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ThrashO Jul 29th, 2011 04:05 PM

Arrrg, I feel like I have shared the same time-bending experiences... For instance, My last experience with weed was with OG Kush, and it really tripped me out.

I will admit, I have never seen A Clockwork Orange aside from bits and pieces of it. But I've never seen the entire movie or really knew what it was about.

About a month ago (Haven't smoked since, new job may drug test and I'm trying to stay clean until then) me and my girlfriend have a couples night with our friends who are much bigger potheads than I am. And the other dude is really cool, and towards the end of the night it's just down to me and him hitting his vaporizer, and he's going at it, and he keeps passing it to me, and like a stubborn man, I don't puss out. I keep hitting it over and over again, waaaaay more than I usually do.

So this is when we decide to start watching A Clockwork Orange. It starts up, and I'm kind of going in and out of blacking out and I keep seeing myself on a rollercoaster, flying along this wierd red place, I was really tripping, and the whole time I see A Clockwork Orange playing on the walls, and it seems like almost 2 hours of this and I'm watching the movie from strange angles. Then I wake up, and it's still the beginning of the movie, and I remember JUST watching it. I am reading the lines inside my head right before they're said, seeing the scenes verbatim right before they happen. Scenes I have never seen before.

I keep asking my girl "Is this the second time? Didn't we just watch this?" and she is just laughing at me saying I should stop smoking. Also apparently I get really fucked up and rediculously goofy when I'm high and everyone in the room just thinks it's the funniest shit ever, when I am genuenly scared because I have either seen into the future and just watched all of Clockwork Orange in my head, or my friends are seriously fucking with me and played it again.

But the wierdest part, is that in my hallucinations of seeing the movie the first time, at times I saw MYSELF as this character:

acting out the scenes, commiting the crimes, and actually KNOWING the other characters. It was seriously the WIERDEST FUCKING NIGHT OF MY LIFE.


WhiteRat Jul 29th, 2011 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Zhukov (Post 734205)
I hate the smell and the people that smoke it. A guy I knew in highschool died from eating mushrooms and I fucking laughed so hard I cried.


Aaarg Jul 29th, 2011 04:40 PM

Hahaha, dude, that's crazy.

I had a similar experience to the last thing you mentioned while watching Let the Right One In. Basically everything in the movie was a memory from my childhood, in my brain.

At first the high and the movie was just normal routine shit, nothing weird. Then at one point all the people in the movie were looking really weird. Anatomically incorrect, like, "that's not what people look like" I was thinking. Then I'd look at my legs and they were also not what they should look like. My roommate got up to get some food and I just said "I'll stay... right here."

The movie continues and suddenly there's a long shot that my brain registers as a painting that was hanging on the wall of my kitchen growing up - which it wasn't. But, like, everything from that point on was a memory. Some old Swedish dude was apparently my dad and I had hair just like the kid in the movie and oh man I remember that exact same jacket and that playground and that every-fucking-thing. So I spent the rest of the movie trying to convince myself that none of that was from my memory at all. Haha.

I didn't like it.

So I think I know exactly what you mean.

I just blamed it on having driven 8 hours that day, getting a ticket, and having to take a goddamn freezing cold shower upon arriving home. I didn't really smoke more than usual, and it was the same stuff we'd been smoking for like a week or two.

Also I often get dizzy upon standing up, especially in the summer. Sometimes I'll get up and start walking and have to lean against a wall so I don't, like, fall over or black out. Man, have you ever gotten really dizzy while high? Haha. Bad times!

ThrashO Jul 29th, 2011 04:50 PM

Yes, that same night when it was time to go it looked like I was looking at everything through a wormhole. Like everything was stretching towards the center of my vision.

Like the camera trick in Dumb and Dumber when Mary tells Harry the toilet's broken. I almost fell down 4 or 5 times getting to the car. I like a good social-stoned but I don't being so fucked up that I can't control myself or cope with reality. Unless it's planned and everyone else is doing the same.

Also, Everyone said I kept grabbing the TV remote and going "haha, this isn't mine."

Aaarg Jul 29th, 2011 05:05 PM

hahaha, awesome.

some people at work were talking about some party at my neighbor's place where i stuffed like 6 little cubes of cheese on toothpicks into my mouth at once, they were talking about how high i was. "i don't think i had smoked anything at that point, i just really like cheese."

because i remember what happened at that party when i got high. the girl-who-is-now-my-girlfriend and i sat on a couch in the dude's living room in the dark and just hung out there all afternoon/evening while everybody else was outside or on the porch. whenever the host's wife came through the room she'd turn the light on, and then the next person who would pass through the room, we'd try to convince to turn the light back off.

that's how you spend a party, isn't it? hiding from everybody?

Womti Aug 10th, 2011 09:17 AM

so anybody in hea got a bowl pack fo me

ThrashO Aug 10th, 2011 10:28 AM


Pentegarn Aug 11th, 2011 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Womti (Post 737025)
so anybody in hea got a bowl pack fo me

Why not ask your buddies under the overpass?

Womti Aug 11th, 2011 04:16 PM

no. that would be.. pointless.

Zomboid Aug 11th, 2011 05:08 PM

haha maaaaan one time i wuz so baked watchin ferngully i like thought I WAS A CARTOON!!!! haha it was sooo sick man that was some good weeeeeeeed. i was so hungry we ordered some za and just fuckin crushed it real quick man hahahaha so awesome

Zomboid Aug 11th, 2011 05:14 PM


got a bag of cheetos some sweet shows on the tube n tgif right lol. oh wait its thursday hahahaa maaaaan im so ripped

creeposaurus Aug 11th, 2011 05:16 PM


ThrashO Aug 11th, 2011 06:12 PM

Zomboid wut strain did u smok

Guitar Woman Aug 11th, 2011 07:14 PM

Oh shit guys, Zomboid's here, we'd better stop talking about the things we enjoy or he may snipe ironic at us!

Oh, heavens, save me from his venomous barbs.

Zomboid Aug 11th, 2011 07:25 PM

I know that you're used to your irony extra thick and given by dudes in sweater vests and non-prescription glasses, but try not to have a conniption, OK? Maybe instead, go smoke a clove cigarette and just, like, think about what a joke conformity is.

Zomboid Aug 11th, 2011 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by ThrashO (Post 737291)
Zomboid wut strain did u smok

nuthin butt the best man BC kush lol u just no there are fields over there n the farmers r makin a killing!!!!!

Rongi Aug 11th, 2011 07:56 PM

yo man check it you know how they got those steaks with the parsley garnish? what if instead they just put a GIANT NUG on it!!!!!!!

ThrashO Aug 11th, 2011 08:12 PM

I will turn a blind eye to your ignorance and just say... Salamay.

Rongi Aug 11th, 2011 08:13 PM

maybe if i smoke more weed i'll be enlightened and i'll understand david lynch movies and stuff

Zomboid Aug 11th, 2011 08:28 PM

You gotta free your mind, bro. I was totes freeeeaking out when I watched The Wall while fucked up on shrooms, man.

Rongi Aug 11th, 2011 08:31 PM

one time i smoked weed that was laced with acid and then i saw my mom and threw up

k0k0 Aug 11th, 2011 08:35 PM

One time I synched up Bill and Tedd with Mannheim Steamroller after smoking 3 marijuana cigarettes (doobies). It was way cool.

Sam Aug 11th, 2011 09:46 PM

One time I smoked some reefers and then I jerked off and it was AMAZING, I ate a whole bag of frozen chicken strips after and my mom was like "who ate all the chicken strips, I just torched a spleef and wanted to eat some and all I found were crusty paper towels in the freezer". :hypno


ThrashO Aug 12th, 2011 02:32 AM

If you're gonna be a prick in a thread do it when it's active, if you just bump it to be a shithead it kind of defeats the purpose of trying to bother someone.

and suck all dicks.

Fathom Zero Aug 12th, 2011 02:34 AM

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