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executioneer Aug 15th, 2011 05:20 PM

the problem with state-legalized pot is that the feds can still arrest someone for selling it regardless of whether it's legal in that state or not

Fathom Zero Aug 15th, 2011 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 738005)
Ohio (soon as that casino actually gets built anyway).

'Bout time. They've got enough fucking riverboats.

k0k0 Aug 15th, 2011 05:25 PM

I had a friend on xbox live who grew pot to sell the dispensaries. Apparently that's legal over in California too.

yabuturtle Aug 15th, 2011 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 737754)
The whole r-party is a freaking mess right now. They have a Palin clone, a fallen icon, about 3 candidates that should be libertarians, and single digit poll scores spread amongst them all. This crop has failed to impress me

It's not the parties that are a mess. It's the system. But you probably already knew that. Or at least you should by now.

Pentegarn Aug 15th, 2011 06:02 PM

The system didn't churn out RINOs and hypocrites. The greed and complacency did

yabuturtle Aug 15th, 2011 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 737672)
The problem with that is the people who choose to use drugs effect those who choose not to, that's why things like murder are not legal. People have a right not to be invaded by certain things, drugged up psychos are one of them. If states were to suddenly legalize heroin or meth you would have severe issues. I already hate meth heads as it is, and I'll be damned if I want them invading my life because they can legally do it everywhere. States rights are wel and good, but sometimes a state just makes the wrong decision. As Tadao brought up, slavery was a states rights thing. Do you want that sort of world to come back?

PS Alcohol prohibition was eliminated on a federal level, so your alcohol argument for states rights is at best flawed

PPS I think this board may have its new Coolinator, that'll make Colonel's day

The Federal Government should never have had the power to take away alcohol. I'm aware it was eliminated. My point was it shouldn't have because it created more problems than it fixed. And really one should ask "If alcohol didn't work, why the fuck would prohibition work for other drugs?" Yeah sometimes states, make the wrong decisions. What's your point? Lots of people make their mistakes but that's their problem. Why even bring up slavery? That sort of world is not going to come back even if I wanted it to, because as you know slavery is not legal. And besides why are you comparing personal habits and SLAVERY? That's kind of a big leap don't you think? Owning somebody and putting what you want in your body is kind of hard to compare. No state's gonna want slavery legal. No having states rights is not perfect, but I'd rather let it be up to the states to decide this. At least this way people have a choice and can move somewhere if they don't like it. What choice do you have if the Federal government makes something legal everywhere or illegal everywhere?

k0k0 Aug 15th, 2011 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by yabuturtle (Post 738042)
Why even bring up slavery? That sort of world is not going to come back[.] I wanted it to


yabuturtle Aug 15th, 2011 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by k0k0 (Post 738046)

Very clever.:lol

Pentegarn Aug 15th, 2011 06:41 PM

yab, answer this question in a satisfactory manner and I will declare you win the thread:

Why the hell should I pay for the mistakes other states laws make? Why should my life be made worse because some yutz comes over from Kentucky all hopped up on meth and starts a fight where either I or someone I love is hurt? You act like there are no consequences other than on the user himself, but what you fail to see, and what you in fact refuse to see is the reason states do not decide on an individual basis about drugs is that drugs cause severe changes in mood, physical abilities, and judgment. Far more severe than alcohol (he said cutting your weak counterargument off before it was ever made)

yabuturtle Aug 15th, 2011 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 738051)
yab, answer this question in a satisfactory manner and I will declare you win the thread:

Why the hell should I pay for the mistakes other states laws make? Why should my life be made worse because some yutz comes over from Kentucky all hopped up on meth and starts a fight where either I or someone I love is hurt? You act like there are no consequences other than on the user himself, but what you fail to see, and what you in fact refuse to see is the reason states do not decide on an individual basis about drugs is that drugs cause severe changes in mood, physical abilities, and judgment. Far more severe than alcohol (he said cutting your weak counterargument off before it was ever made)

As I said the federal government can't make you follow good habits. What do you think people did when it WAS legal at one point? All of them were addicted to it? Not really. You can't stop people from doing this. Plus the drug dealer is gonna go out of business if they were legal now aren't they? Yes it should be up to the states. If one state wants heroin legal, that is their business. Don't like it? Move somewhere else. Using the drug itself should not be a crime. If you use meth, you're not automatically gonna attack someone. Some people use the substance but don't commit violent crimes. Someone under the influence of alcohol can start fights. Why not outlaw that while you're at it? If they have a problem with drugs, they should get help but not get thrown behind bars, where they are surrounded by people far worse than they are. If a person next to me uses a drug, I'm not going to automatically use that same drug and get addicted as well. That was his choice and his choice alone. If he's not hurting anyone or stealing anything, what does it matter if he uses the substance? What about the legal drugs doctors give out? Some of those are fucking addictive and in some ways even more dangerous than the illegal drugs. People need to take personal responsibility and not depend on the government to solve all of their problems, because that's pretty dangerous when the people get dependent on the government and want big government programs. It's never worked.

All drugs probably should be legal. Why? Because as Chris Rock said "People want to get high. Doesn't matter if you got rid of all the drugs in the world, they'll invent new ways to get high." Prohibition hasn't worked and never will.

Tadao Aug 15th, 2011 09:27 PM

I want to beat you in the face till you die, why not make it legal!

Pentegarn Aug 15th, 2011 09:58 PM

So you failed to give a satisfactory answer Yab, and then essentially told us you get all your political views from Chris Rock. Way to be, champ.

I believe I asked why should I have to deal with the consequences. your answer? "You don't like it, move"

My answer to that, "Fuck you" You say, "Some people that use drugs don't commit violent crimes" OH, well that turns me around :rolleyes You know, some people that look at child porn don't rape children too. Should we therefore make child porn legal?

You are a fucking idiot. Go away now

Also, way to ignore where I said "Illegal drugs are far more severe than Alcohol" You quoted it and ignored it out of convenience.

k0k0 Aug 15th, 2011 10:11 PM

I agree, the whole "You don't like it, move" argument is bullshit. Some people don't have the money to move. Others would be quitting a job, uprooting their families. And right now you want to keep the job you have because you never know if you'd be able to get a new one somewhere else.

How about you turn it around on yourself. If you don't like the fact that Ron Paul isn't president and probably never will be, move out of the US.

Pentegarn Aug 15th, 2011 10:16 PM

Most extremists will never realize they are hypocrites though koko :lol

Tadao Aug 15th, 2011 10:37 PM

They never care about anyone but themselves. They are greedy little fgts.

Pentegarn Aug 15th, 2011 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Tadao (Post 738084)
They never care about anyone but themselves.

They don't even do that right though :lol

yabuturtle Aug 15th, 2011 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 738076)
So you failed to give a satisfactory answer Yab, and then essentially told us you get all your political views from Chris Rock. Way to be, champ.

I believe I asked why should I have to deal with the consequences. your answer? "You don't like it, move"

My answer to that, "Fuck you" You say, "Some people that use drugs don't commit violent crimes" OH, well that turns me around :rolleyes You know, some people that look at child porn don't rape children too. Should we therefore make child porn legal?

You are a fucking idiot. Go away now

Also, way to ignore where I said "Illegal drugs are far more severe than Alcohol" You quoted it and ignored it out of convenience.

You'll never get a satisfactory answer unless I agree with you 100%, which isn't gonna happen, so keep fucking dreaming. Yeah move. Get out and go somewhere else if you don't like it. You ever heard of Dry Counties? They still have those. If you don't like what's going on, no ones fucking forcing you to stay there. Didn't we leave England because we didn't agree with their policies as well? What do you care if I use Chris Rock as an example? He's a comedian but he does good points. It could be Bill Gates or Ted Turner saying this for all I care, it doesn't matter who said it. What gave you any idea I get ALL of my political views from him? Where did I say or even imply that? You love twisting things around don't you? Please by all means keep making shit up. It really drastically increases your reputation and credibility.

Again you love to bring shit up that has nothing to do with the matter. Child porn is a little different. Yes if they look at it, not only is it wrong and disgusting but obviously it does encourage the people making the child porn because if no one looked at it, they wouldn't even bother making it and sharing it around. Using the substance is dangerous. I don't need a person with a 2 digit I.Q like yourself to tell me that. I don't think it's right for someone under drugs, whether it's marijuana or meth, to be thrown in jail. If they hurt or steal something or damage property, yes that's different, but you should not be thrown behind bars for months or even years FOR GETTING HIGH OR BEING IN POSSESSION OF DRUGS.

Yeah I heard you about Illegal drugs are far more severe than alcohol. Yeah I'm aware of that. You also didn't read my sentence where I said even the LEGAL drugs are more addictive and dangerous. Don't you think that's a little bit scary that doctors who have been known to pass these pills to people that supposedly help them, but they get addicted and suffer more problems from it? Has that ever occurred to you? No it couldn't. How could you, since it's quite obvious you have the mentality of a 5 year old. Instead of maybe respecting other people's opinions, you just have the immature attitude of saying" Nuh uh! You're wrong and I'm right no matter what, now go away so I can stop whining! WHAAA!" Quit being a whiney fuck. I'm not telling you to totally accept my views. If you don't agree with it, that's fine, I couldn't care less.

Esuohlim Aug 15th, 2011 11:31 PM

Excuse me but this is a message board of illiterate children and it's unfair to make us read that many words each time you post

Colonel Flagg Aug 16th, 2011 05:44 AM

Why am I having this "Coolinator-flashback"? :confused

EDIT: Anyone want to talk about EVIL FLUORIDE?

Colonel Flagg Aug 16th, 2011 05:47 AM

Addressing the title of this thread, maybe Ron Paul should get elected, but he won't. Nothing anyone says will change this fundamental truth.

Pentegarn Aug 16th, 2011 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by yabuturtle (Post 738086)
You'll never get a satisfactory answer unless I agree with you 100%, which isn't gonna happen, so keep fucking dreaming. Yeah move. Get out and go somewhere else if you don't like it. You ever heard of Dry Counties? They still have those. If you don't like what's going on, no ones fucking forcing you to stay there. Didn't we leave England because we didn't agree with their policies as well? What do you care if I use Chris Rock as an example? He's a comedian but he does good points. It could be Bill Gates or Ted Turner saying this for all I care, it doesn't matter who said it. What gave you any idea I get ALL of my political views from him? Where did I say or even imply that? You love twisting things around don't you? Please by all means keep making shit up. It really drastically increases your reputation and credibility.

Again you love to bring shit up that has nothing to do with the matter. Child porn is a little different. Yes if they look at it, not only is it wrong and disgusting but obviously it does encourage the people making the child porn because if no one looked at it, they wouldn't even bother making it and sharing it around. Using the substance is dangerous. I don't need a person with a 2 digit I.Q like yourself to tell me that. I don't think it's right for someone under drugs, whether it's marijuana or meth, to be thrown in jail. If they hurt or steal something or damage property, yes that's different, but you should not be thrown behind bars for months or even years FOR GETTING HIGH OR BEING IN POSSESSION OF DRUGS.

Yeah I heard you about Illegal drugs are far more severe than alcohol. Yeah I'm aware of that. You also didn't read my sentence where I said even the LEGAL drugs are more addictive and dangerous. Don't you think that's a little bit scary that doctors who have been known to pass these pills to people that supposedly help them, but they get addicted and suffer more problems from it? Has that ever occurred to you? No it couldn't. How could you, since it's quite obvious you have the mentality of a 5 year old. Instead of maybe respecting other people's opinions, you just have the immature attitude of saying" Nuh uh! You're wrong and I'm right no matter what, now go away so I can stop whining! WHAAA!" Quit being a whiney fuck. I'm not telling you to totally accept my views. If you don't agree with it, that's fine, I couldn't care less.

You are a selfish prick. Tadao nailed it on the head from your first post.

And yes Colonel, this fuckwit has Coolinator clone written all over him. Yab you should get together with Coolinator's no listening ass and have crazy babies with him in your cabin in the remote parts of Montana.

You are the sort of selfish fuck who has no foresight whatsoever. You come in and express all these grand visions without thinking for even a moment of how your wishes would play out. Then when people try to rationally explain why your are full of shit, you call them babies or stick your fingers in your ears and act the baby yourself (as a hypocrite like you will always do).

Incidentally I called you out because quoting a comedian to lend credence to your view makes you look like the fool that you are. There's your 'so what' for you.

You cry that I don't respect your opinions, buy why should I respect a view that essentially increases the danger I and those i care about would have to face in life? This is the central hub of my issue with you, because you not only don't understand the consequences, you just flat out don't give a shit about how said consequences will effect others.

You want a nation with legal drugs, then why don't YOU move to an uninhabited piece of land, found your own country, and make it? You keep saying I should move if I disagree with your vision, but why shouldn't you be the one who moves? You fail to see you are in the minority on this issue, and I guarantee if you founded a society using your drugs available for everyone policy it it would crumble within less than a decade, which is exactly why you won't be a leader, you'll just be a sniveling bitch.

Pentegarn Aug 16th, 2011 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 738143)
Addressing the title of this thread, maybe Ron Paul should get elected, but he won't. Nothing anyone says will change this fundamental truth.

Except this Yab character never really cared about Ron Paul, he's just some 3rd rate drug dealer who wants to make money for himself and tried to hide his true agenda in a Ron Paul discussion

WhiteRat Aug 16th, 2011 07:52 PM

I wonder how fat the OP is.

Pentegarn Aug 16th, 2011 07:56 PM

Imma guess not fat at all, drug use generally makes one gaunt

k0k0 Aug 16th, 2011 08:44 PM

He's the Michael Jordan of making inane political comments on this message board. And just like Michael Jordan, he doesn't know when to quit.

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