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Pentegarn Aug 13th, 2010 01:15 PM

EDIT: deleted because I like my next post better and it covers this post's talking points quite nicely

Supafly345 Aug 13th, 2010 01:33 PM

HOLY SHIT I totally was thinking he was an alex jones groupie. The unfounded paranoia and rediculous conspiracy theories, as well as hating everyone on the right and left just screamed Alex Jones. I LOVE watching his podcasts, one of the most buttfuck insane assholes out there. This man has no idea what the differences between science fiction and newspapers are. Oh man, it is so exciting to have one of his minions here!

Now that I know this I'm gonna relax and enjoy.

Pentegarn Aug 13th, 2010 01:53 PM

Now, for what I call "evidence of why Coolie is at best a village man-child" posted in chronological order, and broken down by your host, Pentegarn.

To Coolie,

It is my personal hope that this is broken down in such a way that it shatters both barriers (both your reading comprehension and your delusion barriers) that your attempt at a brain has erected and shows you that you are at best, a village man-child.

Chapter 1: Coolie makes an outburst, then postures a lot
It began (in this thread at least) with Coolie spewing his nonsense, and once again posting a quote and a website, but making no real point. People goof on him, and he replies with "yawn*" which I can only assume means "you all win now" but he thinks shows him as someone who doesn't care what we think. Yet he comes back here repeatedly for more of what we think. Hmmmm, not the sort of activity conducive to someone who does not care.

SIDE NOTE 1: Anyone else notice Coolie makes wild outburst statements like "think for yourselves" and yet refuses to acknowledge that it might be possible the propaganda he regurgitates at us may well be funded by companies that make non-fluoride toothpaste?

SIDE NOTE 2: That violates the new rule about posting links by the by

Chapter 2: Not on our watch Coolie
Everyone calls him out for it, and it eventually culminates in this statement made by Willie asking yet again, that Coolie post an actual scientific study and not something special interest groups created


Originally Posted by executioneer (Post 694877)
coolinator could you quote something from a SCIENTIFIC STUDY perhaps instead of something that just states a group's opinion

Chapter 3: Coolie gives us what we DID NOT ask for
So coolie, being cornered yet again, claims he did already.


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 695053)
Already did that in the last fluoride thread. :sleep

Now I will grant that this statement belongs with some very famous sayings, such as:

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman" -Bill Clinton

"I have never used steroids, period. The allegation about me in Mr. Canseco's book is absolutely false."- Rapheal Palmero

"I am not a crook" - Richard Nixon

Buck up Coolie! You are rubbing elbows with some famous people. So you have that going for you, which is nice.

However, that all being said, it was still a lie, hence why I said as much


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 695056)
No, you did not

You again reiterated the lie by saying you did

Chapter 4: Reading compre-what?

As quoted above, Willie asked for scientific evidence instead of a special interest groups opinion.

Everyone ready for this?

It's pretty comedic what comes next.

Are you sure?

Coolie posts this:


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 695057)

Now, let's look at this link. It clearly states "activists take on fluoridated water". Not scientists, activists. Coolie typed it himself that it was activists. He even quotes a letter from Travis Crank, an activist....

From dictionary.com


an especially active, vigorous advocate of a cause, esp. a political cause.


an expert in science, esp. one of the physical or natural sciences.
Now I am not one of them there fancy word-ologists. But it seems to me those are in fact two different things.

Thanks for playing Coolie, but you are in fact, an idiot.

Pentegarn Aug 13th, 2010 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg

Originally Posted by Dimnos

Originally Posted by Chojin
Sources are meant to support arguments, not make them for you.


Colonel Flagg Aug 13th, 2010 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Supafly345 (Post 695075)
HOLY SHIT I totally was thinking he was an alex jones groupie. The unfounded paranoia and rediculous conspiracy theories, as well as hating everyone on the right and left just screamed Alex Jones. I LOVE watching his podcasts, one of the most buttfuck insane assholes out there. This man has no idea what the differences between science fiction and newspapers are. Oh man, it is so exciting to have one of his minions here!

Now that I know this I'm gonna relax and enjoy.

Glad I could help with that. :)

Colonel Flagg Aug 13th, 2010 02:16 PM

My two favorite moments from Pentegarn's post:


Originally Posted by Pentegarn
funded by companies that make non-fluoride toothpaste

*cough, cough* Tom's of Maine *cough, cough*


Originally Posted by Pentegarn
He even quotes a letter from Travis Crank

Now that is a name that inspires scientific rigor and confidence.


Supafly345 Aug 13th, 2010 02:22 PM

Oh, I just noticed that other thread and I guess I should get some thoughts out there on it.

I never read that other thread, didn't even know it existed. Looking at that single scientific study of frogs (I dunno if there was more) things look pretty condemning for the use of fluoride on their developing embryos.

This is a common practice among extremist fringe opinion groups however. The raw foods movement continually repeats a single study, a study where cats who ate raw meat gradually became more ill than cats who ate cooked meat, to make a blanket claim that cooked food is unhealthy. When cats physiology is simply too different from ours for something like that to matter. They require taurine as an essential organic acid to survive, which is removed from meat when it is cooked. Humans have no such need, making the study worthless.

The physiology of an amphibian is radically different from a human's, and especially their developmental process. I am not trying to dismiss the whole study, but without knowing more it seems sketchy, especially if it came from an anti-fluoride source.

I haven't read all these threads so I don't know if this has been brought up yet but we all do know that a complete lack of it can cause osteoporosis along with brittle teeth and nails right? Do you guys rally against iodine as well? Similar to fluoride you can't have more than trace amounts of it in your body or else it could be harmful, but without these trace amounts you will develop goiters and cretinism. And its found in table salt! IT CAN KILL US.

I am mostly posting this for myself since none of it will be news to many, and ignored by the rest. But the human body is complicated, thinking there is just black and white poison and not poison elements in nature is childish and kinda stupid. Us adults know that too much of anything is dangerous, and that for some things in this world too much is a very tiny amount.

The Leader Aug 13th, 2010 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Supafly345 (Post 695081)
I haven't read all these threads so I don't know if this has been brought up yet but we all do know that a complete lack of it can cause osteoporosis along with brittle teeth and nails right?

He doesn't believe that is true and will post links to articles written by anti-fluoride people about some study that had something to do with fluoride but they don't bother actually looking at it to prove you wrong.

Colonel Flagg Aug 13th, 2010 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Supafly345 (Post 695081)
I haven't read all these threads so I don't know if this has been brought up yet but we all do know that a complete lack of it can cause osteoporosis along with brittle teeth and nails right? Do you guys rally against iodine as well? Similar to fluoride you can't have more than trace amounts of it in your body or else it could be harmful, but without these trace amounts you will develop goiters and cretinism. And its found in table salt! IT CAN KILL US.

In addition to fluorine and iodine (nonmetals), selenium, zinc, chromium, potassium, magnesium and manganese are all essential metals that are required for a healthy functioning human body. Yet all these metals if ingested in excess can have deleterious effects on the body's well-being.

I'm pretty sure Coolie can read; he just chooses to ignore our - and the medical community's - opinions on this, preferring instead the opinions of such scientific luminaries like Travis Crank, or Alex Jones.

Or .... maybe he suffers from iodine deficiency. That would explain the cretinism.

Dimnos Aug 13th, 2010 03:09 PM

I just thought I would throw this out there because I know we have some fans of reading.


Originally Posted by CDC
Widespread use of fluoride has been a major factor in the decline in the prevalence and severity of dental caries (i.e., tooth decay) in the United States and other economically developed countries. When used appropriately, fluoride is both safe and effective in preventing and controlling dental caries. All U.S. residents are likely exposed to some degree to fluoride, which is available from multiple sources. Both health-care professionals and the public have sought guidance on selecting the best way to provide and receive fluoride...

Because frequent exposure to small amounts of fluoride each day will best reduce the risk for dental caries in all age groups, the work group recommends that all persons drink water with an optimal fluoride concentration and brush their teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste. For persons at high risk for dental caries, additional fluoride measures might be needed. Measured use of fluoride modalities is particularly appropriate during the time of anterior tooth enamel development (i.e., age <6 years).



Originally Posted by National Cancer Institute
The possible relationship between fluoridated water and cancer has been debated at length. The debate resurfaced in 1990 when a study by the National Toxicology Program, part of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, showed an increased number of osteosarcomas (bone tumors) in male rats given water high in fluoride for 2 years. However, other studies in humans and in animals have not shown an association between fluoridated water and cancer.


Oh and...


Colonel Flagg Aug 13th, 2010 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by quackwatch
Half-truths are commonly used. For example, saying that fluoride is a rat poison ignores the fact that poison is a matter of dose.


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg
Sodium Fluoride AT THE LEVELS FOUND IN DRINKING WATER is non-toxic.

I said that over 3 months ago. I think we all did at one point or another. Proof once again that Coolie chooses to read for comprehension only that which fits his rather twisted worldview. Anything else is in one eye and out the ass. :\

Thanks for the link, Dim. It made me go back and reread the "Sodium Fluoride = Poison" thread. Good times. :lol

Dr. Boogie Aug 13th, 2010 04:11 PM

The explanation he likes to give for that is that if something is poisonous in any dosage, it's always poisonous. Which is bull, and every time he's said that, someone has pointed out as much, but that's as far as it goes.

Pentegarn Aug 13th, 2010 09:39 PM

Hope he never drinks any alcohol :lol

Esuohlim Aug 13th, 2010 09:57 PM

Or goes out in the sun because fuckin sun poisoning holy shit

Sam Aug 13th, 2010 09:58 PM


kahljorn Aug 13th, 2010 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by TheCoolinator (Post 695057)

that's not a scientific study, dumbass.

i guess he was being ironic.

oh i get it he means all the abstracts and that bibliography he posted in the first link :rolleyes

Pentegarn Aug 13th, 2010 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 695113)

Only if "Flouride" is the name of the serial killer who gets us all :lol

Sam Aug 13th, 2010 10:30 PM


Colonel Flagg Aug 13th, 2010 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Pentegarn (Post 695109)
Hope he never drinks any alcohol :lol

Damn. I forgot all about Dr. Ames. >:

Good one. :)

Blasted Child Aug 14th, 2010 02:27 AM

Kind of fascinating how much energy is spent on this issue. I don't think Sodium Flouride has been discussed this much on any internet forum ever, including forums for dentists, or even forums for scientists who research about sodium flouride and its potential dangers.
I feel this urge to type Sodium Flouride again. Sodium Flouride!

Pentegarn Aug 14th, 2010 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 695118)


Evil Robot Aug 14th, 2010 08:01 PM

I think we are all missing the major fact here is that COOLIE IS A PEDOPHILE. Does it not bother anyone that he is clearly here to pick up on the I-mockery youth? The same youth that we are all trying to legally corrupt with our over the top brand of cynisism Coolie is trying to HAVE SEX WITH. We all know that vulerable and sexually confused youth find things like this fascinating.

Since official I-Mockery records clearly show that Coolie has used this website to disseminate over 3 terrabytes of child porn I think we have no choice but to start a war with every other forum that comes up when one googles his tagline and or name.

Supafly345 Aug 14th, 2010 10:43 PM

Coolie, who raped and killed a young girl in 1990.

Colonel Flagg Aug 14th, 2010 11:55 PM

Stupid of me not to realize it sooner.

Blasted Child Aug 15th, 2010 04:06 AM

But is he a paedophile, or an artist?

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