyone else.

I didn't even notice that the crosshair wasn't vertically-centered the first couple times I played it.

Fathom Zero Nov 27th, 2007 10:27 PM

I didn't notice and I still kick ass. Maybe it's because I play it on a standard definition television.

HungryWantBiddy Nov 29th, 2007 01:08 PM

You know, GH, there is an auto-center option. Haven't used it, haven't needed to. Sounds like it may fix what you don't like though.

Also, who wants to run some rocket race tonight? GT: HungryWantBiddy Add me!

Girl Drink Drunk Nov 29th, 2007 09:36 PM

I like the Elephant :)

Chojin Dec 29th, 2007 08:48 PM

Got to see a 360 die today!

We were over at a family function of Emily's and their kid had a Wii and a 360. He was playing COD4 and weird artifacts would show up after he played for a while. After more people showed up, we opened the floor to strikers charged, smash bros, and wii sports, but when he went to play madden on the 360 it red ring'd him.

This kid was about 15, so he ran and got dad and mom, I guess so they could make it all better. He'd bought the 360 with his own money and looked like he was about to cry.

I think Microsoft does this on purpose.

Moobs Dec 29th, 2007 09:04 PM

When my 360 died i put in my bed to cool it down and treated it like a living sick person :(

That kid will be bored for a couple of months

Chojin Dec 29th, 2007 09:06 PM

No, he has galaxy and is gonna get strikers. And Smash Bros in a month or so.

Moobs Dec 29th, 2007 09:16 PM

i played galaxy on my friends wii and i expected a lot more. The graphics are great and the controls are fine but overall it just seems a bit tedious and boring :/

I have Strikers and it kinda sucks as well. Smash Bros is actually the main reason i have a wii

Guitar Woman Dec 29th, 2007 09:19 PM


Moobs Dec 29th, 2007 09:22 PM

You're probably right. I actually only played one level and it was the Bowser boss level, and i got to this bit where there are portals which eat you and things

Yeah i kinda suck at games

Chojin Dec 29th, 2007 09:26 PM

Which is also probably why you dislike strikers

Moobs Dec 29th, 2007 09:38 PM

No i don't like Strikers because i have one nunchuck and therefore cannot play anybody who is real unless i get my wii online

Chojin Dec 29th, 2007 09:44 PM

a second nunchuk is a big investment at $20 are you sure you can make the plunge

Moobs Dec 29th, 2007 09:50 PM

yeah i don't actually have a job and santa failed me so i'm gonna have to wait a while. In the mean time i'll be playing my less interactive xbox games

Chojin Dec 29th, 2007 10:00 PM

Oh I forgot to mention that the best part of that story about the kid's xbox dying is that when his mom came downstairs to look, she said "Oh, did it give you those red rings?"

Chojin Dec 29th, 2007 10:12 PM


This made me lol :<

Download it here :o

Emu Dec 30th, 2007 12:58 PM

Who plays Guitar Hero for the graphics? :\ You can't even really watch them while you're playing anyway. I find them to be appropriate for the game since I tend to feel that low-grade graphics lend themselves well to rhythm games (see PaRappa.)

I might be a little more forgiving of GH3 since it's the first GH I've played, but I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Rongi Dec 30th, 2007 01:13 PM

Honestly though, GH3 is pretty god damn ugly looking. Especially compared to 2, which I thought looked really good.

Zomboid Dec 30th, 2007 07:47 PM

I had my 360 on for like 12 hours yesterday and it didn't even get a little warm :O. Also, I got mario galaxy for christmas but I haven't even started it because I'm having too much fun with mass effect and assassin's creed.

Fathom Zero Dec 30th, 2007 07:48 PM

I played Guitar Hero 3 last night. I'm going to have to go "Fun, but forgettable" on this one. The mechanics are fun and really get me into it, but I only like about five songs from the entire playlist and the list is really underwhelming. On the plus side, I'm ambidextrous with a guitar, apparantly.

By the way, Mass Effect is the shit. I'm jones-ing.

Seven Force Jan 1st, 2008 01:50 AM

Why not just get a real guitar and play anyway?

Fathom Zero Jan 1st, 2008 01:54 AM

My point, I was just playing it because my friend borrowed Guitar Hero and the guitar and a 360 to play it on, BUT NO CONTROLLER. :( So no Perfect Dark that night.

Seven Force Jan 1st, 2008 01:58 AM

Oh, I know. I wasn't trying to be snarky with you or anything. :( I just don't see what the big deal is lately with those games. It's no different than hitting buttons on a controller. I hope it doesn't come out in arcades cause it'll make people look like giant tools.

Emu Jan 1st, 2008 09:16 PM

It's a fun party game that you can at least look like less of a douche playing than, say, DDR, because the music isn't gay and you're not dancing around like a dumbass (unless you choose to, which I do)

edit: it's also easier on the fat kids

Terror Dino Jan 3rd, 2008 07:15 PM

GH3 is a lot of fun, fun which happens to increase with some friends over and alcohol, gets might competive about 3 hours into the night. And tbh i dont even take notice of the graphics to busy playing the game and not fussing over something which only idiot's really care about. Graphics dont make the game.

executioneer Jan 4th, 2008 01:59 AM


MLE Jan 4th, 2008 02:09 AM

I played DDR today :< In Utah :< When I was away from Chojin :< On his birthday :<

Terror Dino Jan 4th, 2008 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Code-Wheel Jones (Post 518894)

I'm on I-Mockery arnt I.

executioneer Jan 4th, 2008 09:11 PM


Guitar Woman Jan 5th, 2008 12:54 AM



Chojin Jan 5th, 2008 01:03 AM

schimid showed that to me a couple days ago :<

that video is 10 times better if you play tf2 and have experienced some of the douchebags in need of this kind of griefing

Guitar Woman Jan 5th, 2008 01:13 AM

The "Be Useless" lesson in the first video hits kinda close to home for me because no matter what game it is I'm always the guy with like -3 kills who runs around playing the game completely wrong and falling victim to snipers over and over again :<

Not on purpose, it's because I suck

KuddWeazel Jan 6th, 2008 06:47 AM

GH3 is nothing compared to 2. the set list kinda sucks, but the guitar battles were a unique idea.
Halo 3 is just the other halos with new weapons. nothing to really shake a stick at.
Assassins creed is fun but repetitive. I mean, do i really have to climb 12 200 foot skyscrapers before i kill someone?
just wait for the new ninja gaiden. it will be the answer to your gaming prayers

Spetsnaz Jan 12th, 2008 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by KuddWeazel (Post 520016)
GH3 is nothing compared to 2. the set list kinda sucks, but the guitar battles were a unique idea.
Halo 3 is just the other halos with new weapons. nothing to really shake a stick at.
Assassins creed is fun but repetitive. I mean, do i really have to climb 12 200 foot skyscrapers before i kill someone?
just wait for the new ninja gaiden. it will be the answer to your gaming prayers

Don't you mean the original Ninja Gaiden in 3D?

Because thats basically what the past five years of Ninja Gaiden games were. Rehashes.

Fathom Zero Jan 17th, 2008 07:02 PM

Halo 3 throws a lot of gravy on top of the original formula. You can't improve the gameplay, but you can build bigger set pieces, add more weapons and vehicles, as well as do a lot more shit in the Forge. Granted, it is a lot of the same. But you can't improve upon it.

WhiteRat Jan 17th, 2008 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 519715)
The "Be Useless" lesson in the first video hits kinda close to home for me because no matter what game it is I'm always the guy with like -3 kills who runs around playing the game completely wrong and falling victim to snipers over and over again :<

Not on purpose, it's because I suck

That's exactly how I am when I play Call of Duty 4 or BF2. I'm horrible no matter how much I play I can't get better.

Fat_Hippo Jan 18th, 2008 05:17 PM

I know what you mean. It's the exact same for me in these 2 games. Strangely enough I'm not even that bad in BF2142 while I continue to suck in those 2...:\

Spetsnaz Jan 18th, 2008 06:37 PM

Battlefield 2 has a huge fucking learning curve when you first jump into it. Its because the only people still playing it are the ones who've been playing it for fucking years.

Fathom Zero Jan 19th, 2008 06:49 PM

Hahaha, I just got 30 points as a spy because of people like that.

Seven Force Jan 21st, 2008 04:20 PM

They should release an online game where you don't have to fucking grind or level up or spend huge amounts of your life on for it to be fun or worthwhile at all. Also not an FPS.

Guitar Woman Jan 21st, 2008 04:39 PM

I've come to the realization that Mario Sunshine is better than Galaxy, and I'm ok with that.

Chojin Jan 21st, 2008 04:49 PM

you are ridiculous

Guitar Woman Jan 21st, 2008 04:53 PM

Sunshine is running around gigantic multipath levels with varied and fun platforming and catchy music

Galaxy is taking a linear path from one tiny planetoid to the next with terrible camera control and not much variation in what you have to do

I have my reasons >:

Mabye I'm not far enough in Galaxy yet but it feels like not only have I seen everything the game has to offer, but that I've also done it 20 times already.

Guitar Woman Jan 21st, 2008 04:54 PM

The rock ghost boss was fucking cool, though.

Pub Lover Jan 21st, 2008 04:59 PM

I liked Sunshine. :(


Emu Jan 21st, 2008 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Guitar Woman (Post 526100)
Mabye I'm not far enough in Galaxy yet but it feels like not only have I seen everything the game has to offer, but that I've also done it 20 times already.


which part of "super mario" did you not understand

Guitar Woman Jan 21st, 2008 07:37 PM


Sunshine was still inventive by the time I had 70 Shines, meanwhile 25 stars into Galaxy and I'm bored enough to puke

Chojin Jan 22nd, 2008 09:37 AM

You can get 25 stars in galaxy in about 5 minutes.

Play the game before judging, homo.

Guitar Woman Jan 22nd, 2008 04:27 PM

I keep trying, but this game is like Morrowind for me in that every time I give it another chance I hate it for the exact same reason I hated it last time.

Ok, it's not nearly as shitty or boring as Morrowind, but you get the idea.

MLE Jan 22nd, 2008 04:38 PM

hey even i liked morrowind. are you broken?

Guitar Woman Jan 22nd, 2008 04:43 PM


Guitar Woman Jan 22nd, 2008 04:45 PM

I must have re-installed that game 4 times. It's the slowest and most boring piece of shit ever and I don't get why anyone likes it.

Then again, some people think tentacle rape and decapitation is sexy, so whatever.

MLE Jan 22nd, 2008 04:46 PM

see you didn't even get past balmora. i'd be having this conversation privately with you on aim, but you're not on


Dr. Boogie Jan 22nd, 2008 04:51 PM

It's also worth noting that this is the same guy who found Cliff Racers to be deadly, rather than merely annoying.

Guitar Woman Jan 22nd, 2008 04:54 PM

My problem was that I was constantly running and any monster that hit me before I could kill it instantly crippled me and could stand around chicken stomping me at their leisure.

I don't do that anymore, but as a result it takes me 10 hours to go anywhere.

MetalMilitia Jan 22nd, 2008 04:54 PM

It really irritates me that no one makes non-fantasy RPGs, I mean STALKER was decent but I think some kind of modern warfare themed RPG would be something I could really get into. Kind of like BF2 but with proper character development/modification and a persistent world.

executioneer Jan 22nd, 2008 04:57 PM

i personally always made a character that specialized in athletics and had the sign of the steed to get around the slowness problem

that and i used siltstriders

plus don't the later patches add quick travel for easy city-to-city travel? or am i misremembering

executioneer Jan 22nd, 2008 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by MetalMilitia (Post 526398)
It really irritates me that no one makes non-fantasy RPGs, I mean STALKER was decent but I think some kind of modern warfare themed RPG would be something I could really get into. Kind of like BF2 but with proper character development/modification and a persistent world.

what about fallout 3 man

Guitar Woman Jan 22nd, 2008 04:59 PM

Oh, yeah, I also play it unmodded, that might be part of the problem.

It's sort of stupid how the game is only good after you modify it extensively, though.

executioneer Jan 22nd, 2008 05:03 PM

i play it unmodded too

just patched

Dr. Boogie Jan 22nd, 2008 05:05 PM

I guess. The only mod I got was one that added a merchant who could actually afford to buy really expensive items from you so I could get rid of some Daedric stuff I found early on after a huge stroke of luck.

Samfucius Jan 24th, 2008 01:03 AM

hmmm... given the title of this thread, what can I say to make the maximum number of nerds angry with the minimum number of words... hmmm... I got it.

Final Fantasy SUCKS.

Chojin Jan 24th, 2008 01:16 AM


Neen Jan 24th, 2008 01:55 AM

Yeah! Who doesn't like melodrama and androgyny?

Isn't that the reason people put it up there with the Legend of Zelda series?

Misdemonar Jan 24th, 2008 02:31 AM

fallout 1 and 2 is where it's at.

executioneer Jan 24th, 2008 03:07 AM

dude welcome to being me three years ago

or was it achimp and five, i can't remember

Misdemonar Jan 27th, 2008 04:43 AM

bering willie is great guys you should try it

executioneer Jan 27th, 2008 05:01 AM


i was talking to s. fucious :(

timrpgland Jan 29th, 2008 05:36 PM

GTAIV in April. Get your pre-orders ready!

Zomboid Jan 30th, 2008 01:27 AM

I don't want to. The same thing will happen that happened with smash bros brawl. It'll get delayed and I'll just be hurt again :(

Mintrude Jan 30th, 2008 03:43 PM

So, I got Super Mario Bros. 2 for the virtual console. What does everyone think of it? It's something of the black sheep of the mario games.

Chojin Jan 30th, 2008 03:47 PM

i've always liked it the best out of the NES mario games :<

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