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Pub Lover May 13th, 2011 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by BBC News
Pakistan bombings: Taliban admits Shabqadar attacks
The Pakistani Taliban said they carried out the attack to avenge the death of Osama Bin Laden earlier this month.

It was paramilitary force academy. I can see why the local Taliban would want to target that. Why is it to avenge Bin Laden? Soooooo dumb. Lives wasted because of idiots. >:

Pub Lover May 13th, 2011 08:36 AM

Whoops. Forgot the spoiler tags. :dunce

Kitsa May 13th, 2011 09:14 AM

I wonder who the next badguy will be. Castro's on his last legs; Kim Jong Il and Qaddafi are almost regarded as cartoon characters.

Kitsa May 13th, 2011 09:14 AM

I want him to be from an unexpected place. Like, Lichtenstein.

Colonel Flagg May 13th, 2011 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 721038)
I want him to be from an unexpected place. Like, Lichtenstein.

Colonel Flagg May 13th, 2011 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by H.S.H. Hans-Adam II the Sovereign Prince of Liechtenstein
I can only say there are many people who would love to move to Liechtenstein, but unfortunately we are much too small to take them all.



For a little bit less than a hundred years we have lived now in a republican age, which is not very long if you look at human history, and I think sooner or later monarchies will come back.
Not very much to go on to label him "the next Great Satan", but I think we can work with this.

Pub Lover May 13th, 2011 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Colonel Flagg (Post 721046)
You can take an online test that gauges your Asperger's Quotient (AQ) (yes, I'm serious, the link is here) :shocked

Took the test with some trepidation. Very pleased to get quite a low score. Woohoo. :|

Zhukov May 13th, 2011 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 721037)
I wonder who the next badguy will be. Castro's on his last legs; Kim Jong Il and Qaddafi are almost regarded as cartoon characters.

The next enemy will be unorthodoxy

Guitar Woman May 13th, 2011 01:14 PM

I'm not taking that test on the grounds that they were too lazy to code an automatic scoring system.

Pub Lover May 13th, 2011 01:17 PM

I baulked at that too so I Googled one that scored it automatically. [Here] :lazy

Guitar Woman May 13th, 2011 01:24 PM


I am fascinated by dates.

Kitsa May 13th, 2011 03:22 PM

Also scored low. Antisocial yes; asspie, no.

Colonel Flagg May 13th, 2011 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 721074)
Also scored low. Antisocial yes; asspie, no.


WhiteRat May 13th, 2011 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Kitsa (Post 721037)
I wonder who the next badguy will be. Castro's on his last legs; Kim Jong Il and Qaddafi are almost regarded as cartoon characters.

Before you know it models will be walking the catwalks in France with Q(G)addafi inspired silk robes, flowing gowns, and pillbox hats.

Kitsa May 13th, 2011 03:59 PM

I always thought Richard Branson sort of looked like a Bond villain.

kahljorn May 13th, 2011 04:41 PM

how come you guys locked the bin laden thread? :lol

something kind of weird happened too.. the page kept popping up even though i wasn't clicking it i dunno

WhiteRat May 13th, 2011 06:59 PM

The thread was just heating up, too.

Guitar Woman May 13th, 2011 07:05 PM

There's nothing really wrong with being an aspie as long as you don't use it as an excuse for being a massive fuckup

Leave it to the internet to go and stigmatize a brain disorder.

Kitsa May 13th, 2011 07:40 PM

I don't think everyone diagnosed with Asperger's has it, and I think this is causing many people to believe that Asperger's is a disease of insufferable assholes.

10,000 Volt Ghost May 13th, 2011 08:56 PM

I feel like its in the same boat as fybromyalgia. Even spellcheck knows its not a real word.

Colonel Flagg May 13th, 2011 09:38 PM

For what it's worth, here's my take on Asperger's Syndrome. Only click if you're interested in finding out what it is. :(


Kitsa May 13th, 2011 09:43 PM

There's probably real fibromyalgia out there somewhere, but same story. I think a lot of people don't understand or are not willing to accept the amount of chronic and sometimes unexplained pain life can dole out. Also that a lot of the time there's not shit you can do about it.

Zhukov May 13th, 2011 09:46 PM

I agree with you Colonel.

I only got 9 :\

Esuohlim May 13th, 2011 09:55 PM

I scored uncomfortably high on that test :(

I sure as shit don't consider myself even SLIGHTLY autistic, though, just introverted. I have no problems in social situations unless the girl I'm talking to is too fucking pretty to be talking to me in the first place

elx May 13th, 2011 10:00 PM

I like you milhouse :)

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