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Fathom Zero Jul 6th, 2011 06:28 PM

pardee time for meeeeeeeee

Chojin Jul 6th, 2011 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 730361)
Dixie, set smaller benchmarks that you can meet relatively rapidly and CONTINUE to meet, instead of just making it a goal to lose twenty five pounds by spring

Of course, I've set out to lose at least three pounds every month until I hit target weight, and only lost five in the last two months and a bit, so I guess you can think too small :lol

why is it that people who don't know anything are always so quick to offer advice


dixie, don't listen to anyone here but me. :hat

Fathom Zero Jul 6th, 2011 07:10 PM

I can be the change I want to see in the world.

executioneer Jul 6th, 2011 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by b_squared (Post 730402)
The animation style on flapjack was very creepy. The barber I think was the worst. My daughters like Adventure Time, It's ok but I think there are things in there I just don't get. The dog sounds like Bender.

same voiceactor!

Grislygus Jul 6th, 2011 08:00 PM

Chojin, how is the simple advice I gave faulty

In my case, small benchmarks means three pounds a month, not quite reached but close enough at two months. 12 months in a year, three pounds per month, which means a plan of 36 pounds gone in a year. Except instead of popping off about 36 pounds gone in a year, I make a smaller more realistic goal of 3 lb per month, which is easily accomplished and EXACTLY THE SAME THING. This is backed by no more red meat, less rice and pasta, eating yogurt and not skipping breakfast, light dinners, riding a bike to my second job instead of driving, manning up and going for jogs on thursdays and tuesdays.

Did i advise THAT shit? No, I just recommended short term goals to reach a long-term goal, which is an incredibly basic strategy that applies to any damn thing you want to accomplish

Fathom Zero Jul 6th, 2011 08:09 PM

Dixie Jul 6th, 2011 08:11 PM

I drink nothing but water (with lemon) for the most part, sucka!
no soda and no cheap corn syrup "fruit juice".

And like i said i know how to lose the weight, it's easy. i was just making the statement that i need to and that i was enjoying the conversation about fitness.

Chojin Jul 6th, 2011 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Grislygus (Post 730476)
Chojin, how is the simple advice I gave faulty

In my case, small benchmarks means three pounds a month, not quite reached but close enough at two months. 12 months in a year, three pounds per month, which means a plan of 36 pounds gone in a year. Except instead of popping off about 36 pounds gone in a year, I make a smaller more realistic goal of 3 lb per month, which is easily accomplished and EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

okay sure, but pounds are not fat. tracking poundage is a mistake if you're doing any kind of exercise and aren't obese. also it wasn't necessarily all wrong info, i just don't like it when amateurs give advice on anything because the info is either anecdotal or regurgitated from hearsay. DONNY YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR ELEMENT

>This is backed by
>no more red meat,

why, that's the only natural source of creatine

>less rice and pasta

why, starches are the best carbs

>eating yogurt

i like yogurt but it's hardly worth mentioning in a diet plan because it doesn't do anything other than have calories.

>not skipping breakfast

common myth that this helps fat loss, only an old study shows this and it's more likely that the group that went without breakfast had poor eating habits to begin with, only one of which was skipping meals and then gorging at night. i usually eat breakfast myself, but that's because i'm hungry when i wake up. again, it's not really worth mentioning.

>light dinners

meaning what? every meal should be "light". ty for not brosciencing at me about 6 meals/day though.

>riding a bike to my second job instead of driving
>manning up and going for jogs on thursdays and tuesdays

cardio is pretty ok weight loss but not muscle-sparing weight loss. resistance training is much more important on a diet; otherwise your best result will be becoming skinnyfat. this is of course unless your cardio is especially intense, but then it's anaerobic exercise anyway.

>I just recommended short term goals to reach a long-term goal

so you recommend using the division symbol. great protip!

my advice is to set a goal and then just track your progress while you work to achieve it. if you're achieving it too slowly, either you're doing it wrong or you need to do something else. setting up milestones is for fags who need constant self-reassurement.

Colonel Flagg Jul 6th, 2011 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sam (Post 730372)
Regular Show is my favorite.

I just saw this for the first time, and I love it. An animated series in the same mold as Rocky and Bullwinkle from my youth.


Originally Posted by Dixie (Post 730490)
I drink nothing but water (with lemon) for the most part, sucka!

:rock Seltzer and lime, baby!

Grislygus Jul 6th, 2011 10:29 PM

:lol I was gonna crack a joke about every single one of you fitness nuts having completely contradictory opinions on everything under the sun, until I saw that you agree that the 6 MEALS A DAY 6 MEALS A DAY 6 MEALS A DAY thing is bullshit, which I like

Honestly, the people who I've had the biggest arguments over it with eat fast food multiple times on a weekly basis and then try to convince me that "the only time [they] ever lose weight" was when they ate more than three meals a day

Chojin Jul 6th, 2011 10:36 PM

there are tons of myths in the fitness community, and it's why i encourage people who haven't studied it to not give advice.

Here's a good article from a respected nutritionist and author on why 6 meals is stupid: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/res...html#more-1389

This guy wrote a book on intermittent fasting and also cites credible studies himself, in this article he discusses some myths about fasting which includes the "gotta eat breakfast" thing: http://www.leangains.com/2010/10/top...-debunked.html

I disagree with him on working out while fasted, though--I perform much worse if I haven't had starch carbs before lifting, and another writer I respect more on the topic on training recommends something on the order of 50g starch carb/protein both before and after your workout (basically making sure those things are in your pre and post meals) and timing your shake immediately before and after the session: http://www.wannabebig.com/diet-and-n...a-single-meal/

Otto Jul 6th, 2011 10:48 PM

So I've been working more hours for the past few weeks than I'm used to, which has given me a lot of extra spending money. I'm thinking of blowing most of it on this:

For the base picture, I'm either going with this one or maybe this one. I still need to e-mail them to find out if they can include my cigarette holder and my dog in the final painting.

It's a shame they don't do world war 2 posters, since most of my friends say I look like a fat hitlerbaby.

Grislygus Jul 6th, 2011 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Chojin (Post 730514)

thisthisthis yes I'm going to memorize that entire thing and smack a bitch in the face with it whenever they tell me I'm sabotaging myself "in the long run" by being ignorant enough to actually eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner

That second link makes me very irritated that people convinced me not to skip meals every once in a while because I wasn't fucking hungry >:

Grislygus Jul 6th, 2011 10:52 PM


Otto Jul 6th, 2011 10:53 PM

I have periodic episodes of insomnia which means that when I finally do fall asleep, I tend to sleep until noon or sometimes later if I'm not working. If I want to eat three meals a day should I just eat something before I pass out at five in the morning?

Colonel Flagg Jul 6th, 2011 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Otto (Post 730524)
I have periodic episodes of insomnia which means that when I finally do fall asleep, I tend to sleep until noon or sometimes later if I'm not working. If I want to eat three meals a day should I just eat something before I pass out at five in the morning?

Steak egg and cheese bagel with hash browns and a large coffee from the McDonald's Drive-thru. Then go to sleep.

If you dare.

Otto Jul 6th, 2011 11:01 PM

My pills already make my dreams frightening enough and I'd rather not wake up with a brown waterfall coming out of me, thank you. Also I don't like eggs.

elx Jul 6th, 2011 11:08 PM

THANKS GOOGLE :( try this and see if any of you get 15-20 year old girl

Kitsa Jul 6th, 2011 11:20 PM

Mine only seemed to manually add demographics.

Fathom Zero Jul 6th, 2011 11:50 PM

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Fathom Zero Jul 6th, 2011 11:52 PM

I am also genderless and ageless.

Kitsa Jul 6th, 2011 11:58 PM

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Fathom Zero Jul 7th, 2011 01:41 AM

Sam Jul 7th, 2011 02:07 AM


Fathom Zero Jul 7th, 2011 02:07 AM

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