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arg_zombies Mar 25th, 2007 01:18 PM

God, i thought the visual were amazing!
I agree with MM though, but I think that it's more meant for the art, than the plot....
I'd have to say my most memorable bit was in the first battle scene, where he whacks the guy in the air and slices his leg off :lol
I thought the animals were cool though :)

Did everyone get the ending though - why the Sparta King guy didn't kill Xerxes? And only cut him? Yeah?

noob3 Mar 25th, 2007 02:38 PM


arg_zombies Mar 25th, 2007 02:44 PM

no i mean why the Spartan guy didn't aim to kill, just to hurt Xerces.

ArrowX Mar 25th, 2007 03:22 PM

because he didn't want him to die, he wanted him to know the fear of death, which is essentially worse than dying you dim-witted fuck!

arg_zombies Mar 25th, 2007 03:55 PM

Actually it was to prove that he wasn't a 'god'. He said before that by the end of the fight he'd show that even gods bleed.

Esuohlim Mar 25th, 2007 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by MetalMilitia (Post 482610)
Although people like Jixby and his hangers-on will probably roll their eyes and groan if they read this; I thought it was good for what it was.

Oh man Jixby I loved that 300 movie but you went and said you didn't like it, so I had to agree with you so I could earn some cool points from you, dude!

I didn't like Gladiator either. I'm not a fan of ultra-serious movies, guys, leave me alone. :(

MattJack Mar 25th, 2007 11:41 PM

I'm a tool and douche bag for not being a complete fanboy geek who cums at the thought of some super edgy and cool comic that is turned into a movie that I gave a 7 or maybe even an 8.

Zomboid and AChimp, it's fun to watch you two Canadians get all bent out of shape over somebody who didn't think the movie was the best thing cinema has produced in 20 years. Get a grip yall, I didn't say it sucked.

Mr. Vagiclean Mar 26th, 2007 01:26 AM

guys no no no this movie was SHIT it was like WATCHING a one sided argument given by an insecure white guy talking about how his dad beat up two black guys. the eye-candy on TOP of that motif only helped the movie itself to collapse on the floor with its face down and choke on a big rock to death FUCK this movie

MetalMilitia Mar 26th, 2007 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Esuohlim (Post 482770)
Oh man Jixby I loved that 300 movie but you went and said you didn't like it, so I had to agree with you so I could earn some cool points from you, dude!

Well I was referring to Gadzooks more than anyone but whatever.

theapportioner Mar 26th, 2007 04:23 PM

This movie was the stupidest, vilest, most offensive piece of shit I have ever seen. If you liked it, you are dead to me (most of you already were).

arg_zombies Mar 26th, 2007 04:25 PM

Offensive? How was it offensive?

theapportioner Mar 26th, 2007 04:30 PM

The movie is preposterously racist and Eurocentric, and portrays Sparta in a ridiculous, extraordinarily inaccurate light. Frank Miller is a right-wing fucktard (read his interviews). Freedom? Please. Tell that to all the neighboring city-states that Sparta enslaved. And since when is Xerxes a seven-foot tall homosexual, and all the "Orientals" ogres and trolls and sexmongers?

arg_zombies Mar 26th, 2007 04:36 PM

Ever heard of something called artistic license?
Explain why America is always portrayed as the 'hero', when they are horrendous arms dealers, which supplies most wars in 3rd world countries. 300 is a greek myth, so it is obviously going to be portrayed through greek eyes.

theapportioner Mar 26th, 2007 04:45 PM

First of all, the movie sucks as "art". But that's beside the point.

Someone who uses his or her "artistic license" to create a movie that glorifies the KKK should not be immune to criticism, either. Face it--the movie makes a political statement about different peoples that isn't just wrong, but intentionally, and horrifyingly so. This is not a literal retelling of Herodotus, but Frank Miller's worldview.

The fact you even recognize that the portrayal of America is often one-sided, and decline to challenge that, makes you part of the problem.

arg_zombies Mar 26th, 2007 04:50 PM

Mate, I watch films as films, I don't get into a giant heat over analyzing how against my views they are - it is not meant to be historically accurate, it is meant to be an entertaining, action movie which appeals to a wide audience with good visuals and storyline.

If you want to argue over the biased coverings of america, take this to the philosophy forum.

theapportioner Mar 26th, 2007 04:56 PM

No, it's not just meant to be entertaining. You're stupefyingly wrong on this point. Okay, blissfully ignore the obvious political overtones of this movie. You're just another stupid sausage, passive and impotent.

arg_zombies Mar 26th, 2007 05:05 PM

I didn't say it was solely meant to be entertaining did I? I said it is meant to be entertaining, as it is. 300 is meant ot glorify the Greek victory, not show them in a bad way, otherwise that'd be defeateing the point of the victory, wouldn't it. The film is about the amazing courage and strength shown by the Spartans against the thousands of warriors sent against them.

Fathom Zero Mar 26th, 2007 05:48 PM

Hey guys, don't spoil the ending for those who haven't seen it yet.


theapportioner Mar 26th, 2007 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by arg_zombies (Post 483021)
300 is meant ot glorify the Greek victory, not show them in a bad way, otherwise that'd be defeateing the point of the victory, wouldn't it. The film is about the amazing courage and strength shown by the Spartans against the thousands of warriors sent against them.

Way to describe the obvious, idiot. Sometimes movies aren't just about what is obvious.

If it's about glorifying the Greek victory at Thermopylae, then why the American metaphors? Sparta has nothing whatsoever in common with the United States, except perhaps the military. Why portray Persians and other "Orientals" as grotesque monsters????

What percentage of Americans (and Brits, since you are from there) knew one single thing about the Achaemenid Empire before this movie? I would say 1-2%, and that's probably generous. Even if you grant "artistic license", many people are going to come away with an unjustifiably positive view of Sparta, and an unjustifiably negative view of Persia.

HickMan Mar 26th, 2007 10:07 PM

People die in really cool ways. End of story. Cool movie. God damn we have some fags here. If you don't like it, ok. No reason to force all these blatant facts about the movie on people to try to sway them. The movie's black and white. We are the good guys and they are the bad guys. Kill them in really cool ways and make it entertaining. Mission: Complete

Zomboid Mar 27th, 2007 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by MattJack (Post 482776)

Zomboid and AChimp, it's fun to watch you two Canadians get all bent out of shape over somebody who didn't think the movie was the best thing cinema has produced in 20 years. Get a grip yall, I didn't say it sucked.

Fucking 10 days after the initial argument is over and you still don't get it. I DON'T CARE THAT YOU DON'T LOVE THE MOVIE. I wouldn't even rate it higher than an 8 or maybe a 7 1/2 after the second viewing. My problem with you is the same one that noob had with arg_zombies, and it's that you're a dumb fuck. So, if you wanna continue looking like a retard, go right ahead; just make sure that you don't keep talking out of your ass, k? Oh, and continually trying to insult us by pointing out that we're Canadian? I'm really impressed and I bet that you're the wittiest person in any group that you're ever in :)

hickman - I agree with that. I just skimmed some of the posts about how it's RACIST and IT TRIES TOO HARD TO BE SERIOUS and shit like that. Really, I don't know what some of you were expecting. Frank Miller's not the genius that some people like to present him as, and it's a an ultra-stylized action movie. Did you really expect great dialogue and realism here? It's supposed to look cool and it does but it should've been obvious from the trailers alone that it's not for everybody.

theapportioner Mar 27th, 2007 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Zomboid (Post 483206)
hickman - I agree with that. I just skimmed some of the posts about how it's RACIST and IT TRIES TOO HARD TO BE SERIOUS and shit like that. Really, I don't know what some of you were expecting. Frank Miller's not the genius that some people like to present him as, and it's a an ultra-stylized action movie. Did you really expect great dialogue and realism here? It's supposed to look cool and it does but it should've been obvious from the trailers alone that it's not for everybody.

Look, when millions of people watch this movie and don't realize how racist it is, that's a problem. A big one.

GADZOOKS Mar 27th, 2007 01:25 AM

300 needs to go apologize on David Letterman.

theapportioner Mar 27th, 2007 01:27 AM

I know you guys are saying "it's just a dumb action flick" but it's more than that, even though it pretends not to be. It makes a political statement, one that is reflective of Miller's perverse worldview. That most of you don't take it as such is, I suspect, just what Miller wants. He can't possibly get away with a "serious" effort at portraying his idea of racism/eurocentrism so he "dumbs it down" into a movie that is ridiculously devoid of historical context and irony. That's how to get people like you guys to passively accept that kind of lunacy.

kon Mar 27th, 2007 01:28 AM

300 isn't racist, that's what so insane about this.

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